Autumn leaves and sunsets.
A world spinning
out of balance,
and the sluggish me slowing down to realize all that I am no longer.
I see a worm, a slug, a tiny massive thing.
Indolent, sallow, lost and afraid, I cling to what I can and eat to feel numb.
Working and waiting to feel something.
Meaning, connection, understand my purpose, and eyes get farther away from what it longs to understand.
This body gets long and heavy and tired, eyes close, and arms grab whatever is around. wrapping tight in heavy blankets.
I made these quilts. I made them with my hands when life was fun
and work a thought filled blessing.
I spun the threads that now encase me. I bury myself, deep down into the cold earth.
Hide from the lies, and the worthless feelings, and listen to the heartbeat of the goddess.
Her warmth will see me through.
To the next life
next form
Where I can shed this layer.
Emerge as myself.
Incarnate with colors to behold in the eyes of young and old.
Let me be winged, and the chrysalis not be needed anymore.
Rebirth this butterfly.