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Jon Tobias May 2013
The doorknob to the closet
full of my skeletons is made of

But there are days
when honesty tugs a little too roughly and
I realize this isn't all that funny now
Is it?

As a writer
You learn presentation is key
In the bend of language
I create this man
I want you to believe me to be

And so I tell you these stories
like they are jokes
Like they are no big deal

Like the first time I got drunk
was with my friend's mom
who was a known child molester
She tried to order us ****
But couldn't work the cable

Or my friends and I used to travel our city
via the water drainage system
Near the mall
We got lost once
and while standing
in ankle high water
we saw at least 20 homeless people
sleeping on pallets
We called that place *** City
We had to get directions back out

There's a possibilty I have been an accessory to ******
Around the time in my life when I learned
How not to dwell

My body was a wishbone
My father meant to break
But every beating
left me the better half

I find so much of it funny

My brother's most recent suicide attempt
My mother's
My father's Alzheimer's

He once chased after our mailman
Asking him about some letter
from some woman
I have never met before

I find laughter
and beauty
in the bend of language

When this chest becomes a broken radiator
and my heart grows cold
The metaphor mutates Campfire

Come here
I am lonely
and I have a story to tell you
Kairee F May 2012
Was it worth it when you shed a tear and pushed me from my own
Straight into the unknown abyss of the who-am-I’s
And where-do-I-go-from-here’s?

Was it worth it to give your heart but so swiftly tear it away
At the unexpected moment when “I love you”
Was “I still do” but “what you had to do”?

Was it worth it when you made it all one-sided and alone,
That you weren’t ready and didn’t want it
When you began it all?

Was it worth it when you changed the past to make me someone different,
A crazy, clingy girl revolved around
The perfectly realistic guy?

Was it worth it when you lied to me and everyone around,
When you spied on personal accounts
And manipulated them so?

Was it worth it when you lied about her, making me a cheater
When I didn’t even know,
Caught up in my tears and tequila?

Was it worth it when you tried to tell me that it never happened,
And I never told my secrets,
A delirious, drunken girl?

Was it worth it when you manipulated my messages but claimed of no such thing,
That you don’t care at all, never will,
And haven’t all along?

Was it worth it when you called me a mistake, a ****, and failure
When I once was a “guardian angel,”
Loved, your “home,” and family?

Would it be worth it if I left forever and murdered every possibilty of returning?
Would you once again let a cold, salty line be drawn straight down your face?
Would you regret any of it?

Was it worth it when I believed in it? And that I had it for you?
You bet your *** it was.
I miss you, you lying ****.
But you deserve every ounce of happiness and success this world can offer.
And if you’re getting there, I could ask for nothing more.
And through my cold demeanor, I'd be nothing but ecstatic for you.
betterdays Jul 2014
the sun streams
through the curtains
in a cat sized patch

and there we find him
this connoisseur of apricity
stretched and flat
drinking of the winter day's
meager glory

tail flicking on ocassion
and one eye open..
to the possibilty
of bacon on the run.

he is now of the age,
where he needs warm
his bones ,
before he thinks of...
completing his  yoga
and cleaning down there.

so the little blucat
has become a master
at fitting his body
into any sliver or ****
of winter sun ....

and is often found dozing.
..or as elliot claims,
contemplating the depth,
and meaning of his name....
TheGirl Mar 2010
a little bit of sparkle
a little dab of something
a scent to match your every mood

unable to remain motionless
fiddling with a sense of helplessness

to correct past past mistakes would be like re-writing a book
but theres no regret, only moving forward

nights full of possibilty
full of adventure
intrigue at every corner
i know that look, i get it

there is a need for me to move forward with you
but my feet keep dragging
and secretly,
ever so secretly
your heart rips the more you move forward
almost in half

it shall be lost soon
then you will be truly stuck.

envy on both sides
respect comes with comfort
this secret understanding
not so secret since we are both in it

some secrets are meant to remain secrets
some supressed memories are meant to be shared
but only between us
only us.
copyright AS2009
Tilly Jun 2012
I'm just exploring the possibilty of
giving something more of me.
A little bit of naughtiness,
so rich, but rarely seen.
A darker side.
My wild

upon her
RED lettered
voyeuristic discovery
therell be gasping punctuation
(it's written, mostly, on bended knees)
&  s   p   r   e   a   d   i   n  g  the words out
on naked sheets ~ it's all for the tempted ~ eyes to see


Should you wish to
Would you wish (too)
Could you?


Come With Me

Seriously now guys ... as if I would!

With a nod to Paul Gurrieri & his awesome poem, Come With Me
... a reaction to which, inspired me to pen this whimsy :)
Daniel Bauer Nov 2011
If you want to walk,
If you want to swim,
If you want to breath,
If you like,
If you hate,
If you want to leave,
Walk out the door.
If you want to,

This life is full of chances,
and unless you grab them by the collar,
you gain nothing.
Focus on the possible, not the impossible.
Take a life lesson from physics,
even the improbable,
have a possibilty.

Do not allow yourself to be stifled,
London said, “The function of man is to live, not exist”.
Everything gives an opportunity to learn,
so take it all in.

Look for the moments,
cherish them when they arrive,
and cling to them with such ferocity,
you are worried you left grooves in the stone.
Hopefully, you did.

Leave your mark,
others will leave theirs.

No one ever succeeded without first trying.
So don’t say no,
or accept no,
because it and its followers,
aren’t worth your time.

Unlike the pickers in the orchards,
forsaking the twisted apples,
take every opportunity given to you.
You will be one of the privileged few,
to know the sweetness of the twisted apples.

Do not become complacent,
and do not seek sedation,
lest you be tranquilized,
into a grand mediocre existence.

We don’t have much time,
Why waste a single fleeting moment of it?

When you become contented,
Run away.
Get as far away as you can,
And embrace the discomfort.

Life is now,
not then,
not later,
but now.
Live it.
Josh Koepp Oct 2012
we're hidden
we hide and confide in our own mirror image
our own pride spies on lies that sorrow has woven
or is that also forbidden?
we can't feel or we'll be felt for
and feelings only feel fine when you don't cross the line
drawn with two left hands, because one left and one right is a sign
that you are alone in a room with everyone there
then time stops
and you feel
then it resumes
and you don't
it's quite simple really
the reality is when we really feel real reality, a feeling of love and tranquility, we feel it was only felt by
deep narrow slits in our brains love capacity, and it has the tenacity to wrap us in dreams that see
what we WISH we could see even if we see it right in front of us
it doesn't exist really
because reality only exists badly right?
"then reality struck" a saying stating tragedy struck
"it was like a dream" meaning memories were made and you relive them every night before sailing away
and never coming back to dock
but you wake up anyways
well I've dreamt tradgedy, and really had reality in my arms while sailing away
dreams are just reality with an emphasis on possibilty
and reality is just a dream that you never have to wish would actually happen
so i hope reality strikes tomorrow, and it isn't like a dream even though it seems that way
Litha Nov 2015
Here I am crying - having thoughts about how you could have just been an alcoholic & I was just yet another bottle .
How I know you're ******* me over yet I stay & love you unconditionally .
I just guess I'm in denial of the fact that you've hurt me once & still know you could be hurting me - cheating & lying.
Everyday you tell me 'you love me' but never is there a day you'll show your love & affection by doing the sweetest and simplest things such as calling me on the phone or even telling the world I'm yours . I guess I’m just a question that would hurt for you to answer.
I deserve your apologies for a lifetime but you don't definitely don't deserve me , my forgiveness nor  my love .  My heart made an excuse for why I should stay .
I can't keep crying for a love I deserve. I promised I'd never let somebody break me like you did but ironically I've been breaking myself by staying throughout this journey .
Here I know I can write you love letters you don't deserve because I'm no longer addicted to the possibilty of us 'forever' At least I got some heart-wrenching stories out of it.
You formed yourself into my habit, like daily tea cups , your absence made my heart grow its own flowering garden.  

But one thing I always remember ; Your heart isn’t meant to beat for anyone but yourself.
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
She still lay hunched over,
It had all happened in a blur,
She tried not to recall,
But it was all she could do about,
What happened was;
A nightmare, devastation.
Her innocence corrupted, like the gum on the road
Under her nose.
It was happening
She had just become another victim,
A possibilty she had never phantomed,
She listened to her heart's rythum,
She wished for it to stop,
She tried and tried,
To wipe her tears,
To muffle her sobs,
To get up and run,
But all she could do was,
To think what he had done.
Claude Mar 2020
Have you ever wondered
What we could be?
....We could be,

The sun lighting the world's path,
The lapis blue moon sharing a spotlight,
With the dancing stars,
We could be the lylac sky looming,
But instead we're brooding,
Waiting for the clock to strike
When it's lost in the mountain
Of our best kept secrets.
PS Feb 2013
Dear Sun,

please excuse
the liberty I have taken
in asking you this favour.

If there's any possibilty
of you helping me out
I would very much appreciate
seeing you a little more often.

You see,
that dreary weather of
grey skies,
rotten leaves,
bare trees,
steady rain,
is leaching the life of us.

Last time
I have seen someone smile for real
was quite a while ago.
Last time
I have heard someone shout in anger
was just this very moment.

The tense atmosphere
is taking its toll on everyone.
and mood shrinks by every hour.

So, please, dearest Sun,
if you could sent
just a few beams our way,
it would be delightful!

In deepest obligation,
Your faithful friend and admirer!
Sag Jan 2017
I look back at those words and wonder if they meant anything, and convince myself they weren't ever written for me anyway.
It's not very hard to do that anyway because of the words later spoken that overshadow and contradict the previous ones.
I have always been in denial, despite the opinions of others, that they were ever there for me.
But after accepting that it's a possibilty, I wonder even more so how you could say such lovely things, then turn around and **** me.

I hope you can write that sweetly again one day and mean it.
EDIT: In the last line, I did not mean about me.
**** that, I don't want em.
But I want you to be nice to others again.
ya know?
Valerie Csorba Feb 2014
And when my heart can't take anymore of this stress 'cause my soldier's over sea,
will someone - please anyone- bring him back home to me?
And while my heart is burning inside my chest as you mention the possible discontinuing
of a life that once held me so dear, it seems you want me to stop breathing.

I keep hurting at the thought that I'll lose the one who always use to be here,
even from miles away, his voice could echo through telephones to stop these tears...
But now my pain is settling and I can't face the consequences of the possibilty
that maybe you may never be back to comfort this heart or even to hold me.

Now we may fight, and I might not be perfect,
but you made me feel beautiful in every single aspect.
And now that you're not here to help me.
I have to be my own sort of soldier and let my heart be free.
I have to stand up and be strong just for you,
because this, I know, is what you want me to do.
My Soldier, I love you, between every last tear
and every last laugh that you want me to hear.
My pain will still linger no matter the time,
because even as a heart breaks things can turn out fine.

Because even as a heart breaks things can turn out fine...
wordvango Apr 2015
I was a person
when cigarettes were cheap and drank
without guilt, chased
the man in the moon dreams: visible ,
possibilty was my friend  existed where
a penny was worth a thought
food was keen  words
sweet as pickle juice on apple pie, eyes looked
in  love sighs,
smooth and soft skin rebounded
with  biscuits ate
if fallen fell without indigesting
buttered side up
all naive, all the fantasies
as reality.
AJ Dec 2018
I’m not quite sure what i should do.
I guess I’ll just lay here and wait for a storm
To pick me up and carry me away.
Maybe to the ocean?
We’ll sea.

If I’m drifting around, struggling to coast to a coast.
Will you send me a message in a bottle?
Not a map, just some encouraging words.

If you figure it out, please tell me before you tell everyone.
The weight of the world won’t wait.
An endless possibilty is a constraint.

There might be fire in my dragon eyes,
But it clouds my vision
With the smoke of an abandoned factory.
I’m seeing into the past
With restoration to when we thought this boom would last.
Success did not **** the life out of you,
You spit it out.

I said if you figured it out, please tell me before everyone.
That was supposed to be half the fun.
I’m not sure of the shore anymore.
wordvango Mar 2017
heavens getting full up
so where are we to go?
The dump is a possibilty
but closes the gate at five
parks are off limits after dark
has to be somewhere twenty-four seven for us
needy souls just short of perfect
all night cafe's are out
too greasy their fare is
not healthy for those
looking to be eternal
(can you imagine the waistline if)
not a musuem open past seven
how about we stand in the street
down at First Avenue
well lit and speed limit is 35
Police visit there every ten minutes
unlike the projects
and they tend
not to pull their guns
in this part of town
Rose Amberlyn Jun 2021
I'll always give my all for you.
I'll always protect you.

A wavering candle trying to stay lit.
Darkness trying to swallow me whole.
To set my smokey haze upon the room.

Even in the darkness I'd see you.
Even in the quiet I'll hear you.
Even in my deepest fears, I'll hold you.

I know not how to be a stone wall.
To keep all monsters out.
Aren't guardians supposed to?
To know the fear that those before must have faced,
Is heart sickening.
The fortress we thought we were sheltered in,
Was just a picket fence.
And now I stand.
Wood shaking in the wind.
I cry, I scream, I bellow into the storm.
You cannot have my little girl.

I will not let you.

Anxiety is mourning every possibilty.
I wear all black.
I walk in the sun, and see nothing but shade.
1 in, 1 out
Armani Dec 2017
I woke up to a world that wasn't my usual reality. The colors were darker, the sounds were deafening, and everything that exists annoys me. As if all of a sudden just being alive drained me of all my energy. At times it stopped me from walking, but it really hit me when i went to the bathroom.

You ever look at your reflection and see yourself, but it wasn't you?
I saw my face. But behind my eyes was another person, another soul, another demon. One that i didn't recognize.
It could be me, another side buried deep down underneath all of the pointless optimism i've used to hide years of negativity. Whatever it is it scared the **** out of me. It's like my reflection was about to ****** me deep into the pit of  pessimistic lamentation he crawled out of. All my evils, all my repressions, all my failures, and more importantly, all my anger was staring me right in my face. And he came to let me know that he was in charge now. I'd always fought that "evil" voice in the back of my mind but i'd never seen him. Now that i'm looking him eye to eye, I really had to fight him this time, but.....i couldn't.
he looked me dead in my face and said "i'm already here". My heart sunk. Because for the first time in my life i was scared and couldn't do **** about it. I felt so helpless. You can't fight yourself. Can you? Because if he is me, then what i've been fighting all these years is inside me. So this "Evil" I've been rejecting isn't a possibilty, it's an inevitability.
If it is, pray that the hellfire isn't too hot
This is my thirteenth poem. As you can tell, my poems aren't so much poems as they are journal entries from my descent into depression.
Simon Soane Oct 2020
Right now,
as you lay warm and blessed,
your possibities are endeless:

You could be a ballerina who discovers a fresh science of soar,
you could be a globetrotter who finds a new meaning of tour,
you could be a plumber who invents a tap,
you could be the voice that makes all your friends' clap,
you could be a hair dresser who is known for her perm,
you could adore reading and be a book worm,
you could be athletic and win at sports,
you could be the lawyer who wows all the courts.

But now is not the time for possibilty,
only certainty:

the certainty that the two people you see the most shine on you with all of love's beam,

and think you are the best
they have ever seen.
River Nov 2017
If you want
We could escape this drudgery
Abandon this provincial town
And our menial jobs
Slaving away aimlessly
For payday
If you want
We could hold hands,
Despite what our friends say
Trying to tell us
What's wrong or right
We could decide for ourselves
From now
If you want
We could soar like eagles
Explore this vast world of possibilty
I want to kiss you under a desert night sky
Seeing the endless galaxy
If you want
We could live a rich life
With little money
We could read books, and dance in torrential storms,
Snuggle under piles of blankets
Watch Disney movies all day long
Live on a bus
Visit all the national parks,
And spread our love and kindness
If you want
We could be wild and free
Breaking free from conformity
If you want
It could just be you and me
Travelling this endless earth
In each other's company.
Raj Bhandari May 2019
The signals of life,
as, I,
the possibilty of survival,
isn't good!
" Everything is quiet for a second
I see multiple colors around me
Where am I
In another universe
I say to myself
No you are were you want to be
The place were every dream can come true
And every possibilty is endless
I'm amazed to be here
Everything is beautiful
But for all I know this can't be real
Unless I change the world
And maybe it can come true
But with a little of hope you can have inside
Is enough to make a difference in the world and in someone's Life"
Mohd Arshad Feb 2019
Is a bidden guest
Who adds salt to our smiles

It's nightingale
That flutes spine-tingling songs
To **** our weariness away

It's a winsome bride
Who calls forth our hope
To weave a wonderful waterfall
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
The possibilty of a strong version
Of Buddhist philosophy:

The entire physical universe
As a mind created illusion.

Subject/Object non-dualism.

What then is real?
Is it shunyata I in silence feel?

I still battle back the fear.
And wait upon the deer.

— The End —