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Katlyn Orthman Sep 2012
Sleepless nights,
I'm drifting on my feet
Sleepless nights
These weeks repeat
Sleepless nights
Up in the early morning time
Sleepless nights
Feels strange this bed of mine
Sleepless nights
Constant stress
Sleepless nights
My whole life's a mess
Sleepless nights
I feel rundown and sick
Sleepless nights
I'm seeing insomnia tricks
Sleepless nights
Why am I so tired
Sleepless nights
These worrys keep me wired
Sleepless nights
Are every night
Sleepless nights
I wish my world was right
It feels like your hand at the small of my back
Warm and smooth
Feels like hurry
Feels like warmth curling rolling up my the skin of my belly
Like the thousand little worrys are gone
And I'm with you.

Feels like I don't care even what you think
Mountains of want and nothing else

Feels like my fingertips on your eyelids
Closed and wet
Your eyebrows, sable and warm
Slick oily skin, under your cheek bones
Your mouth, your lips my fingertips inside
Toes hard, pechos curled

Memories of time spent with you
in our imaginations mix with life.

You wanted to teach me
what the word prosaic means.

No dictionary in the world comes close.

Your hands on my neck.
Your flush of anger, as I tense
and relax at your touch.
Slower you go,
feeling my desire for you
spike as fear flees
and I suffuse with Trust.

You're amused and distracted by it
I am challenged to keep your attention
where it belongs.
My hands on your shoulders
Rushing to forget who did what.
The world around us roaring whirlygig
at our own callous amusement.
Asked and answered.
Mickey Chase Aug 2015
Take my cloths,
Bathe them in the idea that you won't leave me.
Captivate me with your scent,
Like you want to feel me on different levels
Completing one and moving to the next
You are the captain of my presence,
Steering me in the right direction towards the direction of ur body.
Till at last both of ours meet.
I'd like to greet you with a beautiful silence
that does well to captivate your soul,
And this magnetic pull between us has yet to be explained,
so lets not try and figure it out,
Lets just sit about,
And wonder amongst each other...
Get to know you like my right hand,
writing down your every move...
Not because i need you ,
but Because i need to.
let me look at you for days,
honey you have me in a daze with that smile of yours.....
Let me tour your body,
And you can tour mine,
Don't worry the cost is free,
You just have to promise me you won't leave....
Cause baby that is what worrys me,
That i won't be what you need,
That you'll look upon a passing beauty
and ill disappear like some forgotten toy....
I've built a fortune of sorrow from the amount of people who left me
and i don't want you to be added to that list....
....So promise me with a kiss...
That tomorrow is still there,
And ill promise back,
In this two person game of
Ethan Gilland Jul 2011
Sometimes i sit and think about life and all of its scares,
And i notice i dont really care about where we go or when we die,
Cause i know we all get our chance to fly, High above soaring free,
The weight of the world is gone and its only me,
Flying around through the clouds knowing i am under my control,
Weightless and free from my troubles and worrys they pass me by,
Because this is my time to fly.
Sometimes I struggle with
Seeing all im receiving, the things
I am blessed with, congested as I
Concentrate on what I didn't win

Or what I do when tempted by sin
Maybe that's why lately I've had
Nothing more cause if I don't adore
what has been given than I shouldnt have

more, if I'm not grateful already
So I'm trying to change
But to me change is very scary
Ill even admit to something strange

That I have lived in discomfort
many times Just to keep what I know
When I was aware that making
A change would arrange a fix and control

The problem causing discomfort
and That's how bad I have got
But I live by rather knowing my
Current devil over the one I do not

It's confusing which I do not
Make any's stupid
Sometimes I exhaust myself
By making situations convoluted

But I'm just one of life's students
Trying to do it alone
But I try to put my pride aside
Cause inside I feel i have grown

Possessions are never really owned
But just borrowed til we die
And that puts in perspective
Why materialism will only deny

My consciousness to fly
Wrapped up in my toys
Computers plasma tv , tablet or car
Which was hot wheels as a boy

Proving we don't grow up much
Our toys just cost more
And like everyone else these
Days I keep buying what I can't afford

Just to be unhappy and bored
It's quite sad to be honest
But being a man takes none
Of that cuz his word in a promise

Is more an asset but many dishonest
People forgot the importance
Of being a good neighbor or
Samaritan, so we are all orphans

If not brothers in accordance
With origin blood or flesh
But we're too concerned with a
Cheque to collect what we earn, our net

Our gross and its gross its
Ugly but our trials and tribulations
Are essentially what fundamentally place
ramifications opposing us from manipulation

And I expect satan will be waitin
In a vacant room
To welcome me for welcoming the evil
that had me and my ego consumed

But temptation only groomed
The greed I had Inside
The need to succeed by any
Means with dreams i was sadly denied

So in these words I confide
Giving them the power it gave me
So when I read back the crap i confess i
collapse knowing nothing can save me

nor Will it calm down my crazy
To many variables so maybe
But I'll do what I have to for provisions
to provide for my baby

My boy, who's no baby but
Will always be my baby boy
If u told me 10 yrs ago I'd be
Changing diapers and still feel joy

I'd think u smoked rob fords pipe
and, probably think u hit it twice
But in essence it's all part of the
Beauty on this roller coaster of life

Up down upside down, upside the
Head, smack!!  go to bed
Before you know it turns to jobs,
, taxes and all else ****** that lead

By adolescence making me
Regret how fast I grew up
Always wanting to be older
Sacrificing the heart of a child but

We all make these **** ups
I'm just better at it then you
And as I end this reflection I feel the
stress lessin as this poems infused

With a new mind state leaving
These worrys behind
Coming to terms with imperfection
Or it will be effectin my mind

Wasting time which is a crime
But for a crime u do time
Which is earth to me sometimes
as i pray my stars will just align

And show me a destiny that I'm
The cause of manifesting or
Maybe my fate is to face with
Faith that I really need nothing more
cynthia pacheco Dec 2015
Their words cut deeper then a knife, her fear is you won't be by her side, she loved you,  but she feared the pain,. But He saved her , he saved her with his wisdom,  he saved her with his love,  he saved her with his affection and he gave her all his love but,  sadly that wasn't enough,  she cried all the time and she had wished she died,  people bulled her and called her names,  it was so sad and they thought it was a game,  but they pushed her to the edge she wished she could of flew of the ledge,  but her guardian angel came to save the day,  he reminded her of all the times they had together,  and how he will die without her so he changed her mind and made her feel loved and now she is safe with no worrys.
Kyle Johnson Mar 2018
A mountain sits way up high.
Flowing streams of stress flows through his shattered body.
So much wear and tear breaks him down.
Its always cold no matter how close to the sun.
Stuck in his worrys he can't move.
He pears over the clouds and spys a leaf.
Oh how wishes he can be a leaf.
Fly around to see this world. Have beautiful colors which burn so bright it will start a fire deep inside. Float with such ease in a carefree summer breeze. 
Dance anytime it pleases.
Taking chances of romance.
There's never any grief.
He loves the leaf.
xmelancholix May 2017
When my tears stop falling over the “I’m sorrys”
When you’re asleep and i’m dying to be calling you
When it’s 3am and I haven't slept because I'm dehydrated and craving you
When I can have no worrys and have complete trust
When that ******* pixie dust does it’s job and
When the 11:11 wishes come true
When I don't have to lie awake and alone
When I don't have to shield my heart from destruction
When these walls can fall down
When I can trust in love
When I believe it's enough
When I can hold you
When 100 miles becomes 0
When you see me
When her and I become we
When we can watch the sunset in each other's arms and
When the promises are kept
When I see you
Karisa Brown Jan 2018
This time
I don't want to
Wonder around
Inside my mind

Taking still photos
Of what I left behind

Capturing worrys
While letting go
Of the good

No I would like
To pursue
A moment or two

To cloud the open air
With memories that
weren't there

And places that have
No common grasp
Of forgotten notes
Outside my past
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
I wish I could tell you
That it's a nightmare
And it will pass
But alas it is not
It's your life
I wish I could tell you
That everything will be okay
But it will not be
All I can do
Is to be here for you
Good or bad
Happiness or sadness
All I can do is promise
To walk these with you
to be there if you need help
But in the end it's your battle
You have to fight

It may seem like you are alone
This i can tell you
You are not
Even if it seems everybody is miles away and busy
Believe me when I tell you
We all are there for you
Talk to us
Let your worrys and problems be heard
Self doubts and anxiety destroyed
Let us help you through this difficult time

— The End —