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  Sep 2015 Catalina H Gonzalez
Those perspective sweet words shoot to me
Silently brick my heart into-
Something mellifluosly;
touch, catch, jump, clutch & match.
Wavered me quickly
by the thoughts of
this and that---
how to
It's been a long time since I wrote my first nonet but anyways i'm just feeling writing it.

Sept 5, 2015
They are merely figments of my imagination, and yet, they are my greatest fears; the threats, the ultimatums, my dependencies, and potentially finding someone who can steal my heart just as easily as they can abandon me.
I don’t have dreams, I have nightmares.
Perhaps, my mind knows better than to allow me to think about life in an optimistic way.
I suspect being afraid of reality is what saves me every day from killing myself, ironically enough.
I wondered how it is I abstain from acting out all my impulses.
Today, I’m well aware of the underlying reason as to why this is.
I’ve seen the possible outcomes of every one of my beloved fantasies I wish to fulfill; I’m not amused.
I’ve lost everything in my revelations, from my pride to the roof over my head.
Never will I forget the feeling of isolation.
Nor shall I forget how degrading it felt to be naked in front of people I’d rather **** than take abuse from.
Being vulnerable made me feel absolutely pathetic.
I was defeated.
With that said, I won’t allow anyone inside my comfort zone, not after the experiences my imagination forced upon me.
I was shown what I will wither away into if I don’t stand up for myself, and in this society.
I’ll be trampled if I stop moving.
Independence is the key to success and freedom.
Without the two, everything I’ve ever known will perish before my broken eyes regardless of the path I choose to walk.
People can only endure so much and eventually, they have to leave.
I understand these chances are my last.
In addition to being left behind, the ones I lean on hand me more responsibilities that I must learn to manage myself, though the opportunity to master each difficulty was presented a while back.
I was just too arrogant to recognize help was being offered. In this process, deadlines become imminent.
Finally, the excruciating pain I experienced watching someone I perceived as my foundation, my future, everything admirable I lack, turn their back and walk away from me for the very last time was too much to cope with.
It was worse than consuming poison and simultaneously being drowned to death.
There was no opposition coming out of my mouth because dreams nor nightmares fail to allow anything to happen in your favor.  
I wouldn’t wish for any enemy of mine to lose the love of their life. It is awful and honestly, they’d be better off dead.
These nightmares inflict both terror and insight in me.
A combination such as this can only do you good.
A healthy, inner restriction and a release when appropriate can take you further than expected.
My dreams are nightmares for a wise reason.
They instill my judgments, shaping my future and preventing me from ruining everything by digging out my curiosity in dangerous actions. Nightmares make true life adorable in comparison to a racing thought formed in a deep slumber.
I don’t believe it,
You aren’t protecting me.
How can you tell me how much you love me?
When you can’t defend me
You lied to me
You said nothing would ever hurt me as long as I had you
I don’t think you’re mine anymore
You went back on your word, and I didn’t like that
I’m crazy, so lost
And I depended on you to show me what reality is
I suppose you did that… to some extent.
I’m upset with you
I’m laughing at you
I’m thinking about leaving you
I don’t know if I’m hurting, I couldn’t quite decide
I want to cry but I’d rather not smear my mascara
I want to tell you off, scream at you about how wrong you are
Wrong, wrong, wrong
I don’t want to love you anymore than I do
I want to forget you so very desperately
Things could be simple
If only you’d go away
All that I hear are the violins
Oh, the sound
I feel everything stop and slowly pick up speed but not enough when I hear the most beautiful vibrato
I look up at the moon every night it is full or almost
And when I do all the voices rush into me
The slander doesn’t belong with me
Not when I feel this good
But here it is
I wonder if I will or already am used to it
I let myself feel the ******* pain and cut deeper
There is no wound and there is all the more noise
And it never seems to stop
I just see night and I cry so hard
My chest has bruises
For my heart has found a way to let me know it exists
I’ve never been so aware in my entire being
Love is not a myth
I wish I wasn’t myself
Maybe then he would love me
I wish my head didn’t make my mouth lose control
If I could speak in such a way he wanted to listen to
I would
But I don’t know how
I lost my voice
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