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Madzq Sep 2014
Pencil - ****** - ***** - Penalize -Pentagram - Pentagon - Pentagonal - Penitentiary -Pensive - Peninsula - P.......

....Plagued. What is it to be plagued? Haunted?
Seiged by an inescapable force?
ability to move, yet achieving no valuable distance.
A struggle writhing within ones self.

Pen -Pent- Pent up- P...

....Please, no more....

....more miles high.....
In the ground.....

Great stakes.....
So very high.

Pen-Pensive-Pacing- to pace back and forth down a narrow stretch of newly carpeted hallway.
A door.


Innocence left?
       May be none left.
Rasha Omer Mar 2010
i trip my life on turpentine.
i smoked my wife, she's clandestine.

i woke up to a wall, of dust
and a mirror shattered by these
insisting dreams.

everything is three --

i thought myself a pool of doubt,
he bought my ego, cut in halves.
i walked behind his flawless steps,
covered in sweat.
i flinched.

i read a tale of the disintegration
of a rowdy generation.

a touch of a glimpse of her bare
and a single gray hair,
coming out of her neck -
trying to speak.
i might've screamed.

apples and oranges
and almonds on a one
way street.

i read about the disintegration,
of a vibration -
your chest.
i think you're dead.
you disagree!
protesting my funeral,
of a glimpse of your skin.

i've lived on a fleet,
of preachers and secret fighters --
dressed like ninjas and decaying in an
utter rut.

seiged by truth -
and one correct turn
to exit
amongst shivers and loud moans
& dirt loans
creases and a handful of drones.

i tripped my life on fastened seats.
i smoked your hair,
you're fast asleep.
The stones in my shoes remind me of you
A reflection of my regrets and failures
We'd talk endlessly
About nothing really
Just the perfect fairy tale we built in our own heads
I fell for your spell your deceptive nature worked so well
Like a lamb to the slaughter
You lead my like the piper hypnotized by words and lies
You built me up to bring me down from the safety of your screen
You became my world my everything my refuge from reality
A faceless voice behind a screen
A touch without feeling
You fed my dreams and desires until I couldn't eat no more
I let down my defence's
You seiged my castle walls
While I was battling a dragon in my own halls
But how was I to know you where only there to let the dragon in
You're the witch not the heroine
You made me believe I was weak and needed saving
You're the nightmare in my fairy tale
You're the wolf in my bed but this time I'll take off your head
Deep cover Feb 2015
The things that I say are certainly true,
The beautiful one that was picked out of a few,
The heart races as you feel the closing,
But really, it's only the beginning,
Why must it be the way that it has become,
Why not the way I pictured it, oh it's such a ***,
The thoughts seiged like a gun of never ending rounds,
The world is collapsing around these four walls with no sound,
Please send the help that is needed,
I preach to you cause I am feeling defeated,
The mind tends to wander a path of darkness,
Hope it ends soon, never wanted to start this.
#downandout #letting it out
Athu Jan 2019
On the day before you left, you smiled so brightly as you left my car.
The sound of that smile echoes endlessly inside the chambers of my heart

On the day you left, you gave me jumbled words and glassy eyes,
Images of those eyes are still so vivid on the canvas of dark nights

On the day after you left, memories seiged my mind,

And as I lay there a lifeless form of tear and regret, the truth came over me,

You molded an anchor of lies on our feeble ship,

They anchored us on a great shore, but at last great waves have swept us away

— The End —