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Natasha Apr 2020
rewind and reject

one word to never truly set,

in stone or pen

or words on skin

the heaviness of one's heart debt.

though lingers faint,

ghosts of your memories grow.

you let your body turn weak,

your head melt to the pillow.

the lifeless gaze

of eyes upturned,

bones whittle and disintegrate

ashes to urn.

why have I been banished here?

reduced to soot and pity.

alone in this world, isolated

inside this solemn, sanctioned city.
Natasha Apr 2020
my head spins, and I forget
nausea creeps in
before each sunset.

children age, and pictures grow old
speaking of stories
repeated, told.

empty heart, empty stomach
gasping void nocturne.

the past imprinted on my mind
like old lighter burns.

pain, joy and memories unfold
who I used to be seemed so simple
before my heart turned cold.
Natasha Apr 2020
darkness coating old shoe prints,
fossilized by mud, a modern relic.

the steady pitter-patter of footsteps falling,
drawn forward, hurried

by the silent calling.

labored breath,
as beads of sweat
trickle down reddened cheeks.

tightness in my chest,
struggling to breathe.


I never want to stop

chasing this feeling.

sprinting forward blind,
my feet cracked and bleeding.

no destination, no plan

just the sensation of gripping
my bare toes in the sand.

or feeling the concrete beneath my soles
as I rush head first

towards everything unknown.

for when I stop
I lose the rush

palour coats my fading flush.

for the moment, it's relieving
to catch my breath

enjoy the moment
of silence in my steps

or the quell of my frantic heart beating.

yet the world continues
shift through time

I mustn't stay long

or I'll leave myself behind.
Natasha Mar 2020
blackness surrounds in charcoal billows,
sleepless stillness
head laid upon pillow.

isolation creeps,
though I prayed its beckon no sooner.

drifting through the limitless, barren lacuna.

metanoia of myself, induratized my mind.
though a beast, rantipole and restless
rages inside.

a quest irenic, and chaotic the same.
two sides of the same coin,
acceptance, and blame.

love and hate,
gorged and hollow.

cloaked over every
white pill I swallow.

to go to bed at night,
and awake with morning day.

is it to rerun through
the monotonous cycle I've built?

or to quietly keep me sane?
Natasha Feb 2020
I live in a world all my own
inside my head
through fantasy, I roam.

One of magic, heroes, and might.
One of darkness, clouds, and endless flight.

I could lay in bed and dream my life away
no wish or want for the reality of the day.

Realism pushes through my blinds at sunrise,
reminding me I need to wake,
and live my dull, mortal life.

I depart from my dreams with trembling breath, goodbye.

Until I return to dance with my thoughts at night.
Hiatus is hopefully over! Just a little poem thing. I've been a dreamer since I was a child, always wanting more than the existence life gave me. Lately, I've been watching shows with people with superpowers. I've been trying to decide on what I would want and its between flying, reading and transmitting memories, and ultra-strength and combat skills.
Natasha Sep 2019
sighing hums
world awaits
presence of another day.

another life,
yet we choose to live.

this one,
I tried my best to give

no sense to this
writing this is purposeless.

just to say
to break
the presence of nothing.


nothing at all.
Natasha Sep 2019
the sun she hides,
cease the birdsong call
the leaves frozen, frail

the darkness long,
quiet river weeps
silence but scurry, settle

lay still to rest,
flaxen unfold
dying carefully, cautious
I haven't written in so long so just a little piece of whatever about the weather and stuff
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