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Softly Spoken Aug 2017
In the arid dust I can see a shimmer of you in the distance, the red of your hair mixing with the ochre earth
Amid the noise and collision of caravansary in Jemaa el-Fna I hear your soft drawl joking with Snake charmers, always in hustle
In souks the sweetness of fennel and myrrh swirl in the wake of travellers steps and I'm reminded of your desert scent, like cedar and musk covered dust
In the dissonance of the call to prayer I can feel your awe as struck as mine, while the roiling sound of voices lifted in faith erupt over the Medina
In the coolness of Jardin Majorelle, I can feel your head resting on my shoulder as I contemplate the reflection of Lotus blossoms in stark blue pools
I see your eyes in the green of the Atlas Mountains, echo your amazement at Saharan navigation, feel your peace as the stars appear over the Riad
But can't feel your hand in mine as the sun sets over Marrakech
13 shades of blue

With strokes of brush
****** in leathery paint
I Colour me treize
Hues of blues
Into the blue yonder
Runs my mind
Picking for my throes
Carnations blue
Cerulean paint I
Silence of my orbs
Dandelion desires
Shimmer sapphire hue
Laughter echoes
Waterfalls Periwinkle
Meconopsis curiosities
Walking avenues
Rocking plopping
Dances my heart
As morning glories
Jewelled with dew
Electric energy, glacial blush
Reflected from mine zaffre soul
Clematis colored my Aster touch
I  - a blend of Majorelle blues.

© Dr. PRERNA SINGLA, 2015.

Please note that the poetry is copyrighted by Law.

Fairy thimbles = related to fairies
Aster flower = healing
Morning glory = borns in day dies in evening
Blue hibiscus = splendour , serenity
Clematis = mental power, courage faithfulness
Dandelion = happiness
*With strokes of brush*
******* in leathery paint*
*I Colour me treize*
*Hues of blues*
Crystal Freda Dec 2018
She studies the ivory glare
in the spark of his eyes.
The sound of laughter
overlaps as time flies.

Salty, brisk waves
tickled their feet as they stroll.
The aroma of salty air occupy them
with a sight of a soaring seagull.

She smiles brightly at him
with the sun glaring up high.
Her majorelle eyes match
the waves of the sea and of the sky.

The sun shines on them
in a majestic and beautiful way.
Glowing on the brightness
of their golden, happy day

They look at each other
as the tide crashes at their feet.
A wonderful day at the beach
with their love just ever so sweet.
Ma muse est un esprit inclassable,
Grouillant et bigarré, une matrone
Sans trône et sans couronne,
Provocante et tumultueuse
Hors académie
Hors norme
Haute en couleur
Sempiternellement décalée
Elle danse sa rumba folle
Et distille ses petites gâteries
Contre vents et marées
A contre-courant
Des us et des coutumes .
Et quand je dis "Moteur !"
Ma Dame ne joue pas, elle ne feint pas
Elle ne pose pas :
Mon étoile s'endort en tremblant
Lumineuse et transparente,
Et j 'essaie de la peindre telle quelle,
Imparfaite et mortelle en aquarelle
Je joue avec la quantité de l 'eau et les pigments
Mais l 'esprit fantasque de ma muse
Fait souffler le chaud et le froid.
Et pour me figurer sur ma palette
Toute sa verve satirique et pamphlétaire
J 'ai beau essayer le bleu Winsor et le rouge indien
Alterner le sienne naturel et brûlé,
L'auréoline avec un peu de garance rose,
Le bleu de cobalt avec un brun Van Dyck,
Le rouge cadmium, l 'auréoline et le vert Winsor,
L 'auréoline, le bleu de cobalt et le rouge indien,
L 'auréoline, le cramoisi d'alizarine et le vert émeraude,
Aucun de ces mélanges de base orange ne m'inonde de la transe
De la couleur chair de son esprit brut,
Métamorphose ambulante
Libre et éruptive, enragée,
Diverse et multiple, engagée
Aux limites de la bienséance et de la bien-pensance.
Et à défaut de portrait politiquement correct
Je me délecte de sa cape bleu-majorelle
Grinçante et jubilatoire
Cousue de joie, morgue et amour.
Chair est la couleur de l 'esprit brut de ma muse apatride
Quand elle dort, elle est aux anges
Et les rêves funambules forment sa cour et entonnent
En jouissant doucement leur ballet équestre.

— The End —