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Ek raak van tyd tot tyd verlore
in die vlaktes van my verbeelding
op 'n eindelose reiktog
na die goue uitloopsels van more

, ander kere skuil ek in die klowe
en trek my toe in n berg kombers...

daar kan ek skree
- en huil
-en lag.

Daar kan ek die eie self
in n lastergil uitlok en wag
vir die koue kras kranse
om dit terug te werp in my ope arms.

My verbeeldingshuis le in die kranse...
my drome rol in oor die see se soutwater golwe...
en ek, ek le iewers in die middel
van perfekte harmonie
en absolute chaos.

Ek . droom . eindeloos...
Özcan Sh Nov 2018
In the middel of the night
We went outside
On the terrace
We hid us under a blanket
Our eyes were on the sky
And a bright warm star
Was in my arms.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have crashed in to the middel of the desert. i have lost hope since theres nothing out here to save my words to write my fear of dying. i feel like im spinning in my own memories that fade away. i keep seeing the same patch of rocks. i dont know but i need the cool shad befor i fall over. i could keep walking but theres no chance of sivilization so maybe ill scream and go crazy.  i keep walking the sand rocks. but its just the circles that trapme in my own insaine liitle game. the wild greens i ate have mad me additted to rhe barries witch bring a high.  the heat grows stronger. i even wonder who i am since theres no name to even know me. the san feels nice on my feet but the sun blisters my patciants its own self.  i feel like i am going in cicles  when i dont know who the **** i am. my madness has grew and my addition to the barries made time stop.
i was board when i couldnt think
Katinka Nov 2018
christmas eve
The day we met

I immediately fell in love
in love with your sparkling blue eyes
your straight blonde hair
your beautiful hands


we kiss
it felt like all I ever wanted
I loved you more than anything else

It were those little things that made us so special
the way I always waved you goodbye
every day when you left

I remember the one time I didn´t
It felt like my heart was being torn apart
I run outside
not wearing shoes or socks
but I just couldn´t let you go
without telling you
I love you

I screamed your name
and jumped into your arms
it was the way you swang me around
in the dark
that made me love you

It was the way we layed on the playground
in the nighttime
just the two of us
looking into the sky
you holding me close
inside your arms
that made me love you

It was the way you stopped
in the middel of the sidewalk
to go back holding the door open for a pizza men
that made me love you

It was the way you always looked at me
right after we kissed
right before you told me
told me you loved me
the sparkle in your eyes
the kidness
that made me love you

we broke up

Birthday party
I arrive
You were already there

I still remember the tasted of your kiss
nicotine and beer
and we kissed
all night long

we hug
and tell each other
that we love the other one
but it isn´t the right time

you go
and once more
I wave goodbye as you leave
but this time
you do not turn around.
janessa ann Sep 2019
r u goin too whatch mee plaiy tenniss todaiy?
eye wil b plaiyin att tha Middel scool.
Thangque fer ur suport!
luv u!
so fun to annoy parents
-E Feb 21
Met die hemel in haar oe
En n leeu in haar hart
Stap sy haar pad

Met die voels in haar stem
En n veer in haar hand
Raak sy jou aan

In die middel van die dag sit sy met n glimlag
Diep in die nag steel sy jou hart
N ou gedig geskryf toe ek jonk was
Daan Feb 12
Er is geen er, ik ben er niet
en zal er nooit geraken.
*** meer ik denk die noot te kraken,
*** meer ik pijn vergiet.

In grandiositeit worden anderen
een middel naar een doel.
Dan wil ik ze veranderen,
draait alles om *** ik me voel.

Ik spuw dan details om te verbergen
dat ik het plaatje niet kan zien
Dat kan jou dan tergen
tot ik de bons verdien.

Erken, ik, dat je niet belangrijk bent.
Leven verloopt beter als je je plaats maar kent.
En dat hoeft ook niet.
In die kamer ben ik zelf een middel naar een doel.

DOE WAT GE NIET **** en ge zult de gelijkmaker tegenkomen.

— The End —