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 Nov 2015 elliphant
I came across a quote that said:
"Never stopped chasing the one you love"
And tears streamed down my face,
And my heart ached,
When I remember how I chased after your love
So wearily,
And how you ran away so tirelessly.

 Oct 2015 elliphant
Sometimes I have ideas for poems
And then I lose them
Somewhere between the generating of the idea
And writing it down.
Sometimes I start a poem whose ending I know,
But somewhere in between
Something happens
And I lose my trail of thought
I forget the ending
And then discard the whole thing
In fury
or confusion
Or a fusion of those two.

Is that what happened with you?
Was I your brand new idea?
Did you forget what we had?
Did you forget to write me
On every single notepad you have?
Did you forget our ending?
Did you get lost
And forgot me,
Somewhere in between finding me
And writing me down?
Did you discard me in fury or confusion?

Did you forget what we had?
 Oct 2015 elliphant
Tom Leveille
i have racked my mind
trying to figure this whole thing out
the staying, the going
the threads we claim hold us here
& the people who've stopped to play a tune on them
i sometimes relate it
to waking up in waist deep snow
in our former selves
the us we wish we could give one another
the children we've sat on the shelves
trapped, like the looks
we leave behind in snow globes
i sometimes imagine ships
dragging the bottom to the sea of "me"
for sleep & pieces of my old self
to sell to the new one
like history doesn't repeat itself
it gets me wondering
if you too want an apology from the rain
or if you dream of burning family photo albums
and wearing the ashes like perfume
if you're anything like me
how i hope god chokes
on memories of me blowing out candles as a child
i know i shouldn't reference my reader  
but don't you know, the only difference
between alone & lonely is you?
that if my hands could talk
the only thing they'd be able to say
is "dear god we've missed you"
and how can you tell me it isn't love
when even the rain refuses to fall
in places where i've kissed you
i remember the day
you found my smile at a yard sale
it reminds me of how you'll leave
i wonder if when you go
you'll tell yourself
the person in the rear view mirror
is closer than they appear
 Oct 2015 elliphant
I hadn't cried in years.  
I was always taught that strength
was not having the courage to let yourself feel but
******* it up, holding it in.
I am sick of "You're going soft on us, honey"
Today I came to understand that
you are completely okay with writing the same poem
over and over again.
This is a metaphor for the way you ****** her in my bed.
This is a metaphor for the night you copy and pasted love letters.
This is a metaphor for what really happened-
I never fall in the same place twice.
Except when I do.
I think the critical difference between the two of us,
critical because there are many differences
but- I think our hamartia, our fatal flaw,
our end scene is this:
if people didn't like my poetry, if nobody listened,
if I walked out on stage and nobody snapped their
fingers, I would still write for just your eyes.
I would still cramp my crooked, birth defect,
quadruple jointed fingers writing to you about the nights
you loved me back,
for a minute there you loved me back.
And you loved 20,000 other people back.
And you loved small towns back and big cities back and the entire west coast
back when you drove through, making temporary homes out of people
who should have been permanent
and I loved you.
And I hadn't cried in years.
Not because I wasn't sad, but because I was taught that showing emotion
was weakness.
So if my father made me memorize the How To's of strength,
if I were going by the book, today I'd be so fragile
you could say hello and I'd shatter so suddenly you'd
forget you were the one that let go.
 Oct 2015 elliphant
 Oct 2015 elliphant
 Oct 2015 elliphant
Mike Hauser
i remember you
and that twinkle in your eye
the one that griped my heart so tight
on the day that you took flight

i remember it
like it was yesterday
that was when you went away
now here we are today

just the two of us
me and my lasting memory
if you think about it technically
with you, guess that makes three

which always seems to make me think
if in turn you remember me
and if you do, do you see
the fool in love i'll always be
 Oct 2015 elliphant
Sia Jane
He wanted to know her
he wanted to touch every inch
of her imperfectly perfect skin
to know every scar
to know her tiger stripes
from growth spurts and pregnancy
the pieces of metal left in her
and the dislocated bones
all had their own stories from childhood
the day she was caught on a fence
the tom boy in lace socks
her mum had dressed her in
for Sunday school
the ripped dress as she fell in mud
breaking her right elbow which to
this day left her with a bone pointing out
he wanted to spend days
just looking at her scarred face-
her upper lip – sat in the changing rooms
after a gymnastics competition
playing catch but the bottle of water
went right at her face
her forehead – walking at ten months
trips and falls, she hits her head
on the way down face to face
with the rockery -
incidentally the rockery where the cat
is buried
poor thing was stood on many times
as she was learning to walk
he counts the freckles on her left cheekbone
which on her porcelain skin
shine like Orion’s Belt on a clear night
he loved every part of her she did not
he memorized every feature that made
her “her”
he knew the truth had always been there
right in front of him since the first
time he saw her naked –
her naked soul exposed a long time before
anything he could ever make tangible.

© Sia Jane
 Oct 2015 elliphant
I've always wanted to stand OUT you know-
be d i f f e r e n t.
Be that pencil in a box of crayons,
Or that one fish out of the water,
Who swears that he can survive on land.

I've always wanted to be like you.
Walking with your own feet,
Dancing to your own beat.

I try to be free but,
I'm caged in this frame:
This skin, these bones,
I'm caged in this cage.

Physically freed,
But still mentally slaved
Different is rebellious
Thinking d i f f e r e n t is insane.
Not knowing even though "different",
You're still the same.

I admire you
Because you're the person I often try to be,
The person I want to be
My inspiration
You're novelty
You're a queen.

 Oct 2015 elliphant
I could say I am a ball of contradictions,
confusions and delusions
But I'm no ball,
I'm no perfect shape.

I'm just pieces of different debris
And forsaken things,
Like the broken arm off a kid's doll
Thrown together,
In attempts to make something.

And in attempts to make something of myself,
I lost you and
I came up with nothing.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror
But all I see is an empty, yet full frame.

I feel so empty,
I've left you in people and things
I've worn myself out trying to find you
and I'm tired.

I'm empty, yet full.
Full of things that aren't me
Full of little pieces I've kept from many old you's
Hoping to one day find the real you.

I'm tired, tired of roaming in different directions,
Spinning in different circles
And scaling hills and valleys,
To find you

I'm tired of looking in empty trashcans,
And through the cracks in sidewalks,
And in people,
To find you.

I'm tired of seeking and not finding.
Dear old self, can you stop hiding?
This game of hide and seek is getting pretty tiring.

 Oct 2015 elliphant
Everyday I lose pieces of myself.

Looking back to a couple of days ago,
I found myself lost in the "whys"
Of my previous love
Or was it just a fling?
Like: "why wasn't I enough?"
"why did you stop answering my messages?"
"Why didn't we work?"
and "why can't I move on?"
Like "why am I still hypnotised to the sound your footsteps made
The last time you walked by?"
And "why, why the hell does this feel like I'm singing the same old song?"
"Why doesn't this feel new?"

Looking back to a couple months ago
I found myself rummaging through the remains of your mind
Trying to decipher the meaning behind everything you do.
Why one minute you love me and the next you don't.
Why one minute you're a book,
Free to open and to read
And the next, you're a closed door,
With a lost key.

I keep losing myself.
I lost pieces of myself in you
I should be used to this
But the thing is,
I had hoped to find myself in you.
Don't lose yourself in people things places or anything. It's not a nice feeling
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