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Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
They are believers according to what they're believing.
Even the fact that they're trying to hide their real feelings.

Before us, they tend to  wear their invisible mask,
And they're using the smiley one in front of us.

When they turn their back, Sad mask will reveal whether they like it or not.
So I'm telling you, be careful and be a  good seeker one.

Mind this, it is really impossible to hide a dark bad smokes,
from a fire that was hidden beyond their bones.

The earth now is full of hypocrites,
Some of them keep saying that the Lord was Jesus Christ,
Well in that case... no doubts they are absolutely right
but they still keeping wrath inside  of their hearts.

In this world, may you find the truth behind the mask,
Just use your heart at the same time your mind.
So you will able to identify who tell lies,
And which among them is really sincere to you and kind.

[••• 102815 •••]
~Yhin 29~
Disclaimer: It just based on my observation among people I have met along my Christianity life.
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
Sometimes our FEELINGS from the HEARTS are traitor
It always AGAINST our MINDS which should be our mentor
A MENTOR that always right and should be followed
MIND that telling you to KEEP your feelings untold.

Mind is not selfish either a **** joy at all
She just wanna make sure you wont fall
from a temptation which made in an artistic way
So you better trust your mind and let that feelings go away....

-yhinyhin 080715
Better to shut my mouth. T_T. Kahit gusto ko ng sabihin sa'yo na mahal kita, mas mabuti pa sigurong solohin ko na lang ito. Keysa masira relasyong mayroon tayo.
Yhinyhin Tan Dec 2015
Lying on my bed, just thinking of you.

Waiting any reply that coming from you.

As the time goes by

My eyes starting to cry

you let this night to pass by

without even saying "Hi"

08-01-15 / yhin2x
Paano mo ako nagagawang tiisin? haha choz

— The End —