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 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Ram N Oodle
I hate you.
You push me around.
You mock me.
You say that it's only for my benefit.
Do I look alright to you?

You insult me.
To push me forward,
thinking I'll do just what you're asking for.
You say you love me.
Does love feel like this?

Does love feel, as if every single day.
I'm the one feeling guilty.
I'm the one who gets hurt.
I'm the one who has to keep trudging along,
on the sharp glass of your broken dream.

Must I walk the same ****** path that,
you so kindly laid out?
I don't care?
I keep pushing these feelings down.
Smiling, joking acting like it's normal.

You think you know me.
Do you know what I feel?
You feed me your pointy lies.
I can feel them, scratching my insides.

I bleed and slowly I unravel.
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Liz And Lilacs
Please just lie to me.
Tell me everything is going to be okay.
Tell me that you don't know I'm broken.
Tell me that you understand.
Tell me that it's okay to not be okay.
Tell me to believe in people.
Tell me that the world is lovely.
Tell me that I haven't misplaced my trust.
Tell me that humanity is beautiful.
Tell me that life is worth it.
Tell me that you love me.
Please, just lie.
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Kate Cruz
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Kate Cruz
Pain grips on her throat tightly
As she tries to break-free
For her yesterdays are but haunting,
Bittersweet tragedies

Her brown eyes suggest
That the storm will pass
And everything that breaks her
Must just be left in the past

Her hair is burning red
And inside, she's truly blue
So she races towards the future
Because "now" is such a cruel avenue
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
I mourn for the
You were never meant
To have.
To the girls who are secretly so broken
You WILL be alright
I know you have scars on your soul
Maybe your heart
Possibly your wrists
None of this is your fault
And even if you think it is
Let it go
Not that you can, that easily
But try
I know you are broken
I know you're not okay
Especially when people ask how you are and you answer "I'm fine"
When what you really mean is "I'm alive"
But what do you really care about your own survival anymore
Well I just want you to know
There is beauty in broken glass
And to me
There is immeasurable beauty
In broken girls
So don't you ever forget
You cannot be defined by pain
You're too beautiful for that
Stay strong, broken girl
Nothing is ever really broken
Repost if you are a broken girl. So this message may reach as many of you as possible.

I am here for you. I may just be a sloth but if you message me: I'm fine.
Just randomly it will be our code for "I'm not fine at all" and I will be there for you.
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
I've grown tired of love poems,
They are all dried up ink,
Forgotten valentines,
Stale ideas to think,
Upon receiving your letter,
I remembered the weather,
Care package bouquets,
and I hope you get betters,
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
i remember when you would beg me to read to you
in the early hours of the morning
when conversation had kept us awake
i could tell you were smiling by the sound of your exhales
although my eyes never moved from the words on the page before me.
we would make love
until you were too tired to finish a whispered 'goodnight'
i would follow you into dreams
my last and first thoughts always of happiness

this was a long time ago
before i left you, before you left me

that's the thing with love;
it changes
it begins like a fire
embers and smoke
until it's Winter
you're alone
and the smell of ash is making you remember
everything you wish you could forget
You love them
With all your heart and soul
Yet, you can't be with them
But you'll never let them go...
And it hurts...
Trust me, I know...
People... Stay strong
Someone better may come along
You're thinking..
"But, they're the one I want"
I've thought this too,
Still do...
"Unrequited Love: Life's way of saying you can do better"
But, even if you never end up together
You can still be there for each other
Sometimes, love can be one sided
Don't let that divide you
If you love someone for selfish reasons
Then you love them not at all
Cause when they don't return the love,
A true love will be there to catch them when they fall
Will care, laugh and respect every wish
Will listen after every date, hit or miss
Will wipe away the tears
And brush off the knees
Stick around through the best and worst years
Be a shoulder, when they need somewhere to lean
They may never love you back
Even when you know they should
Love's not meant to be selfish
It's about doing what's right and good
Inspired by Andrew
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Susan G
 Dec 2014 Genesis'
Susan G
I never know what to do with my hands
Their favorite thing to do is touch you
Now you aren't here
I'm homesick for arms that don't want to hold me
My "last drink" just became the eleventh
But nothing at all has changed
I still love you, I still love you,
I still love you
1:08am 10/28/14. Tomorrow will be one month
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