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A sea of foliage girds our garden round,
But not a sea of dull unvaried green,
Sharp contrasts of all colors here are seen;
The light-green graceful tamarinds abound
Amid the mango clumps of green profound,
And palms arise, like pillars gray, between;
And o'er the quiet pools the seemuls lean,
Red—red, and startling like a trumpet's sound.
But nothing can be lovelier than the ranges
Of bamboos to the eastward, when the moon
Looks through their gaps, and the white lotus changes
Into a cup of silver. One might swoon
Drunken with beauty then, or gaze and gaze
On a primeval Eden, in amaze.
Krizel Grace Mar 2022
On a pedestal, you stand
With angels beside you playing trumpet and lyre
They'll sing hallelujah
When you smile and open your arms

And I'd say your name
A thousand times like a prayer before I sleep
Sing psalms on Sundays
Like a devotee, lifting my hands as I weep

But you were a mere god,
Pinnacled upon an altar that I made.
For a long time, I stayed
Only to be tricked and betrayed.

I once hummed along
With the angels as they sing
But an atheist came and uttered,
'Unvaried hymns are tiring.'
Monika Sep 2018
Bleakest drape inescapence.
Impertinent involuscence.
Stemming from a copulent.
Incongruent malocculent.

Plead among no relent.
Populate incompetent.
Unvaried fraudulence.
Clarity accomplishments.

In foggy eyes, the view reset.
Across the smoke, a sober fret.
A mind that rose from utter death.
Again to draw, refreshing breath.
M E Ronan Apr 2021
Gliding in my thoughts
Drawing lines of no belief
Stamps of words on me
Life does not seem so linear at all

Void in my thoughts
Vehemence of the violent voices
Rolling over my softness
Sharpness in a round room of life

Silence in my thoughts
Evaporated lines of tissue and devotion
Fragmented injury allot
An isolated point in the middle of life

An edge in my thoughts
Laying out the same unvaried harshness
Crying not in my name
Non-echoing affinity bouncing off my life

Pause in my thoughts
Shadows in frequencies of low and strong
Sing in parity with
Charm and wonder in disjointed arms of life
Lama Oct 2019
oh, they think I am crazy‬
‪yet I left pacing so shady‬
‪standing over the hill daily ‬
‪unvaried views, got me so lazy‬
‪gave up my soul to a blue daisy ‬
‪please take care of it baby ‬
‪do not abandon me so easily ‬
‪erasing my spot, while the sky is hazy ‬
Dimitrios Sarris Jun 2017
Bound to an unknown world consumed by fear
a grey picture with unvaried dreams
a single sun struggling but hoping to burn all that away.
My love long gone like a memory shattered
in this bewildered blank
where i prefer the voiceness of the night
and colours do not pretend in misguided words
only silverlight
where moon and stars stand together.
All seem crystallized.
Deep and vast the world surrounds me
with malice and cruelty the truth unravels
yet my heart knows no fear.
I know
I see
I feel
I hold the kindness my beloved kept for me.
Noah Aug 2018
Echoes of a mystery deluge my mind.
My eyes wavering, aching to define.
This mystery, aware its ignited my eye.
I ache because it’s like I look to the sky.
The beauty, the ache, remedy formed of pain.
It’s made to be yearned for, following till I attain.

The thoughts impending always miscarry.
My view feels strangled and unvaried.
Floundered, forced to labor for its light.
Until known, sanity, sense won’t reunite.
Am I to know easily? As it’s already changed my soul.
like an enigma changing people through the mystifying of its goal.

I shall choose to pursue, even if to never know.
Let my ending be with it. However, it chooses so.
Though predictability prevails
     pertaining to my life,
     nonetheless a pronounceable zeal
bestirred from writing,
     and reading (no surprise),
     which literary leaning, inspiring,
     fueling cognitive pastimes
     elicit unending appeasement

     within mine private weal
without doubt (I intimate), and
     predicated on an
     adequately comprehensible, hypothetical
     sampling of the population,
     would probably accurately concur,
     that hallmarks majority of
     quotidian, weekly, monthly...activities
     would NOT re: veil

dramatic seat of
     the pants, nail biting, unreal
high wire, death
     defying ironic steel
lee cliff hanging,
     bare knuckle adventure squeal,
ling small hairs somedeal
of the spine raising goosebumps,

     sky diving with
     out a parachute,
     ******* without a ******,
     et cetera gasping
     for breath, before sidereal
     red giant stage
     obliterates flora and fauna doth seal
verdict - case closed,

     and legitimate reason to repeal,
thus this sketchy
     pictured exhibition sedentary
     cerebral efforts for real
marginally quiet natured unvaried
     repertoire applying
     thee measure piecemeal
asper wilderness trekking, exotic

     excursions globe trotting,
     (sans criteria as well spent
     purpose driven existence),
     mine unmasked,
     minimalistic patrilineal
lovely bare bones (hollow winning)
by thee above arbitrary fictitious ordeal
figuratively hypothetical measures,

this generic guy, viz zero
     less exciting even eating oatmeal
     as resultant measurement,
cuz his feeble minuscule variation,
     thinner than lean gruel
     would NOT even
     constitute living, ideal
as...a fly, thus accept this message
     as plea whisking me
     cerulean heights ethereal!
Asna Nov 2019
Different from the crowd that lives,
Across the street and peers..
into the doings of nobodies,
feeds on darkest fears..

Im different and not sorry,
not being amongst the herd..
Im different and not sorry,
my choices that absurd!

I dive into the pages,
Penned by greater minds..
Who chose to spend the ages,
Towards intellectual finds..

I do not care for trivia,
Or conversations vain..
that feed on cold invidia,
And deep-hearted disdain..

No sword or tongue or might,
That people claim so true..
Can paint my thoughts so bright,
As a pen inked in blue..

I may be called unvaried,
And dull and tedious too..
but beneath my skin is buried,
A fiery someone new..

Im different as different can be,
Head in the clouds, nose in a book..
Opposing the ideals of society,
Ignoring the judgmental look..

My thoughts swim in the auburn sky,
The wheels and cogs of my mind turn..
How and what and a million whys,
Don’t stop me, I want to learn..

In swarms and herds and bouts,
Towards a blinding goal..
They leap and run and jump,
Towards something unknown..

Follow the crowd, they say,
thats where we’re meant to go..
I cannot fit in this way,
When I was born to stand out..

Im different and not sorry,
For being who I am..
Im different and not sorry,
I try, I will, I can..
To all those neighbors who talk about,
keep inside you, all your doubt
don't make me the subject and yourself judge.
I heard enough and it's too much.

Yes, I'm 30 and still single,
My heart get broken and now don't feel the tingle.
I am unemployed, working nowhere,
It's hard already and tough to bear.

I am trying yes I do,
I don't need judgments especially from you.
I am glad you got your daughter married.
I, imagine her life being unvaried.

Congratulations, on your son's promotion.
Surely god blessed your devotion.
he must have no time to follow his heart.
maybe he becoming more introvert.

whatever it is, they chose for themselves.
they made their peace in one way or else.
I didn't choose this for me, still m trying.
the day isn't far when you see me flying.
Don't talk about other's misery, it makes it more miserable.

— The End —