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Jacob Jun 2016
It's a crowded world
Getting bigger every day

Leave it behind, abandon it
Fake your death, try it
There won't always be a tomorrow
You could be the best there is
Peel off your skin like a banana
Living like a missing puzzle piece
You're the mercenary, you don't belong

Eat your fears away on a plate
Find yourself in the music
Try to jump off that trampoline
I see a quintessential being
They need a hug

**It'll be okay.
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2013
Dump: A Commissioned Poem

Someone commissioned me to write a poem about the word, dump.  Not a pretty word, but a workingman's word, full of possibilities and mystifications.  Gratefully accepted.

so many, endlessly endless.
bringing paper, cans, compacted
all in need of special disposal,
special handling,
individuation of caring.

I split myself into multiple personas.
blue, green and some other color,
divine myself into receptacles for the sounds
you write, that must be read aloud, slowly,
in order to properly, allocate,
to dispose,

not the planet,
something smaller,

your verse!
you in verse is multidimensional,
yet unified,
one theme,
single answer to a questioned couched
a thousand different ways,
a thousand different poem titles!

how can I sustain myself?

— verb (used with object)
to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure.
to bear (a burden, charge, etc.).
to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding.
to keep (a person, the mind, the spirits, etc.) from giving way, as under trial or affliction.
to keep up or keep going, as an action or process: to sustain a conversation.
to supply with food, drink, and other necessities of life.
to provide for by furnishing means or funds.
to support (a cause or the like) by aid or approval.
to uphold as valid, just, or correct, as a claim or the person making it

you are in the dictionary,
did you know that?

now I will answer in a free man's verse,
written without hesitation but with plenty of
tears and tissues
and rememberings of his own
wasted days, major successes,
bathtub ships,
and passengers saved.

Words written in a single breath,
no exhalation just simple purity,
best wishes that any man can have,
if daring, he reaches inside and,
rips himself open,
saying it's ok, and meaning it,.

so here I am
standing looking you in the eye,
sitting with both arms draped
over your body,
dump it all on me.

Cause I got a billion words that rhyme with
Bring me the past and the future uncertain.

I already told you
never read a poem I did not like.

got slots for cans paper and compost,
got slots for fear, heartache and a big ole wide one for

got a heart shaped dump
that never closes.

The city council complains,
your name ain't Moses,
you are a city boy,
why you hanging in the wilderness for forty more,
didn't you do your time?
ex wife that brutalized your soul.
two sons who barely speak to you.
let someone else take over,
and I smile saying exactly,
I got experience,
I got Kleenex,
don't know nobody else better
Boy Scout
Be Prepared.

even you can dump on me

ask not what you will bring.
cause I got an opening for anything you can
and land fill of me that has so much space,
billions of acres and neurons that will lay fallow,
until your poems, plaints, sailings and wailings
fill them.

so that is my poem,
I like it.

May even dump some of mine on someone
like you.
after all
who in this world cannot use some
Next word, please
Adam Struble Oct 2014
deck is shuffled
inflating the thought of the idea
into another reality of the likeness
the inevitibility of life sneaking up on you
i don't feel lost anymore
talking me about the cactus juice and the strange fruit form the wilderness
stretched down over membrane thin
even keel sailings
exploring the electric land of repeated wanderings
and forgotten mysteries

i am all the evidence that remains
where is the record of the experience of the journey
the next thing to do is push
out into the ocean
waving bliss
eyes wide drinking in the ocean
eyes wide drinking in the ocean
Journey forth if you dare

There is always more than one way to go

One is simple, just go with the flow
It is straight and even keeled
No bumps, twists and turns,
All green, flat, as far as the eye can see

Second is hard, you must work at it for the prize
Twists and turns,
Ruts, bumps, no visibility in places
Sometimes you can't see past your face

Third is most difficult you see
We make it that way
Harder than it has to be
Mountains are high, rivers rage, oceans pounding

Each road we take puts us on another one then another
Even the simplest can turn out to be the worst nightmare of all
The most difficult can end on easy street
We are told we pick our own road and we do
Yet there is the twist
It does not matter which of those first three you pick

Why? why does it not matter?
Because life is never simple
It is never all green pastures and rosey days
Life is sometimes harder, many times we can't decide what to do
Decisions we make put us in deep ruts that seem impossible maneuver
Other times it is so difficult we get stuck
Can go no further

I have been told  it is all in the choices you make
This is true yet it is not
Our choices affect but we are tested repeatedly in life
What do you mean? you might ask

Life is what you put into it
If you pick the easy road something always happens
A flat tire, the flu, overdrawn checking account

Pick the harder path
You might go for days without a mishap
Smooth road ahead, no problems
Suddenly the road floods

Pick the most difficult path
One day you are in hell
The next you are sailing on easy street
The choice of roads matters not

As long as you put your trust in God
Or the God of your religion
He is the one that puts the ruts, storms, and smooth sailings into your life
Trust in him to get you through the day
Sometimes when things are truly bad
You think I won't make it another day I just can't

Ask Him, Tell Him how you are feeling
He is listening even when we think He is not
If your path follows Him and you trust in Him
You will find every obstacle is conquerable
Every wave is rideable
Every mountain is crossable

Instead of thinking God hates me today
Remember He is challenging you for a reason
Strenghtening you for times to come
He knows the future we do not

Right now at this moment I write this
Because I am at my breaking point
Instead of going off the deep end
Going crazy

I bow my head
God, You are the power, the love and light in my life
Please I can't take anymore
Please I beg Your mercy

I know in my heart and soul
He heard me and will remove an obstacle
He will send me help
A sign of some sort will arrive

Instead of saying I should have picked the other road
Simply say
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
louis rams May 2015
loving you is my dream come true
you have taken me to worlds beyond mine
through distance and time.
i have traveled the solar system in your embrace
and in the safety of your love , given to me from the LORD above.
i have seen desolate worlds without any knowledge of what it would be
to love and be loved endlessly.
this time machine can only be found in a heart of love
    ( who is it that you're thinking  of ? )
you'll sit in this vehicle and see the present , the future , the past
just to show you how long love will last.
travel with me on the tails of this kite , and i will take you to a brand new height.
don't be afraid to show your emotions , for it can be deeper than any ocean, and higher than any mountain top
continuing higher and without any stop.
love is worth more than gold, diamonds or pearls
and will take you to different worlds.
it is like the ocean waves with its ups and downs
till it crashes upon dry ground.
voyages don't always have smooth sailings , and you
learn to take the good with the bad , the happy and the sad.
grab the kite tails and fly with me to the world of ecstacy.
(C) L .RAMS 051015
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
I'm a mercenary bee with the sweetest honey
As I flap from blossoms to sailings
Humming hilariously to and fro the petals
******* the fleshy and succulent nectar
I'm flapping without lashes
The whole vast blue sky is mine
I'm an ideal applause
For the breeders dine
My community is altogether admirable
My hives are my fascinating creations
That viscous divine honey
Is my diligence culmination
I'm a scampy wee
For I'm as busy as a bee..
Hawley Anne Feb 2021
Please my little heartbroken one,
Stop searching for love within his arms.
He doesn't  know what love is,
His arms are not home,
Please notice this.
Stop looking for love  in a man with which whom,
You can't even trust him to tell you the truth.
The one who will love you,
Will not need to lie.
If he's lying to you then say goodbye.
Just please  pack your things,
leave cuz there you're not needed.
He doesn't love you,
Please why can't you see this.
He's used you for way, way past long enough,
If it hurts you this much,
Honey, it is not love.
Don't get me wrong,
Love is not all smooth sailings.
But with real love,
You BOTH work to keep things from failing.
Give some and take some,
Both 100%.
But whatever you have got now,
Has only created contemp.
Please find the courage and strength that you'll need.
From this toxic situation,
I pray that you're freed.
I can not sit by for one more idle minute,
Watching  your tears,
You don't deserve this.
Deep down you know what I've said here is truth,
More honesty than he ever offered to you.
So please  all I want in return for my care,
Is for you to just give up pack up and leave there.
Empty Dec 2019
The words of mud
All sleeping in crud
So, sleep no more
And this too strikes my chord
Be with me my adulation
Apart, you’re free, a toon pre recreation
Your curves, my words
And where the tears I wished we never had to imply
Aching, you’re hurt, my sigh
Please don’t blame me for my short sailings, what for lies in-between my thighs will leave you bailing
Again, the word of blame: our pain.
Not grievous not conniving, be it us apart I only want you to be thriving
A single word…driving
In love still, we shall stay, the neither inside her for one icky day mayday all-day
A mix to grave
We return to the soil
A broth of flavor and oil,
Stoic in details we plot to a plod on one-foot shoes lacing smiles spoiled like little children
Again, and only once more

I guess I owe you this
I owed you the spirit of a table and the warmth in embrace
You know me as only two others do but a storybook I will make, and only you will make the cut and I will write you true. Truly I’ve missed you. Not because; but enjoyment.
This employment meant a something
Not a ringing for attention for we are but two bodies and one soul
Two separate beautiful messes to test in side by side by side
One is me second is you and third is us
Though it is known how far we could go for one another
I wish it was me that you would hold
Please excuse exuding planet masses pleated in a patch of particles pointing toward either of us
On my back you would sleep, a beautiful beautiful pack
So soft and sweet like a baby sheep
These steps I have mentioned made of air touching your undercut waving hands in stares but staring at nothing; so blank.
So tired.
You’re the necessity and the burning in my chest
But with you…

There’s nothing left to do but rest
To cupcake

— The End —