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3.8k · May 2016
3.6k · May 2016
jane taylor May 2016

i dared to take your hand

and slid from this dark night

a view of altitude

all is forever clear

3.5k · May 2016
pure essence
jane taylor May 2016
the ring of fire
burnt my soul
to nothingness

just when
i thought…..


a breath
drew me in
and spewed me out

not gone now
but pure essence

3.5k · May 2016
jane taylor May 2016
in the end
what’s foe
is friend

3.4k · Jun 2016
jane taylor Jun 2016


3.1k · Jun 2016
moonbeam take my hand ~ song
jane taylor Jun 2016
i am frightened – i’m alone
it is dusk and i am scared
oh why was i born - what does it mean
i wish someone cared

i feel separate – apart from all
it’s an awful thing to bear
the twilight set in its eventide
at blackness i stare

moonbeam take my hand
moonbeam guide me home
moonbeam stay by me
don’t leave me alone

i'm confused and i’m asleep
what is behind the dream?
if i’m not awake then this whole thing
is not what it seems

healed then broken once again
peelin’ layers until i see
that it is a screen ain't nothing there
but eternity

moonbeam take my hand
moonbeam guide me home
moonbeam stay by me
don’t me leave alone

i feel like i need a map
in the dim with no one near
it’s a maze to me – why can’t i see
that there’s somethin’ here

it was light out then sun set in
got lost in the nightfall
i thought i knew how to guide my life
now it’s you that i call

moonbeam take my hand
moonbeam guide me home
moonbeam stay by me
don’t me leave alone

it is nighttime and it’s dark
help me find a little spark
a hope a dream at sundown seems
i can’t even start

there’s a purpose in all things
i know because i feel
there’s light before the shadow’s cast
i know you are real

moonbeam take my hand
moonbeam guide me home
moonbeam stay by me
don’t me leave alone

moonbeam took my hand
i am not alone
i'm amongst the stars
i am finally home

this is a song i wrote the music and lyrics to
3.0k · May 2016
the pinnacle is magic
jane taylor May 2016
the end is now in sight
terror comes encroaching
don’t let the perilous dusk
douse the flame that leads you

the dream inside you burns
yet darkness wants to dim it
when you want to quit
hear the summit calling

and when’s the sky’s sunlit
and faith is at its brightest
the blackness strikes again
the apex is still higher

tho’ energy now spent
you vow to keep on going
just when the crest you’ve reached
you slip and fall now dangling

hanging by a nail
a famine then come robs you
feed on your inner will
to see your destination

you break free and go on
the wind strikes now the hardest
resist not but take flight
set sail to elevation

your spirit will not break
your eye’s upon the zenith
but next the snake will bite
let passion be your tonic

it burns right through your veins
your skin molting peels off you
metamorphosis has changed
the venom to elixir

then illness strikes quite fierce
you sink into a deep trench
reach down throw up your twine
towards the light you see it

no strength left yet still walk
you are not to be broken
stop gasp and catch your breath
you are at the top now

a phosphorescent light
envelops all around you
spin it into gold
throw rope to those still climbing

you who’ve scaled the mount
tho’ scarred have high ascended
fear’s an illusion here
love’s altitude has conquered

never give up hope
tho’ night is at its cruelest
hang on to see the sun
the pinnacle is magic

#pinnacle #forbearance #hope #magic
3.0k · May 2016
summer's scent ~ haiku
jane taylor May 2016
luscious lime green grass
painted sky of aqua blue
breathe in summer's scent

i paste many of my poems over my photography
~ to see the picture i took that inspired this haiku poem!summers-scent/c186k/574d9e1c0cf28b872a2326e7
2.8k · Oct 2016
deluged in epiphany
jane taylor Oct 2016
i stood pensive
near the sparkling water’s edge
where nature drowns out
the madness of humanity

staring at the rising sun
i’m deluged
in ephipany

peace rests
only in the place
where i know nothing

i place many of my poems over my photography
to see the poem/pic combo go to
2.3k · May 2016
hole in my soul ~ song
jane taylor May 2016
who created the hole in my soul?
it never was me
tell my why does it hurt so much?
mama said just because

who created the hole in my soul?
life’s supposed to be full
why am i feelin’ emptiness
he came along my heartstrings pulled

he fills my heart and my soul with his
don’t know why i felt alone
he’s my lover, friend and confidante
i swear to god i’m finally home

who created the hole in my soul?
do i wanna to fill it up?
it aches until i have him back again
finally full my empty cup

i gave myself to him and was complete
he took me in and we were whole
but he left forever, he was gone
torn in half he took my soul

who created the hole in my soul?
i have to find what is lost
god i’m beggin’ put it back again
my life is gone and that’s the cost

i was fraught woulda done anything
drownin’ in pain, i hurt so
i had to find myself inside my heart
it was me i sought to know

i gotta fill me with what’s within
never was i incomplete
seeking outer things to fill me up
a sure way to defeat

then i met yet another one
now my spirit is complete
lovers united and whole again
this time we won’t be beat

who created the hole in my soul?
not god but life’s hard blows
put the pieces back to mend my life
now i’m healed and that i know

if you find there’s a hole in your soul
don’t seek that’s in the past
then you can be and take what comes
cuz you can be with you last

yeah, you can be with you at last

this is a song that i wrote the music and lyrics to
2.3k · May 2016
returning west
jane taylor May 2016
stepping back into the west
chills reverberate up and down my spine
chiseling open obsolescent padlocks
dangling with dust
on ancient treasure chests

pallid colors in the attic release
a blossoming familiarity
faint hints of retrospections float on faded paper
granting me access to roads
where no map is needed

as i peruse the streets
my heart flows coalescing with the vicinity
caressing each detail i transform to fluid
and fuse with the past
through fresh strokes of watercolored memories

recollections flash before my eyes
revealing antiquated stories
though thought forgotten
an etched history endeavors to define me
renewing itself as i turn each corner

i shudder at some remembrances while encompassing others
through synchronicity realization hits
that I am all of it
yet none of it
at the same time

familiar faces paint meaning onto me
no longer do they know me
yet they airbrush vestiges of yesteryear
and coat me with connotations
i allow them to think i am whatever they imagine

i morph into their canvas temporarily
then break free in multi-dimensionality
they don't hear me with a new listening
no longer invested in their projections
once sharp triggers now appear in soft focus

an auspicious mist lies around the edges
of my former life
it is as if i never left
yet traces of the east lie sandpapered in me
a maturation commingles with my former self

flushing out on my skin
tethering newfound emotions
a gentle gratitude for home territory
nestles softly

i listen to the clicks
of my scuffed cowboy boots
on acquainted yet somehow distant sidewalks
the echoes layering multiple impressions
glimmering with the utter beauty of this terrain

as I wander through the majestic rocky mountains
drinking in the quaking aspen's crimson edges
interfacing the evergreens
hushed whispers of autumn loftily rest
juxtaposed neatly against futures waiting to unfurl in the wind

an amalgamation of intimate sights and scents
dance in open wounds
homesickness cured
a wholeness returned

as winter's crystal dawn blooms
i realize the depth of my growth
for in leaving here and returning
i cherish the west
my home

©2016 janetaylor
2.3k · Jun 2016
dark night of the soul
jane taylor Jun 2016
when in the midst
of the most bitter

oh dark night
of the soul

bow to you

how else
would i know

2.1k · May 2016
gods in motion
jane taylor May 2016
i watch you walking
as I sip
my morning tea

what’s your story?
i see your glory
as you walk down the street

i am honored
to behold your presence
as I watch you from afar

you are gods in motion
i can see you
behind the scars

1.9k · May 2016
jane taylor May 2016
nothing changed
which does the looking
simply ripened

©2016 janetaylor
1.7k · Oct 2016
transparent remnants
jane taylor Oct 2016
haunted by transparent tawny remnants
from which i sprang
i etch away earthly layers
desperately trying to un-remember
whilst retaining wisdom's splendor
wrapped in your arms once again

i place many of my poems over my photography
to see the poem/pic combo go to
1.7k · Sep 2016
in the heart of the forest
jane taylor Sep 2016
deep in the heart of the forest
magical moments mystify
all boundaries deliquesce
i surrender
soaring towards the sky
i'm inside your skin
the whole of your soul
i am you
you are me
the path to peace
is dissolving
i to we

i often place my poetry over my photography ~ to see the poem picture combo go to
1.5k · May 2016
just around the bend ~ song
jane taylor May 2016
i once read a love poem
signed by him wordman
his feelings did impart
like an arrow from his heart

but what did touch me so
tho' i of him don’t know
is that he shows he cares
with his tender words so rare

and he’d be like
other guys in town
but he took a pen
and he wrote it all down

he lives just around the bend
just around the bend
he lives just around the bend
in tennessee

you never really know
the seeds you gently sew
the difference that you make
when you open up a soul

and he’d be like
other guys in town
but he took a pen
and he wrote it all down

he lives just around the bend
just around the bend
he lives just around the bend
in tennessee

i wrote the music and lyrics to this song in honor of fellow poet
ron parrish
1.2k · May 2016
jane taylor May 2016
there is no one
until there is ONE
and not even then

1.2k · Jun 2016
oh i wish! ~ senryu
jane taylor Jun 2016
my favorite thing
would be that writing poems
worked off calories


1.0k · Jun 2016
mysterious force
jane taylor Jun 2016
let go
cease striving
allow that mysterious
universal force
to do the driving

989 · May 2016
las nubes saben
jane taylor May 2016
las nubes en el cielo se deleitan
en la felicidad.

pueden ver sobre todo el mundo
y averiguar que las almas de
la humanidad son perfectas.

y cuando viene la noche
las nubes han dejado su tranquilidad
pintado a través del cielo.

tal vez sea por esta razón
que las estrellas brillan.

address for soundcloud version
970 · May 2016
jane taylor May 2016
the terror
‘tis not death
but birth

789 · May 2016
walking into the light
jane taylor May 2016
his writing caught everyone’s attention
like an artist i once saw on the street in québec
he stood out amongst the crowd in montréal
i asked to take his picture
he obliged

this writer is also canadian
and paints masterpieces
with words

his colorful lines sometimes float on jagged edges
brushes of sticky sugar coating are exchanged
for starker strokes of reality
tinged with weathered wisdom
creating shadows in his work
accentuating the light

there’s not a write of his
that does not stir emotions
his words linger
rolling around in your head
bumping into each other
morphing into new connotations
his easel alive

you wonder if he did that on purpose?
could anyone have that kind of talent?
yes…..his brush continues flowing
even after the paint is dry

suddenly at midnight i awaken
and hear another morsel
a word, a phrase, a color
that only made itself known
in the dark of night

understanding he's a favorite
i imagined audibly hearing a collective sigh
when he contracted cancer
would he now leave his canvas dry?

no, this courageous artist
bravely took his palette
and continued painting
his words that us awaken
now e’vn more radiant
with tragedy astride

and ‘tho he talks of dying
i pray that he will stay
but should his spirit fly
we have seen a master show us
how to walk into the light

dedicated to poet chris vaillancourt
241 · Mar 2020
Calm Storm
jane taylor Mar 2020
a crescendo of dark forces
with symphonic demonic laughter

consumed by vampiric spirits
deluged by their scorn
all hope is lost

a faint whisper ensues
a gentle cadence
is sensed

without sinister thunder
encompassing calm
can never be formed

before malevolent shadows
break through to the light
they assault

wrestling into the psyche’s fissures
infringing on tethered remnants of fear
they unite

solely consciousness
in all of its elegance

the blackest of forces
into golden light


— The End —