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Tes cheveux bleus aux dessous roux,

Tes yeux très durs qui sont trop doux,

Ta beauté qui n'en est pas une,

Tes seins que busqua, que musqua

Un diable cruel et jusqu'à

Ta pâleur volée à la lune,

Nous ont mis dans tous nos états,

Notre-Dame du galetas

Que l'on vénère avec des cierges

Non bénits, les Avé non plus

Récités lors des Angélus

Que sonnent tant d'heures peu vierges.

Et vraiment tu sens le ***** :

Tu tournes un homme en nigaud,

En chiffre, en symbole, en un souffle,

Le temps de dire ou de faire oui,

Le temps d'un bonjour ébloui,

Le temps de baiser ta pantoufle.

Terrible lieu, ton galetas !

On t'y prend toujours sur le tas

À démolir quelque maroufle,

Et, décanillés, ces amants,

Munis de tous les sacrements,

T'y penses moins qu'à ta pantoufle !

T'as raison ! Aime-moi donc mieux

Que tous ces jeunes et ces vieux

Qui ne savent pas la manière,

Moi qui suis dans ton mouvement,

Moi qui connais le boniment

Et te voue une cour plénière !

Ne fronce plus ces sourcils-ci,

Casta, ni cette bouche-ci,

Laisse-moi puiser tous tes baumes,

Piana, sucrés, salés, poivrés,

Et laisse-moi boire, poivrés,

Salés, sucrés, tes sacrés baumes.
Carrie Ross Nov 2011
A frat boy's superficial nightmare
selfishly appropriates the dance floor with her all too big of a ***
with two legs like a grand piana
thank God mommy didn't name her “Hannah”
she ain't too nifty
but tries with the hope of one day weighing less than 250
with her love handles only do so with extreme caution
don't you dare mention how you sit next to her in a class of 60  
though her desk is situated at the other end of the room
tell her she's pretty
but move into ultrasound when completing the phrase with a direct reference to plump or ugliness laugh if you find this funny
and don't if you don't
but don't don't don't tell me to leave subversion
to people who actually know how it works
because I do
but I do not think it's appropriate to call this satire
because it's so close to what I've heard and what so many young women hear on a daily basis
so please
remember your acne
your pygmy genitalia
and the embarrassing fact that you
and the last carbon-based life form you had as a ****** partner
share a set of grandparents
be a gentleman
keep your chauvinistic squeals to a minimum as you compare such women out of your league
to pigs because your tail couldn't be more of a spiral at this point
get out of the way to make room for us sea cows
****** frustration aside
whether you like it or not
this is where we ******* swim
Eener Nospmoht Oct 2013
I am reminded of the valleys I have never seen when I look into the space between reason and defeat.
Sad is the traveller with no umbrella when it rains.
Dewdrops on a lilac give me hope for my future children.
Piana stools bring me grief, why, I know not.
I sing the grasshopper's song to beacon my family but no one replies. Disappointment has become routine.
Mosquitos were once friends but after my sister's graduation, their moods have gone sour.
Monsters are but misunderstood angels.
BW Mar 2018
I don't like the way
how I have to take all the blame for arguments
How you threaten to **** me up
Until I slit my wrist in the bathtub
then tell me I am the one who stirs all the **** up

You thicken the air I breathe
You cremated the butterflies in my stomach
That I had for you, once upon a time
Dread filled my lungs whenever you talked

Now they can't see anything wrong, you buy me
Tiffany's on the first date made love to me on the
third. Your Loro Piana goes with my dress, your
Patek Phillipe matches my Cartier.
Smile and wave
Smile on, for the camera.
Even our cat can end up on Tatler's cover

But it's faultless right? Picture perfect, look at us.
Covered it up, no no, no one must see
Your deceits and my tears, how a tornado meets
a volcano, we are falling apart.
Fear. Anxiety. Scars. You leave me burning, and I
stab a knife in your heart

I wanna quit you up.
a tormented story really
There once was a man from Montana
Whose favoritest butter was canna:
     He'd spread it on hotcakes
     (Which made of them potcakes),
Then go play a sloppy piana.
BW Feb 2018
She should be married by now
I watched
The black hand on the white basel
tick on, reflecting my poker face
with the Patek Phillipe logo

Numb. Pain. Pain or numb?
It should be me, she was the one
I had her, she was mine
She likes tomato juice, miniatures
Black Louboutins in size 4 and a half
Tatler, oreo cheese Dairy Queen blizzard
Mint tea, kebab and omakase

Dance. Pole or Burlesque?
body rock hard, eyes on me
It should be me, down the aisle
Her lips always red, her eyes
curl up when she smiles
cat eye, plushies, flowers on fields
Books, panels, her wit sharp as knife

She should be walking out of church
Eyes stared at the door
I had no blue in Tiffany, red in Cartier
Blood on my hands, pyramid top
No time for her, I made it all for her
So she left me in the middle
Of an Hermes store

I saw her, white dress smiling
She didn't look at him
the way she looked at me
10 years ago, today, 10:45
First time I saw her, in a red dress
I opened the car door.
I crumpled my Loro Piana in the rain

I grabbed her, her mother screamed
Her best friend laughed, her dad sighed
The man reached for me,
I am not letting go
a very weird poem about a story of a guy and a girl
Più i giorni s'allontanano dispersi
e più ritornano nel cuore dei poeti.
Là i campi di Polonia, la piana dì Kutno
con le colline di cadaveri che bruciano
in nuvole di nafta, là i reticolati
per la quarantena d'Israele,
il sangue tra i rifiuti, l'esantema torrido,
le catene di poveri già morti da gran tempo
e fulminati sulle fosse aperte dalle loro mani,
là Buchenwald, la mite selva di faggi,
i suoi forni maledetti; là Stalingrado,
e Minsk sugli acquitrini e la neve putrefatta.
I poeti non dimenticano. Oh la folla dei vili,
dei vinti, dei perdonati dalla misericordia!
Tutto si travolge, ma i morti non si vendono.
Il mio paese è l'Italia, o nemico più straniero,
e io canto il suo popolo, e anche il pianto
coperto dal rumore del suo mare,
il limpido lutto delle madri, canto la sua vita.

— The End —