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 Mar 2017 Elisa
 Mar 2017 Elisa
through words,
I heal my wounds
by completely exposing them
 Mar 2017 Elisa
Ben At93
How did we get here?
Where we hide our thoughts,
And only speak in fear,
Just so we don't get caught,
So we keep to ourselves our opinions and ideas,
How did we get here?

How did we get to this?
Where we have a limit of a way to think,
And we limit our right to freedom of speech,
All just so we don't offend thee,
How did we get to this?

The men who are meant to serve,
Can't handle the truth,
So we don't tell it as it is,
Coz we know what they'll do,
From courts to jail and at times beating,
Yes that's true!,
So it all comes down to what they'll choose,
And they smile like its all good,

So we have to hold on to our dictionary for a consult,
Just so when we speak we don't accidentally insult,
'cause you know the big men can't take a joke,
Or a poke and what not,

And its not that we can fight,
We can't take them up in a round with all their might,
They'd squash us down like a bug,
And then just shrug,

How did we get here?,
Its not like they need it to earn our respect,
We've already voted for them,
How do they not get it?,
We did it with clear mind,
And know that they ain't perfect,
Why do we have to regret?

So I sit here just asking,
How did we get here,
I thought things would be better,
Instead we all now have to look over our shoulder,
How did we get here
 Mar 2017 Elisa
Ben At93
You 2.0
 Mar 2017 Elisa
Ben At93
I've always loved you,
I've never stopped,
the last kiss was me memorizing every pattern of your lips,
when they're stretched or simply prim.
Like i'd need to remember it all
some days like today.

I've never stopped looking out the window on rainy days,
as a few drops made as if to touch my aching palm,
not hoping to see you walk back to me, no
just to see you out there,
building what we had with another me,
a better me.

I miss you,
I don't want you back,
I just think I can just miss you
from this end,
without wishing for things to go to how they used to be,
just wishing you the world you deserve,
the world I couldn't provide.
 Mar 2017 Elisa
Ben At93
"Its a punishment, you see.."
I tend to bend towards the dark,
Unlike other living trees,
And bare my own unique marks,

I see different from the next person,
Refused to listen what the world is saying,
Instead believe on my own distortions,
At least that's what they see in me when they are looking,

I see the world through a narrow hole,
Neglect the thrill that the big picture may be good,
I choose to stay in my darkness of mind,
Drawing satisfaction on what I think and all that could,

Like I could see a church and think of learning,
Instead of a place to be healed,
I'd see a school and think not of growing,
But a place where a mind is submitted and must yield,

Its a punishment,
That I receive,
From the next generation of beings,
Who force all,
To believe,
In a similar manner of idea in different things,

Its a punishment,
Being an outcast in a society of my kind,
But I have to indure being different,
Because, I don't believe there is a better life than what I see in my mind.
 Mar 2017 Elisa
samantha page
you need to
break free
from the constraints
of your mind
and feel peace
upon your entire being

if you just let yourself fly,
the whole world will follow
 Mar 2017 Elisa
A thought, off the top o' my head--
't rings aloud like the crack o' thunder,
then 't bangs around, and 'tis no wonder
I'll get no sleep 'til I am dead!

The tremendous ache,
the pounding pain,
an evil, Abel-less, headly Cain,
a godless, disastrous, Earthless quake--
I'd just like some sleep!

"Rise, my body" calls out my brain,
"we've got t' write all o' this down!"--
but yet, still a clamor at my crown.
A pen and pad I 'wake t' grab,
Then my thoughts go down the drain!

Int' the cabinet t' pinch a pill,
I take 't with juice,
relax and loose,
and wait for the pain to finally ****.

Off t' sleep just one more time,
then another thought my mind comes to,
I whisper t' myself "oh, shoo! shoo! shoo!"
but it stays, it stays-- such a tragic crime!
I'd just like some sleep!
Something I think we can all relate to. Isn't it great?
 Mar 2017 Elisa
Joe Cottonwood
Your spirit is a shadow
                made of light

Your spirit is a shadow
        growing longer
                into night

Your spirit is a shadow
        none can capture
                all can see

Your spirit is a shadow
                set free
First published in River Poets Journal: Volume 10, Issue 1

My brother was an old beatnik (I guess I’m an old hippie — only a few years made all the difference). I was my brother’s caretaker for his final seven years, the slow decline of dementia. He was not religious. In fact he was anti-religious. But still I would argue with my brother about spirit. I said we all have a spirit that lives on after we die. He wasn’t buying it and kept challenging me: “What is spirit? What do you mean?”  I told him your spirit is like a shadow except instead of darkness it is made of light. As the sunset neared on his life, I could sense his spirit growing larger. He denied it to the end and I love him for that. After my brother’s passing, years went by before I could write about it. When I was ready, this poem sprang up. You could chisel it on my tombstone (and please do).
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