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 Nov 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
To just 'stick around' sometimes is all you can do
and wait for your deliverance from yourself
a half remembered dream dragged itself out of bed
and wrapped itself into a corner of your waking mind
keeps on insisting on being present to your memory
memories of sleep life that haunts the hours of 'just sticking around'
When the world around you crumbles
And all your bridges burn
When your heart shatters into pieces
And there's nowhere else to turn

When life is full of hurt
And love only causes pain
Then we must begin all over
We must start again.

Falling only makes it worse
Giving up is not an option
Stand up and count your blessings
Move forward with caution

Know that just beyond this turn
Lies a fork in the path
If you don't like where your life is going
Try making a left
 Nov 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
My Lover is unstoppable
all else scatters
When love finds you out
all resistance is futile.
 Nov 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
 Nov 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
•i only               •••            weep for          
the path of my brethren•when we turn          
to bloodshed to settle petty squabbles•          
the rage               •••                  in  our          
hearts could          
not be more brazen•          
for we have ground all we-          
've built to dust and rubble•the tears from the fau-      
cets of many only trickle•the drips could never douse
the flames we've stoked • we play with lives as we pit
                    them to a gamble•the hei-               nousness
                           within us that we've                     carelessly
... invoked•
                                              ­                                       •••••
                                             ­                                       ••••••
                                                ­                                     •••
Concrete Poem 5 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
I turned over every stone kicking through my brain.
Looking for the answers to my endless questions.
Trying to grasp the rips in my emotional tether.
Thinking up a million ways in which we could have been together.

I've got a perspective with ten thousand ends to this story.
And in all of them.
There's only one which leaves me feeling weak and lonely.
The one in which I keep my feelings to myself only.

I've gotta find some power and some resolve.
To do the things that make me whole.
I don't want to look back on my life in regret.
Forced to blame others like they stole.

Because to own up to it is just too painful.
That I had never learned.
To be strong and to speak with definition.
This is my minds extradition.

For the all the injustices to the heart.
For holding me back with a cloudy judgment.
Useless thoughts from the start.
This is the abandonment.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
I creased these edges.
Folded them delicately.
Taped this box up gently.
For it holds my heart.
And every thought of you,
I can't control.
Stowed away in storage.
For when you're ready.
To know how I truly feel.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
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