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brandon nagley Jul 2015
I shalt taketh her to the tadpole galaxy
Than to hoag's object
Than we shalt bypass the whirpool galaxy
Than onto sombrero's bright swirl.....
Than onto the pinwheel galaxy
Wherein we shalt be its pinballs,
Than up against the blackness of God's curtain of the universe abroad.... Onto the Andromeda, LMC to, than the milky way, earth's creational dust brew....
Bode galaxy shalt open us, to terrace of the aura, I shalt swayeth with mine home (mi amour') of distant mascara....
Yet she needeth no mascara, for her eye's art already arousing, **** elegant picture's, a model made in birth, her poetic stature's daily groweth bigger....her look's art a trigger, to take thee to thy face, making thee SEEITH dream's of thing's of holy grace!!!! An elegant being, with the spirit of an eagle, she soar's me to planet x, she's pure.....

The opposite of evil!!!!!!
When I say her looks are a trigger to bring you to your face I mean she's overly **** and beautiful making one pass out from her beautiful looks ():  oh so you know alll these names I gave are real galaxies ():
Jabber Alexander Aug 2015
Trapped in a whirlpool by the same force that spins galaxies.

Foreseen futures through
scratched looking glass tragedies.

Gods move mice over icons on screens
flashing fashion scenes
Laws by has beens broken since
Macavity defied gravity,
tisk tisk,
the raw authority in my reality is risky
authored while the milky ways chalice leaks,
drip dripping...

...until it gets deeper into
black hole mystery
matching the cast of cats, no info,
can escape from it,
no nymph wants to mate with me
stardust guts split,
they always run away from me
as if I was armed in armor wrapping
like a King, recent mummy
limping out the crypt sounding creepy
like steven king singing country.
Zach Davis Dec 2012
A wisp of smoke in the wind,
With the first grasp it is gone;
Lost as a figment to the imagination’s whim
The scriptures upon my tongue
Held within for fear
Locked up as if we both were unaware-
As if there were no Charybdis,
******* and yearning at the ocean,
For one small glimmering ship upon the horizon-
And, of course,
This horizon I doubt I will ever reach.
A symbol upon the light,
Who am I to touch the stars
So far, so bright,
That I may become one among them
And frolic in the shimmering pools of the sky
As if I were a god among men
As if I could achieve a dream-
Yet in spite of the chaotic
Swirling whirpool below me
I hold on,
As if that wisp of smoke would rise-
As if that ship on the horizon
Would hear my plea
And rescue me.
Vn Carlos Mar 2010
On the wire,
A message lost.
A voice forgotten,
A desire caught on fire.  .  .

This is where the good things end,
this is where happiness is bent.
where apathy creates a strong vortex,
that we are ****** in this whirpool
of hate and alibis.

maybe 'tis the right time to realize,
it's not really a surprise,
when lust and love decelerates,
and when pain and apathy accelerates.
betterdays Apr 2017
In a ceramic concave
Take one cluckfart and beat
Add a cup and a half of moojuice
mix with a whirlpool motion
Then find beaten crushedvwheat
add two cups
mix with a whirpool motion
discover sweet cyrstals add 1cup
mix with a whirlpool motion

find and turn on heatslabtop source
put metal pool on heatslabtop source
add a dab of solid yellow moojuice
allow to liqiufy

pour in a measure of whirlpool mix
to create a babylake,
add some bluejuice spheres
or some monkey smilebars
listen for sizzle, watch for bubbles
take a babylake flipper and flip
the babylake so both sides cook evenly

place babylakes on ceramic circle
and repeat the process
dab of yellow moojuice
pouring the babylake mix
so on and so forth,
until ceramic circle is full or
you run out of whirlpool mix

sit at eating tree, with ceramic circle.
if you wish, add the juice of the maple
or tears of the sour yellow leather fruit
to your share of the babylakes
and then consume......and feel
your tummy muscles  smile
Napowrimo2017.Day 2...write a recipe poem....I think I twisted this one a bit...I am blaming it on the toothache medicine I am taking....(going to detist tomorrow) Some one just ssked for translation: Think pancake recipe written with Dali-esque twist....
You are made of stone.
Like a two inch wide
twenty feet tall
sand castle on a raging shore.

I watch your sandy atoms scatter home
into the oneness of our infinite beachhahhhh

I forget you.

I watch the horizon brighten
And the ocean whisper
as I remember
You are everything.
You rise from the edge of the world
form the tide grabbing my ankles
You form the tide grabbing my ankles.
and in your rashness
you blur my past steps
so I have no path but forward.
No path but forward.
With the occasional glance side ways into your depths.
You swell beside me.
Sit inside me always
Shorely whispering surely everlasting songs of passion passing swift and splashing me in your inspiration.
Dawn of myself
exists in stationary
and centering my universe of me.
Seeking to know thee.
Thy thoughts lost to drink in the
The spacious...
Where my wishes fall from your body forming gracious
images I create from the ways you impress me.
my whirpool heart.
And still
I forget you.
But then you speak through
and I can't help listening.  

Your voice.
The faith with in
a choice to take part
and heal our separateness.

You whisper
I remember.

And as I see yours.
Our body's depth
I am terrified
or exhilarated by the weight of it.
Shake in the waves of it.
I have come home to stay.
You sit
within me no longer.
Yeah because where your songs once were
now you stir.
And sing endless shhhhhhh
Jesse Buenavides Sep 2018
To the man in my life:

Like shards of broken glass scattered across the tiled floor – I feel shattered
A surge of emotions came rushing in my mind, I slowly drowned in the whirpool that is my sickening ideas
I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel and hopelessness cloud my thoughts
Then suddenly a tiny pop signifying the salvation of a broken and fickle boy came
A television of black and white has suddenly been given life
The sound of static has been replaced by the sound of hope
Thank you to all the Gods of all the heavens
Ever grateful I am for the man of my dreams that he came – he came to the rescue of my lonely self
If ever this was a dream then I'd rather sleep my eternal rest
To the man of my life
Snow Wolf Mar 2017
Night's amore, dark wings galore, people running through the streets. Everyone dies alone.

Running from the fear, as if it'll save our souls. The church bells of hope no longer sound, the violins of death are now abound. Shadows lull us to sleep, but if we do, our souls will no longer be ours to keep.

Run child, run. It'll do you no good. Run child, run. Maybe you'll find the sun.

Doves are colored black, ravens die white, people bleed red but I'm still in my bed. Romance was born, romance was rotten. The love of our parents was all but forgotten.

This world is coming to an end. This chaos is reigning, reality's bending, my mind is just shredding. I can't think in this pool of black. We all need truth, but that's the very thing we lack. My mind's a whirpool of crazy, but everyone else is just too lazy.

Run child, run. This world is overrun. Run child, run, go find the midnight sun. Run child, run. Don't you dare look back. Run child, run, don't you dare leave just to cry.

This world's become a megalomaniac. I can't bare to see you lie. Can't bare to see you slain, see them reign.

Run my child, run from the sane. Run my child, run from the humane. Run my child, run, from the dark rain.
saige May 2018
Two years, you spent eyeing
Those boots on your feet
Finally, you got them
One week
Before bootcamp

This morning,
You wore a cap without a tassle
And a tie full of flags
Our nation's colors
Bled through your gown

So stand now,
Beneath this pool hall light
So I can memorize
That crooked swirl in your hair
Little black whirpool
I never knew was there

"I never knew my hair was this dark,"
You told me, once
"Until I left California"

Sometimes I forget
You left your mother and surfing
And picked up bass fishing
And skate boarding
A few friends
And shooting pool
And now you're leaving this
To learn to shoot a rifle

Seventeen and you already
Know how to live

My favorite Marine
You hug me
And you smell like cologne
And after two years
Of knowing you in Carolina
I don't know why
That surprises me
my brother's best friend
Andrew Feb 2019
You were the ever deep blue destructive tides crashing into my ever crumbling moss covered walls over a mythical lilac sky

Breaking me down to my core ripping away the moss breaking down the stones as if you didn't know they would fall to ruin under your ever growing waters drowning deeper and deeper into deafing silence struggling, gasping for a single breath of air hoping you might pull me out

But the memories of tired brown eyes behind thin glasses to your lightly calloused finger won't let me leave

Once our souls mixed and became a tricolored whirpool of emotions only to fade into calm water before the storm knowing our "love" was being washed away and never finding shore
Bharti Feb 2019
My dreams haunt me with the faces I left behind
I cry and demand explanations
Only to get a smirking smile and unspoken answers
That I try to decipher after waking  up
I wonder where did I go wrong
As I see people moving ahead with the speed of escalators
While  I struggle to build my own staircase
For an infinite stories of a building
Every room of which has self made wallpapers of exquisite metaphors about how I suffer inside my own mind
And keep doing so or else I will lose the purpose,
That sadness brought to me on my platter,
As I sat on my bed contemplating laughters of people,
Who once promised to hold on to me
Like a kite thread which is cut now.
So I fall aimlessly
Until I land in the backyard of a stranger,
Who has deserted his home for months now,
Yet I scream for help from bricks and branches and that garbage bin.
All of them lie fallen on the ground,
I find it hard as the wind blows and the ******* flies over  my face,
As if I once belonged to it.
Where is my redemption if not in sleep, I ask myself,
When dreams were supposed to be escape and not a web woven by the eight legged reality which stings.
My poetries carry the words "regret", "guilts", "loneliness",
Like a three meal which is important for nourishing my so called art .
I am scared to close my eyes,
For I will see my friends I miss sometimes,
But just like my chemistry teacher, I was a substitute too,
Till they met their desired kind of people.
I sit with phone in my hand
Tears in my eyes
Words in my mind
And that burden on my chest
As I see them making memories
And like a heartbroken lover convinces myself about why didn't they deserve me.
But everytime I drown myself in the memories
Without flapping my hands ,
I allow those memories to sink me inside this whirpool
Which takes me back to past
Where things were happy and calm like a lake on a mid summer day.
I eat the laughters from my childhood
Till my stomach hurts
And realise how certain pains are good.
I drink away the non existent sorrows
When the only misery was those small fights
Which were resolved before lunch breaks
Because sharing better food and better memories
Were far more important than sharing egos and denials.
I see how I used to write letters to my best friend
Who would actually cry when I would not talk to her
Maybe sometimes the value of a person is realised at the cost of losing him.
I see how my teacher taught us non conformism in a subtle way
When she said there are different way other than five plus five to make a ten.
I added two and eight and was shocked about the beauty of a simple equation,
Sometimes antonyms big and small add up to form a solution,
And so I tried finding one with my doubts and me.
But I fail like that origami
Which my sister made for hours
And broke as soon as I held it in my hands.
Things break apart in my hands
Like friendships, relationships and maybe the ship of my sinkin life which seems to float pleasantly like a duck.
So I try to ask for a hand
Who can keep me intact
As I scatter grain by grain
Like a sand castle made by a kid
Who didn't know things stand together with a binding force
And all the times
That force is love
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Je t'aime
C'est la vie
Your words are just lies
If our hearts hear different
And feelings are a whirpool
That take me in
C'est bon
That's right
Let me calm down the storm
Soon I found you lost
Je ne sais pas
I don't know
Unless you have my book of love
Lost as rhyme
Time was tossed
J'apprends le francais
You try learning my name
Tu comment t'appele
Let me ask you to come to après evenings
Encourage me

— The End —