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At one moment, your depression is telling you that you don't care what happens. Then the next moment, your anxiety is screaming and clawing at you to do something. Having depression and anxiety is a constant war inside of yourself. Though, there are no winners.
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
The rustle of sheets
the pacing of feet
and the lights outside flicker
in the dark street
that is covered in sleet
the house is losing heat
shiver under blankets
to gain warmth is a feat
when the big hand meets
the little hand, there are seats
that are inanimate and cold
anxiety ain't sweet
anxiety ain't sweet
anxiety ain't sweet
© Tatiana
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
Deja Vu
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
As I gaze up at the sky,
I have a strange sense of deja vu.
I look beyond the moon,
and on my breath,
my soul lifts to stars
light years from here.
To cosmic worlds
of planets and galaxies.
Where blackholes breach
the edge of space and time.
Where asteroids as large as planets
travel through the Milky Way.
leaving clouds of
interstellar dust behind
in their wake.
I breathe in,
then out,
and my soul returns
on an even breath,
leaving me with just
a brief taste
of the world
from which I came.
~ One day I will return home ~
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
The sun rules my soul.
The moon rules my heart.
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
I will follow you,
to wherever forever lies,
beyond the walls of time.
~ Always ~
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
Illya Oz
When my day is feeling gray
And my mind is in disarray
I look outside
Only to find
A blue butterfly
Fluttering through the sky

When I saw the blue
Of its wings as it flew
It brought a smile to my face
As its wings flap with grace
It brings happiness in its wake
And many friends does it make*
For my friend Kirashma, who is always so kind and friendly and always makes people happy just like the blue butterfly.
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
The night of
the harvest moon
was the night
I fell for you.
You held me,
kissed me,
and whispered
you loved me.
You pulled
me close,
and gently
brushed my lips.
You whispered,
"Are you ready"?
I whispered back.
You kissed me,
and I let you in.
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
Revi Abari
Can’t fall asleep
Awake exhausted with only a few hours of sleep
Mind clouded with thoughts of death
Go down stairs mom gets upset you should have left by now
Put on my makeup , maybe it can  hide my insecurities
Swallow the pill that suppresses my personality
Go to school to feel humiliated
Feel the glares as they stare
Late again ? don’t you have any friends? So try to pretend  
I don’t eat yet I still taste defeat
I have a billion thoughts but can’t find the words to speak
No one can help me if I’m trapped in my own thoughts
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
Revi Abari
Not enough sleep
Forget to eat
Hide under your sheets
The Cuts to deep

Go to school tardy
Homework forgot it
Teachers are fed up
**** forgot to pay attention
Feelings of inadequacy like a cancer in my body
Lunch comes around sorry  but I’m not hungry
And even if I was there’s no one to sit with

Writing poetry hoping someone will listen
To the broken record that is my voice
Hopefully someone will hear me before I lose all hope
 Sep 2016 Lauren Wood
Breathe in some gasoline
As I fly down to greet
Trade my butterfly wings
For a touch of machine
Take my evergreen
Get some new gleam
Your noxious fume spoil
Find some Asfalt sheen  
My freedom I trade
For rusted shackles you see
The rusted shackles are the aderall pill that I take. I got the theme from being bothered by how boring the school bus is
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