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savs Jul 2018
i think we were never meant to be together,
if you are one of those who believe in destiny

friendship wasn't our thing
but romantic love was too much for you to handle
and i couldn't stay knowing that all i would get was broken promises and an old piece of clothing

perhaps we will have wonderful lifes,
and hopefully, we won't cross paths again

it sounds kind of awful, but is it really?

you brought beautiful memories
but they couldn't overcome the bad

and maybe, if we were meant to be in some parallel time-space
we would have disappointed fate
because even though i was good at staying when i got hurt
you were the best at being bad for me
when i just wanted to feel adored
adshimabuko Nov 2014
i remember your empty look
and the way you held your prinde
and me,

watching in the distance
watching you try to fix yourself
withouth me,

i don't get what changed in your head
but i'm not going to find your old self

i don't want to waste my life
in a bar,
drinking love until  it leaves a scar

the heat in my heart,
no longer catching fire

though i recall the constellations
that i once drew
with the freckles
of your back
I want to see you
I want to talk to you
I want to kiss you
I want to hug you
I want to smell your scent
I want to bite you
I want to feel your touch
I want to run my fingers around your
neck like I'm craving for you
I want to hear you breathe
I want to be with you
I want you
I need you in my life
I need you not because I can't live
withouth you but because YOU make me HAPPIER
I wish I could be the one.
MrRain Jun 2018
dark days don't die in his sinning soul...
fearless guy, wearing the tie he stole...
yes, his heart is cold, but his hands are golden...
yes, his days are sold, for all near pond can hold in...

you turn your life into a thriller, who do you want to avenge?
are you just a ******-killer? or do you really solely seek revenge?
Xiasheng Mafian?

with black suit and steps like Drums....
hHe's on his route, and here he comes...

from ashes of deadly rain...
gunpowder flashes behind hidden pain...
eyes burn behind his cynic smile...
tides may turn, but stays the bile...
my Xiasheng Mafian....

lost child filled with dread, only survivour of the affair...
karma might be dead, but she's still so unfair...

kid, drop your toy, the wolf is big and bad...
innocent boy, who just lost his dad...

single bullet made man mute, now he'll never see the sun....
you sure can shoot, but can YOU run?
Xiasheng Mafian?

you had your revenge now. his corpse is hid in faeces...
but do you still remember how? to pick up the pieces?
to escape The consequences, of your killing syndrome?
will you find your finest sences, and go back home?

remember what the man said, before his blood stopped to seethe?
well sometimes we ARE already dead, even before we seize to breathe...
remember that Xiasheng Mafian...

and here she comes! the crimson lady, made from sharpest blades....
eco of her voice turns vision shady, while hope silently fades....
she wants the killer of her brother, of the man who killed your wife!
now she wishes nothing other, than to take your ****** life!

but have no fear my frantic friend, as you only live to fight....
do you feel the smell of upcoming end? Closer Comes the Claret light!
for you my Xiasheng Mafian....

soon soon soon! gunfire behind your doors!
Close Comes the noon! one of the bullets is yours!
her men surrounded your mansion, and she comes in!
even MY Lungs stop their expansion! when your time runned thin....
she freed you from the voice, running through your head....
the sound of your wifes rejoice, once lost in all the red....

my poor Xiasheng Mafian....

burried withouth a stone, in his own graveyard of thick water....
where neither dead moan, for this despicable rotter....
this gentleman and great husband, who wanted to pour blood....
to take the killers life, for which he lays in mud....

were you the hero, do you rest in heaven? or were you the villain, who burns in hell?
your lucky number might be Seven! but only Four times rings the bell...
my Xiashen Mafian...

your infamous name fades into the void of vain...
your flame burned out, while god danced in rain...

and on the shore of pond holding your body...
absent of sore, dressed utterly gaudy...
with his croaking rife Raven sings in black...
"look! life for life! the cost of payback!
you used to laugh! but wheRe is now youR bReath?
do you see the dove? deaR don deah!"

do you.. my husband mafian?
If you are interested, I've got a little challenge for you: Figure out what age did the guy die. It's all there, hidden in rather obvious way. ^^

— The End —