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From my mute mouth pours the emotions and exaggerated feelings of a once precious time constraint love. From the peddle touch of your masculine being evokes the insurmountable lust to be touched more and more like the tease of a honey bee that passionately ***** and pollinates the delicate flower bud until it screams in the wave of the wind, but now left not so naïve and innocent I like the flower am left to bud and bloom without my once precious time constraint loved…
brian odongo Aug 2016
My heart yearns for an adventure
For a strange and rare venture
Oblivious of the tons of dangers
For in adventures I ain’t a stranger
For I would relieve childhood years
That I spent with my little peers.

An adventure in distant lands
Where the children play with wet sands.
And dolphins jump out of water
When the noon sun makes the ocean hotter.
Where the fisherman yaw his boat
To capture all the salmon afloat.

An adventure by the oasis in the Sahara desert
Where Tuaregs sit by the cactus to eat dessert.
And watch as scorpions prey on lizards
To feast on their gizzards.
I want day sun to warm my smooth skin
And the night cold to shiver my crude chin.

An adventure cuddling cold snow on my hand
Where the icy pillars in their majesty stand.
And make a cave of snow
Strong to stand when wind blow.
Then I will scare the polar bear
That my cave like a paper wants to tear.

An adventure on the corn field
When in summer the flowers yield
When the butterflies pollinates the corns
And the farmer weeds out the thorns
I want to watch the corn spring to life
When the early rain is rife

An adventure across the sky in a plane
And watch as daylight slowly wane.
I want to leave a route on the sky
That in the future I would still ply.
Then immortalize my name in the cloud
That dark clouds in their anger cannot shroud.

An adventure deep in the amazon woods
When the purple squirrel burrow for food.
Where the monkey sway their tails
And red roses litter narrow trails.
I want to watch the ants builds their mounds
As the ripe mangoes fall on the ground.

An adventure that will lead to places
Leaving on all its paths my traces.
Permanents prints that will last
Even when my life like history is past.
And my adventure would be told as a tale
That like time will not stale.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
Mornings are wet

sun peaks behind dark clouds

harsh winds blow

tree leaves sing

bees pollinates nature

flowers blossom free

frozen petals question Spring

why Winter refuses to leave

It holds the seasons hostage

with warm days and cold nights

and the earth caught in between

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Dedicated to the unstable seasons winter and spring.
Tom McCone Mar 2014
Upon a web strung across vast fields of
pure and distant velvet nothing,
perfect back-traces of the flickering past
revolve in place, in silence,
signs puddled for an instant from abandoned
corners of clusters. Polaris sieves a movement,
severs Octantis in a slated blink of being as quiet
reaches from further clutches, as a light quivers against
the dark, enshrined in its own solace, drinking from
a garden of heaviness; a sigh slips, echoes and lingers.

A tidy emptiness wavers in the tide of
time-shifting constellations, pulses lost in the single
night that never stems. A fine dust propagates
under the breath-patterns of its own constituency.
No symbol spoken, the still moment reaches and
encompasses all, heaving in glass moments compressing
beneath layers, bathed ablaze and curling through its
own precessing maw. Gathering, spiralling pieces of
uncoalesced millenia hurtle against an again hurtling
arm of a freckle gathered on a point of dust drifting
between caverns diving through the weight of walls holding
all that support their standing. A drop of light quivers
from each mouth, hides in crevices where smaller droplets
stand firmer at each junction, stand shining quietly with
no motive, dials slipping. The dripping lays down sheets,
climbs no corridor, designs a movement of no consequence;
dries out, knowing full well all the while. A ghost remains,
or a breath, both ultimately of finite import:
an exhalation or mote of dust.

Rain won't fall, the creek remains and, in tumult etched of
rigid symmetries, forges splits in azure. A broken fullness,
a glimmering product to permute and dissipate repetitions,
the slow formation of a complete emptiness.
In fine tapestry woven through the murk bellowed, the pattern
twists, coiling fingers through itself, the coalescing rotations
play out silence in no coda. The creek was never there.
Rain makes its way.                                                                  
                                       Capsular soil gives, capitulates petrichor,
defies dust aridity to cling in soft bundles about the child,
clothed in broken wings, tail clambering, all fine splits decided
upon countless repetitions passed. Light hovers and lights stand,
spin, in turn, as intervals chew tails through no static
motif, each gesture a mockery of predecessing broken ground
as fingers sliver ever toward known constancy,
blankets of warmth, an unclosing eyelid. Thus shuffles
awake the clamberer, to stretch and arc against potentials,
to fluoresce and bathe in radiance. A greater scheme
mingles at the tips of outstretched arms carrying wings
to break and flesh to guide a canopied architecture into
clearings laid out below twinkling webs to fold through
and let breath be taken as pawprints slowly form the
fingertips of a new architect. The children of the
child watch silent as motion trickles from centuries'
fortune. An emblem hangs in soft light on a ripple over
all-but-still water, cohort as glittering fragments strewn
beside. A bird's cry is lost in the marsh.                        
moments of absolute movement lay out beds of stillness, of reprieve.

At sea level, the curling faultlines feed open plain from
glass tears and monuments fleck the landscape of horizon.
To a pivoting sequence carves tiny bound structures in
self-image, a boiled-down replication to forge immemorial
traverse, a hairline fracture led blind through lakes of ice.
Still, to carry forward in a display of conviction, fine
splitting lineage diverges and cross-pollinates. First a
step, then a meadow, a panorama, three scores of
underbrush, seven mountains cradling a single pass,
two endless expanses of peat, one river for the life
of a child, three nights of no sleep, a resolve,
six iterations, one modification, seventeen snowfalls,
one feat built slow to grandeur, three months at sea,
three years at sea, three thousand years, seven oceans,
four hundred billion innovations, a blink of an eye. From
closed wings rise ordered patterns to clamber, always
asleep, to punctuate that immutable grove of light now
organized in transient gleams of projection and
nomenclative claim. Hollowed bellies of these
unstirring colossi, in turn, self-assemble and
writhe against an upturned gradient: disorder
bares teeth, crafts homogeneity and stumbles
on as Polaris dutifully continues in slow march
and reclaim of a ghost still cycling and hiding.

Finally, the moment takes grasp of all else
and itself, and parts tides of now-distant lights
through the ceiling and collapses where, between
word-laden walls, a tiny and terrified piece of
it attempts to reveal to all else that the moment
is already
written for a reading; never read anyway.
Connor Jul 2017
I - Sunrise at Futamiguara/Revealed Intent

The piano on fire/
echoing throats of crystal

Village Mystics resign their title for a quick drowning


Wedded-Rocks tide
together while Tsunami rolls in

(Izanagi / Izanami withstand the thrashing)

Japanese Autumn
welcomed as I watch a tinted rose unfold its cloaked chaos

(wherein a panther heeds its calling)

My heart has revealed itself at last

II - Love

bristling zeal/
halycon eyes & Haitian drums
aid the muscles
christening scene-

- bridal dancer pollinates a sleepers teeth in love poems fused with salt

&labor keeps the diaphragm sky
(with pinneedle clouds) afloat

I temper the image tilled with pen/sometimes it doesn't feel enough

(the shadow devours itself)

III - Conservatory of Music/Child Complex

Each gate of heaven its own sound

each device of wrath like doorstep-

-chimes (miracle)

or a whimper dashing through a lake
(vision of pallbearer)

gas heater/
the central puppeteer is dimmed, enjoying his contemplation of the (crafting)

999 violet walkup,
I can faintly hear what sounds like a private fountain

   (misguided flamingos bathe here
   and die
     during ***-season
IV - Joyful Soul/Reconciliation

   Year of water,
  exiting the glassness

  once showered me in doubt
-remove the cause

... and discarding my obligations
(they have only been actors)

where phoenix-mind
erudite/the staggered
  single conversation between grace & naivety/

Balinese temples smeared in
(******) ash & brass &

frame of fade (childhood) yearning for bedsheets and harmonica temperature

V - Reminder/Ocean Choir

(tiger tiger burning bright/amplify your helplessly

joyful your motion
the motion of eager
  repeating archaic
     imitations (meditative)

VI - Painterly Woman/Temporary Gladness/Objective in Medium

my family is
sculpted by candles countless candles
(shadow dancer)

-inhaling holidays

I nightmare
     skin emerging from my bedroom wall

suggested image written with higher potential imaginative range than the act of looking at a "described" moment on a canvas. As one suggests their own image in writing while as painting assumes its own image for you. The reverse transaction. One cannot author a paintings beauty such as one sculpts the image from ink. Both are as immediately beautiful. Different mediums for different objectives (or rather methods we use to achieve this objective)

VII - Unattainable

Pine drum;winking
fashionable clothmats
copulate for silk and ever purer
ever purer
(silk)))       the child universe

will bleed like

(amen/doldrum/amen(doldrum) amen)

VIII - Spring

Aware (zen taste) - moment evokes a more intense, nostalgic sadness connected with Autumn and the vanishing away of the world

This is the unbinding of words
as my terrific dead lover of disaster
put it-

(Somehow the unforgotten
name remains lavish, after all this reconfiguring, the infertile soil we attempted to escape,
the shade we hid in once like a peacock's coat, somehow the name, your name

remains clean)
Eric W Apr 2017
These words are like
flower petals strewn across
a forgotten floor.
A contrast in a desolate space,
but chew them,
examine them, love them
and see their origins
birthed in poison.
They escape from their captor's
skin through long trailing tendrils
of ink
much in the way
the ***** pollinates the flower
and is never seen again,
much in the way the words are warped
by alliteration and savagely
captive in metaphors
like they belong in a simile
like they belong under the skin
the way a past made up of
a universe
can never quite make
anything whole again.
They don't quite belong in a
barren place such as this,
but can never move,
for  their venomous
cover would surely taint
all that is green and
full of life.
And if a wind, a breeze,
should lift them from
their resting place upon the floor,
they would surely float and dance
in all normality,
in all the ways they should,
and will wither
and shed their toxic pieces
along the way
to cause coughing, sneezing,
and noses ****** like the watering can
that sprouted these
heinous flowers.
And they will fall
Brycical Dec 2011
I have created this fire flower,
blue, just for your visual pleasure.
It sprouts from the cloth ground,
electric stems reach out to touch
a vacant sky.

For you, my dear
this flower pollinates
the cloth soil with small
blue flames where more
fire flowers will sprout,
all of their electric stems
reaching for the sky.

Soon, my dear
their smoke will
combine, forming clouds
in the sky,
shaped like rabbits chasing tigers.

And for you, my dear,
these clouds run
into a cave, at the edge
of this wondrous burning garden
where a single pearl dwells.
But this is no ordinary pearl,
nay, this round, virtuous gem
knows everything;
secrets to all worlds from the smallest
of atoms inspired by your eyes
to the ancient languages
first known to this world’s civilizations
where I learned words
that mean more than just
“beauty,” “magnificent”
& “vibrant”
just for you,
my dear.
Aztec Centeno Sep 2016
For whom do bees flutter?
Wandering aimlessly,
Pollinates every flower,
To keep the hive by the hour.

For whom do lions hunt?
Prowling beneath the green,
With life and limb to risk,
To feed the cubs who frisk.

For whom do oxen stand firm?
Cirlcing 'round their young,
Horns on steady grounds,
Fending off Arctic hounds.

But with one heed to pay,
A thorough observation,
Can thus prove the claim,
Humans are all the same.

For in our humble longing,
Our quest for knowing,
With one deep gasp,
Do we eagerly ask:

For whom do our hearts ache?
We take the leap of faith,
We weather the heavy rain,
All for the ones worth our pain.
Like the beasts of the animal kingdom, the innate motive of our hearts, minds, and souls is to toil & go through hardships for the sake of the people we love; we "live" (so to say) for our loved ones.
Marleny Apr 2018
Heart break is the seed that
pollinates from chest to chest.
So it should not come as a surprise when
a crimson rose blossoms behind the sternum
with a wealth of thorns surrounding it.
Evolution has dictated that
If anyone comes too close,
they will get pricked in the process.
A subtle form of protection, but also a warning.
A "Come no further than this."

The thing about roses is that
they are capable of self pollinating.
Sometimes we just do this to ourselves.
We get off to our own misery,
and as crude as that sounds,
for a lot of us,
that has been the truth.

A broken heart can only protect itself
the best way it knows how, but
when did protection become repression?
It is too easy for the same thorns that defend the rose
to become its own enemy, choking the flower
out of the nutrients it needs.

We can justify all we want that
if somebody truly wanted to pick us first
to put us first,
then they should be able to withstand
a little pain to reach us...
And some do,
but should that be the standard,
to hurt someone and see if they stay?

That is how cross pollination occurs.
We **** around and hurt people
by refusing vulnerability
that is owed to them.
And after all the *******,
the other person can heal
and grow stronger from the experience,
or the rose they have wilts
and a new one blooms in its place,
one that contains undesirable characteristics
that would not have existed if
we had just loved openly in the first place.

Heart break should not beget heart break...

Why do roses symbolize love anyway?
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
Why have love,
when there's heartbreak?
Is a brief moment of love worth,
A life with a broken heart?
The words I speak have puzzled
Most of the world.
Two feelings more intense
Than death itself.
Love controls your life
It is the puppet master,
And you are the puppet.
It brings light as radiant as the sun
And darkness like midnight.
I'd rather had love and loss love,
Than never loved at all.
It is a sensation compared
With ones heart beating.
Knowing love and having loved
Is the beauty of life.
It pollinates the flowers
That brings happiness.
Love brings one happiness.
Poem from 2010
(After Cavafy)

The sun flattens your vision
   to a wavering point.
      You search for a different sun.
         There is no other.

The wind stymies your breathing
   to an asthmatic wheeze.
      You search for a different wind.
         There is no other.

The sea shortens your journey
   to an anonymous port.
      You search for a different sea.
          There is no other.

The sky opens its vistas,
   vast, beyond your reach.
      You search for a different sky.
         There is no other.

The city blots your horizon
   with soot, smoke and ash.
      You search for a different city.
         There is no other.

The day dissolves in hours
   without number or name.
      You search for a different day.
         There is no other.

Beauty upholds its ideal
   like a statue without wings.
      You search for a different Beauty.
         There is no other.

The word pollinates the page
   with a frail, feeble sense.
      You search for a different word.
          There is no other.

The self mirrors the cosmos,
   a contracting black hole.
      You search for a different self.
          There is no other.

The poem laughs at your yearning
   for Art’s Eternal Form.
      You search for a different poem.
          There is no other.

So you write the same poem
   from the same shrinking self,
      with the same weakling words,
         seeking the same ideal Beauty,

On the same day after day,
    in the same ***** city,
      under the same endless sky,
         beside the same aimless sea,

Into the same stifling wind,
   blinded by the same soulless sun.
      And you call it a different life.
          But there is no other.
yellow  butterfly
pollinates for sweet nectar
purple  lavender.

Shell ✨🐚
Love between butterfly and flower.
Danny Wolf Mar 2022
Skywoman fell from her world above with seed in her hand. The muskrat, dead of life, clenched mud in its paw, its final offering so Earth could become. It all begins with soil and seed. Soil, a micro universe of life sustaining life. Seed, the tiny carriers of stories and sustenance. Two rich and sacred beings I will learn well in my life. My fingers have placed many seeds into cells packed with fertilized soil, placed many seeds straight into the Earth. I have watered them, transplanted their strong roots and promising sprouts, tended to them, harvested their food body and been nourished by their flesh. Soil and seed are the foundation of all plant life, and thus, the foundation of us. Their cells become our cells. Their fiber scrubs our bodies clean of waste and sin. They are the Earth's lungs that breathe life into our lungs. Skywoman fell with seed in her hand. Seed from another world, her offering to a place not originally her home. Turtle Island is not the home of my ancestors. I feel discomfort in the thought of tending to land that was brutally stolen. I find solace in the story of Skywoman. Through her steadfast dedication and reciprocity with the land, Turtle Island welcomed Skywoman in, let itself become her home by its own choice. Her offering of seed a promise to be its tender, its stewardess. Although this Land of Turtle Island is not the roots and soil of my Ancestors, we are all inhabitants of a greater Earth. Through the waters and the mycelial network buried under the old growth forest, I can reach to where my great, great, great, great grandparents stewarded land and tended to beast alike. Their stories are not lost to me, and although I may not know them in the form of words, they are, like the plants, the cells, blood and bone of my being. They comprise the very physical structure and spiritual essence of who I am. And so although this Land of Turtle Island will never be my ancestral home, I can only pray to become its native in time, by its choice, by its welcome. My ancestral home is Earth, as it is for all human life. All of the two legged beings that came before me have foot-printed her soft soil, swam in her rivers, and returned their naked bodies deep in the ground to be food for worms and microbes that digested both their skin and stories. These pieces of human life nourish the soils where wild ramps and fiddleheads grow, where wine berries burst in color, and where carrot seed roots itself sweet and deep. What are we but food for the impeccable microbial universe present in each and every handful of soil? If I work in this life to make my body, my flesh, my muscle, my blood, the most nutritious food for the micro beings to consume and put to new use when I am placed naked and free back into the ground, then I will have done part of my duty. May I one day be potent medicine for them. My duty, next to nourishing the microbes when my heart no longer beats, is to tend to this land as home, healer and relative. One day there will be land that I need, and it will find me, and I will work each day to know and tend and feel and understand that land like my own very body. Until that day, and still after, I will build upon my own heart and mind a beautiful layer of compost and woodchips to breakdown and become rich, soft soil. Soil that retains and builds nutrients and water, is beautifully aerated and loamy. I will build that world within myself so I can extend it outward to every seed I touch, every wild and cultivated food I harvest. And, when that land comes to allow me to tend to it, my offerings will be of humble, hard work. Of service. My work will be to become its native. May the birds know the beat of my footsteps like they know the beat of their own hearts. May the coyotes and the rabbits and the groundhogs and squirrels know my scent the way they know the scent of the wildflowers that have bloomed alongside them year after year, decade after decade. May the soil know the salt of my sweat that has dripped into its universe every day from April to October under the heat of the Sun. May my salts and electrolytes mix with their world, day in and day out, until they need me, too, to survive. May I be as integral to the system as every bee that pollinates the flowers, every frog that eats the bugs, and every fungus that consumes the dead leaf particles and turns them into fertile forest floor for the ferns and other fauna to emerge in ecstasy and vigor. The flavor of this place will be as diverse as the many worlds that collide and coalesce to create it. And I yearn for the day to know the shade of golden yellow of the butter that comes from the cream that separated from the milk that comes from the cow that’s been nourished by the land we have inhabited and fell in love with together. One day I will know just by the subtle change of the smell of the breeze that the magnolias and daffodils are about to blossom. I will know the sweetness of my carrots and green beans, the lingering smell of garlic scapes on my hands after plucking them in May. But first I must make a home of myself. First, my own body, mind, spirit, must be tended to with such adoration and respect and beauty and brilliance. So I will start there…becoming native to my own body. Becoming home to my own self.
The Seed Of Life

A seed implanted into life
who grows, and cautiously
stretches forth to grasp,
and learn and try

A blossom opening to a rose
as knowledge pollinates our minds
The sweet perfume of dreams
drifting from petals of anticipation

A flower, vulnerable toward life,
unheedful of obstacles ahead,
yearning, eager, hopeful,
impatient to extend

The gentle showers of achievements
nourish ambitions hidden under doubt
Endeavous failed, but wisdom gained,
adventures lie ahead

Our roots entwined by friendships,
treasured memories formed,
branching out our minds return
and linger on forgotten times

The season is for laughter,
for memories and smiles
It is a time to journey toward
horizons yet unknown
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
You are not
a butterfly but
it seems you
move like one.
The way you
flutter about tells
stories about you.
Don't you ever
keep still for
a moment.
Joyfully you
roam all around
looking for where
to perch.
Even in your
rest you still move.
Your heart rovers
about thinking of
what to do and
where next to be.
But you love
the flowers
that blooms and
blossom in the open.
You love nectar
from each different
kinds of flowers
in the orchard.
Your life is
full of energy
pulsating with subtle
expression of beauty.
I can see how
colourful your
world has become.
Beauty is
wrought in you.
Gentle and fragile
but elegant and lovely.
Minding your business,
you are very dutiful
and like the butterfly,
that pollinates the
flowers with a touch,
you transform every
life in your sphere.
There's no idle
moment in you.
You understand that
each moment has
a purpose in creation.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Angie Nov 2024
If I stay a nervous bud
my full bloom will not encroach upon the grandeur of another
& I will invite no retribution
Though the artist in me knows
that a whole field in bloom
Pollinates the world.
Bloom with the artists.

If I stay silent
my words cannot be smithed into a weapon of censure,
and be used to cut me into smaller pieces.
Though the poet takes my words
& alchemises them
into an elixir for healing.
Speak with the poets.

If I smother my fire
I inspire no ire from neighbouring Suns
for whom my shine is a punishable theft of thunder.
Though a sister moon mirrors my light and illuminates the next.
Shine regardless.

If I stay in my armour
my vulnerability cannot become the missile launched at me
by the traitor who begged for my truth
Though an ally reveres my courage
and meets it with the honour of their own open heart.
Open, even though.
Sabrina DLT Nov 2021
I can recall the way the morning dew sits on the fresh budding flowers in spring.
Ignorant to the winter that melted away before them they grow towards sun.
Youth have a unique talent of being able to stare directly into the sun.
They know-it-all while remaining  empty and full of angst.
The cold heart of youth keeps them bold and detached.
In the summer their necks are bent and their spines are crooked.
The youth are feeble, vain, and gullible.
They are easily swept away by the first wave of interest.
They drown in love and vices.
They fantasize about their celebrity
And they love to hate any flowers that lived through the winter before them.

Just you wait till the world pollinates you.
The world hangs above you like an Acne anvil suspended into the ether.
When autumn comes it will fall and explode on them like dreary dark piñata filled with children, debt, taxes, and new displeasures that no one ever warned them about.
The world will pluck every petal off you one by one
"They love, they love me not, they love me, they love me not".
Then the clouds will stroll in.
And winters first snow will began to shimmy down and settle on every stem.
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
The sight of her
brings a smile,
whether in pajamas
or dressed with style.

To see her move,
to taste her kiss,
is true luxury,
I don't want to miss.

Just like golden fluid,
squeezed from bears,
drizzled over toast,
or cinnamon pears.

It's what I call her
as she buzzes around,
tending our hive,
humming jubilant sounds.

She pollinates me
and makes me grow,
this is forever,
it's not hard to know.

— The End —