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My Rhime
by Austin SlimKwAgGa Trimmel

I feel dead
When my ink die
No pulse when I eat instead
Of writing all these rhimes
For this is my time
This is my life
This is my rhime

So whenever you hear
The sound of my voice
I expecteth not a cheer
But for y'all to rejoice
For this moment is mine
And this my life
This is my rhime

Poetic Justice all scripted
Hence I play words like a harp
Every pen that I scribble
Ink flow like blood of the heart
And this A4
Is my stage
And at this stage
I'm stepping affore
For this is my time
This is my life
This is my rhime

My pencil point broken
This is my point spoken
Everytime I write
Whenever I rhime
I feel alive !!!!!
So hear me out world
I'm scripting my words
For this is my time
This is my life
This is my rhime

For this moment is mine
And this my life
This is my rhime

PoeTic JusTice
something I did at a show.....

Edmund black Feb 2023
I know what I know
What I know is my tell tale
Even when I make mistakes
In grammar,
typos, and in my rhyme
Deep in the abyss of my soul
I know what I know
And It’s what I know
Is my tell tale
Mistakes will take flight
For I am only human
And far from a philosopher
The more mistake I make,
the more I learn,
If you see one,
Bear with me
Tell me a tell tale
I will not take an offensive tale
My mistakes, help me to grow
It's hilarious how many times
I can read my very own work
But I still don't notice a tipo < oops
And it makes me go bersirrk <oops
At times someone else's eyes
Are exactly what it takes
To notice in your little rhime<oops
The smallest of mistakes
Or even the biggest one
Who cares,
what I know
is what I know
My tell tale
It makes it all worth it
<> tell me urs
Adieu dear object of my Love's excess,
And with thee all my hopes of happiness,
With the same fervent and unchanged heart
Which did it's whole self once to thee impart,
(And which though fortune has so sorely bruis'd,
Would suffer more, to be from this excus'd)
I to resign thy dear Converse submit,
Since I can neither keep, nor merit it.
Thou hast too long to me confined been,
Who ruine am without, passion within.
My mind is sunk below thy tenderness,
And my condition does deserve it less;
I'm so entangl'd and so lost a thing
By all the shocks my daily sorrow bring,
That would'st thou for thy old Orinda call
Thou hardly could'st unravel her at all.
And should I thy clear fortunes interline
With the incessant miseries of mine?
No, no, I never lov'd at such a rate
To tye thee to the rigours of my fate,
As from my obligations thou art free,
Sure thou shalt be so from my Injury,
Though every other worthiness I miss,
Yet I'le at least be generous in this.
I'd rather perish without sigh or groan,
Then thou shoul'dst be condemn'd to give me one;
Nay in my soul I rather could allow
Friendship should be a sufferer, then thou;
Go then, since my sad heart has set thee free,
Let all the loads and chains remain on me.
Though I be left the prey of sea and wind,
Thou being happy wilt in that be kind;
Nor shall I my undoing much deplore,
Since thou art safe, whom I must value more.
Oh! mayst thou ever be so, and as free
From all ills else, as from my company,
And may the torments thou hast had from it
Be all that heaven will to thy life permit.
And that they may thy vertue service do,
Mayest thou be able to forgive them too:
But though I must this sharp submission learn,
I cannot yet unwish thy dear concern.
Not one new comfort I expect to see,
I quit my Joy, hope, life, and all but thee;
Nor seek I thence ought that may discompose
That mind where so serene a goodness grows.
I ask no inconvenient kindness now,
To move thy passion, or to cloud thy brow;
And thou wilt satisfie my boldest plea
By some few soft remembrances of me, [50]
Which may present thee with this candid thought,
I meant not all the troubles that I brought.
Own not what Passion rules, and Fate does crush,
But wish thou couldst have don't without a blush,
And that I had been, ere it was too late,
Either more worthy, or more fortunate.
Ah who can love the thing they cannot prize?
But thou mayst pity though thou dost despise.
Yet I should think that pity bought too dear,
If it should cost those precious Eyes a tear.

Oh may no minutes trouble, thee possess,
But to endear the next hours happiness;
And maist thou when thou art from me remov'd,
Be better pleas'd, but never worse belov'd:
Oh pardon me for pow'ring out my woes
In Rhime now, that I dare not do't in Prose.
For I must lose whatever is call'd dear,
And thy assistance all that loss to bear,
And have more cause than ere I had before,
To fear that I shall never see thee more.
always anxious Sep 2014
this is another ****** up poem about a ****** up life
about a teen who's too ******* lazy to even make it rhime
she's constantly haunted by demons
she's not even sure she'll make it a year from now
her escape is poetry, and she's not even good at it
she should have just killed herself long ago
insted of turning this depressed

and most of all unloved
maybe a few people like her but she hates herself
she's just another little girl afraid to grow up.
just another girl with a heartache
though this is different
she's not getting over it she's done permanent damage to her own body
and worst of all

*this girl is me
saint8 Jul 2018
Kissing someone new
Feels odd
Like getting used to
Living in a foreign country

I do not know the traditions
Or speak the language
And its hard
When you homesick

I guess there are countries
I'd like to travel
Strange lands of unknown jungles
All of them are mine

I still feel like
I have a lot to learn
How to wish for things
I can handle my own

Still im here
Haven't traveled anywhere yet
Keeping at bay with fear and decay
I just know one thing
I mostly rhime when I pray.
Man Nov 2020
boyhood hid nothing
the snow only recently, laid to rest
to hang like rhime
but adolescence gave it a new lense
breathed in new breath
and animated the rotten corpse
to be so in shock, sickening awe
as to shriek out
"𝘐𝘡 𝘭π˜ͺ𝘷𝘦𝘴!"
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
I got the blues
They have come over me, like Tuesday
If they live in the city where sea implores
Here is a drink with ice too freeze by rhime
A tune can bring love in your heart, baby on time
Freeze it too, here Freddie tends to the bar
Bar's closed on Sunday
If Tuesday is the day, blood is red
Both are true, one is truer
I can get a drink to escape my feelings in my heart
And bring feeling in my chest, as they shoot down Adam
It is a heaven, a sinner can bear

— The End —