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Hence loathèd Melancholy
  Of Cerberus and blackest midnight born,
In Stygian Cave forlorn
  ‘Mongst horrid shapes, and shreiks, and sights unholy.
Find out som uncouth cell,
  Where brooding darknes spreads his jealous wings,
And the night-Raven sings;
  There, under Ebon shades, and low-brow’d Rocks,
As ragged as thy Locks,
  In dark Cimmerian desert ever dwell.
But com thou Goddes fair and free,
In Heav’n ycleap’d Euphrosyne,
And by men, heart-easing Mirth,
Whom lovely Venus, at a birth
With two sister Graces more
To Ivy-crownèd Bacchus bore;
Or whether (as som Sager sing)
The frolick Wind that breathes the Spring,
Zephir with Aurora playing,
As he met her once a Maying,
There on Beds of Violets blew,
And fresh-blown Roses washt in dew,
Fill’d her with thee a daughter fair,
So bucksom, blith, and debonair.
  Haste thee nymph, and bring with thee
Jest and youthful Jollity,
Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles,
Nods, and Becks, and Wreathèd Smiles,
Such as hang on ****’s cheek,
And love to live in dimple sleek;
Sport that wrincled Care derides,
And Laughter holding both his sides.
Com, and trip it as ye go
On the light fantastick toe,
And in thy right hand lead with thee,
The Mountain Nymph, sweet Liberty;
And if I give thee honour due,
Mirth, admit me of thy crue
To live with her, and live with thee,
In unreprovèd pleasures free;
To hear the Lark begin his flight,
And singing startle the dull night,
From his watch-towre in the skies,
Till the dappled dawn doth rise;
Then to com in spight of sorrow,
And at my window bid good morrow,
Through the Sweet-Briar, or the Vine,
Or the twisted Eglantine.
While the **** with lively din,
Scatters the rear of darknes thin,
And to the stack, or the Barn dore,
Stoutly struts his Dames before,
Oft list’ning how the Hounds and horn
Chearly rouse the slumbring morn,
From the side of som **** Hill,
Through the high wood echoing shrill.
Som time walking not unseen
By Hedge-row Elms, on Hillocks green,
Right against the Eastern gate,
Wher the great Sun begins his state,
Rob’d in flames, and Amber light,
The clouds in thousand Liveries dight.
While the Plowman neer at hand,
Whistles ore the Furrow’d Land,
And the Milkmaid singeth blithe,
And the Mower whets his sithe,
And every Shepherd tells his tale
Under the Hawthorn in the dale.
Streit mine eye hath caught new pleasures
Whilst the Lantskip round it measures,
Russet Lawns, and Fallows Gray,
Where the nibling flocks do stray,
Mountains on whose barren brest
The labouring clouds do often rest:
Meadows trim with Daisies pide,
Shallow Brooks, and Rivers wide.
Towers, and Battlements it sees
Boosom’d high in tufted Trees,
Wher perhaps som beauty lies,
The Cynosure of neighbouring eyes.
Hard by, a Cottage chimney smokes,
From betwixt two agèd Okes,
Where Corydon and Thyrsis met,
Are at their savory dinner set
Of Hearbs, and other Country Messes,
Which the neat-handed Phillis dresses;
And then in haste her Bowre she leaves,
With Thestylis to bind the Sheaves;
Or if the earlier season lead
To the tann’d Haycock in the Mead,
Som times with secure delight
The up-land Hamlets will invite,
When the merry Bells ring round,
And the jocond rebecks sound
To many a youth, and many a maid,
Dancing in the Chequer’d shade;
And young and old com forth to play
On a Sunshine Holyday,
Till the live-long day-light fail,
Then to the Spicy Nut-brown Ale,
With stories told of many a feat,
How Faery Mab the junkets eat,
She was pincht, and pull’d the sed,
And he by Friars Lanthorn led
Tells how the drudging Goblin swet,
To ern his Cream-bowle duly set,
When in one night, ere glimps of morn,
His shadowy Flale hath thresh’d the Corn
That ten day-labourers could not end,
Then lies him down the Lubbar Fend,
And stretch’d out all the Chimney’s length,
Basks at the fire his hairy strength;
And Crop-full out of dores he flings,
Ere the first **** his Mattin rings.
Thus don the Tales, to bed they creep,
By whispering Windes soon lull’d asleep.
  Towred Cities please us then,
And the busie humm of men,
Where throngs of Knights and Barons bold,
In weeds of Peace high triumphs hold,
With store of Ladies, whose bright eies
Rain influence, and judge the prise
Of Wit, or Arms, while both contend
To win her Grace, whom all commend.
There let ***** oft appear
In Saffron robe, with Taper clear,
And pomp, and feast, and revelry,
With mask, and antique Pageantry,
Such sights as youthfull Poets dream
On Summer eeves by haunted stream.
Then to the well-trod stage anon,
If Jonsons learnèd Sock be on,
Or sweetest Shakespear fancies childe,
Warble his native Wood-notes wilde,
And ever against eating Cares,
Lap me in soft Lydian Aires,
Married to immortal verse
Such as the meeting soul may pierce
In notes, with many a winding bout
Of linckèd sweetnes long drawn out,
With wanton heed, and giddy cunning,
The melting voice through mazes running;
Untwisting all the chains that ty
The hidden soul of harmony.
That Orpheus self may heave his head
From golden slumber on a bed
Of heapt Elysian flowres, and hear
Such streins as would have won the ear
Of Pluto, to have quite set free
His half regain’d Eurydice.
These delights, if thou canst give,
Mirth with thee, I mean to live.
mannley collins Oct 2014
You need a porcelain mixing bowl and a wooden stirring spoon
a cup and a measuring jug.
Add one teaspoon of ripe inconsequentiality.
then add two teaspoons of innate stupidity.
Pour in one cupfull of political lack of integrity
preferably nurtured in hot smelly air.
Add 4 cupsfull of facile celebrity  chatter,
preferably with the volume turned down..
Add 2 cupsfull of shallow religious nonsense
full of obsequious morality.
Add 2 cupsfull of vain "god" chatter
and sacrificial demands.
Pour in 1/4 cup of nonsensical "goddess" humbug
and fatuous posturing.
Sift untold millions of youthfull soldiers dried
and powdered bones until finely ground in the crucible
of never ending wars.
Take up the wooden spoon of societal hypocracy
and stir slowly with gossipy backstabbing.
When all these ingredients are blended as smoothly as a shaven young girls **** put to one side covered with a bloodstained cloth for a millennia to rise to the occasion.

Back in an hour
Eiler Jun 2016
Sunshine in my glass
Simple and truthfull
Fiesty, full of sass
experienced, old, yet youthfull

Pleasing to the eye
Easing to the mind
A magnifying glass
To life, forth and hind

If savorly tasted
And properly paced
Your time shan't be wasted
And rid be your haste
Samber Sep 2012
dreamlife preview
maybe i should just slip away
slip away for a few days.
wrap myself in an old t-shirt of yours
and lock all these opened doors.
open that box and let out all my lost thoughts.
attempt to get rid of that constant knot.
my god.
you drive me crazy.
you keep on glowing…
even when i…close my eyes.
you move in and out of my dreams.
you flow in and out of me.
i cant continue to believe
you dont love me.
even when i hide away i feel your light
filling up my lost nights.
my bed is holding tears of gathered fears.
it is getting so hard to pretend
that i have successfully been healed.
i close my eyes even in the dark and i fall.
i fall into every single phone call.
every single green lawn and blue sky
the heights were so so high.
hot wind and burning skin
exploding within my arms
you kept me from any harm.
we all have one thing that steals our words from our hearts.
you are my one thing.
my only thing.
every moment of every day
you are in my way
of moving forward.
my prize possesion.
causing confusion.
causing chaos in this mind.
i will never leave you behind.
always one addiction that i cannot control.
and it is taking a toll
on this youthfull soul
spilling sleepy lies into hungry eyes.
Sanna Tirkey Apr 2016
Staring at the night sky,
  pitch black are the shadows;
Grey-black and dark blue is the covering.
  Stars like silver sparkles, spread on a dark sheet.
  All so majestic, like a King wearing royal blue rob with diamonds on it;
  Cool breeze adding touches to this painting.
  Its not darkness around,
but just absence of light.
Night sky is exquisite;
Circkets making shrill noise,
  still deep down inside my heart,
a halcyon song I croon,
  admiring the white spot,
illuminating the night sky; known as Moon.
Whats so attracting about this sky;
I try, but fail to understand.
Days are hard, bright and youthfull;
But night has its own glory, charms and is peacefull.
At night, switch off the rooms light, stand in your balcony and look at the sky. You will experience the same as I did. Just give it a try!!!
AA May 2021
When fear is coming out of the unknown
And the dream are the only places you know

When the day becomes the nightmare
and even the air becomes so rare  

The streets I've walked down a thousand times, become unknown
My neighbourhood, my childhood street, feels like a ghowsttown

The faces I long to see, never show
The familiarity becomes strange, when only eyes are shown

Heres to the endless working powers
And the time that flies by whilst we are standing still

The hope becomes stuck in the past
Everything that is going on seems to have forever to last

Time that only comes by once,
Weve been robbed; our years and months

Our youthfull dreams on stand-by, we can't fulfill
The whole world is holding still

A bump into strangers we long for
A better future we hope for

But time seems to take its time
And its shape keeps changing, like we do with this time
How corona has affected us, and the young in the gap year. How society changed during a night, and we too changed.
Sirenes Mar 2016
I stood in the bookstore
Thinking about how
He touched my soul
I look over and see
Someone else

I stared for a while
And left the choice to you
My highschool friend
Former best friend
The boy who got so lost

You walked over to me
And you weren't upset
With how we parted
Instant connection
As it has always been

Life is meant
For rambling conversations
We talked about everything
And how you still
Have my contact information
Is beyond me

Nothing's changed
I told you to play your guitar
From the depths of your soul
I saw your eyebrows
Return to their youthfull constant

"Do you think I'm going to say no to what you ask of me?"

"Is that a serious question"

You've never said no to me
And how you manage
To always agree
Surprises me each time

I smiled at you
Nothing's changed
Except that we understand
Each other better
Than ever before
Not because you do
What I ask of you
But I guess
something else just clicked.
Blink-182 - miss you

Coffee headache
Geno Cattouse Jan 2013
She stood head bowed over the empty kitchen sink.
The man stood to side in the doorway watching her.

What could she be thinking in the vacant pause. No dishes or pots there.
No greasy spoons or chipped coffe cups.
A billowing cloud of steaming dreams defferd rose wistfully from the dingy faucets fall that issued forth nothing at all.

Her hands did scald as her heart twirled and spiraled away to the sewers. Gone. Gone her youth.
Wasted. Wasted her precious youthfull ember. It trickled down her nose. Like a lousiana dirge to white rain washed cake walk for her eyes.

The man wondered still. and yet stil today.
What could she ever say.
andy fardell Feb 2011
Oh boy I saw it hurt way bad
the mirror image of old and sad
I thought i was a young guy
just plodding along
and then I saw it and all was wrong

I hated that man that I didnt know
starring back no smile or glow
age had taken youth away
yet I was young ..yesterday

A shock did follow that age had won
it took its time times begun
I knew from then that seconds out
a time reflected aged and stout

So heart and head still youthfull wish
body not so age- eth with
fingers crinckled lines are drawn
fighting so ...a seen new dawn

one thing so.. we all will do
knock on deaths door and you !
cheryl love Jan 2015
Looking from a distance
Above and beyond
Is there life somewhere else
and would they ever respond.
I sit and watch the shooting star
zooming across the midnight sky
Wondering where it came from
and how, and when and why.
Has it seen stuff that would make
our hair just curl up and die?
Or is it just innocent and youthfull
and just simply passing Earth by.
They are perhaps life's little secret
Maybe moonbeams do float in a jar
Perhaps we shall never know the answer
of the mystery of the shooting star.
Sirenes Apr 2016
The tie is in
There are several ferries
Standing still here
I think of grandpa
And how much
He would've loved this

I think of all
The sunny after noons
I sat here with Esther
Before she got cancer
At the age of 17
Survived it, she did
But she never laughed
Like she used to

The platform is up
As tie comes in
The water covers
The words spelled out
Across the stream
At low tie, it would say

Here we sat
And cried our
Youthfull tears away
Boys are still mean
But we're better equipped
And they're smarter too
Somewhat kinder
And we're milder

A smile of understanding
Appears as I watch
Flandria1 struggling
As the boy tries
to dock it here
It's not that easy
To move a vessel

A black bag floats by
And I wonder
What will it learn
Where is it's destination
And silently hope
That the city will scoop
It all out...
Tyrel Kriger Oct 2016
I'm afraid of the way your looking
I'm a man who won't back down
you should know that I'll be waiting
with  your wedding gown

the valley of a mountain
with thicker forest thicket
dangerous youthfull fountain
gave us two one ticket

climbed so strong my legs
were burning trunks of fir
carrieed coloured flags
you far behind a stir

I'll let you down
before you find me
don't turn around
there's nothing to see here

I've never found
what it is you see inside me
don't turn around
there's nothing much to see

5 years and your eyes may see me
as I can not recall
your eyes they do complete me
I've never felt so tall

don't turn around
let's only look ahead
don't turn around
till just before we're dead

look at my eyes
I've always been so real
look at them now
this world is how I feel

theres mountains in the distance
there calling us back home
and there will be a Day
when both of us have gone

your wedding gown is waiting
just beneath the sky
so let's only look right here now
in case we both should die

your heaven love is waiting
on tops of mountains high
steady steps were taking
we will live to touch the sky
Some more from the vault
I may not be sure, that my fragments are parts of you
I know your mother is a solid woman,
She is fine like seasoned wine,
Taste sweet like honey of acacia flowers,
Her ambience of true dignity,
Great keeper of secrets, I know she makes others seems a mature.

Walk tall son for truly you are born,
Other feel.inadequate of their parents ,
But to you though born in a strange circumstance are more hair of the land as any other.
Make me proud son, let your mother sigh with joy,
Let her ***** be youthfull at the sight of the joy of her youth, the fruit of her womb.
I may not be sure, that my fragments are parts of you
I know your mother is a solid woman,
She is fine like seasoned wine,
Taste sweet like honey of acacia flowers,
Her ambience of true dignity,
Great keeper of secrets, I know she makes others seems a mature.

Walk tall son for truly you are born,
Other feel.inadequate of their parents ,
But to you though born in a storage circumstance are more hair of the land as any other.
Make me proud son, let your mother sigh with joy,
Let her ***** be youthfull at the sight of the joy of her youth, the fruit of her womb.
I may not be sure, that my fragments are parts of you
I know your mother is a solid woman,
She is fine like seasoned wine,
Taste sweet like honey of acacia flowers,
Her ambience of true dignity,
Great keeper of secrets, I know she makes others seems a mature.

Walk tall son for truly you are born,
Other feel.inadequate of their parents ,
But to you though born in a storage circumstance are more hair of the land as any other.
Make me proud son, let your mother sigh with joy,
Let her ***** be youthfull at the sight of the joy of her youth, the fruit of her womb.
Oct 917

— The End —