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Demonatachick Mar 2017
.                        Thin as a rake
                         No food intake
                      Endless heartache
                        I won't partake,
                     More time does slip
                         Life on a drip,
                      Alone in my head
                       Confined to a bed,
                      My time is passing
                    Unwaivering fasting
                       Mother is crying
                       Body atrophying,

         To my family lying,
                                 That all will be ok.

Though this body will not see the sunrise of another day.
John Hosack Jan 2011
of Medusa's eyes

visions hardening
then crumbling
whilst still distracted
by the unwaivering allure
of come-hither eyes

oblivious to the dire
realm of quickly evaporating reality
left with thoughts, though
no choice but to revel
in the vampiric kiss
of a beautiful apocalypse

finding only empty castles
void of jest and princess alike
not lonely, but alone
crowned king
of thoughts already spoken
and days already dead.
Kristen Aug 2013
I've spent my day lying in bed
Attempting to find peace for my soul.
Run thin by anxiety,
Tattered by endless hours,
Repetitive thoughts and fears
Chewing at the fabrics of my calm demeanor.
Making an unwaivering decision was never my strength.
Monumental moments...
Life altering in every aspect...
And all i can think about is the aftermath.
Yet a choice must be made
because in all honesty,
I don't think I can take this anymore.
Alexandria King Nov 2013
How sweet the sound of amazing grace that saves filthy sinners like me.
Who are not even close to worthy of accepting the gift of God's love that is
                                  No strings attached.
He died a painful death upon the cross to save lives like mine.
Ones that can't even resist the smallest temptations put before us, though we know the extent of the evil one.
Why is it that we cling to the things of this world that are
Instead of holding onto the everlasting promises of our Lord Jesus that are
                                  Life changing.
He took a lost, broken, depressed drug addict, and chose me to do His mighty work; to build up His kingdom.
Not once has He said you're not good enough and you'll never be.
But he took the
               Lost me;
                        Angry me;
                                 Addiction based me;
And said "I'm going to use your story, for my glory, and I'll make you strong enough to resist those things."
For when I am weak, that's when He is strong.
Stronger than any temptation ivs ever faced.
And just like Nehemiah, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down."
Kath Jun 2015
You left me.
I was miserable.
Yet someone came.
I denied that she was just like you.
But, she actually is.
Everytime I am with her, I see you.

You have the same personality.
You share the same race.
You both have that unwaivering determination.
You both share the same faith.
I gave emotional attachment to you both.
And then, both of you left me.
This goes out to my senpais and to my sisters.
Mister J Jul 2018
It's slowly dwindling away
Crumbling into pieces
That can never be repaired
Breaking down to the point
Of no return

I'm loosing it
The ability to feel
To give in to my emotions
Its as if my sanity
Slowly sinks into oblivion

I used to have them
Feelings of joy
Of sadness and pain
Of anger and lust
Or even love

But as the days pass by
And age catches up
My heart begins to harden
To feel as cold as ice
Like I'm barely even alive

I was once a young boy
With eyes full of dreams
And a heart full of courage
An unwaivering mindset
To take the world head on

But Reality was cruel
I kept searching for happiness
But all it gave was pain
And as I succumbed to endless pain
I started to not care at all

Years passed by and yet
I still struggle in the pain
I still endure the bitterness
Stuck on my mouth
As if it were candies

Soon after I'm left here
Wanting to feel again
Wanting my chest to swell
With anger or excitement
I don't even care which

I just want to start feeling again
For time to move from hereon
To exist again in this timeline
To love and lose once more
To experience emotions like so

They still evade me though
The feelings that once coloured
The corners of my heart
And graced the different periods
Of my rollercoaster life

Someday I may lose it all
The emotions that once
Made me feel alive
I'm a dead man walking right now
Just waiting for the final execution

I hope someone intervenes
I hope that phone call comes
The call thats saves me from
This endless pit I don't want to go to
An emotionless and dull damnation

Because I don't wanna lose it all
I just want to feel that I exist
And that I am worth something
That I am worth saving
And I deserve to be alive even as the mess I truly am

I simply want to feel again..
Yeah. I've been feeling empty
It's been going on for quite some time now
The poem is a mess
But that's how honest I could get right now

I'm a mess..

Anyway. Thanks for reading.

Jay Aug 2017
Nobody tells you
that things will change so much.
And maybe if they did,
you probably chose not to hear it.
And when you're aging
and the world feels empty
and distant,
you realize what it all means.
You realize that some of your friends
that would be there forever
really won't be.
That maybe you're not who you thought you were.
That maybe you've settled.
That maybe all there is to the world is the daily grind
of twenty-four hours and
the solitude
of an unwaivering schedule.
Hadrian Veska Apr 2016
My footsteps were dampened
By the cool grey stone
As I walked down
The cold and empty hall

On my right and left
Were rows and rows of cells
This place must have been a prison
Long ago before it was abandoned

Dusty light fell down
Through the small barred window
Passing through it I noticed
It felt much thicker than air

At the end of the hallway
I came to a wood panel door
Reinforced with metal
But it appeared to be unlocked

I gently turned the ****
And enter the room behind
It was small room furnished by
Nothing but a crude chair and table

Shutting the door behind me
I realized that
There were no other entrances
Or exits to the room

It was rather dark
Dust and particles filled the air
The only light
Came from a lamp on the table

On that table, besides the lamp, were
Various old files, Empty film canisters
And a curious movie projector
Devoid of any film

Searching further I found
One of the canisters
Actually contained a film
In immaculate condition

Curious I picked it up
And fed it through the projector
Once I was sure it was in place
I turned the machine on

Nothing happened at first
And then the opposite wall
Burst into animation
As the film began to play

There was an eye
I was not sure
If the movie was playing
Until I saw it blink

And I do not know
How long I watched it
For it managed to hold
My unwaivering attention

Other scenes began to play
And they flowed from one to the next
The longer I watched
The less I understood of what I saw

The visions on the screen
Became increasingly stranger
I felt both sick
And horribly uneasy

The only thing I could now make out
Was a dark lanky hand
Stretching and curling around
Around a door frame

Only then did I realize
I had stopped watching the screen
long ago

— The End —