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Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Blazing brightly in the night miles below on
Crete. Icarus plummeted. And puzzled.
The Phoenix shattered ablaze and battred

The phoenix Glances to the night sky.
As a bird of prey whizzes by.

Struck to ground.
Thundering sound.

Phoenix pauses beats his wings.
Flaming feathers burn and drift.

Rises slowly from the ashes.
Icarus crumbles in broken waxen wings.

Youthful tragedy. Never to rise.
No reclamation.

Silent hubris.
The dirge preceeds.
Then quietly

Traci Eklund May 2013
I see myself counting the days
Although i dont know when ill return
These endless days turn into endless nights
Sunsets, sunrise
Soil stains and receeds in the cracks of my palm
Sunkissed cheeks,
Cigar burning my chapped lips
I came here by choice
I came here by chance
No one to catch me as I stumble
As I struggle to catch a grip
No one to carry the weight...
But my bones

Dehydrated veins
Compromised soul
A determination to conquor
Not the land but the person within

Im no hopeless wanderer
Just a lonesome forester
Jason Harris Nov 2012
At times in my life I lay awake and cry,
The tears seem to roll like falling stars.
My heart yearns for you as time goes by,
My soul reaches to be embraced in your arms.
Do you know me, does your heart beat for me,
I lay in pain for I ache for you.
Can you see me, my eyes are yours to see,
Can you understand I wish to see it through.
To not hold your within my arms, I bleed,
To not feel your lips, I sigh.
To not make love to you, my soul receeds,
To not be with you, I shall die.
I desire to see you within my arms,
I shall not quit until I do.
Connected between us shall be our hearts,
Can you see just how much I still love you.
josh wilbanks Sep 2016
She smelled like memories
 Her eyes a shade of trust
Those lips lathered in poison
 Her taste is more than enough

The song she sings at closing
 Is a tune well carried on
Originating in wallows
 She sings the song of sirens

Alas the day break ends the stretch
 She receeds for the world's awake
Her love is gone - replaced by pain
 Yet she will return again by night
Sorry it *****. Writers block
Crying whilst riding,
On my unicorn themed bicycle,
Past at my back,
Sun absent from the front,
Only the present lays for me.
And that’s why today I tell you,
That yesterday is the only hope,
Our future will succeed,
And Maybe in response,
Or just plain fear,
You say this quite tasty diatribe.

We are all born rotting,
The grave not far off,
In this universe of Trillions,
We are but one.
And you know what else,
We are just an animal,
With the arrogance to presume and assume,
That we are the greatest,
In a sea of fools.
To wonder why we survive and thrive,
While others are put on the wayside.
It’s a pity and it’s a shame,
Its life from within.

So I move slower still,
As I listened to you words,
Each syllable piercing me,
Like the butchers knife on the pig.
But the tears are gone now,
Replaced by blood,
But not my blood or your blood,
But those of innocent ones.
Asking silently ironically,
Who was it that made me this way?

Now Its many years hence and forth,
In this futures hellish morgue.
You sit on the deathbed,
Waiting for one last chance,
But it never comes,
And you never say,
How sorry you were to leave me a bay,
That if you could go back today,
And open your heart to my crying face then,
That perhaps things would be different when,
Our lips locked in heavenly harmony,
And along with our soothed souls,
The angels sighed in ecstasy.

Finally, it snaps back to now,
Like a dream standing still,
Even now we see the death of love,
And the birth of hate.
The diatribe it receeds,
And instead your kisses breathe,
New life into you and me.
Maybe next year death,
And with another kiss the year after,
Cuz life may ****,
But at least we have each other.
- From Birds Flying Into The Eclipse Of Mars
Tim Barnes May 2015
It washes over like mist
moving inexorably closer.
Ethereal tendrils licking face and hands,
precursor to the full onslaught,
enveloping absolutely....
rendering blind to distant reality.
Lost and alone,
unable to grasp substance
stumbling onwards, hope receeds,
the end is salvation
from tedious seas of nothingness
Happynessa Apr 2016
Today feels different
Strange glistening eyes
Gaze directed inwards
Bitter sweet lethargy

Still as an ice statue
Can't imagine infinity
Life curls on threads
Of Justice and mercy

Bodies touching but
A void between souls
Tender cry of the alone
Stuffed full with empty

Assurances of bliss are
Realy just fairy stories
Invisible to the eyes it
Receeds shamefaced
Trying something different
Pete Badertscher Mar 2019
Have you seen the Goddess Moon tonight?
She rises flush, the color of ancient, bleached bone.
Magnified by her own regal-ness.
She hangs above the charcoal black tree tops.
Her reflective, pale light diminishing and
intensifying as her dress of wispy, threaded clouds
moves in front of her seraphic face.

Fae, built from shadows of canopy and the sound of twigs breaking, dance in the Moon's undulating radiance-- a reticent waltz.
Not far off-- from behind me, from in front of me,
I hear the fox cry and the coyote yip.
Then a call I can not identify, a rasping,
weighted down with mass and age.
A scraping made by heavy stones grinding together.
Perhaps it is the door of the Barrow opening.
Allowing one courtesan reveler to
come pay ancient homage to the Moon.  

A night-breeze blows out of the east
carrying the smell of Ipomoea and Almonds.
In her light the Oak and Maple leaves wave and shimmer.
The forest shakes its coat of green,
waking, after a long nap.
Enraptured, I stand, letting the poetry of the moment,
the master surrealist-- my own mind, paint
impossible murals of symbolic meaning
from what I observe.

Overhead her pale Majesty receeds up,
Her magnitude reducing as her distance increased.
I watch her go...
Have you seen the Goddess Moon tonight?
A work in progress.
Praggya Joshi Mar 2018
We walk towards a deserted cemetery
Between weather beaten tombs and spectral souls
You wrap your arms around my waist
Rousing a shiver as I lean against your chest
We dance between the depths of the dark
Under the pastel skies above
With Silver moonlight Caressing our skin
Wilted petals beneath our feet
The silence of the solitary night
Splintered by our sonorous heartbeats
When thick fog engulfs us
Your soft lips press against mine
I feel a chill as time stands still
Wishing this moment would never pass by
As the iridescent mist receeds
An icy wind ****** my skin
I ponder and wonder where you are
I see your waning silhouette against the pallid sky
Reality stabs me ruthlessly
I tremble and quiver convulsively
Upon seeing you beside the withered old tree
Resting beneath the earth heedlessly
Turned into Grey ashes
Just a fragment of lasting memory
Hadrian Veska Jul 2018
The tide rises and turns
Receeds to the sea
Exposing bare rock
And the roots of the trees
And in distant days
Will it drain ever bear
Exposing lost things
Thought not to be there
Let Us Pay Price
In journey of love beauty remains destination
This is how love reinvigorates its sweet passion
Your glowing cheeks have become real fashion
Autumn receeds spring brings its colorful session

Oh my sweetheart how to be together in romance
Your sweet eyes attract me to a real love stance
My lsweetheart let me get just chance after chance
Whether we are in Venice in Italy or Paris in France

Love is a stream which flows in my veins to play
Your beauty my sweetheart is real light of the day
Let be together in association to bow and to pray
Let us pay the price of reunionn what it just may

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan

— The End —