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judy smith Apr 2015
With designers like Iman Ahmed, HSY and Sania Maskatiya all showing, it was standing-room only at the venue. Many of the crowd of fashion insiders and socialites ended up sharing seats, with the chivalrous Zaheer Abbas giving his seat to Iman Ahmed after her show and sitting on the floor himself. So much for designer egos!

It was an evening that lived up to its billing.

Iman Ahmed may not be a designer who makes her clothing easily available, but in fashion terms she reaches heights that few other designers can reach. Her “Sartorial Philology and the New Nomad collection” was breathtaking.

The best fashion shows have a narrative — the clothes, styling, music and progression of the outfits blend seamlessly into a whole that portrays the designer’s artistic vision.

It’s hard not to gush about Iman Ahmed’s show last night because it was exactly what a fashion show should be.

Starting with a series of outfits in white and gradually adding tribal colours, Iman used fringing, embroidery and a range of fabrics to great effect. From the inspired detailing to the juxtaposition of texture and silhouette, this was a class act. The tribal white-dotted makeup and beaten silver accessories added further depth to Iman’s stunning layered ensembles.

Levi’s uninspired showing of their new 501 jeans and other stock provided the audience with a pause to process the previous collection. It’s difficult to make a interesting fashion week presentation out of high street wear and something that Levis struggles with.

They used better music than they did at their autumn show but the styling was still painfully lacking. They did manage to make everyone sit up and take notice at the end of their show though — Wasim Akram walked the ramp as their showstopper amid cheers from the admiring audience.

Somal Halepoto was next, with collection that looked distinctly amateur. She seemed to be aiming for a bright kitschy collection but ended up looking merely tacky. The shiny, synthetic-looking fabrics and gaudy embroidery were particularly woeful. Somal’s digital neon animal prints and some of the harem pants were funky but the rest of the collection had little to recommended it.

YBQ’s LalShah collection, meanwhile, was in a different league. An ode to 3 Sufi Sindhi saints, the collection was as much about the artistic impression it made on the ramp as it was about the clothes. The distinctly theatrical presentation relied on the slow beat of sufi music and plentiful accessories for much of its impact.

YBQ sent his models down the ramp in huge pagris, holding flags on poles and garlanded with prayer beads. He used only three colours - red depicting rage, white for peace and black for mourning. Most of the outfits were draped red jersey tunics or gowns with white lowers, braided belts and black turbans.

Rubya Chaudry wore a black gown with red roses but otherwise the outfits were all about subtle plays with drapery and cut. From jodhpur style chooridarsto asymmetrical draping, the outfits had interesting touches but needed all that heavy styling to make an impact. HSY was YBQ’s showstopper and added glamour to the theatrical presentation that he had choreographed.

Wardha Saleem was first up after the break and her Lotus Song collection showed how this talented young designer has been upping her game over recent years.

She used digital flamingo prints, 3D embroidery, gota embroidery and lasercutting in a pretty formal fusion collection. The detailing on the collection was simply stunning. Wardha used gota in delicate patterns that gave her outfits shimmer and paired this with three dimensional embroidery. The outfits featured flowers, fish, elephants and birds picked out in silk thread and beads.

She showed a variety of shift dresses, jackets, saris, capes and draped dresses. The styling was also great fun – the models wore shoes featuring spikes and 3D flowers while the multi-talented Tapu Javeri provided some gorgeous jewellery and music for the show. While there was nothing groundbreaking about her silhouettes, this was a beautiful collection that showed skill and artistry.

Sania Maskatiya, who presented her luxury pret on Day 1, now showed her lawn collection for AlKaram. As far as designer lawn goes, this is something of a dream collaboration.

Textile and print are Sania’s forte and she uses print extensively in her luxury pret. In this collection for Al-Karam she has taken print elements from her pret collections throughout the year including the Sakura, Lokum and Khutoot collections.

The prints are different from those used in her Luxe pret but are based on the same principals. She’s even used the paint splash embroidery from this season’s Khayaat collection in one of the outfits. Designer lawn should be affordable way to wear a designer’s aesthetic and this Sania Maskatiya Al Karam collaboration certainly is.

As for the show itself, showing lawn is always tricky on the ramp. Sania pulled it off with an upbeat presentation using fast music and trendy cuts, throwing a few conventional shalwar kameez in the mix. She fashioned the lawn into jackets, kaftans and draped tunic, using the sort of cuts that are a hallmark of her pret. It’s not how most people wear lawn but it was a great way to show off the prints on the ramp.

Naushaba Brohi’s Inaaya burst onto the fashion scene last year with a spectacular collection. Following up on a dramatic debut is difficult but Naushaba proved that she is not a one hit wonder with this collection. Inaaya’s SS15 collection continued with the theme of using traditional Sindhi crafts in contemporary wear. Naushaba used both touches of Rilli and some stunning mirror work in her collection.

What makes Inaaya noteworthy is the way that she takes unsung traditional crafts that we’ve seen badly used and gives them a high fashion twist. Standout pieces included a bolero with unusual mirror work and a rilli sari that glittered with tiny flashes of mirrors.

Although the collection included many beautiful outfits, there was a lack of focus. The simple tunic with a rilli dupatta didn’t work with knotted purple evening wear jacket. The inability to make a definitive statement let down an otherwise accomplished collection.

Naushaba added a characteristic touch at the end of her show. She’s committed to social responsibility and supports local craftswomen with her brand. Accordingly, Inaaya’s showstopper was Mashal Chaudri of the Reading Room Project along with Naushaba’s daughter Inaaya. She held up a plaque saying “I teach therefore I can” while Inaaya wore a T-Shirt with the slogan “super role model”.

HSY brought the evening to a close with a high-speed presentation of his Hi-Octance menswear collection. The unusual choreography featured the models zipping along the catwalk, pausing briefly on their second round. The energetic presentation complemented a collection of sharp suits and jackets, leavened with quirky polka dot shirts and bold stripy ties.

There was the requisite shirtless model in distressed jeans and an ice-blue jacket but also some appealing suiting fabrics. HSY used only Pakistani fabrics and included solid colours as well as self-checked and striped suits. This was wearable, classy menswear presented creatively.

Day 3 was undoubtedly the best day of TFPW so far. Iman Ahmed undoubted takes the laurels but she was ably supported by HSY, Wardha Saleem, Inaaya, Sania Maskatiya and YBQ.Read more |
Lyrical Dream Dec 2018
He never bothered to look through her flesh

He never cared to look past her
chalk powder face and rose petal extract rouge

Or the kohl that lined her shimmering eyes with the

He never thought to ignore her petals
And dig to her roots

So when summer died

And her petals fell

He left her alone
Neville Johnson Oct 2020
Pret l’amour
Love to go
Available and free
Let me know
Come and see
No history
To make you go slow
I’m here all the time
Ready to be
Totally open
No man of mystery
Pret l’amour
I’m ready to love
jai Dec 2014
tres chaud
et tres froid
je ne suis pas que tu penses de moi
je n'aime pas cette
je suis juste essaye
gris porte pour moi
fermer plus
je ne suis pas pret
pardon mon accents je ne fait pas sur cet ordinateur
Ken Pepiton Mar 2023
The problem,
blemish on the proplan

to insist the culture oaths essential
for any child any where at any time,
to be so informed,
as to belief-lock all value sets,
hell is real
and the mind
that imagined hell willed  
it's lasting benefit,
in the enterprise
of enslaving free will, inducing submission,
rites of inclusion, to where ever, after dying
in the faith, whatever faith, theevidentone.
But look, it has a non lying Jesus,
how can we not now hold ourselves true?
Let this mind
be in yo… pret-near your own idea, here, I see,
just so happens to have reportedly sent his son,
history testifies this does give heft to some ideas,
generational curses,
religious induced left brain mastery.
Ever after, always, predictably next phase.
There is a proverb warning mindful future you,
fetchit, step in to my retirement,

as any well known personality may assure you,
worth, beats none… and often one
is tempted to rationalize, set an example, note,
quote the heroic image saying,

never, never, never quit.
softly mmmumbleitsallbullshat.
Another snowday in paradice
XIII Sep 2017
The manager who seems obliging guides us by saying ‘this way’,
Turning on the light on the long hallway, she says ‘Red to the right’,
The destroyed revolving door; bird of paradise flowers on the floor,
Tarantulas crawling on the satin walls, I turned back and laughed

Where’re you going baby?
I wait on this chair; don’t open your eyes until I count to seven

Pret un, the dewdrops of night on your neck; to the extent that you lost your voice,
Deux, a castle made of blocks that ***** together, to between your fingers,
Trois, the spider web which entangles and entangles like this, continuously,
The sandclock which started to go backwards to 9095

The noise that echoes throughout the long hallway, ‘Have we met before?’,
‘The blue to the left of the red’,
The rusted angel’s wings; yesterday’s dream that has been deferred,
Concealing your eyes from the direction of the claps

Who are you? Tell me baby,
That’s when you put your hand into a mirror that reflects nobody

Et quatre, the scent of nostalgia even on your back, your hot breath,
Cinq, the eyes which rise even in the darkness; if it’s not permitted,
Six, if your tears are reviving, then somehow,
The remains which slowly come to live in 9095

Don’t try to find anything more than this for I’ll be by your side,
Even though you can’t go back once you have opened your eyes,
If you still like it then, silently,

Pret un, the dewdrops of night on your neck; to the extent that you lost your voice,
Deux, a castle made of blocks that ***** together, to between your fingers,
Trois, the spider web which entangles and entangles like this, continuously,
The sandclock which started to go backwards to 9095

Et quatre, the scent of nostalgia even on your back,
Cinq, the eyes which rise even in the darkness,
Six, if your tears are reviving, then somehow,
The remains which slowly come to live in 9095
© 9095 by Tohoshinki English translation.
Lyrics by Jejung.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2019
floor to ceiling windows
stacked two upon two
capillaries bursting with office work.

neon signs and patina streaked doors
opening up valves at lunch times
Pret A Manger bloodletting.

final call at The Angel
heralding the end of the work week
teams of cleaners flush the system
to restart for the following Monday.
Michael Bauer Mar 2018
From the outside of everything
To the inside of you
I sit here on the back porch thinking
What else there is to do

I am an infinitesimally small part of the whole
The center is within my divine spark
Everything is moving around
As I sit here still in my pret

If I ever become a seventh density being
I hope I can finally get you to fall in love with me
All these big thoughts and philosophizing
And I still haven't gotten to know a woman well enough to make magic
it's the unmistakeable odour
of fried onions and sweat,
do me a favour.

One of these days

enough about that
what about the burning
is the Earth really flat?

going to be
this kind of a day,
Corbyn and May?
'twixt the two
you could say,
not much difference
apart from the obvious

if X marks the spot
and you've only
got one chance
you'd better
cross your fingers
or it's four more
of the devils

and we know
it's a con game
but we accept it,
are we that lame?

A fairer system
is the system they use
and the system they
abuse us by
don't fall for the lie
swallow the line,

are you oblivious to what's
going on?
can't you see it's all wrong?

for one day
out of many
you're made to feel
as if you really count
as if
what you think

and enough about that too
I've heard it al before

career cowboys
will still take their seats
I'll still have to bow
and scrape
is what it used to be
but I see
It never was.

There is always a brighter side
a dial a ride

a broomstick in a room full of brooms is just a broom
and a stick,
enough to make me sick.

Them in the Pret'
don't smell of
no sweat
just desperation.

Politics an
ideal laxative

they're all full of it
getting their
greedy hands on
a bit of it
is the order of the day.

Corbyn or May

who're you voting for?


who're came out in predictive text as *****
I wonder why and what for.
Michael Bauer Feb 2018
Once my mind is an empty vessel
Then I'm ready to begin
Now just lose more weight
To the point where you're waifishly thin

There's no Jah or Lion of Judah or me
It's all just I and I
Fusing that into the traditions of the East
Is not so hard to do

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
That's a common zen koan
How can I make a sound
When I'm out here waving alone?

I'll wait for you in the bardo
Between this life and the next
And if I don't see you I'll just move on
We're the same as every beast

There are so many books and so little time
I haven't read the Book of the Dead
Although I understand the core of it
Will my heart float on or sink like lead?

I'm in touch with my inner child
But I still need to grow up
To walk the line in my space and time
With grace and a little luck

Karma is out there reverberating the heavens and earth
You're never alone in your pret
My morality flows like ocean tides
Then ebbs back when I forget
mori Aug 2015
**** me in
a pit
filled to the brim with
ty things i've never
myself on fire for
you, to
feel a bit warmer ****
this poem is
i cant rhyme n i wanted to try it out but /shrug emoticon
Friday and
it's a cold one
trying to get four jumpers on
over three shirts and a vest.  

I could have stayed indoors
tucked up in my nest
I should not have got out
of the bed, but I did
I suppose it's for the best.

Blue would be the colour
that suggests itself to me
blue lips everywhere I look
all I can see

and the underground is quiet today
as if the drop in temperature has
stolen its voice away.

Heading up to 'Pret'
I bet the chocolate's
nice and hot,
then off to Soho Square
to do a spot of work

if it's still as chill when evening
you might be jolly decking your halls
I'll see pawnbrokers covering their *****
I'll be staying in.
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2019
Dear Lawrence, I have enjoyed our conversation and you have been kind in every direction.

A law-ful person, with reve-rence for what is right and good, with much rich experi-ence, wit and humour in every appera-nce, with such writing elega-nce reflected in every sent-ence, without pret-ence, one with infinite patie-nce, forebeara-nce,  tolera-nce in every insta-nce, without impude-nce or arroga-nce nor annoya-nce, done with arroga-nce and nonse-nce, with laughter like a child in inno-cence, a Man Renaissa-nce and of great significa-nce,  morality's quintesse-nce,  all this you are, dear Law-rence-- everyone is inspired by
your prese-nce!

yours of no conseq-ence
Peter, Melb
* a real person
Daan May 2023
Hij vertelde *** de vork in de steel
of de wind in de zeilen.
Hij zei wanneer trop te veel
en wanneer wolken neerwaarts pijlen.

Als we niet wisten, naar boven keken,
handen in het haar, of muts, of pet,
barstend van onzekerheid, haast bezweken,
dan was er steeds dat paar oogjes vol met pret.

De waarman sprak de weerheid op
meer dan wekelijkse basis.
Hij, die de lucht, de druk, de mop
en menig fenomeen de baas is.

We nemen afscheid van jou en je praatje.
In thermometers reflecteert voorts jouw
schrijdend zicht, voor deze generatie
een boegbeeld, een rolmodel, een maatje.
Wij z-waaien naar Frank en hij z-waait 'blijer' terug.
I'll go into Stratford later
get saved by several religions
have a coffee in Pret'
and get eyed up by
too many pigeons.

buy some tofu
because it makes me feel wholesome
get chia seeds because I always wanted to grow some
meet up with people, yes, I know some
or I could just stay here in the bed.
Daan May 2023
Proficiat met veertig jaar,
dezelfde tl, dezelfde excel.
Laat je wel je laptop daar?
De tijd, bij pret, gaat snel.

't Is te duur om depressief te zijn.
Denk maar aan die mannen
die moesten werken in de mijn.
Daarnaast ben je in kannen.

Kruiken niet. Klokken horen tikken,
allen tellend tot het eind van ellend-
ige vergaderingen, verdikke verdikken
om emotie te reguleren. Ze met koffie ver drijven.

Het zou me niks ver bazen als er waren
die het op *** bagel smeren.
-Ik draai hier rond en rond als een vogeltje in een gouden kooi.
I'll be saved once again down in Stratford
if I repent and go down on my knees,
but it's a toss-up between two religions
and I wonder which one I should please.

Jesus holds court up in Nero's
and the saints do their stuff
while in Pret'
I'm sat on the steps
listening to all of God's rep's
still watching the girls passing by.

When I die where I'll go is a mystery
worthy of Maigret or Holmes,
but I guess I'll end up in the graveyard
as a pile of old broken down bones.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Who dares to speak
of Pierre Cardin or
blush upon his fame.

French Socialists mock,
his brand, yet wear, Pret
a Porter, with his name !
But who “invented” Pret-a-Porter? The Italian designer Pierre Cardin developed the fashion art Pret-a-Porter.
Daan Jan 2023
Ik zou alles kunnen doen.
Dus ik doe niks.
Ik scroll ver voorbij fatsoen
voorbij de hele 'flix.

Ik google *** tuinieren
ineens bouwt iemand een huis
en dan is het ver na vieren.
Tijd voor overkoken zonder muis.

's Avonds in bed, in plaats van slapen,
per ongeluk de kop/telefoon opgezet.
Dag erna maar gapen,
het leven is een pret.

— The End —