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Zane McHarris Oct 2014
Every Sunday they would play, dancing on water,
Skidding across the ripples, and climbing up together
Two skiers fall in love, I for her,

And she for another, a friend to both.
Coveting what we wished was ours.
Idly on the shore I stood

Where The water cooled my feet
Watching how she watched,
how she chased

with a smile, I'd have given anything to make.
When the object of her eye, fell
Hard into angels' arms,

And nineteen turns around the sun
Was all that he would have
She cried, and her tears broke my heart

We both lost a friend that day,
But what hurt me most
Was how I knew she'd have never cried like that

If it had been me who fell
And so inside I said, I wish I could have traded fates
So for once I'd have made her smile stay
I'd love feedback
Gossamer Dec 2013
Scorching sand covering my toes
Salty air in the wind that blows
The land and water harmonize ;
You're sublime, sweet summertime.

The ocean waves are in my hair,
And there are people everywhere.
This whole place is a perfect rhyme;
You're so sublime, sweet summertime

Sunset to sunrise, I am awed;
I cannot find a single flaw.
The stars glow brighter every night;
You're so sublime, sweet summertime.

She sells seashells by the sea shore
Returns each year, for she needs more
Of the grand, ever-changing skies;
You're so sublime, sweet summertime.
CH Gorrie Jul 2014
Late-spring's dilemma
Is unabridged and sweet;
Beardtongues and fuchsias peer through grass blades:
Blotches on the bristly canvas.

Camellias? Still in April.

Slices of rye shift on my plate;
Miramar’s war machines whip overhead;
My mouth opens into the Gulf of Kuwait;

The toast becomes
Moldering lips of Pendleton.

There’s a single-story house on a hill
That to helicopters
Looks like an easel.

Great canyons open
To the south and west; the street clings to time—

A pianist’s metronome
Waltzes crosswise on an eardrum.

The eucalyptus bends the deafening breeze.

Are you still dredging Coronado's cradle?
(The tide
Disintegrates the illimitable skyline.)

An unlit Anza-Borrego beats about my ears,
Stars piggybacking the horizon.

The cacti shrivel:
Glitter in a hurricane.

End-of-spring guesses
Prey upon a betrayer’s conscience.
Stilted, they flash ephemerally.
Crow Jun 2019
what were the means by which
they came to wear a uniform
it is meaningless now

what was the color of their skin
in what manner did they speak
what was their music
what place was home

all that made them who they were
overshadowed now
by why they are gathered

wearing that uniform
standing in ranks
standing for their fellow
warrior beside them

giving to the final breath
for the most precious
gifts they themselves
had been given

whether family was
10,000 miles away
or next to them in a hole
in the dirt
so close each could feel
the others pounding heart

they are in ranks still

at Arlington
at Leavenworth
at Miramar
at Normandy
at Belleau
at Manila
at hundreds more
and unseen graves in
jungles and mountains
all around the world

ranks that will stand till
the earth itself changes
Written first for Memorial Day less than two weeks past. But I felt it appropriate for the 75th anniversary of D-Day as well.
Entre las ondas azules
Del bello Mediterráneo,
En el Golfo de Trieste
Surgiendo entre los peñascos,
Hay un alcázar que ostenta
Con gran arte entrelazados
En muros y minaretes
Lo gótico y lo cristiano.
Parece visto de lejos
Airoso cisne de mármol,
Que extiende las blancas alas
Entre dos abismos claros,
El del mar siempre sereno
Y el del cielo siempre diáfano.

Ese alcázar tan hermoso
En tiempos no muy lejanos,
Por mirar tanto las olas
De Miramar le llamaron,
Y en él vivieron felices
Dos príncipes de alto rango,
Dos seres de regia estirpe:
Carlota y Maximiliano.

En una tarde serena,
Al bello alcázar llegaron
Con una rara embajada
Varios próceres extraños;
Penetran a los salones
Y al noble príncipe hablando,
En nombre de un pueblo entero
(Que no les dio tal encargo)
Le ofrecieron la corona
Del Imperio Mejicano.

El Príncipe quedó absorto,
Para responder dio un plazo;
Soñó en pompas, en honores,
En fama, en poder, en lauros
Y al despertar de aquel sueño,
Al volver de tal encanto,
A su joven compañera
Le fue a consultar el caso.
«Acepta -dijo Carlota-,
Eres grande, noble y apto,
Y de este alcázar a un trono
Tan solamente hay un paso».

No corrida una semana,
El Príncipe meditando
En las difíciles luchas
De los grandes dignatarios,
Miraba tras los cristales
De su espléndido palacio
Enfurecerse las olas,
Rojo surgir el relámpago,
Y con bramidos horribles
Rugir los vientos airados.

De pronto, un ujier le anuncia
Que un extranjero, ya anciano,
Hablarle solicitaba
Con urgencia y en el acto.
Sorprendido el Archiduque
Dijo al ujier: «Dadle paso»;
Y penetró en los salones
Aquel importuno extraño,
De tez rugosa y enjuta,
De barba y cabello cano.

En frente del Archiduque
Dijo con acento franco:
«Vengo, señor, para veros
Desde un pueblo muy lejano,
Desde un pueblo cuyo nombre
Jamás habréis escuchado;
Yo nací en Aguascalientes,
En el suelo mejicano,
Serví a don Benito Juárez
De quien ya os habrán hablado,
Le serví como Ministro,
Soy su firme partidario,
Y mientras aquí os engañan,
Yo vengo a desengañaros;
No aceptéis, señor, un trono
Que tiene cimientos falsos,
Ni os ciñáis una corona
Que Napoleón ha labrado.
No quiere Méjico reyes,
El pueblo es republicano
Y si llegáis a mi patria
Y os riegan palmas y lauros,
Sabed que tras esas pompas
Y esos mentidos halagos
Pueden estar escondidos
El deshonor y el cadalso».

Oyendo aquestas palabras
Dichas por aquel anciano,
A tiempo que por los aires
Cruzó veloz un relámpago,
Tiñendo en color de sangre
La inmensidad del espacio,
Sin dar respuesta ninguna
Quedóse Maximiliano
Rígido, lívido, mudo,
Como una estatua de mármol.

Corrió inexorable el tiempo,
huyeron breves los años
Y en una noche de junio
Triste, sombrío, ensimismado,
En vísperas de la muerte
El Archiduque germano
En su celda de Querétaro
Y en sus desgracias pensando,
Así dijo conmovido
A uno de los abogados
Que tueron a despedirse
En momentos tan aciagos:
«Todo lo que hoy me sucede
A tiempo me lo anunciaron;
Un profeta he conocido
Que sin doblez, sin engaño,
Me auguró que en esta tierra
A donde vine cegado,
El pueblo no quiere reyes
Ni gobernantes extraños,
Y que si lauros y palmas
Se me regaban al paso
Tras ellos encontraría
El deshonor y el cadalso».
-¿Quién ha sido ese profeta?
Al Príncipe preguntaron:
«Era un ministro de Juárez
Sincero, patriota, honrado,
Don Jesús Terán, que ha muerto
En su hacienda hará dos años
¡Ah! ¡Si yo le hubiera oído!
iSi yo le hubiera hecho caso!
¡Hoy estuviera en mi alcázar
Con los seres más amados,
Y no contara los horas
Para subir al cadalso!!»
Ken Pepiton Oct 2023

Man's gotta do to be, no se?

Who tried to contain your little mind, conserving things,
when America was great, like in Disneyland.

Take me aside for a pep-talk, exactly
as one might imagine, no lolly-gagging …

Peace in patient repose, supposing your
prepositions are herein, exposed to the air
we breathe, and can, by common POV, see,
from ground level through eyes located half way
to the moon,
Alice, to the moon, a social reflux
from the drunk juggernaut's dream… typical crass buffoon.
Mensur proven class.
Given a taker's disciplined mind, a priest can form a king thing.
S'true construed to seem the way the rules is writ.
Hell been formed by men with ****** scars, long before
Victorian mores,
let holiness be declared, ratio
to rank in the time of the Magne Charta, nicht wahr?
Heads held high, stiff upper lip, think like a stone.
- or be as happy as a pearl in petrified pigshith,
kings are imaginary things, built, not born.
But the taste of the order in battle, earned.
For the might to rule, the feeble folk
submit, allow the lie to tie your children, using
chains you forge, being either really you,
or are you spirit, come to guide the guardians,
to holy sacrifice, seed of Nathan Hale, taken to
total AI universal soldier in a New York minute.
Inspiring first principle, lad, proud to be
an American,… got me 3rd place,
behind a future Major, 2nd place,
and a future Nuclear sub Captain, good Mormon.

In real novel events, universes where Miramar,
belongs to the Marines, who practice East Mediterranean
Air War tactics, around Yuma, semper fi, and always ready.

Sad state of mind to pretend to hold true, in the instant,
its your trigger to pull, or your turn to die, it happens,
all the time, life's not worth killing for, really,

the mind of the soldier can so easily mime Bismarck,
and hear Stonewall Jackson sing, "every puppy's got it's day"
- squint, and put the sun at y' back, what better way.
A royal burden being discipleship, the lieutenants,
at least the lieutenants, then the sergeants,
all the little plastic men, lay down to pave the way
for the tanks, and the tanks took Tinnanmin Square
***-toks of the looks on the faces
of the entire race of kings and priests and servants
of the temple guarded by the most loyally conditioned,

the Devil Dogs, they proudly call them selves, semper fi.
Fi, is faith used to tie us to our task, are we not the few,
the proud, the brave, or
are we mere hewers of wood,
and drawers of water, oh lad,
without any noble pedigree,
become the athletic supporter,

who has not vowed, if given the chance
to stand firm for God and country,
with the boy standing on the burning deck, in values deep

enough to stink
of underlying rotting bodies of brave enough lads.
Life at the moment is too chancy to imagine not worth the effort, to make some minds imagine playing in peaceful games of liar catching, like poker, kinda.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2022
First 8 lines are always free, the rest costs 20 minuters
- Raw, working stock poet tries and guesses, cast
as cares away, in spells… opposing all solid-state profits,
I disagree with most superlatives,
August is far crueler,
everybody knows. As a month,
April is
come so, see
Time come soon, prythee, swifty, didwe
Harvest, bestness contended for, proud
blue ribbon exceptionality, proved
-fecundity fructifity
consciousness, place in time known
light as punctual mass, echolialy lialy la la
- and also and also and also with you
~~~~ wavy thing, right
;rock on
who pulls past last rituals, past wars,
and war's threats,
defend the wall,
calling all outs in, defend the wall
fend off the opposing mind, in time, attempt
tempting all my desires to lieve be,
the state I'm in, once again
- no, I don't believe we're on the eve
- of destruction, my AI went auto inteleosic
Free am I, paid the life, or fifty years,
first come, first served,
learn the long way,
beats never learning at all.
- warrior spirit, something, like that
- say Maxwell's daemon is squeezin' yer bub-

not worried for my nation, not worried for
my error, nor for my will divided among my

auto refreshing systems, in the system,

set to flow at any speed we may agree, this fast
mean, statistical mean, free path, not
shortest distance, point to pointless whenever,
mean free path, meandering, ring ring
beer commercial real life, as many can imagine
this is that good place, rest and relaxation, unwind,
- imagine you enjoy lines that insist, each
- line insists… it is all good, from one POV.
spin down, settle
light as the first point ever made in the game
of life on the line, strings of possibilities,
first free way, no entry fee,
we take -time, this whole thing took all day
to just now a flight of three warships
aim at Miramar, right over my valley
7:30 reread 6 m.
we feel - a sigh, some new sense esthesic
poeisic, sic, ever as it is written, so it is done.

[[[ Relegare. Read the records, find in the archives,
a volume, sealed under pressure,
to hold our emptiness out.

Popt. Popped that bubble, bubble
of thought, full spread to the bezel, white space

-eventually we all fall apart, art, and craft. Raw
reality remains, complicated, many ply, many threads
per centimeter, me-assure, self fi, con science
aaaaaaaa we all know knowing does not lead to madness.

Far from the maddened crowd imagined, cast of thousands,
from today, as the mother of the eight billioneth breather,
born after the events near Alamogordo, that mother
done been born, it aint you.


First place/ Blue Ribbon,
Second place/ Red Ribbon,
Third place, was probably green, but I do not recall.
I never noticed what color I got, I was third.

Got a requisition for the old military mind,
kept it shined, knew it was good for something,-

Some one, ah, yes, Fulton Sheen, asked me, on TV,
just like in the spirit, the way I hear it, no lie
is of the truth, yet, yes, I know,
how lies work, one must believe trust is possible,
not culturally defined, what it is, the wedom
feeling, me and you, bound to find the answer…

F.T.A. wei wu wei wu, too WAYtold you, … meet me
at that ***** colony in Vietnam, give a dam,
rebuild some dikes we blew to hell and gone, gone
awe, the we
still functions, the old military mind, we got the gaba
keeping mean free paths open to any
enquirery counsel of haught, haught, ought not we
- clearing percussive growl- insignificant
respect our predecessors. In deed, rewatch 957 hours

Is BBC, from the past yet to be completed in your futurer

------------ bleed through, has dear value here? NOW
Who asks of me a reason for this faith in me?
Waar. Alas. 8 wpm
Dear , God, what
- repute
perhaps "repeatedly" (see re-), + putare
"to judge, suppose, believe, suspect,"
originally "to clean, trim, prune"

From <>

Or PIE*pau, punch-
"to cut, strike, stamp" {;}

Content is king.
- moments, instants, we all know
pride, swelling heat, as we are
mostly micky mouse molecules, heated
e-motionally, as volume of conscious thought
shifts into save me, auto, self, image,
hot h2oh yes
rush from rage or shame,
AI puts the blame on Thymus glands planned
final message, at the canker worm's first byte

pre-serving pattern, rage, red-face grimace
peruperu, yaaaah,
-Ma-ow-ri co robbery-gasp
choke, cough, click off. Angery flesh,
where the lie you love ***** your reason
for war to a head, that is shrunken,
to a mathematical point,
to weigh against shame put on you by a contest,
for best…

It's business, busy, busy, busy, we all must be
busy about our master's business,
making disciples, ah, ambiguity, you *****,
discipline my poeisis plea-plea-please

break loose, hold the line at etho- no, esthesic

esthesic, sic, the es, essential esses, complex
enfolding from olden minds loosed in 2022.

The rub. Yes, per haps we rhearrange, create next
from another ify point made,
you know, you just do, right, sci-psi-psy, experientially,
out, gleam, see that gleam, something like the rage
that reddened the last loser's face, that gleam in her eye,
uses twice that power,
one look, one look,
you know, she knows, just iust adjust a second perspective,

megamacro gravity lens, placed just there,

I am asking you,
to play a game, with ghosts of old agreements, oaths

to the proof of the promise; and not one  

-dared finish the reason strung together, over spreading pearls,
- until the internet ****** him in
- like, 1995
sheen shone in the word serpent, on tele-type roles
to the moon, Alice, Jones, what I miss, 1964
to the moon
as in, wise as, as is the voice, bray
hoo, uses {} these to appear obvious.
- in Kansas, we call these buttermilk skys,
to here 2022, that fast
real as ever.

Trippier than hell. BY FAR, be it known.
This is the soul of a sould out soldier-
monk- protestant dissenter, cursed
son of an itch
no man can scratch alone, be it known.
Be it known, echolalia glossalalial


The imaginations, ours, not
the other people, we are not
other people now. We are you,
Dear Reader, from the Dear Diary
classification for emotional connection, sin is losing all connection.
- that is all. That is, the religious ordered     wall
It is, of course, of course,
a matter of physics, time in truth,
alls it is.

Time in truth. As a regular thing,
a daily routine,
a quotidian thing that makes peace

seem this easy, for example.
Word games as pass times,

— The End —