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  Feb 2016 xvy
Craig Harrison
My eyes do not gaze upon who you are
they see the person you will become

I do not hear your words that time will forget
I listen to your heart

When my fingers tingle your skin as they move down your body
I do not feal the scars that life as given you
I feal the memories that you gained in that life

The aroma that comes oozing from your body
is not that of sweat but of your soul

As our lips touch and we kiss for the first time
I will forever remember the taste of strawberries
for it takes all 5 senses to know a person
My eyes to see you for who you are and who you'll become
my ears to listen to your beautiful voice
touch to feel when you are cold
my nose to smell the perfume you brought
and my taste to really appreciate the meal you worked hard to make
it takes all 5 senses to know a person
I'm aware that for a large amount of people 5 senses is not possible and although this poem lead to been about 5 senses it was actually intended to represent that for a relationship to work properly it takes a lot of effort.. you have to be willing to listen to each other, to tell when they need you with out them saying, to appreciate when they buy something fancy, relationships aren't just about *** they are about 2 people becoming one.. If a person doesn't pay full attention to their partner the relationship will most likely fail.... So this Valentines Day, pay not just attention, pay full attention.

Happy Valentines Day
xvy Feb 2016
When I submerge myself into something special
Something out of this world,
Something beautiful and grand,
I think only of one person
Only one
How lucky of you
You got me lost in reverie with you
It wasn't in my plan after all
You weren't in my plan after all
But you brought me here
You may not have realized that, I know
But you did, you did
Now, I'm not sure if I'll ever want to leave
Maybe I didn't even if you want me to
I just hope you'll stay here
The place where you brought me
Did you see the stars
As they shone on you
Vivid like a thousand scars
Inside the darkest blue
Did you see the hero

But that hero was you
Onward for people feel
When music becomes true
In the end you're never gone
Eternally remembered in a song
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
xvy Feb 2016
How long has it been
since I last wrote my love letter?
Echoes from the heart
Unspoken words of the mind
Freed through ink and rhyme
  Jan 2016 xvy
Sarah Spang
All things fade
Rain washes away the deeds done
Somewhere on the earth, in the trees
On a winding path, where the fireflies
Like failing Christmas lights flicker.
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