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Dec 2014 · 1.7k
my friends
I don't mean to brag but
My friends are the absolute best
They'll beat the crap out of the person to hurt you
They'll protect you from the storm that is life
They'll make you smile when you just wanna cry
They'll give you that one thing you always wanted just for the hell of it
They'll get your fav author to send you a letter and a bunch of autographed stuff
They'll listen to you go on and on about your endless crushes
They'll set you up with someone
They'll allow you to go to your house whenever
They'll take your apple and do some weird stuff with it
They'll listen when you just need to vent
They'll love you unconditionally when you hate yourself
They'll hold you closer when you push them away

My friends are the family I never got
Love you guys ^~^
Dec 2014 · 865
I'll Be Alone  Now
Daydreaming of the Future
"Ain't It Fun  Moving On?"
They'll ask.
But I haven't moved on.

It was some Holiday when we last talked.
You called me an Anklebiter
And I told you to Grow Up
You told me that I was just another One of Those Crazy Girls
I'm Not Angry Anymore
I'd just Hate to See Your Heart Break

This is Proof that
I'm Still Into You.
This song is my Last Hope.
A poem in honor of Paramore's Self-Titled Deluxe album coming out. Pretty bad but whatever.
Dec 2014 · 364
i'm a lie [15w]
My confidence
Hides my insecurities

My strength
Is  an illusion

My calm
Masks a *storm
Inspired by this tumblr post:
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
stars [19w]
I wish NYC had more stars so I could compare them to how dim they are to your eyes.
Plus stargazing is cool.
Nov 2014 · 394
my mind
My mind is a complex little thing.
Many things happen in there but
You need to understand one thing,
One little ******* thing.
I always blame myself.

When I see long-sleeves or bunches of bracelets I think,
What did I do this time?
When I see tears falling down faces I think,
Now I've done it. I've gone and them cry.
When I get the new you killed yourself, my first thought will be,
It's all my ******* fault. I could have saved here but I'm a stupid, insignificant, good-for-nothing little kid.
And I'll keep thinking that no matter what.
Because my mind has been made to think that it's always my fault.

So please.
Don't do this.
Nov 2014 · 672
untitled [10w]
You love not with your heart but with your soul.
I really should stop being a hopeless romantic.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
“what is love?”
Love is everything right and wrong with the universe.
From midnight phone calls because you can't sleep to
Midnight fights because you came home drunk.
From telling your crush you like them to
Telling your vows to the person you plan to spend your life with.
From spontaneous picnics on a starry night to
Surprise proposals.
From going to depths of hell for them to
going to the flower shop to buy them a rose on Valentine's Day.

But most of all
It's for anyone,
Regardless of
Fashion sense,
Music taste,

Love is for anyone.
No matter what.
I decided to take TheCreepThatLovedYou's challenge to redefine society 'cause why not.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
the truth behind us [10w]
We're all just suicidal people
Telling others not to die.
Thought I would finally do one of these.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
I swear to god I'm done.
I'm done being sad
because you can't love me like I love you.
I'm done with you making me feel like dog ****.
I'm done like Shantanu.

I'm starting to be happy.
I'm starting to look for my own happiness.
I'm starting to be accept being alone.
I'm starting to not fall in love so easily.
After all, there's always Netflix, food and a warm bed.
I'm done with your ****.
Sep 2014 · 436
all alone
The only sound heard is the wind.
The rooms all dark except mine.
No sounds of footsteps,
Or even the TV.
The only world I've ever known is silent.

But I think I'm okay with that for now.
I think I've finally gotten over you.
Sep 2014 · 675
I'm a little tired,
So I think I'm going to sleep.
I hope you understand that,
Sometimes it's hard to breathe,
When my thoughts race,
Trapped in my mind.
It's time to say goodnight.
Please don't forget.
That you mean everything.
I'm sorry. I'm no good,
With words but I love you.
Please don't forget that.
I stumbled upon this little gem and I thought y'all would like it, I definitely did.
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
Your face is only inches from mine.
I can see the line where the dark brown of your iris
Meets the deep abyss of black that is your pupil.
I can feel your soft breathe in my face.
Your perfect lips are moving,
Saying words that my mind cannot comprehend
Because your beauty is taking up all of its attention.

Suddenly we're both moving forward.
The suspense is killing me.
I can feel my heart in my throat,
The butterflies flutter rapidly.
I wake up in a cold start
Hugging air.
After all, I'm the only one head over heels.
My subconscious is a ******.
Sep 2014 · 4.3k
ice ice baby
I like to chew ice cubes.
My brother thinks it's because I'm an anemic.
Not really sure what that means.
But maybe I am sick.
Because the reason I like to chew ice cubes,
Is because it makes me feel numb again.
Idk. I should be sleeping but I'm too anxious.
Aug 2014 · 8.4k
The Houses
The intelligent ones
For those who may be missing a few screws
Or are like no one else you have ever met

The amicable ones
For those who aren't afraid to work hard
Or would give $100 to the homeless

The cunning ones
For those who will do anything to achieve their goals
Or are willing to do anything to protect what is theirs

The brave ones
For those who will never give up
Or laugh in the face of terror

Where shall you go?
I'm a Gryffindor. What are you?
Aug 2014 · 8.2k
Whenever there's a damsel in distress,
Whenever there's a burning building,
Whenever there's something bad happening,
The hero comes and saves the day!
Whether they're a firefighter or just a good samaritan.
But what about the hero?
Who saves them?
Sometimes on the way to saving someone else,
We lose the fight against ourselves.
When you see them, you're heart will begin to pound harder and faster.
2. When you see them, you're hands will become sweaty and/or clammy.
3. With the bat of an eye or a suggestive word, you will blush...a lot.
4. You will put them above anyone or anything else. Even yourself.
5. You will not be able to resist the voice in your head telling you to pull your lips closer to theirs until they meet.
6. You will think that everything they do is either cute as **** or hot as hell.
7. With every contact of the skin, you will feel a spark that pulls you in further.
8. You will be able to lose yourself in any moment with them.
9. You won't be able to stop yourself from falling in love, deeper and deeper each day.
10. When they finally leave, your heart will feel as though it has been ripped out of your chest, thrown on the cold heart ground, stepped on, stabbed, shot, and burned to ashes until nothing can be risen from the ashes.
I've been soo sick the last few days. I'm okay now but my head still feels like complete crap.
Aug 2014 · 5.5k
I am scared
But not of the monster under my bed.
But not of the undead.
But not of the demon in the hallway.
But not of the aliens in outer space doing the nae nae.
But not of the ghost in the boathouse.
But not of the bugs on my blouse.
But not of the scars on my wrists.
But not of the hurt that, in my heart, exists.
But not of the ability to get the flu.
But if how much I love you.
I made this a while back when I was bored out of my mind.
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
Everytime we touched,
I felt a spark.
Eventually it grew to a flame
That destroyed me slowly.
Sparks ignite into flames, good or bad.
Aug 2014 · 363
I'm here in my bed
Lying awake
Thinking about you.
Jul 2014 · 23.5k
When no one else was there to save me,
it was.
It always wraps me in its warmth,
Listens to my every sob,
Pats me in sympathy and comfort.
It's been my lifelong friend.

Most kids are afraid of the dark,
But really there's no need.
Darkness has always been my friend
Jul 2014 · 3.3k
That's the only way I can get over you
By being numb
That way I don't have to feel the pain of you ripping out my heart
That way I can finally leave you and be on my way
Jul 2014 · 468
Don’t eat less, eat right
Don’t hold it in, it’s okay to cry
Don’t hurt yourself, there is always an alternative
Don’t shut yourself away, speak up
Don’t be your own bully, be your own hero
Don’t give up, because you’re worth so much more than you think
Eh. Could be better but it could be worse.
Jun 2014 · 323
i met you
I used to never think of love
Of how your heart speeds up
Of how you feel as if there was a dog chasing it's tail in your stomach every time you see them
Of how all the good moments felt as though they'd never end
Of how the bad moments never lasted longer than a blink
Of how every touch lights a spark that ignites into a fire of passion
Of how your cheek meat hurts after every time you meet them
Of how every kiss and every embrace was another reason to live
Of how you feel when you make them laugh or smile
Of how a whole day of rain and clouds can turn into a day of sunshine and rainbows
Of how their arms feels as though they could protect you from anything
Of how much you couldn't spend more than a day away from them
Of how much you never wanted them to leave

But then, I met you...
I have almost no idea where in the world some of this came from. I mean "fire of passion"? What. Does. That. Even. Mean?! (Someone help meeee)
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
escape route
Everyone escapes somehow.
Listening to Music

Some are more dangerous than others.
Doing Drugs
Destroying Some Things

And then some are just deadly.
Pulling that Trigger
Kicking that Stool
While in that Noose

Committing Suicide
Eh. Not so bad for improv.
Jun 2014 · 1.8k
I strum this guitar
In a methodical way
Like you did my heart
Learning to play the guitar...Yay
Jun 2014 · 1.9k
“what is a soul mate?”
It's like a best friend but more.
It's the one person in the world that knows you better than you know yourself.
It's someone who makes you a better person.
Actually they don't make you a better person,
You do that yourself because they inspire you.
It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you
Before anyone did or when no one else would.
A soul mate is someone whom you carry with you forever.
And no matter what happens
You will always love them.
Nothing can ever change that
This was inspired by the season premiere of Rizzoli and Isles. Love that show.
Jun 2014 · 740
Whenever you are in my eyesight,
Whenever you're near me,
Whenever you make an unexpected appearance in my dreams,
Whenever you say something stupid,
Whenever you laugh at my corny jokes,
Whenever you do something adorable,
Whenever you touch me,
Whenever you just smile at me,
Whenever you fawn over your crush,
Whenever you frown,
Whenever you cry,
Whenever you do anything,

My heart  *aches
Jun 2014 · 4.1k
I would part the seas
just so you don't get wet
but you would rather they did it.

I would fight every monster in Tartarus
just to keep you safe
but you don't care.

I would go to Hell and back
just cause you asked me to
but it doesn't matter, does it.

I was there by your side
when you were crying
but it's them you have your eyes on.

I love you
no matter what you say
but you love someone else.
I hate love triangles...
Jun 2014 · 289
Please don't ask
if I'm okay,
I might do something
stupid like open up
to you
and I'm really tired
of getting close to
people and watching
them leave me like
I'm nothing
Jun 2014 · 985
i know
I know how you feel
Trust me
I feel the same way.
But you're better than self-harming.
You're strong
And brave,
I'll be by your side
Every step of the way.
If you ever need someone to talk to,
I'll always be here.
Please never hurt yourself,
I care about you.
Siriusly, I'm here. For anyone ^_^
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
One cuts, two cuts, three cuts, four
You don't know what to do anymore.
Five cuts, six cuts, seven cuts, eight
Stop yourself before it's too late.
Ninth cut, tenth cut, eleventh twelfth
Put the blade back on the shelf.
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
You don't know how much you mean.
Seventeen cuts, eighteen cuts, nineteen cuts, then twenty
You don't need anymore, you already have plenty.
Jun 2014 · 782
I'm scarred
By the childhood I never had
By the love and care I never got
By the love that was unrequited
By the hurt I felt
By the pain in my heart
By the emptiness in my soul
By the lack of happiness
And abundance of sadness
By the blade in my hand
By you.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
this is how you keep her
Kiss her.
Slowly, take your time, there’s no place you’d rather be.
Kiss her but not like you’re waiting for something else, like your hands beneath her shirt or her skirt or tangled up in her bra straps.
Nothing like that.
Kiss her like you’ve forgotten any other mouth that your mouth has ever touched.
Kiss her with a curious childish delight.
Laugh into her mouth, inhale her sighs.
Kiss her until she moans.
Kiss her with her face in your hands.
Or your hands in her hair.
Or pulling her closer at the waist.
Kiss her like you want to take her dancing.
Like you want to spin her into an open arena and watch her look at you like you’re the brightest thing she’s ever seen.
Kiss her like she’s the brightest thing you’ve ever seen.
Take your time.
Kiss her like the first and only piece of chocolate you’re ever going to taste.
Kiss her until she forgets how to count.
Kiss her stupid.
Kiss her silent.
Come away, ask her what 2+2 is and listen to her say your name in answer.
- Azra T. (via )
Guys: This is good stuff write it down.
May 2014 · 550
I want to know
How many scars you have
And memorize the shape of your tongue.
I want to climb the curve of your lower back
And count your vertebrae
Your ribs
Your fingers
Your goose bumps.
I want to chart the topography
Of your anatomy
And be fluent in your body language.
I want you, entirely.
P.S. I was inspired by something I saw on tumblr  ^_^
I love your eyes,
Shining like the universe in spring.
I love your kind gaze that's like the spring's sunlight.
I love your hair.
I love your smooth, silken hair that waves in the wind.
I love your lips.
I love your lips that give honey kisses
And let me hear lonely sighs.
I love your voice.
I love your high, sweet, pure voice that echoes in my heart.
I love your body.
Your slender waist which might break if I embrace it.
But what I love most is your heart.
Fragile and easily broken
But endlessly pure and beautiful.
Your soul, filled with kindness
Which never blames others and forgives all.
May 2014 · 899
It's a dark and lonely place in here
Left with only ourselves
We imagine the worst
Some know that there is a better life outside
But continue to stay
Maybe it's because if you stay long enough
You get used to it
The darkness
The loneliness
It's the only thing we've ever known.

Others have the courage
They leave
Those who remain look up to them
For they have done what we all hope to do one day

For now I'll stay in here
For now I'm too scared
For now I'll stay in this closet
No I don't mean a literal closet. Although, I may have written it while in one. Don't judge me I was procrastinating.
Apr 2014 · 7.2k
My love for you is complicated.
Sometimes you make me so aggravated,
while other times I'm just fascinated.

You are always so close to me.
They make me wish we could just be free
and from this world, we flee.

It's as if you make me want to want you.
I have no clue
what to do.

Just you are my one and only
Even if you make me feel so lonely.
But is our love just phony?
Apr 2014 · 326
I paint a picture.
"Quite beautiful," I mutter to myself
Tears rolling down my cheeks.
The picture cries with me
Its ruby tears rolling down.

My brush glints in the sunlight
Rusty and stained as always.
My canvas filled with other paintings.
Some not even a day old.
I wipe the red tears and wrap it.

My brain says to stop this horrible painting
but my heart refuses.
It's gone through too much.
It wants to let it all go with these paintings.
These horrible, scarring, painful, disgusting paintings.
Mar 2014 · 5.3k
forbidden love
Our love can never be
No matter how dearly you love me
Others have no clue
Of how empty I feel without you

You'll forever be the Juliet to my Romeo
Always we shall meet up in that small one bedroom studio
Our love is greater than the gods
Maybe it can one day defeat all odds

But alas for now it's hidden
For now our love is forbidden

— The End —