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Jul 2017 · 364
zahraa Jul 2017
when your mind clouds over
like the sky on a rainy morning
when your heart starts to fracture
as if it were a ligament to be fixed
when your eyes become oceans
with threats of tsunamis in the waves

there is nothing as peaceful as that
Jun 2017 · 301
zahraa Jun 2017
when your mind clouds over
like the sky on a rainy morning
when your heart starts to fracture
as if it were a ligament to be fixed
when your eyes become oceans
with threats of tsunamis in the waves

there is nothing more peaceful than that
Jun 2017 · 435
zahraa Jun 2017
i look at you. and my heart breaks. it breaks and it breaks and it breaks and it breaks. you shatter it and you have done nothing wrong but here i am. bleeding and weeping at the very sight of you. you. you who have always remained true to yourself and others. you who grips kindness and strength and authenticity and love and intelligence to your breast because you would never bear to let such treasure slip through your fingers. you would never bear to succumb to the woes of this world. despite your past. despite that this world has been anything but kind to you in gifting to you depression. anxiety. guilt. anger. and you painted a much more vibrant world with all of the grit blood sweat and tears this one drained out of you. you looked at something that was deemed ugly and you found it beautiful. when a celestial body crumbled in on itself you took the broken pieces it left behind and you molded something new. you hung the moon. you made gold out of rust. grew flowers from cracked dry infertile land. made promises and broke and kept them all the same because you are human and you are beautiful and it breaks my heart. you break my heart. i ache and i ache and i ache at the mere thought that you may ever think all that you do is not enough. that you may ever think you are not enough not worthy not beautiful not wise not enough not enough not enough. don't you see that you are more than any sane human being could ask for. you take your pain and compose from it a beautiful melody. heart wrenching verses mournful refrains choruses echoing with anguished tears and minor keys tug at my heart strings the same way you manipulate the strings within the belly of a grand piano. you play and you play and you rip words from our throats and finally we can breathe and finally we can breathe and finally we can breathe and thank you for giving me a sanctuary thank you for giving me air to breathe for giving me a place to call home for giving me something to love for giving me life. life in its most beautiful form. you. you are my life and i am devoted to you and my heart is breaking. you smash and hit and beat and shatter and break my heart you rip it to shreds and then with a few tinkling piano notes hushed words spoken in your mellow honey voice you fix it you fix it you fix it you fix fix fix it. and i am yours. yours no matter how much heartache i live through. because i am able to live through it. because of you you you you you. you. you are my first love. my love. you are breaking my heart.
i am anxious to post this because it is my raw uncensored love for one of my idols completely out there in the open??? he is the first celebrity i guess u can say, that i fell in love with and i owe him lots and it's not like he's gonna read this but! i needed to write about him, clearly.
May 2017 · 1.2k
a prospect of broken vows
zahraa May 2017
we had promised each other
till death do us part
but because of you
and your selfish heterosexual claws
she will always believe we are together
long after i have left her

there is nothing worse than that
nothing worse than
not getting to say goodbye
or i love you one last time
she will forever wait
for someone who can never come home
dadt officers who were married to someone of the same *** had no choice but to not list any spouse in fear of being discharged. so, if an officer were to die, no flag would be delivered to their partner's doorstep, let alone the news of their death
May 2017 · 1.2k
zahraa May 2017
oh, he's marvelous
writes me letters
sings me songs
makes me laugh
holds my hand

oh, but that's not true
no letters
no songs
no laughter
no hand holding

oh, and she's not a he
she's my wife
and i can’t visit her
but you never asked
and i can never tell

*-”how's your husband back home?”
a piece for my end-of-year project in apush. im choosing to research don't ask, don't tell.
May 2017 · 306
zahraa May 2017
you intimidate all enemies, accidentally
with a cry of anguish and distress

you alleviate all pain, gracefully
with a single touch to the shoulder

you meditate all day, ceremoniously
with a mind so present and calm

you appreciate all entities, softly
with a heart strong enough to break
May 2017 · 358
zahraa May 2017
a place where smiles aren’t falsified
and tears don’t shed unless out of joy

where words don’t die in our throats
but against someone else’s lips

where happiness is the ****** weapon
for it is the cause of our heartache

where only our loved ones find us
and in each other we find ourselves

*-“where will you go now?”
right so a few nights ago, i went to bed and was very emotionally and physically tired after having finished daredevil and so: i was having this dream where someone was asking me what i would do and where i would go, and the answer i gave legitimately woke me up and i frantically wrote it into my notes. and today i am sharing it with y'all :)
Apr 2017 · 267
zahraa Apr 2017
i wish that i
did not think another
person's loving and
acceptance of me
would make me enough
for myself
i do not need them
but i can not
see that just yet
have yet to learn to love myself the way i want others to love me
Apr 2017 · 374
buzzcut season
zahraa Apr 2017
i listen to a song
with a purpose of its own
and give it another one
lines about living by pools
are my reality
verses recounting
dreamy young girls
and never returning
are the thoughts
that have plagued my mind
for years
and years
lorde always gets me feelin some type of way
Apr 2017 · 380
zahraa Apr 2017
what is it
that they have
that i don't
what is it
that makes
your heart sing
i would have you
humming lullabies
whistling show tunes
composing love songs
belting librettos
and still
they would not
be dedicated
to me
tfw u would go to the moon and back for the person u love but they don't even love u back
Apr 2017 · 272
zahraa Apr 2017
i am happiest amongst
a select few individuals
i can feel myself shine
radiating with only
the purest
of joy
but you
it is you
you make my
chest clench
mind spin
and my heart
you make it
that one person that makes ur heart go THUMP!
Apr 2017 · 340
black and blue
zahraa Apr 2017
crushes are like
they hurt
and then they don't
and then they fade

soulmates are like
they hurt the most
but they stay
and they stay
lust vs love
Apr 2017 · 283
zahraa Apr 2017
the curve of your hips and 
the smile on your lips i wish
i could see and feel 
everyday until they become
a part of me too
the same way that you did
being in love is dangerous
Apr 2017 · 469
zahraa Apr 2017
i want to memorize everything
that has to do with you
the sound of your laugh
defining home
or how flowers bloom
in your eyes when you smile
possibly the greatest and simultaneously the worst feeling one can experience is the realization that you are starting to fall in love with somebody
Apr 2017 · 756
zahraa Apr 2017
i can only imagine
the lazy drip of affection in your voice
when you tell me you love me
at ungodly hours
with my skin
against yours

i can only imagine
the softness of your touch
lulling me to sleep
and stirring me out of it
twining your fingers
with mine

i can only imagine
the goosebumps on your skin
the electricity in my veins
when our lips meet
time and time
my serious long distance rship really stimulated my imagination and i found my mind wandering more often than usual
Apr 2017 · 295
zahraa Apr 2017
i want somebody that i can hold
and somebody that i can cherish
i want somebody who will love me
until the very day that i perish
until my last breath
until our last kiss
i want to make memories
for somebody to miss
i often find myself humming the tune i concocted for this little rhyme scheme and some days it makes me sad while other days it makes me smile
Apr 2017 · 596
same sky
zahraa Apr 2017
i will look up
at the moon
and whisper
hello, beautiful
with even the
slightest bit of hope
that you
are looking up too
time zones are a ***** when ur in love with someone four thousand miles away from you :-(
Apr 2017 · 437
zahraa Apr 2017
just as if
she were the sun
she would burn you
would you get close
enough to her
and just as if
she were the sun
you would keep
staring at her
no matter how much
your eyes
to sting
once upon a time i fell in love with a girl who had the most beautiful features and looking at her hurt me everywhere
Apr 2017 · 424
between the lines
zahraa Apr 2017
in our good nights and
goodbyes and our
hellos and good mornings 
i can hear i love you and
i hope you can too
words spoken aloud can have a million different meanings if you just listen
Apr 2017 · 298
zahraa Apr 2017
at half time your words seep into my bloodstream as if they were a drug
lazy smiles, half shut eyelids and fluid movements result
now if my heart was a dancer it'd be the greatest

at double time you've upped the dosage of your affection
i'm elated, clumsy and just a tad bit smitten
now if my heart was a dancer it would be alright

at triple time your love and your attention are addictive, fatal
my knees are weak and my chest is clenched
now if my heart was a dancer it would be retired
based off of my experience throughout a toxic relationship i was in

— The End —