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What is a "soul"?
Seriously, what is it?
Ambiguity obviates all simple and complex definitions.

If "souls" do exist,
I suppose my "soul"  is transmogrifying,
Transfusing the screen.
The key is Transition
Of a remote position.

Maybe someday a scientific physician
Will invent a tracking device to track its travelling distance?
Sounds sort of like a Stephen Spielberg novel
The genre of science fiction
Or is it?


(c) 2011 Brandon Antonio Smith
Alessander Dec 2016
Even to an untrained eye
One can spot layers of foundation
Caked into her face

Is she a victim
Of some historical imperative?

Is she caged
In some arbitrary matrix?

Some fun-house of mirrors
While a mustachioed ringleader
Overcharges, shouting

β€œCome one, come all, bedazzled spectator
Behold, the distorted woman
Transmogrifying before your eyes!”

Or maybe she’s just vain
Or betwixt the two

Somewhere, a boy drops a sixpence
It rattles in the dusky jar
As he enters the dark show
whatever comes to mind as always
Onoma Apr 2016
True rise of true
rise, true fall of
true if
these gave mind
and body the
mythology of
Afterall, there's
everafter at every
Gifted a ghostly
long lock, for
good luck and
good measure...
to keep the pneuma
from transmogrifying
A silver cord as
brittle in appearance
as the world it
harnesses to experience.
Where release snaps
silver, lightning return
of no return.
Mainline of soundless
music, en-silvering stars...
cord of web and Word.
The etheric umbilical cord said to tether the soul to the body.
Roxanne Narotsky Nov 2011
you love the better side of me
exterior you always see
day after day will always be the same
appearance is a contest
I go through everyday
waking up in bed
those **** thoughts in my head
to please or not to please
to be me or...
my other side transmogrifying
a kaleidoscope of emotions
loving to hate me
bruising my core
mocking me
taunting me
daring to point me in the eye
my existence is a lie
it shadows itself
taking its fangs
into my flesh
I don't know the other side
the constant fight to be set free
feeding on my pain, addiction
it wants all side of me
Conscious Dec 2014
...that moment of contact
When u have the remote to reality
And you pause movement just so you are not
Bound to time
And lips become a sparkling glass of water
In a desert
Melting you into a mixture of breath and warmth
Quenching your hormone-filled self
And transmogrifying the two bodies into the heavens
Breathing constellations into one another
And love becomes the universe
In so being...
All else is felt within the kisser and the kissed...

daylight frets,
trembles, falls
in a vertical climb
pressed against
pried open lilies.

the svelte upholstery
of dark vanishes

as i swim like agitated fish
through liquid measures
of minced light
through the small hands
of the world
like rain through the lips
of serrated grass.

daylight morphs
a half-concealed stone
into eyes sizably owned by
the spread of mildew
transmogrifying its secret
into a single beat
of flame.
Bram Dela Cruz Apr 2018
you see, there is no trick nor magic
no hallucinations nor deceptions
we are no victims of a ploy, but of our own foolery
this is a nightmare transmogrifying into reality
ladies and gentlemen, you've just witnessed
the greatest illusion of our dystopia
Walmart's staff would go nuts if a concerned shopper built a substantial, yet manageable, fire out of Hanes ****** in the men's department. Grow up! Wake up! The Western World is transmogrifying into a technocratic collectivism that's determined to slaughter 90% of mankind by poisoning/irradiating the air, water, soil, food, medicines & serums! You analphabetical retardates who praise suicide, zombies, infanticide, vampires & Karl Marx make my *** tired (in addition to triggering my gag reflex)!
Onoma Jan 2019
all in all...

the eyes of


a transmogrifying


the burnt back of

my head, my murderous


a sensed stare.

an overslept circle coming to.

press my jugular with the

edge of your latest poem,

and i'll recite it like my own.

so you can rest a word away from

Not content with producing
Masses of a myriad of books
Or transmogrifying into biscuits
For the chocolate covered looks
One penguin has now gone punk
Scientists suggest a pigmentation quirk
But ive realised the truth
It found a tanning dye, and wondered if it would work
It had been washed up with plastic flotsam and stuff
Along with a floating marshmallow
The penguin thought, "nows my chance"
"Off turning myself a funky yellow"
The penguin now, has found their true you
"I think yellow, therefore i am, up yours Pingu"
by Jemia
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
The rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

Haphazard flight paths of insects
spasmodically surge nearer,
urging our own hands and eyes to react,
and somehow in the reflexiveness
of those twin human movements
both of us realize that the Now
we currently share cannot surpass
the devastating chasm that the earthquake of Us
has inevitably opened up.

Azure firelight flickers above,
memories of tears and bare skin kisses
descend like drunken leaves from distant peaks.

Somewhere below us a sea of mycelium flourishes,
communicating in the language we wish we'd possessed long ago,
pheremones of instinctual gravity networked to perfection,
something to smooth out all the crags and crevices
of our rambunctious emotional landscapes,
transmogrifying the immutable selfishness of mammals into purposeful,
harmonious intent.

we kiss without restraint,
staring down the shattered remnants
of our romantic souls like hungry predators.

Rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

And for an precarious instant we are one,
suspended on the ripe cliff's edge,
and not giving a **** whether or not we fall
into the ominous depths below.
My new book:
as the disease spreads
transmogrifying terror into memes
the future becomes too blurred
the reality we are endowing; our namesakes –what is our legacy?

our vision too unfocused
partly closed eyes looking out the window
unable to see what is to come
Come on in! Everything is 50% off. How about this? No, not that! But you said everything is 50% off! Well, not that! How about this? No, not that either!

Axionical piracy cools hot love among atomical pirates. Check Daddy's wallet for a bath house membership card because he's 57, purportedly grown up & lady-like. Western women are dominant, but alas, I'm not strong enough. I'm 10 minutes older, which is ten times longer than my attention span. The Australian part of my published book history is chow for a beautiful speed-boat girl, who sleeps through Florida daytimes while living a quokka-free life on the beach. Things are transmogrifying up/down toward the teen-readyΒ rosy, the pinkish, the blood-tinged & tingly around swollen *****.Β  I sit on a chair with my *** hair unwaxed & tragical, because I want to impress you with my **** tricks that are Disney magical.Β Β Disney's got gynecologies that we daren't dream of...

— The End —