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dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
touch me  hold me.
in moon lite night.
a sweet love of night.
a sweet of love the dawn.
a  sweet love of spring time song.
in month of june.
so touch me hold me.
in arms tonight.
in the moonlite night
so dance with me mylove
in moonlite night.
sweet love of the night.
sweet of the dawn.
i love you yes it true.
my sweet love of spring time song.
in month of june.
dance with me my love
in the moonlite night.
hold me in your heart.
my sweet love of the night.
as tonight tonight.
wish upon the stars.
an hold my love in my arms.
so  touch me hold me.
in the moonlite night.
my sweet love of the night.
sweet love of the dawn.
sweet love of spring time song
in month  of  june .
i  love my love.
dance with my love  in moon lite .
an hold me in your heart .
in sweet love of the night.
i love you my love.
a moonlite summers eve
slow dancing beneath the trees
fire flies sparkle like stars in the night sky
dancing to our selective style

the dark shadows playing a secret game
as eternity turns into a single moment
as rescue floats blissfully out of view
trapping me in here
where there is no sign of you

caught up in a web of lies
getting really hard to disguise
the way you make me feel
suddenly hopping this is real
Jordan Jun 2014
I don’t know where you fly to at nite.
I’m certain to all that I love.
Do you glow with the moonlite?
Or float in the heavens up above?

Do you hang with the stars in the sky?
Or gaze at them from the meadow below?
Do you give me a kiss goodbye?
Or just in the morning to say hello?

Maybe you grow with the tree garden,
Or sleep with the lions of my sign,
Where is it you go wanderin’
Little soul of mine?

I wonder if you go back
To the dawning of your days.
I wonder when was that?
Or were you here always?

Maybe you go to my future,
Setting it straight for me,
You’ve had great judgment so far
As the holder of my life’s key

Do you mingle with other souls?
You must be looking for your perfect mate
So you’re not lonely on such twilight strolls
Wherever it is that you go so late.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
hear my song.
hear my song.
angel of my heart.
angel of my day.
you feel my life
with joy.
O'angel of the moon lite night.
you touch me with your love.
you hold in your heart.
O'angel  of  my heart.
an dance with me my angel love.
in the moon lite night.
the stars shine in the skies.
an hold me in your arms my love.
my angel of the  moonlite night.
feel the love , feel the joy.
an hold in your heart.
in moonlite night.
you are angel of a spring time
song in june.
an walk with me my love.
in this land of wonder.
i ownly dream of you.
i give my love to you.
you are the angel of heart.
the angel of my day.
you are the angel of  moon lite night.
in  june.
come walk with me my love
an hold in your heart.
you are the angel of my heart.
the angel of the moon lite night.

3 time sing that the song
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
shooting star
rain bow star
hear the song of my heart.
as i walk this road in life.
an hold by your hand.
an dance with me
in moonlite night.
you are my shoot star.
the lovely star of my night.
a rainbow of the spring
time song.
shooting star
shooting star
help find the way to your heart.
love pure an love is warm .
O'gentle flower of my heart.
my shooting star.
what is love but love is you.
you are the music you are the song.
of my heart.
my shooting star of life.
i love you.
Geno Cattouse Dec 2013
You see my friend there is season to it all even when the simple silent sparrow doth fall swiftly to ground
So is the writing on the wall.

It was foretold
Cast into the wind no heartless sin
So fret not thyself of evil doers,neither be thou envious.

Bear witness. My soul has fled. Silver pieces they simge my palm as lead young.still hot from crucible.
my.spirit cries out
The ravings of the moonstruck loon.
Shackles as adornmet they follow me  as suckling child.
And the twisted path leads me me
Michael-Angelo Dec 2019
I only like you in the moonlit night, for time with you in the daylight is nice, but the moon brings out a sparkle in your eyes only the dim soft light from the moon can bring the stars shine up above, but the moon cries when you sleep, it waits for dusk to turn off her light, to play a moonlit serenade, dance with me, walk with me under the moonlit night, take my hand and let me be lost in your smile and sparkle in your eyes, I'll wait for eternity lost in love till you comeback and dance with me in that romantic night we fell in love, as I only like you in the moonlit night.
dennis gunsteen Oct 2010
melt my tears
my  love.
i travel road in life
with a sad sad heart.
can this  love be true
can she melt away
my tears my fears
in life .
an hold me in  her arms
in moonlite.
an dry  tears.
an say i love  my  dear
melt away my tears in the
my love is true,
my sweet heart my angel
of the night.
melt my tears my love.
you are my angel from above.
my true love in life.
Angela Oct 2010
Autumn waltzing
Leaves are dancing
A scene of loveliness

The wind it blows
To free the souls
Intriguing the world

The moonlite night
It's whitish light

I will take a chance
and dance the dance
Maybe love will find me
dennis gunsteen Oct 2010
a special flower of my heart.
you bring joy  to people heart
with your  warm smile.
the  tender way how care so
so much about other people
to prove love is real an true.
you are a  true  blue friends
my friend.
a special flower of life .
a teacher knowledge
an hope an love,
you are the special
angel in life.
you my love my joy
in life.
you are flower of  life.
that walk in beauty
moonlite  night.
you are song of  spring
you my heart an summer
breeze of love.
a special flower of  my heart.
you are the angel from above
that bring to joy to my life.
you are music in life,
the song of my heart.
Laura Feb 2010
the buzz stays longer
in the moonlite,
you glow bizarre colors
extravagent gaiety
overcomes us while the crisp outlines blur
and the streetlights
swerve and duck
to our erratic pleasure.
This time,
I will remember our childhood
as we laugh,
I will see us as grandparents
playing in the sand again
with sweet-faced angels
And I will allow myself to exist today.
anne p murray Apr 2013
He was her part time lover, even though he was her only one
A man you could love
But she’d never let him know…she had a full time heart            
Although her strings had some wear and tear throughout her years
She wasn’t going to let him put her heart in his pocket

No, she wasn’t about to give her heart away
She’d play it cool, never let him see her fears
Pretend she was tough, never cry or show any tears

He was a man, raised right by his mother
He’d lay a rose upon her pillow
He was a man like no other
There ain’t nothin’ better
then a cowboy lover

His name was Jesse from Montana
He had skin the color of lightly roasted coffee from being out in the sun so much
His smile, a bit crooked, made him look a bit mischievous in a teasing sort of manner
It could knock your socks off if you gazed too long

She met him at a little café’ in Big Sky, Montana
leaning against the counter like a long, tall drink of cool water
Boots, hat and all the makins'of a real cowboy  

She had slayed the paper dragons of her past, put them all behind her
She was bold and brave; asked for his number...
which he willingly gave, with a smile, a little bit crooked,
a bit mischievous in a teasing sort of manner

They’d cuddle in their blanket under the stars and the moonlite
listening to Hank Williams songs drinking coffee around their campfire
telling stories from their pasts; laughing, snuggling
Before she’d go to sleep at night, he’d kiss her cheek and hold her close in his arms
One night as she lay in his arms, he stroked her cheek with his tender touch,
kissed her lips and held her tight
He said, “What would you do if I asked
"Ask what”, she said?
"Little lady, do you know I love you, would you kindly be my wife”?

When he said that to her that wonderful nite under the stars
she realized...
She wanted him, to put her heart in his pocket
That was the night she gave her heart away

  She wasn’t playin’ it cool , she let him see her fears
  She wasn’t really all that tough...
  Then, she cried and showed him her tears

He was a real man, raised right by his mother
He laid a rose upon her pillow
He really was a man like no other
Nope, there sure ain’t nothin’ better
then a cowboy lover
                                                    *~The Sweet End~
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
In lucid dreams is where our passion can run free. Painting epic love poems across ancient cave walls, weaving eternal knots of oak and elm, and dancing through moonlite grasslands with fairies and flowers as our only compainions.
Just a little blip that came together during a stink I had in Montana.
anne p murray Apr 2013
She walks amongst them…standing in grocery lines
feeling soundless pain - watching others, mothers, fathers, children
Admiring- but herself, feeling alone... empty

She sits in her chair at night visualizing, pondering
pretending she hears him whisper, as his breath drifts peacefully over her somber heart
She reaches out to embrace him, but he slips like mercury thru' her open fingers
like a soft velvet breeze flowing thru’ Celestial orbs
each essence evaporating like a heart beat in the cool, crisp evening air

“Take my hand” she whispers…“Let’s walk together under the soft moonlite’
with the soft, velvet grass tickling our naked feet like soft feathers
Will you please take my hand just one more time…and follow me tonight’?”

His memory- like fluid water -crystal clear, yet so elusive ~
but oh so conclusive…
slipping thru’ her fingers with passing time- with long ago memories hidden…
Yes, hidden in her fragile heart
down its corridors of delicate whispers
that slip thru’ her fingers like blu’, silky wispy fingers of lite’

As she sits alone in the night
with wrinkles on her face - scars in her heart
she pictures their silhouettes dancing close together
Looking back at elusive time ~ falling into step with the rhythms of the past
that float across her empty room at nite’

She closes her eyes, wishing he was there; to be together just one more time…
like two silhouettes dancing on her bedroom wall
Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
We stacked cord wood twenty feet.
Covered it over nice and moonlite
Moonshine whisky cooking in the ***.

Tick hound sittin on top the hill
Lookout... #2 still
We ain't quittn what we wedo
Moonshine late night.

Old jalopy with a juiced up sheen
Sittin low and wide.

Leavin revenoors
Spittin out dust.
Crossin county lines

Parched throats waitin.
Big money makin.
***** revenoors.
Michael Parish Nov 2013
That art of fuge
Let bach rise in
The grass the neihbor
And I are mad for.
The top of my longues.
Every inch in my gut the air
Escapes with the scream
I saw this morning.
The lonly seagull flying
Over blue waves
Moves to fast to paint
The muse on sail boats
Searching fornwind.
The wind to go north.
Towards the border
Of new places.
The heart im told
Explains my metaphoric soul.
But from the angle I saw
Captured me with music.
How mad was john clare
When he saw the whole entire world.
He wasnt crazy
Im crazy to ingore
The muse.
The moonlite sonnata
And day breaking dawn.
Where the trees dead rings
Tell me thirty years ago
My mother saw six feet of snow
And she was glad.
Wennever can get tired
When we act like children.
The liberation hears every
Seed in a pink lady apple.
We were born to feel
The colors of art.
We were born to die in
The irony of death.
We came out with the ego
Of a thousand parrots
Repeat what youve learned and
Heard.  Give it to the universal
Brahma of creation.
Impulzez Nov 2012
In The Nite

Kisses under the moonlite

Creating shadows in the darknite

Singing Luvsongs after the Sunlite

Rhythmed on the sounds of beings of this nite

Clinging unto memories of all nites

Whistling tunes echoed before the Sunlite

Speaking to the unseen images of the sacred lite

Humming truluv’s music for all nites

Sequenced along the sound of this guitarist

Making sweetluv under the Starlite

Holding unto cleavages of my naked site

Kissing goodbye to the full lite

Wishing you the best of the daylite

Till we see again

In the nite
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
Down in meadows where sweet grass grows by the inch by moolite -a girl I  know she would stroll.. quietly ,barefoot and beautiful.

Flowers and rose petals filled the air as she strolled to valley.down.deep. this girl I know who couldn't sleep. the green valley way down deep.

Nite breezes whispered sadness of love adrift like the echoing bubbly,babbling brook as cool grass mingled with achy feet she walked her cares to the valley down deep.

This lady I know is lovely and rare and full of sudden sweet surprise. Like the ones that sparkle from her sleepy eyes. I think she is layered and her sorrows are deep and her pain she does keep quiet and hidden
Way down deep.
So, I somtimes wonder and conjure  what it be to hold her hand ,put her head on my shoulder sing a lullaby low and deep and stroll together on the winding path that would take us by starlite and moonlite and gentle brook to.lay us both down  in clover and Jasmine.
stroke her brow and whisper.her away to sleep in the peacefull valley with windmills up on the hills.
That  place in her joyfull surrender in the green valley way down deep

This woman I know is soft as surrender and tough as iron but the girl inside still dreams the wistfill fairytale ending while doing and going and fixing unending. Regret like a stone on her shoulder, head bowed and sweet.she has kept to the task but now weary for rest and gentle persuasion.
There's a place in the gloaming where dreamwalkers meet a misty suspension. A warm sunny place a snow capped and glistening winterland an azure briney ocean and sand.
Sahara of rippling sand like sweet music rippling forth from a merciful harp that draws her up upwards and aloft  to soar and skim in freedom then she sails the Caribbean trades with the wind in her hair still dreaming wide awake.. she.sits on the bow and seaspray carresses her hopes . Salty misy and cool and she dreams in a dream inside of contemtment unending. Then soars aloft again infitfull sleep then plunges to depths of secrets well kept to.the valley so green and so deep.
To the valley
The valley of sleep.
To green meadows
In the valley.down deep.
the kid Aug 2013
Little sad girl please don't cry anymore
You are young and pretty, don't you see?
The sun is shining and the birds are still singing
The world has not stopped living and neither has your little big heart
Listen carefully and you will hear your heart is still beating
Little sad girl dry those big beautiful eyes of yours
They are making you blind to all that will make you smile
The flowers will always bloom
The sun will rise and the sun will set
The moon will brighten up the night skies with a bit of moonlite
Little sad girl please take a closer look at what we call life
I know it can seem rough but that's what makes us strive
Little sad girl look at the world and smile
Geno Cattouse May 2016
In the quiet of the night as the world slept
well into December, there were no spirits to dredge nor scars as such. I didn't have vices that demanded much. NON SUCH.

A few insomniacs  from my tribe burned fresh wicks of discontent as flickering light from static devices crept through half drawn sashes living rooms. But for me
Non Such.

Smell of sweet night grass and stilted Oleander,crickets startled into apnea.
Dogs sending smoke signals of solitary
illumination. But I, non such.
A pace of great deliberation.
Resounding over dated concrete tablets do mark my time in moonlite.
But peace of mind.Nonsuch.
dennis gunsteen Oct 2010
to feel my love is true
who dry you tears
when chips on down.
to feel my love is true
who hold you when nights
are cold.
feel my warm embrace
as say i love you true
an blue .
to feel my  love is true
i'll say i love you .
an see an angel before me
my true love of my heart.
you breeze in the night.
you walk in beauty.
in moonlite night.
you the song of my heart.
to feel my love is true.
who hold your hands
as we walk this road in life.
who dry tears in the night.
you are my joy,
you are my happyness.
you bring peace
to my world.
an then the music
of my heart.
you are pure butterfly
of the spring.
you are my love
the only love of mine.
to feel my love is true.
an i love you so dear
with warm embrace.
to prove my love is true.
to feel my love is true.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
tear drops in the sea.
tear drops in my tea.
hold me in your heart.
in moon lite night.
the stars are in your eyes.
in moonlite night.
so dance with me my love,
in sea of love.
you are the true flower
of my then
the spring time song of life.
that bring new hope to my life.
dennis gunsteen Sep 2010
touch me love me
hold me in your heart.
like two heart in the wind.
we float on the spirit of life.
endless  to the sea of
endless dreams.
are love is the song
of moonlite night.
just to say ilove you
my dear flower of life.
we are two hearts in the breeze
of life.
katrinawillrich Mar 2015
You are only because fire ( talks outside the normal wear that tears my love) is gorgeous
Elephants purr serpent glare
Bulls market moonlite misquoted
Earned love
(Without a thousand mental bandages) to cover the flood)
As a satellite
The way we became beasts
Taught to host our own destruction
Bloodsuckers vampsexy because nobody wants to be a referred to as
a tickworm or host them
“Its in our nature to destroy ourselves.
Or each other first."
I quote a long dead ***
Privy to #2 pencil techniques
A bit poison.
anne p murray Apr 2013
You are hiding in my heart, my thoughts, my dreams
A sweetly scented secret…
Like waiting for the bud of a rose to bloom

Clouding my vision…
With your scent lingering sweetly around me
Holding me vigilant in your soft, bewitching spell

Although I know not what, or who you are
I feel your very essence floating in the air...
With a thirst so in need of quenching
Desires... needing your soft embrace
The tender touch of your fingers on my skin
And the warmth of your sweet lips on my cheek

For life-giving waters to bathe my heart, my soul
Longingly searching for eyes that shine
Patiently waiting for your return
With every part of me...
Breathing in the fragrant essence of you
That still lingers so sweetly in the air

Just a thought am I without you
Floating aimlessly…
On tender tendrils of time and antiquity ~
Waiting for your softly spoken words
To paint eternal stars in my heart
Waking my soul…
With twinkling, dusted rays of moonlite'
anne p murray Apr 2013
I’ve never really learned the true art of talking with Him
So I wonder…
Does He judge me for so lacking in perfection?
        I think not.
For Jesus is loving and merciful ~
He does not care if the words are exactly right
As long as they are from the heart – the soul
He understands the language of the poor in heart –
The language of the innocents –
His love encircles us with His tenderness
Sending His angels to carve their home in our hearts
They bandage our wounds, cloistering us from the cold
Helping us to rise like golden birds in silent wing
To be safely secreted away in Heaven’s cleft
Where our feet leave no prints- dancing like moonlite’ on water
As our hearts beat with perfection to the hymn of the eternal Songmaker
In the remote winds of Heaven’s corners
Our ragged feet will be left behind~
Our wings will sprout like golden hair
As we listen for His voice to release His Celestial wisdom
Breathing in His ancient truths- buried so deep in the whispers of light
Where life is golden, with no expiration date
Fenix Flight May 2014
Your brown eyes stare back at me
dancing in the moonlite
Carefree and laughing

I pull you too me
your body trembling against mine
Trusting me completely

you showed me a side of you
that you had never shown before
I accepted in a heartbeat

Holding hands
our fingers intertwined
our hearts becoming tangled

When your life made you cry
I would wrap you in my arms
and protect you from the pain

When you needed refuge
I opened my doors wide
and shielded you from the heartache

You left me
you left us
you tore it all away

I know you needed to
I know you needed to save yourself
from your abusive parents

I miss you

I miss my bestfriend
I miss my girly
I miss us
Paige I love you so much. I will always be here
Karisa Brown Oct 2017
I got these feelings
I can't freely explain
One of explosion
One off uninting
And one I haven't
Even Sat fire in

But you're there
In all my belongings
In my etchings
My longing
My reminiscing

Is it wrong
That I dont truly
What you
Mean to me

You mean
All The sunflowers
Wilted from the
Springs bleeding

And ice aroma
Crept up my nose
And I sneeze
Them away

Because you
Unearth me
Stepped foot
On my soil

I think you
Reached up
Before the
Roots grew here

Far off
In a constellation
Of galleries
You were
To me

Somewhere between
Sweet sunlight bliss
And a never-ending
Moonlite lust
For his
Beating blues
To kiss
Rai Nov 2020
Searching the crevices of my soul.
Midnight rondevou’s  help me see
the  multifaceted nature of my existence
A moment of realigning my energies
Falling into strange moonlite dreamscapes that make no sense and yet
I find my mind free and open
Embracing my darkness
I hold on tight for this  ride
Never before has it been so important
To just let go
Let go and claw my way forward along
the bramble led path before me.
This is my path
My existence
My life
And I will live it the way my destiny calls me to
And then and only then will I understand the weaving of my soul.

— The End —