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Baylie Allison Mar 2015
I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the George Washingtons
of my generation.
I wanta write a poem for the ages.

For the Thomas Jeffersons
and the
Benjamin Franklins who
aren't afraid to dream of
words that haven't been
and things that have
yet to be
I wanta write a poem for the ages.

For the
Revolutionaries who
have yet to be
For the Paul Reveres
who have yet
to take their midnight
one if by land,
two if by sea.
one if by land,
two if by sea.

I wanta write a poem for the ages.

For the
modern day
Lewis and Clarks who
explored a land beyond
exploration's eye.
For the Sacagawea guides that
guide from a shining sea
to a sea of gold.
For the immigrants who
traversed waters of salty tears
made solely of their own fears.
I wanta write a poem for the ages.

For the slaves held captive
not by their captors,
but by their own fears,
and dreams.
Afraid to pursue a land
just slightly beyond their own
R          e          a          c          h.

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the conductors of the railroad
that was unseen.
The one that ran not on
coal and steam,
but the one that
ran on

I wanta write a poem for the ages,
for the Teddy Roosevelt
and the Stravinsky
concert pianists
and the Maya Angelou
and the,

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the soldiers battling
for a cause they didn't
even start.
For the lives that gave their
lives for a cause,
because they believed in
The cause.

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the Daddy who's still
looking for work,
For the Mommy who has
given up
For the widow and
her orphan,
For the soup kitchens
that can't
stay open long enough.
For the failing

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the mustached
man in Germany
rising to a power
ever Grand.
For the nations willing to
ignore it if they can.
For the day that everything
December 7th, 1941
will forever live
in infamy.

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
For the unconquered Jews who
fought back.
For Anne Frank and her

I wanta write a poem for the ages
For the modern day
Martin Luther King
For the ones
Aren't afraid to challenge a
System designed to
fight against them.
For the
modern day
Claudette Colvins.
The ones who
aren't afraid to sit down
to make a stand.

I wanta write poem for the ages
For the modern day
Buzz Aldrins
who are
altogether underrated
because they came in

I wanta write a poem for the ages.
A poem that speaks louder
than words
and goes beyond

So I wrote a poem for the ages.
Sorry for excluding you, FDR. I still love you.

Also, Claudette Colvins was the original Rosa Parks

And a final thanks goes out to Angie, who inspired me not to give up on this poem, and to keep fighting even when I ran out of words. <3 <3
Still be hoggin' in the game
Ya know my name
Yosef is the same
That was since i was born
N served my cain
I got these hippies going insane
Against the grain
I drop the real **** blood ****
That start wars n ****
Reach my hands in the pulpits
Of hell broke out the cell
Now all exposed is hell i dont yell
I let my guns brag n tell
N you can tell i been through drama
By lookin' into my eyes
Ya see a cold glare stoppin' stare
Ya cant figure me out im all.about
Big bens franklins to washingtons
Dolla dolla bill yall i stand tall
With my hand on my *****
Slap it across ya jaws
Now how it taste to be the big boss
Im.outta space
My layers come in ozone so why dont ya phone home
***** i hit a switch pop a lick
Now ya laying hands clutched
In a casket
Stiff n cold ya neva thought yya could fold
But i broke through ya mold
Rode with the baddest OGs
Your game is the saddest **** ****
Like Gladys
Night im on the midnight train to Georgia
So pour me up some of that drank
Sit n park my mind n thank
Uh all my enemies couldnt the best of me
Cuz they wanna get paper like me
Cheese is stinkin' got ya eyes blinkin'
So fast im gone like a lightening flash
N ya can call it what ya want
But the west side riders is gone taunt

Yea fools im old school like Rodney O
With everlasting bass fo
Ya *** finish yo *** with the chrome thats stash
My heaters make ya sweat im an imminent
Threat so forget
All that chit chat
These cats aint spittin' facts
Facts is they wack as soulja boy
Droppin' Superman never been a fan
Of ***** **** im down for gangsta ****
Roll with OGs n TGs who push ozs to keys
No fleas
No me cuz im sucker free **** the industry
Im callin' out everybody
That done did it o ya ******* ya been admitted
To my ICU Camp
Ya couldnt even pay ya way out
With a billion dolla foodstamps
I hit ya with stamp ya know im postal
Quick to grab a pistol split yo temple
100s or 300s spinnin' off the box top
Caprice 84 with vogues n switches on hop
Cant stop wont stop
Its still one eighty seven on a undacovee cop
Beat the case cuz i keep been big bens in my case check the smile on my face
We aint grimy we shining hotter than sun
The luminous one knock off the crumbs
Off my table cuz yall aint able
To handle me too hot to touch
N if ya try my whole clique gone blow up
On you what ya gone do?
Red white or blue?
Doi have to spell it naw ill just let my past deade enemies tell it!!!
I know what it feels like
To be isolated
stranded on an island
in a sea of meaningful conversation
so remote you need binoculars
to find people holding hands

thats not us today
not you second mom
not me failing educator
but us
jovial and talkative
skipping down mainstreet
stopping in pocket parks
to plan our towns future

i want to take you somewhere
that place that we used to go
well not together
that breakfast place
's been around for a half century
its not there any more
its a bar now
look ill buy you a shiner
and you just sit there
look pretty
and write on this dollar

and thats what she wrote
"b [star] [heart]"
with the shapes there instead
just over washingtons face
and i made for it a frame
just in the corners
and the new bartender
stapled it right in plain view
above the ***** section
down at the end
where the old men talk about
the ways that it hasnt
or never will
work out for them

you embody their silent shrine now
you are reigning over the space
where they come to be lonely
but talkative though
the place where they come
to find people with whom to hold hands
to skip down main street
to stop in pocket parks
and talk about the way
things need to be changed
and how [we] can change them
grey on grey on gray
Kay Ireland Oct 2018
In place of calm, read stirring ocean,
Scylla and Charybdis,
between a rock and a hard place.

In place of comfort, read your body,
transient, missing, on a plane somewhere
in a car somewhere on a boat somewhere
without your phone somewhere
somewhere somewhere somewhere
that is not my apartment or my arms
but somewhere where you smile.
Somewhere where your eyes
finally focus.
In place of sleep, read blood between the floorboards
and moving boxes scattered,
read burst capillaries and a savings jar
full of Washingtons and no idea
what I’m saving for.
In place of stasis, read
one fast move or I’m gone.
after Charles Simic
Kate Lion Jan 2013
Gall, dad
If I had my way with money
I would make something out of it
A house of credit cards
Write my poems on all that paper with no true value
I mean
You trade your thoughts for George Washingtons and Abraham Lincolns
I keep mine
To help make more
Like the ones on our currency, but currently
I don't think you understand where I'm coming from
And as I sit here
Tapping away with my thumbs on an electronic device that you thought made up for my childhood
I wonder
What did you trade for me?
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2019
This might be the Real
Transmission Mechanism

The niggerly water
lubricating a Trickle

Greens in Rich hand
gets miserly saved

Yet earned on Poor back
miraculously makes it Rain

Washingtons fall
a few Jacksons scorch
land in lap

Even a Benjamin
swallows Trick Dollar
to **** a positive cash

Bills stick on teats
just enough to buy

a comfort Doritos
bag a Brand name

snack for her little boy
So he'll grow up knowing

What value-added Marketing
taste like.
Kagey Sage Jun 2014
Where’s your soul dear actress?
Is it drifting on the paper cranes
made from spent Washingtons?
Audrey Gleason Jan 2015
i was never a daisy.
i dislike the term "dainty"
and i'm tainted with dark and broken beauty.
instead of absorbing water i leak it
my knees go weak when my freakish mind is left behind
see my blue iris eyes don't always symbolize
faith and hope
like the iris flowers do
peonies can live through winters and bloom in the spring
but that's not really my thing and
january days can make me wither away under skies of gray
oh those nights oh those nights
i'll slay my own brain one of these
roses have thorns,
thorns have roses
but i wouldn't buy a bouquet of me
for fifty george washingtons
in this garden
held in by a white picket fence
you won't find me,
i promise.
tiger lilies have spots
on fiery orange petals
that grow wildly
not mildly
i was never a daisy.
or an iris rose peony
right now
i'm a tiger lily
because i'm inventing myself again.
but being a princess in neverland
means i never have to change again
so sleep tight, i just might have found me.
Mike Essig May 2015
Sestina From The Home Gardener**

These dried-out paint brushes which fell from my lips have been removed
with your departure; they are such minute losses
compared with the light bulb gone from my brain, the sections
of chicken wire from my liver, the precise
silver hammers in my ankles, which delicately banged and pointed
magnetically to you. Love has become unfamiliar

and plenty of time to tend the paint brushes now. Once unfamiliar
with my processes. Once removed
from that sizzling sun, the ego, to burn my poet shadow to the wall, I pointed,
I suppose, only to your own losses,
which made you hate that 200 pound fish called marriage. Precise-
ly, I hate my life, hate its freedom, hate the sections

of fence stripped away, hate the time for endless painting, hate the sections
of my darkened brain that wait for children to snap on the light, the unfamiliar
corridors of my heart with strangers running in them, shouting. The precise
incisions in my hip to extract an image, a dripping pickaxe or palm tree removed,
and each day my paint brushes get softer and cleaner – better tools, and losses
cease to mean loss. Beauty, to each eye, differently pointed.

I admire sign painters and carpenters. I like that black hand pointed
up a drive-way whispering to me, “The Washingtons live in these sections,”
and I explain autobiographically that George Washington is sympathetic to my losses;
His face or name is everywhere. No one is unfamiliar
with the American dollar, and since you’ve been removed
from my life, I can think of nothing else. A precise

replacement for love can’t be found. But art and money are precise-
ly for distraction. The stars popping out of my blood are pointed
nowhere. I have removed
my ankles so that I cannot travel. There are sections
of my brain growing teeth and unfamiliar
hands tie strings through my eyes. But there are losses

of the spirit like vanished bicycle tires and losses
of the body, like the whole bike, every precise
bearing, spoke, gear, even the unfamiliar
handbrakes, vanished. I have pointed
myself in every direction, tried sections
of every map. It’s no use. The real body has been removed.

Removed by the ice tongs. If a puddle remains, what losses
can those sections of glacier be? Perhaps a precise
count of drops will substitute the pointed mountain, far away, unfamiliar?
spysgrandson Jun 2016
the man in the fine suit
gave me three hard quarters--those Washingtons were smiling at me, waiting to be swallowed by the machines at Horn and Hardart's Automat, where

there was but one old lady
standing, still as a statue, in front of a machine
her reflection on the glass staring back at her,
a haunting twin, from a different

mother. I could taste those ham sandwiches
waiting, but when that first quarter chinked its way into that dispenser, the old woman and her reflection turned to me, hungry

for something I couldn't taste;
so I gave her my other quarters, and hurried
into the night, chewing my food,
still hungry when done, but far
from her tired eyes, far
Horn and Hardarts was the name of a chain of Automats in New York in the Depression era and beyond
Garage-sale-picked for 5 Washingtons
the American Eagle patch was fading
like my eyes every time
I see Hillary Clinton,
Bill Clinton’s wife,
the former first lady,
the liar,
whoever she really is,
hits the debate stage.

The jacket was worth a pretty penny,
but with the market crash,
the seller is lucky i even paid her cash.
Credit is how 58 million billion dollars
of debt came to ruin America’s
perfect JFK looking face
in exchange for a growing
tumor-like deficit.

Maybe I’m too subjective,
a conservative.
I’m mean could Hilary be so bad?
Or Bernie?
Or even Putin?
I just wanted a cheap jacket.
I just wanted something that
was mine and wasn’t ruined,
but the patch was fading,
like my faith in making our
America, country, United States,
better than the past.
JaxSpade Sep 2018
The sasquatch
Holds blue

Ran over the morning
The skies wore gloom

They were
Sporting their normal
Dark grey

And the sasquatch
Walked along
With his blue balloons

Drifting away
His feelings
On a string of blues

Nobody sees him
Save for few

Once in a blue moon
In Washingtons view

You could see him on the side walks
In cafe or two

A lonely ole
Holding blue ballons
who is black jesus used as disguise to please us
so please just
trust sit back and led the bust nothin' but winded
dust no trust
in self gotta guard my wealth my stealth alone could
wake up dry bones
in the cemetery been buried since i came out the
a lil baby boy no joy to follow my heart set myself
from the lynchin' systems still benchin' my thoughts
was brought
by the vote **** a vote id rather let the gunsmoke
matt dillion
feelin' up my adrenaline knockin' middle men
pains of sins
see devils swimmin' in the bottles of gin will the lord
let me in?
im dwellin' ain't no tellin' us whats next in the chapter
missed the rapture
gathering up my peeps in the ghost fleets chariots sweeps
fire consumed
as the whirlwinds bloom over my teary eyes cries of the
can't find repentance broke from the material residence
cuz of the distance society pushed me close to the fences
my very nerves go to the herbs to calm nerves
almost swerve
**** im switchin' lanes on the highway of death lookin'
to my left
right pass i see the demons smugged in the cash
bank roll stash
left me with a spiritual **** hard to clash against
livin' out wickedness sick of this cold world they said
was bliss
im feelin' hopeless most played by the dopest chemicals
its a miracle
if you feelin' these blues diggin' in yo brain harder than
the news
no clues left for the clueless suckas ain't peepin' this
game strange
it's time to rerrange thangs back to days swang im
speakin' ellington
scientist like washingtons black kingdoms along with queens
statued stadiums
aim at 'em unsolved conundrums don't follow the strings
that humb
though heavens harp is sharp still tryna pierce light through
the dark
what larks the deepest intincts i creep at a snail pace guardin'
my race
whats the dealio they **** me cuz i rap real in the studio feel
me though
through this **** i blow enters ya mental to another astral
plane insane
cuz i see the pistols that flame from another hand to another
my brothers understand but down the cannons up the
like peyton breakin' from the occults strikes like lightening
display of musical notes brain feelin' the quotes from the lyrics
i wrote
whats next in this world? feelin' lonely breakin' from frail
preparin' for black jesus...ahhh hail
justice always fail tryna escape heaven through hell where my shell
wonderin' like Enoch with an empty block lookin' for stocks moments
of shock
blazin' out of paragraphs flocks holdin' up glocks mentals suddenly
ghetto rock foldin' to a golden *** smokestacks let the spirits out
through ashes
clogged the minds of the masses glasses put on so i can see through
the madness
nothin' but sadness journeyed with me on this never ending
story ignore me
all you want but the spirits will only come back to hunt no wicked
advoid the medias pump cuz they quick dump leave ya arched like
a ****
camels i be a verbal animal smooth lyrical criminal defines definiton
of a spine
see me in the lime light shinin' bright holdin' my might guns
is held tight
givin' grave sites delight waitin' for the final fight arms tight
signin' rights
away every since the nations caught america's ak destined for
like it's black tuesday see the worlds crumblin' rich folks is still
entities they can't touch nor see but deep down praise the black
no immunity left in blood brothers who got drugged through the
mud of a grudge
we holdin' slugs kin to the realist thugs stompin' in my old
skool lugz
linked up with past fillers heart of a killer wrappin'
the thriller
Bobby Copeland May 2019
She's got a new coat, rabbit fur,
She found marked down in mid July
In a strip mall consignment store.
She's wearing it at work tonight.
A new layer, first to come off
As she dances in bright, hot lights.
Washingtons, Lincolns and Jackson
Collect on a string drunks tug on.

At home she's got a girl and boy,
Who wait with grandma while she works,
Expecting she'll arrive with toys,
And bar food served with plastic forks.
It's Friday night, no school tomorrow.
She packs them in and starts the car.
Asher Dec 2018
life changes
for good or for bad it strangles
the life out of you
until you're sick of it
too much from the media too much from the press
the battle between trump and korea
it's giving me a headache and too much stress
just stop it
never knowing if you're gonna hear a bomb siren today or the next
it's too much stress
too much of a mess
like the earbuds you put in your pocket and cant untangle
it's useless to try and fix it, you'll only make it worse
life changes
and a new school shooting everyday
it's a sensitive topic
we pray for their families but never do anything to stop it
just stop it
you're making it worse
it physically hurts
to see you say you'll stop it
but never do anything when you see a kid getting bullied
just stop it
when will you learn
it's not the gun that pulls the trigger
and if it was
and you ban guns
the problem will get bigger
just like drugs people always will find a way
when we live life in a hellhole
and deem our brothers and sisters unconstitutional
just stop it
life changes
we split up our own families
with these stupid political parties
just stop it
George Washingtons farewells speech warned
we didnt follow his advice
so our nation was torn
we didnt do nothing useful
but put our friends behind bars
Abe Lincoln said it
a house divided on it self cannot stand and it'll crumple like its made of cards
man just stop it
life changes
it aint fun for us
think of the kids
think of the future that they have to live in
the air they have to breathe in
the bitter hatred they have to deal with
we aint doing nothing to help our nation
so what are we doing
In defence of Donald Trump

How does one write about the indefensible? A person, so ****** brass and
egocentric lusting for power; Yes, I think of Donald Trump, the impossible.
Why is it after being banned by the press and Twitter, he is now more popular
than ever before, it is, I think, because he speaks the language people understand
He knew his enemy and how to appease them by putting the embassy in Jerusalem
get the Israeli off his back, knowing how much power in America they yielded.
But Israel got a whiff of his thinking of them press betted on another horse,
America first, the Americans living away from Washington   Get it and will vote for
him at the first opportunity.
The majority of true Americans are not stupid; they know the reality of being prisoners
of Washingtons Jewish influence, America first, is a rallying call to make people free
of the poisonous influence of Israel.
They know this, the people of the plains, the prairies of America are not free before
the land is free of the occupations of the true America.

— The End —