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 Mar 2015 Your Thoughts
The land escapes
the  trappings of the mundane
Once we see the power of our gain
We realize our mistakes

Great big Majestic Mountain
I wish I could tower over you
Like only a God could do
You are like an eternal fountain
I don't know what happened but things between us didn't work out
All the things you said before, I now started to doubt.
Things began to fall apart
All of a sudden reality just slaps you really hard.

Our love story was magical
But now it slowly turned dull.
We both agreed to take things slow
But now you said your love for me can no longer grow.
You were my lover and all,
But you left me stranded and it made me feel so small.

What happened to us?
Was there even an us?
Yes, I have shortcomings in the way I have treated you.
But was that enough reason to leave me out of the blue?
It's so easy for you to leave me without any explanation nor goodbyes
If only you could see the pain through my eyes.
You gave me so many false hopes
And now I'm trying to unstrangle all these ropes.

I was trying to convince myself that you left me for a good reason
But then again I was wrong and now I've learned my lesson.
You replaced me instantly,
I was hurt badly.
There's nothing I can do
Because somehow I already knew.

It's like I couldn't breathe and do anything
But I am so blessed that there was a King.
My Heavenly Father picked me up when I was down on my knees.
I'm so tired of taking over the wheel so I gave Him the keys.
This is for the guy in my past.
I already accepted the fact that we're not meant for each other, it's almost a year but I've realized the pain was still there, that's why I wanted to release everything right now by expressing it through words.
Just so you know I'm finally letting go all of the pain and I'm moving forward in my life right now. You are no longer allowed to be on my journey to happiness and to be on the next chapters of my life. :)
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you met someone who has the potential to be your future life partner;
Only to find out that fate will separate you from each other.

It's like you can't do anything about it because after all,
Everything is out of our control.

Too much overthinking, our hearts are aching;
But some things can only be made known by waiting.

I know it could be tough,
But I'm praying we'll meet again soon enough.

Whether I would be a lover or even just a friend,
I'd still be happy as long as you're there 'till the end.

If you are really the one for me, you'll still be there when the time is right;
But now we can't go against fate and put up a fight.

All that's left for us to do is to surrender and leave it all up to the author of life;
And I know by growing apart we can still survive.

When love is real it won't be gone even if we can't be with each other or make a move right now;
Let's just wait until destiny can allow.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the same thing that set us apart...
Would also be the one that will bring us back together with a complete and more matured heart.
I have someone in mind when I made this. You know already who you are. :'>
Living in this world is not easy
Trying to be someone I was never meant to be.
Sometimes life will hit you really hard to the point that you feel like almost giving up;
Only to discover that your character just needs to be developed.

Because your faith does not grow when everything is easy;
You need to fight for your faith daily.
Keep in mind that the strongest battles are given to God's strongest soldiers;
Just keep on trusting and I assure you He heard your prayers.

God will not waste anything you go through your life and He knows what He's doing;
Everytime you've overcome something difficult in your life, you are growing.

There's always a certain point in your life that you'll feel that you are lost.
But maybe it's not about finding yourself again,
But actually seeking God again.
Got 0 followers, but one tongue, and that's perfectly ok...

cause I got
two eyes
two nostrils
two hands
two ears
two ventricles

they all
follow me

all riders
on the one tongue
that speaks my piece

that finds poetry
on ***** streets
in closed places
and in the
if's of our lives
that makes writing
in one common tongue
so **** desirable
I wouldn't be able to do anything without my friends by my side
Without them i feel lost
They are like the other half of me
They are always there to support me
There is never a dull moment when they around
They keep the smile that is on my face
They always give me the best of advice
My friends are like sisters to me
I'm glad to have such amazing friends that are loving and caring
I don't know what i would do without them
I'm a colossal neoclassical sculpture
I was designed by an Italian-French sculpture
I'm an icon of freedom
Who am i?
The raın drops fall on the brown autumn leaves,
The sound of natures anımals as the bırd sıngs.
The sunlıght shınıng on the sunflowers that wıll only bloom ın sprıng...
A beautıful nature scene
Is life worth living for?
Yes, to me it's worth living for
Well , thats my opinion about life
If people really care about life
Then why would they **** themselves?
Dont't they care about their future?
Can't they see what their death does to people?
Losing a loved one could really cause a family to break up
People tend to think life isn't worth living for
How can they think that?
I can't imagine losing a loved one
I would be to heartbroken to even think about moving on
I want people to know that life is worth living for
Don't let anything let you down
There are people out there that needs you
People that loves you , and that cares for you
Live life to the fullest
Make the best out of it
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