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Sommer Wickham Apr 2015
I hear your heavy footsteps stumbling across the floor again
You've got a can in one hand and a bottle of gin
Your clothes are wrinkled and your hair is a mess
Your eyes are bright red and so ******* lifeless
I would try to help you along
But I've learn from the past that it would be terribly wrong
You'd just push me away and say you're okay
And that I need to worry about how my life is today

Father father for I have sinned- I am not enough for you
Not worthy of your love, or to be anywhere close or near you
I've try to be a doll of a daughter, I've try to sew my lips
I've tried to be the child you want and read from all the scrips
But father father can't you see? The only one you have is me.

When you're mad I can feel the heat
You cuss as storm that can't be beat
Your words are knives and I'm your board
You cut so deep like it's a reward
Because of you my mind is hell
Because of you my confidence fell
One day you'll get what you deserve

Father father for I have sinned- I am not enough for you
Not worthy of your love, or to be anywhere close or near you
I've try to be a doll of a daughter, I've try to sew my lips
I've tried to be the child you want and read from all the scrips
But father father can't you see? The only one you have is me.

This is it, I've come to an ending
I'm sick of your voice and I am done pretending
You ungrateful soul I hope you crash
Maybe then you'll realize my wish at last
How hard is it to do your job
Without drinking and promise breaking?
You've broken my trust by the choices you're making.

Father father for I have sinned- is that what you want me to say?
Your screams make me apologize when things don't go your way.
Im so very sorry when I disappoint you
But father father you're the only one to look up to.
this poem is about my friends father.
wehttam Jun 2014
So writing less
and less than before.
As is losing a cressindo
is the score
of the symphonies
rhapsody.  Musickally
non talented, has magic
left the air.  
Assuming we are
all homeless and
treated by the
dust, reason.
Just completely out
on the dolly I trucked
the word Laureate in on.
Parting furnature with
lasting thoughts of
desire, for a thesourus
or a dictionary for
holistism.  The unholy
dead have starved them
selves after dieting on my
quarrel similarly, I may
need to be an action star
to recieve the spirit of
entrepidness again.  
Laziness has met the design
of my libido, and I can not
ever imagine being single.
No face to book, unless of
course to reprove prophetering.
And No, seems to be the
one and only world,
I had to be in.  Hittin it like an
old cloud with silver linings.  
Like slang.  Not really having it.
and *******, sexism, troubled
teens, the things of this world
that bother the US Marshals.
Actually begging the President
let me have his job and Joe's car.
What person uses the word
chortle to get through a
chidleish man.  Anyways,
heres to thinking of writing
poetry and leaving the under
world to be a monster,...
I so much prefer to not over
write a zeal such as a poets.
Super trusted, trusty,
like an understanding
about cowboys with guns
in hip holsters, working
cattle and brushing
there teeth twice daily.
Yea, there teeth,
some here on the bottom
and not many on the top.
But ya no, not many
people think about tooth
brushes.  Teeth brushes
thats like a scratch on
the chalk board with out
finger nails.  I'll be the
poety lauretey kind of person
that loves to die young
and get old.  Ill be the
most misunderstood
thing on the face of the
earth and have to eat
a ham sandwich or
something.  Ill be the kind
of person who just
doesnt get some relationships.
Like, peanut butter and pickle
cereal.  Or socks made with
holes in them.  ***, sir,...
what are you writing?
Ill say poems, they say you
are not a poet, and Ill say
try some pocket lint to
clone a poodle or something.
Most of the time,
Ill crack a huge smile
and simply pleasure some
one and they will say 'What."
With out a question mark.
Then for some reason
punctuation is a majorly
late subject to emoticons
and dragon lords in
movie scrips.  An now, meeting
the reason that I felt no muse was
that I have been laughing out
loud at intellegence as is the
genuis of carisma.  Who cares
if Im not smart?  Graduating
is such a bore.  Gum is not ever
a turn on, and some way watching
people chew it is rude.  Comparing
two doves to each other is Darwinism.
Living alone with my mother and
step father is not going to last long.
But serves as the most important
thing to do now.   Any of the promises
of reading dedicated poetry is
almost to much favor.  Is there a
way to stay the allostatic load
of a perfectly running deisel
engine.  Where do poems find
gas?  or fuel as sir does say.
And now, what to do with a
wonderful heart.  I am pleased to
say that I am almost the King, but
must impress the most boring
people on earth without the
giant panda bear of a
poet that has made me
love this song.
Traveler Nov 2021
In a place where entropy collects
my memories of youth
are barely left.

In a deep shiver
I shutter to search
my issues of trust
and limited worth.

There in my program
in bold letters it says
the damages left…
The curtain is closed
on the stages of yesteryears
as we rewrite our scrips
take the wheel and stir!
Humans have nothing at their disposal but intention
They only pass and just share their dreams an reveries
They have more stagnant contemplation than action
They pass through centuries with their pastime hobbies

Fortune favors the brave but fate sweeps the cowards
They come on stage with written scrips and pass away
A lion always dominate just on the weak jackals herds
Valiant are being dictated by the light of the eternal ray

Ordinary folk are for ordinary task extraordinary glow
Third rate remain third rate ,people who matter are great
Stage is set by very many but only one is master of show
Constant struggle is hallmark fortune doesn't come in plate

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Michael Jan 2011
What silliness I am filled with
when my pride gets in the way of life
what anguish do I invite
by thinking is such a silly way
that anything is about what I know about
IT's not about me
the AA mantra
though I am as dry as any desert
the AMA might have to check out NA
since they are promoting all their dope
to my Dr.'s with promo trips and dinners
for writing so many scrips of this or that
I wonder
is the silliness, the utter stupidity
not just my vanity, but a little
insanity brought on by being so well?
mike dm Feb 2017
all you poets out there,
biting your lip,
writing your scrips,
citing your insides ----


by me,


need i say anything
as trite as,

resistance is futile?
Sequestered May 2016
Hallow, most serene,
Wooed with words wonderfully woven
Into love scrolls and scrips;
That delighted the pages of her heart...

Suddenly, his wind strayed,
Became the author of all her pains;
Scrambling every word...
Haling, hurling, hurting; till they taunt.

Love died that fateful day,
Buried beneath bosoms of frustration;
Amongst tormenting thorns,
To sprout anew, bud and blossom but....

She lingers, assured someday,
She'll become the bouquet on his gravestone;
Whence fate will cheer and jeer.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2023
Joel, just so you know

I have it on good authority that our heavenly poets
are always near exhaustion, as the clean air, and the
distraction-free life gives one inspiration by the unending,
poetry the common language in the babel up above

but to be sure they see our messages and scrips, I forward them upward via Messenger, from down here to their seemingly inactive page, but don’t you poet, disbelieve me, they may not be able to send or reply to you via Fedex Direct, but they are receiving just fine

So I send them poems just so they’re knowing that they are
still on my mind…right Joel?

or do I say,

Write on Joel?
Kay Dec 2017
What is art, from the words I say,
to the things I paint...
What do my words mean, they flow and they haunt,
but do they tell the truth?
What is facade but a word said in a nicer way.
The truth spread thin.
What is real in you eyes, may not be in mine,
and lies are too easily said for me to believe you,
or your actions.
The paint from your brush tells a story,
of grief and deceit.
Paint me a life with no more pain,with no more lies...
Would you call that art, or the art of disguise?
If you where then an artist and you died,
would it be a beautiful death, or a sad reunion?
We may be all different colors, none the same,
but that never stops you from trying to look the same.
If I were to tell you to look closer, to look at their faces,
would you notice the mask they ware?
The tears have left scars on their wrists,
and words have left burns on their hearts.
Are the words we say just scrips to please the crowd?
I'm telling you now, make your own art,
one that's never been seen before...
Words can hurt...
Cedric McClester Apr 2019
By: Cedric McClester

The biggest drug pusher
That there ever was
Never did half the things
That Big Pharma does
But they get away with it
Primarily becuz
Of the billions they make
For their chest of drawers

The biggest drug pushers
Don’ t live in the hood
But they]re the ones
That get locked up for good
But they’re not the ones
Who ultimately should
When the disparity
Is fully understood

The biggest drug pushers
Wear white lab coats
And often are seen
Tacking copious notes
To justify the opioids
That their scrips conote
That we see them issuing
Out like by rote

The biggest drug pushers
Seem to get away
None have been sentenced
To a prison stay
They’ve been successful
At keeping at bay
Law enforcement
To this very day

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.

— The End —