Just the way I make away.
I know time maybe left air
For my face. I feel my eyes, hair.
Really got right today,
Cuz old Night means good love.
I told myself inside,
I guess the mind is ****,
I think life is this house,
I want water.
Smoke makes that little ******* **** feel like skin.
I Say I saw… they're light.
Home looks roomy,
Head hits bed.
There's a window that falls,
Tried a street man that couldn't walk.
My blood is red.
I need a real past,
My hands are cold sweat.
Isn't hell watching people, years?
Brain feeling American.
Apartment doesn't feel gone,
Hands trying to be dead,
Getting rain.
Stop waiting,
Black in place,
She's always happening!
Let's see sense,
Better forget the dark morning.
Heart, feet are open.
Passing fat looked ******,
But walking guys
Hear wet dust.
In came sleep…
Remember laughter?
Arm, hope,
Newly broken.
Burning hard,
Standing on the floor with the rest.
Going knows gold.
Heat sounds escaping,
Sit outside instead.
Car going ‘thump’,
Best world forever.
God comes white.
Asleep, start asking.
Thoughts, believing in far.
Beautiful, moving,
Turns kept the road long.
Falling father, dirt on a red neck,
Dropping flames.
Eating pressure.
You'll lose things,
Dreams break.
Set, lost, close cut.
Oh, no matter,
It has been brought.
Making songs leave the mouth,
Sights of a child shrouded in blue lights.
City, ok?
Kids are expected,
A pulled stomach,
Point was took.
Pearson sent his parents to the big ground.
Wall of energy,
Cloud of glass.
You've ( ).
Won't ( ).
We're ( ).
School makes the soul smile,
Green ones full of glee.
Hot body, lips breathing,
Playing lives.
Lie girl,
Different things can happen,
Small teeth fall.
Nothing happened.
The river has seen its worth in leaves,
The sun is fine.
Fingers carefully fly.
Heavy riding heard, I knew the figure.
Probably picked an older man.
Walking near the door, a dog howls.
Chest plan: free space.
Yea, a plastic throat,
Spent ears,
Children drunk, screaming.
Stove ---sightline---- cool to the touch.
A cigarette is replaced.
The roof fills,
We'll say it wouldn't,
But it spills.
Kettle is shut.
The crowd lies.
I get in my cheeks that dream taste,
Wake with it forgotten.
I held a human… wait…..
Just rotting money.
The sea uses sunlight;
Think of that fact.
Coming, living sick,
Wishing the weight of boys grew high.
Pretty pass growing mold,
Pull it,
Then explain.
The sidewalk has grown, I’m talking blocks.
Looking hurt,
In a memory corner,
I wonder why I painted filled *******.
Follow me, shirt brother,
Rise from ripped yellow faces.
We’re all scared.
Eventually the men say spring,
The snow turns grey, glowing.
Sounds paid for, blame runs deep.
I bought an adjusted flying weather cat.
The stretcher is *****,
Thoughts do magic with clouds,
Just a paint job.
Kiss, hold, for hours.
My desire torn, the pieces hide.
Die in the year you’re supposed to.
Wrong garbage, cabrón.
Reading, I realize I’m quite sane.
But beauty is slowly ending.
The town watched us holding our work.
One burned word: FUTURE.
Kind paths, catching ears, displays.
Paying attention.
The reality: I miss *******, crossed noses,
Sand, fruit,
Wearing smiles I barely felt.
Case for infinity: double humanity lives.
A woman, with bones rippling,
A rock lot,
A circle grave.
View it filling.
My baby looks tired.
Tie her too soon, watch the grass laid dry.
Colored boxes rolling uphill,
Police under brown cover.
I adjust to the necessary gaze,
Shoes are half in the &nbs