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harlon rivers Sep 2016
The quieter he became ...
the more he could feel
only a single lit candle
moved the stillness ,
gripping the void between
lucency and obscure darkness

longing eyes slipped slowly closed
as the flicker faded ,
inner quietude dimming all light
the darker it got ...
the more vividly he could see

a nearly silent exhaled sigh
let the memories flood ;
leaning into the bereft
where there once was light ,
he became a timeless silence
                              without form
                     only shaped by retracing
                        re-remembered words

yearning to understand
some of the greater things life unfolds
experiencing the unknown
                             without fear ,
                      for to clinch and feel
that which seems indefinable

     for here ,
in this formless
manifest dimension ,
all layers of essence
are peeled back
to the bared aurora
of a soul's spirit light ;

at the core of inner stillness
      nothing is impossible

© H A Rivers all rights reserved
. daybreak meditation

"There is a hidden meaning behind all events,
and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution"

"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you."    ...unknown
Carlo C Gomez Jun 2023
Beckoning, unhindered

Bending, unbroken

Where the darkness starts
Here is the unseen

Grained out, eyelids closed
In conversations with traffic signs

The spine is quiet in the center
You can't be told it, you must behold it
Raphael Cheong Aug 2015
There were flowers
On the day she left him
Fanfare echoed
Against every corner of the room
There was silence
In a sea of sound
And for once
She felt unbound

She was free
And so was he
Two strangers
Side by side
There was silence
In a sea of sound

Minuscule we are
Yet grand we choose to be
To love with our hearts
Locked in cages
To keep it on a leash

The day we lose our lucency
For singularity
As free as Viper's ocean
Of mist and disbelief
A lighthouse breaks the silence
As loud as light can be

There were flowers
In the courtyard
There were flowers
In the breeze
There were flowers
Down the aisle the day
They swore to never leave
There were flowers
On the day one left
And none could be the same
Growing violently towards the sun
Always on the run

There were flowers on her deathbed
Petals washed back to the shore
Running back in bloom and gore
Like they'd never done before

There were flowers in his hand
On the day their love turned ten
Yet she never got to see them
And his words laid in the hang
All of the stars are falling to Earth
Each one a wish and a promise
My every 11:11 bounding towards me
Breakneck speed and leaking light
But I am not looking at them
The shower of phosphorescence above
Is nothing compared to the lucency of his eyes
Comet and city are coalescing around us
And I see only him
The stars,
The wishes,
It’s all only him
Zen beastie Jun 2014
Light on my eye.
sunlight's glinting rays exposing  rainbows
shards of lucency impinge my visions cells
prismatic spears waypoints
to  atomic levels of our universe
colours translate to frequencies percieved
the pervading energy  a maze of  tunnels scintillating ,
all is a thundering ubiquitous rumble, the voice of god? the thought distracts and manifests as it and gone.
the sunlight falling on the eye  where is seeing happenening

— The End —