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Nov 2020 · 169
there's always tomorrow
Sunset Nov 2020
It’s 3:44 A.M.

you are not here but you are always on my mind and I hate you for it I do not know how to put these emotions into words but I know that when I look at you I only think about kissing you and I do not know where love is derived from and you hate that we’re in love I know it’s after midnight and you have work in the morning but maybe if I ask enough and maybe even beg enough you will come and see me right now but you’ll probably say no so I am leaving tonight at that

It’s 3:44 P.M.

you are right next to me but I still don’t know where you really are and twelve hours ago I was craving your presence and now I’m regretting it you forgot that kissing is more intimate than *** and you still hate that I can ******* and not kiss you and that pushes you away from me you always assume that I never think about you so I push you away further but I can promise you twelve hours ago you still were on my mind I wanted you to come and see me right then but I did not ask you to because you’d probably say no but now I am stuck losing you due to my lack of communication so I am leaving today at that
Sunset Jan 2018
I know you hate when my writings are

sad I didn’t mean it when I said “I can’t

be without you” I meant “how could you

do this to me and now you’re not here” I want

to hate you but instead I call you when I need

something about ******* makes me feel

horrible every time it’s the only time

you give me attention now that you’re

gone I sit in my room listening to versions

of “Tom’s Diner” and this feels like my version

of “Teenage Fever” I’ve been working on a

poem about you it’s seventeen pages long

I won’t show anyone when it’s finished

because I’m embarrassed I’ve spent time

obsessing over the beaches we should’ve swam

at and the restaurants I could’ve introduced you

to and the dogs we would’ve named Steve and Rex

you’re going to read this and the only thing you’re

going to comment on is the fact that you never wanted

to name the dogs Steve and Rex and I won’t even be

mad because what else do I expect and I did this to

myself and what you don’t see is every reason why I love you
i do
May 2017 · 239
Sunset May 2017
There’s only been few to see
me for who I am
I still need you
sometimes when I am alone
I call you but it goes to voicemail
these people I have acquainted myself with
make me feel more than you
I do not want you
but I would
rather feel insufficient
than nothing at all
I get a lump in my throat
when I think about the past
you’re the first thing I see
I am not like you anymore
I hate you for making me
who I am
no one else understands
I still need you sometimes
and I don’t know why
I am crying
Sunset Jan 2017
I hate when I write and you
can't tell I'm being sarcastic
I want you so much I feel greedy
(that wasn't sarcastic)
I say I don't miss you
you should know I do
I don't think it's fair that
someone can think about
a person as much as I
think about you
think about this:
you being you and me
being me but together
all these people think I'm
writing for them
it's for you
Jul 2016 · 512
Sunset Jul 2016
I'm tired of writing poems
about staying up late and
sleeping all day because
you're haunting my thoughts
and creating sweet dreams
because you do not own me (
that's what I would say
if you did not own me I'm
tired of our routine but
never tired of you)
I wanted to write about how repetitive my poetry is, but just thinking about it made me want you.
Sunset Jul 2016
I’ve learned to appreciate everything
about you after you left me outside
in the rain on vacation
(we weren’t really on vacation
but it always felt like it).
Every time you disappeared, I
imagined the way you sway when
you’re feeling guilty. You never
wanted to hurt me, but influence
me positively. I remember when
you told me they were everything
I couldn’t be but we both had
a good laugh after that one.
I’m not like anyone you’ve had
before so you apologized for
coming and coming back to me
(I wouldn’t leave me either).
I did all the right things to keep
you around so it’s no surprise
that you forced me go
Sunset Jul 2016
I haven’t been in love for a
while you move so quickly
but you touch so slowly I
feel your every experience you
remember I capture your
thoughts because you are all
of mine wait before you go and
make me just an experience your
twisted ideas are what get me
the most bittersweet pain and
pleasure comes from you laughing
at me because I am not good enough
May 2016 · 216
Sunset May 2016
I lost my virginity one time so I decided to become a poet
Apr 2016 · 358
Every night
Sunset Apr 2016
Kissing Strangers
is listed on your résumé under
Special Talents
you master these skills if
you practice every night
love you and leave you
sound the same being
whispered to you when
you are intoxicated
with the buzz of empty streets
as background music

when new things become old
lose their luster
it becomes necessary to replace them
so no one blames you when
your perfume made of whiskey
helps to find you
with your hand intertwined
with someone else’s because
that is just what you do

to everyone else
you’re a *******
to you
not really though
Apr 2016 · 544
Sunset Apr 2016
Can a definition have a question in it? Because I have a question. Why can I feel you here, when you are clearly not? Your smell – I smell your smell – is everywhere. Your touches – I feel your touches – are all over my body. But I do not see you in the person that touches me, and whose scent lingers on me and my bed sheets for hours. Although you are clearly something I can touch and hold, you are not because you are not the person that I wanted so long ago. And then the question that is: “do people ever actually change, or do you just get sick of their personality?” comes up. Because I can promise you, I was so sure I could never get tired of you. So it hurts me that when I look at you, or I am with you, I am really not. You look at me with a destination in your eyes that I’ve never seen. And that’s when I realize that I can no longer touch you anymore.
where r u
Sunset Apr 2016
Every time I remembered you, I poured myself into the closest shot glass I could find and sent me down on any boy that was willing to drink me in. I hoped that all of my emotions would be replaced with quick goodbyes and a lack of exchanged phone numbers. I tried to push you out of mind every time he pushed further into me. I pretended to forget to whisper your name when gasping for air with shallow breaths in between the spaces of his moans. I even prayed to my God of Sin that one day I would replace you with a stranger’s touches and meaningless conversations.

Whenever we were together, I acted as if I resented every moment with you, only because I knew they were too good to be true. I never understood how someone could make someone else feel so much happiness and so much hurt at the same time, but you were excellent at that. I would be by your side right when you asked for me. You would compare me, belittle me, and finally crush me with words all about my imperfections. But I worshipped your crooked smile and distant eyes more than anything else. I would save up all my best jokes for when I was lying in your arms just to see your crooked smile. I would save up all my best outfits for when I was going to be with you just to see myself as the destination in your distant eyes.

But you were gone before I got the chance to keep you. I was lost for so long when you left without an explanation. I cursed every body that you touched that was not mine, and for every one body that you touched, I touched four. It became a game, and I was the only player. I was the only loser.

Suddenly, I realized that I liked food more than you. And the smell of rain. And car rides at night. Suddenly, I realized that I like many things more than you. So now every time I remember you, I also remember that you were not as good as a hot fudge brownie tastes, and you were not as fun as it is to sing with the windows down.
Sunset Apr 2016
I just wrote 381 words all about you and how I no longer hurt when I think about you, but I can promise you that they were all a lie. Hot fudge brownies do not taste better than you. A car ride at night is not more fun than you.
How does the sting I feel every time I hear your name stop?
Apr 2016 · 244
Sunset Apr 2016
"you made me want you so much. you made me wait and I wanted you so bad. it was worth every second. you really do make me smile and laugh and when we’re together there’s never a dull moment. when you’re under my arm looking up at me with your head on my chest and look into my eyes, you make me feel so special and wanted. I love the way I make you act, if that makes sense. you wanna be a good girl for me and I like that a lot. you don’t try to be someone you’re not and I really like it. I feel like we could do some really great things and become really close in the future."
do you feel that way still?
Apr 2016 · 235
Sunset Apr 2016
My words are not beautiful
You are beautiful
I look at you all the time and you're not very attractive but you're very incising.
Mar 2016 · 918
Right my wrongs
Sunset Mar 2016
“I’m free to eat fruit from any tree in the garden;
but I must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
for when I eat of it I will surely die.
I mustn’t eat it or even touch it.”

I recited this everyday, multiple times a day.

But curiosity killed me.
There was never any cat.
Mar 2016 · 635
Us as seasons
Sunset Mar 2016
I am the winter snow storm you have never dreamed of.
The kind that is so cold it becomes painful but
you know that the pain will go away and the cold
will become warmth so you kiss my chapped lips
and runny nose anyway.
You are the summer vacation I need when I am
stressing over bills I do not have the money
to pay for. You are so hot; I get steamy
in the way that I like. So I pull you in and
kiss your smooth lips and perfect nose
every day.
But my allergies spike in the summer. And you always catch a cold in the winter. Allergies are not as prominent as the symptoms of the common cold. And shoveling snow in -20 degrees Celsius is worse than mowing the lawn in 35.
So I do not blame you for finding your own summer vacation that helps you gain perspective and enhance your creativity, rather than being trapped with me, your very own blizzard of 1993.
Mar 2016 · 369
Sunset Mar 2016
Your voice steals my thoughts
every time I look at my bed
Your moans of
broken promises
ignite forbidden flames
within me
Every touch, every kiss, every laugh
I know come with a price
But it’s the dangers that entice me
Take my heart
and crush it
Laugh when you’re finished
I cannot fool anyone
It is easy for me to lust over you
Every deny, every blame, every mistreatment
brings me to the edge
You look at me with bedroom eyes
but your words are filled with dishonesty
Negotiation and fairness are not a part of your vocabulary
But I do not need your fidelity and accountability
as much as I need your

— The End —