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  Sep 2016 Yhinyhin Tan
Kit McCartney
It’s a **** shame to keep the fire waiting
Like near rotten lemons and yellow butterflies it turns a distasteful eye
From the former mirrors of rainbow and sunny skies
Making one smell the burn-out as such nuisance to the nostrils that long for the daffodils

Why would someone be dull like the squeaking floor,
That reflects a free bird flying away in the middle of hard rain
Spraying from its wings, droplets of water that one would slip
And fall, that the fire one seek was under one’s feet because of neglect

Then one would say ‘stand up’, but when faced with someone’s back
It would rather seem appropriate to wish the bird goodbye
Or wave and tell yourself a lie,
That it’s truly a **** shame to watch the fire grow small
But more chilling as winter creeps into your forgotten daffodils

And as a coward as one would be, would point a finger to the burn-out
That butterflies within one’s self can only endure as much
Asking whether one’s eyes would leak or crumple the pump that waters your whole

Have someone ever wondered why charcoal looks so dark?
And not the fiery red that it once was
That like the blackhole is ***** the smell of spring or the near rotten lemons of hard rain

Why can’t it be yellow after asunder, or blue like the ocean
As when the fire was still warm
Is it because it’s white like throwing the towel
Or gray, as one just simply closes one’s eyes and feels nothing
From the spaces and the gaps that compresses one’s air

Someday, a bird may fly no more as the flames threatens no more
That the bird would wait for the box as the daffodils wither and die like the fire that waited
And shameful are the horizon that showed no spark to keep it burning
Because the feet slipped and are equally shameful for showing only one’s back
To the flames growing smaller

That while cowardice walks away from the cold
The fire may then rekindle from a different rock, making shame ever so odorous from the former loss
And the butterflies or the daffodils would smell different then
Yhinyhin Tan Apr 2016
I hate myself for wanting you
I hate myself for missing you
I hate myself for letting you go
And I hate myself for leaving you alone.

Because of you, I've learnt to love myself
Because of you, I've learnt to trust myself
Because of you, I have changed for the better
And take the risk even it means of  loosing one another.

And now, everything was gone
It seems like I was shot by a gun.
You're the one who made me feel complete
Yet the reason , why in love -- we skipped.
Yes, I'd rather hide it than to express it.
Ain't gonna lose you, I'd rather lose them than to lose you.
Yhinyhin Tan Mar 2016
"I am from a deep ocean
while you, from the highest mountain.

Your beauty obviously inspired other
While mine, still need to search under the darkness of water.

That sun keeps you more beautiful
and me, I am nothing- I'm just a fool.

That sun got your all attention
for you, she was the best description of a perfection.

And now you fell in love to that sun
that's why, you don't even want her to go down.

Her sunshine keep you no harm
and her presence keep you feel warm.

In a deepest sea, I'm just an ordinary stone,
While she, is like a princess sitting on a throne.

You believe, you destined to be with her and she is to be with you.
but how about my feelings, Will you consider it too?

I must stop now, comparing myself to her.
Cause whatever I do, to you- I don't matter.

So I'd rather stay down in this cold and sorrow sea.
And wait for that someone who will take the risk to pick and see me."

Yhinyhin / 03-16-16 2:16 am
I'll be happy if you and her will be together till the end, I am happy to both of you Basty and Ms. Irah. </3 ^_^ (though its really hurt)
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
Dear my husband to be,
Watch out for those girl who attempts you to be with,
Never let your eyes be blinded because of their sweet kisses.
Never let your body reacted because of their playful touch.
Remind me at all times, be reminded that I am faithfully waiting for you
And keep praying that you may not fall from their beautiful appearance
But yet, they heart and mind is full immoralities.

My husband to be,
I can't wait to see you face to face.
And to meet you in unexpected place.
I hope, we are the same.
Excited to fulfill a thing that is called
Dream wedding.
Pray for me, so I will stay faithful
And I will pray for you,
so that you will remain pure.

That's all!
Sincerely Yours,
So not perfect soon to be wife.
Ano daw? Ewan ko din ba, may maisulat lang eh haha.
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
Oh Lord thank you for strengthening  me

In times I feel weak.

Thank you for comforting me

In times I feel lost.

Lord thank you for loving me

In times I feel unloved.

Dear God, I don't know who I am

If I didn't who you are.

So please help me to do your will

In a world that is full of sin.

Lead me to a place where should I go

Where I can share the salvation you brought

Oh Lord prepare me

in the place where you want me to be.

Anoint my words before I speak

Anoint me, so I can stand firm

In a place where people were chains on their own sins.

-Lead me Oh Lord!

by: Yhin2x

Philippines 101314
I need your presence Lord at all times.
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
A cold dawn woke me up,

I stand alone on the cold mountain top.

Then I saw you down there,

Hugging someone; wishing I was her.

I know you hear me, when I shouted your name.

I know you see me, but you didn't dared to stare.

When you left, you knew without you I'll become lame,

That day when you left, you didn't even shown any care.

I cried as long as I can,

Even it makes my heartbeats to stop.

Its like without you, on my own I can't stand,

When you left me, automatically I became flopped.

I thought this is the ending of everything,

then there's one tap that ease my stupid feelings.

He offered his hand at the same time his love which eased my pains,

Now I can fly again because he's the one who fixed  my broken wings.

"The Black Sparrow and the Mockingbird"

082115 -by yhin2x
Someone eased my pains but sad to say, in the end. He left me too and broke my wings again. Haha Just kidding.
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
How I wish I may not lose you on my sight
Because as of now all I want is to hold your hand so tight.
If only I can stay with you all my nights
Until we see the touch of light so bright.

You didn't know I was afraid the first time we met
Because from the start you made my heart melted.
You caught my heart using your invisible net
Keep this, when I met you in the internet- I swear I have no regrets!
That day I met you was the best day I ever had with you, ****! Lol
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