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In my small, soft belly
Excitement builds.
Exquisite little judders pull
As if you possess a magnet for pleasure
And have buried deep inside me
What you want to attract.
I place my hand a little lower
And sigh, wondering why
The mere thought of you sets me a-trembling
Like a first-time racehorse, eager for the course.
I am coltish, nerves thrumming,
Imaginary music humming
Through my heart, my head.
Take me to your bed.
Take me where you will,
To all the places within you,
Make my home
your body and soul.
Eat me, I am gourmet flesh
For this epicurean adventure
I am longing personified
Oh, you - ah - you - are
Let me taste your heart.
Anthony Williams Jul 2014
I draw on lilac cigars
through my mask
so her journey in neon stays
safely as a highlight
in gas filtered clouds

the faulty starter judders the light
flora scented
and in the flickering clouds
an attempt at landing
reveals her girdle red
in a flash of steely eyes
and suddenly mine were blinded
just as she rubbed against the dark

combing her strands wildly apart
she shook blonde roots and brunettes alike
I'm a sucker for hair turned hydrogen
peroxide mixed with air to make stars
startling amidst malefactory dye

metal booms swung away at each other
in the distance
building her model oxygen tanks
for pin up flower cuttings
and garlands on picket fences

she kissed the ground
and I gas peddled
a stomp on the glowing end
to the stub

only to drop like a skeleton
with lead hands
to follow any seeds
******* burnt rain
my father smoked heavily
as he described this dream to me
a premonition he said
from a night before the disaster
when he awoke still at home
Acknowledgement to the Hello poet Chloe whose mention of the Hindenburg in Counterbalance reminded me of his experience.

The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey. Of the 97 people on board, there were 35 fatalities.
Will Snelling Nov 2013
Seep in through the back door,
Soak in the blinding opulence,
Resist the urge to start too fast.
Pull a wire and the room is swallowed in ink.

Limbs like rags dance,
And my skin turns scarlet again.
Let his eyes become mine,
Unclouded by lingering humanity.

Screeching lights filter through the curtain,
Just slide with invisible motion,
Feel the shimmering of a red potion,
The dance judders to its end.

I'm on my own again
It all drips off in the rain,
It all drips off in the rain.

Feel the white light pierce the eyes,
Black, tangled locks of hair hang over my eye,
Used to be so elegant and delicate.
Clumps are hardened in blood.

That sound's so mellifluous,
That draining siren, at the back of the woods,
Distorted by the black trees,
Only to loom, unseeing.

It's such a blinding rush,
To feel the brambles and the sweet
Release of pure, pungent adrenaline.
Blood weeps down my leg
Like the black juice of Deadly Nightshade.
Life's a Beach Sep 2013
The disposable razor, judders
across unshaven skin and sprouting
hair is defeated, left to sink into the
drain and far away from me.

This I do for you.

On goes the shampoo, the conditioner,
the body lotion (with that sweet fresh smell),
the liquids streaming off of me with
a scent I know well.

It's the scent of the night before.

The day before you and I choose
each other, once again
to spread laughter and
cure boredom.

It is for this that I bear this small
portion of self mutilation.

The hair is then burnt, or brushed or
bent, as I twist it round resisting

All done in case you wish to nestle there.

An outfit is chosen, discarded, then re-picked to a constant monologue:

RedNOworethatonelasttime...OH GOD WHERE IS IT fuckbloodypooandAAAH,
perhapssomepurpleTHATONEnodoesn'tgononoNoNONOONOO blahblahblah.

(well, you get what I mean)
(If not...****. Just me then?)

It's all for you.
Colours smeared onto face,
flowers pierced into skin,
eyelashes lengthened,
the trace of muscles etched into
willing legs and abs...

This I do for you.

And it's worth it, though you'll never quite know
the effort with which it takes,
to replace a sleep deprived villain with a semi
attractive teen. You'll never know,
but it's worth it.

"You look nice today"
is enough to make me quietly
for hours with joy.

A look of appreciation as
you nuzzle in can make the
pain of straighteners and razors
scorch into unyielding flesh.

A kiss on the neck
which has been foundationed
and sculpted for your enjoyment
enough to make me arch like
a swan.

It's enough.

So, this I do for you.
Spent tonight getting ready for seeing my guy tomorrow :) Shower is messed up so can't be currently using the sink and ended this night/morning by shivering in the bathroom, holding a cup of hot(ish) water and feeling my cut legs bleed that little bit more...and laughed a little xD Partially because it's Friday and I am semi-delusional with lack of rest, but also...because it's worth it. He wouldn't care if I didn't do this, but I'll never tire of that look of surprised appreciation.
Life's a Beach Dec 2013
The blade cuts deep and
Clean into yielding flesh
Blood pours, red as sorrow, and
Leaves my body as I do
Ready to start afresh


It's not like that,
It has never been like that.

Your mother's kitchen knife,
So loved for making soup,
Is brought up to your wrist
Judders, twists only just scratches.

You have to try again.
A network of scratches.
You press the blade,
The metal,
The rusting onion destroyer
Back down.
This time, it works.
You find yourself sawing at yourself,
The cut is uneven
And messy.

Your body is screaming, and
So are you.
Not with pain of life but with
Pain of death.

You can only blame yourself.

And no release is found,  no gentle tumble into peace,
The pain rips through you, consumes you, you're crying, sobbing
Like a child.
You feel like one too.
You want your mum,
Your dad,
Your dog,
Your siblings and
All the friends you insisted you didn't have.

You need them with you, but you decided to push them away.
You decided not to ask for help.
You decided you wanted to be lost
You decided...that you wanted to 'give up'

Giving up is turning out harder than you thought.

The tears have fallen onto your cut and it stings,
Your arm smells of onion,
You suddenly think of her face lit up with love
As she pours you a bowl,
You laughed at a joke as
You buttered your bread,
You laughed...

"I haven't properly laughed in years"

You realise that was only last week.
For someone who's been 'imitating' life, the
Memory is surprisingly real.
You realise she'll never be the same again.
You realise you'll never laugh again.
Or taste,
Or smell,
Or see
The room starts to stink of
You've ****** yourself with fear.
Do you think your 'oblivion' is near yet, my poor deluded dear?'

It's not.
Blood is dribbling out as you think,
You feel yourself shutting down
One by one.
You want to run away,
From what you've done,
What you've started.

But you can't.

You want the pain to stop
But you can't move anymore,
You're shaking with fear of what's
In store for you...

There's more to happen to you.

Your mum has found you.
She screams at the blood,
The mess,
At you.
You look grotesque, but
She still holds you.
Calls an ambulance, clutches you,
Shouts desperately in your ear.

You can hear her, but
You can't answer
You want to talk to her
Tell her you're sorry,
That you're scared,
That you love her
that it's not her fault*
You want a lot of things,
But the selfish do not always win...
You're realising that.

She can't hear you,
She blames herself, her
Skin is greasy with
Blood that will never clear:
Your blood.
Her baby's,
Her child's.

The blood so near to her's
Half hers,
You can practically taste her tears.
The room now stinks of fear

The ambulance is filled with light,
You watch as they fight
For the life you threw away
They plunge a needle in as
You silently start to pray,
Drifting in and out of seems too late to stay.

Your heart hammers,
Your rattling breath stammers out and
Your pulse shakes as
You frantically try to stay awake

You are too late.

And there is nothing
No eternal bliss
Nor the black velvet of death's embrace
Not even folded silence

There is nothing,
No light,
No love
And no laughter.

In the end they didn't lose you...
You lost them.

By succeeding

You lost.
David Watt Apr 2015
Breath cannot catch,
Lips that cannot part.
Locked in a death stare daring either to move,
Grab me by hips and pull close.

Waiting for either to weaken,
For that tiny flex,
The subtle give,
Scratches gouged into the varnish.

Lying in depravity,
Bruises where the pulse judders.
Stars dance as the pleasure deepens.
Locked together muscles tensed.
Feral wild and free of sense.
Tim Bustin May 2014
The clocks are quickly ticking, rushing me further onward,
Yet nothing really seems to change aboard this grand train.
The starting station is long a forgotten sight from afar,
As a million only well-dressed people shut the curtain to hunt a star.

No things will halt The Times today, or our most important endeavours
Five down is completed now and – I stumble! (the train’s slowing judders)
Christ, my leg! – it’s filthy down here…. And I find suddenly there's no time for care  
Glancing through the compartment door – no: I’m transfixed, and I stare

Goodness. A gracious bombardment of purest light,
Crystalline, through the porthole’s grime.
Refracting into purples, and blues, and yellow sights!
So this is how beauty blossoms, allowed time.

Suits, ties, over-priced liquidised decadence
Are overcome, barely visible, amidst her the flower’s resonance
And blissfully reducing my colleagues to uttering, babbling nonsense
Until I hear the gunshot crack

The wheels regain motion
Re-shredding morals to smithereens
Though I cry, desperate to see her through bloodshot eyes
She’s left me only dark red puddles though the doorway
nivek Mar 2014
This whole body heaves
wracks and judders
with its broken dream.
The dog scrabbles
in the lady’s arms,
tongue flopping every which way.

‘He’s only young’ she says
as a bark coarse as sandpaper
rips through the cabin.

A man with teeth
chuckles at us, at the mutt,

its hair like chestnut
paintbrush strokes
slapdash around the mouth.

The lift judders to a halt.
We go one way,
the dog goes the other.
Written: October 2016.
Explanation: To mark National Poetry Day on 6th October, I wrote 25 poems over the course of eight days, and sent one poem each to one of 25 of my Facebook friends. After some deliberation, I am now posting the poems on HP (in order of when they were written), albeit not all in one go. 'Firework' is poem one, for those of you who wish to read the series in full, in order. None of the poems are about their recipients. Note: Saltburn is a town in Yorkshire, England. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
Tegan May 2014
I am civil and undisputed. I am yet explored and ill-reputed. I have been broken and stitched together. I will fall but not forever. I have walked the length of a mind. I have been driven crazy by what's repressed inside. I am tortured by a need to touch you. I am saved in the morning by something new. I am overdone and yet opened. I am caught in judders, trapped in emotions. I am finished but not spent, I am done but haven't even started yet.
And it happens.

For a moment, a silence
that encloses us,
a cool, transparent blanket
for a second of a second.

Then his body, limbs, flailing,
drunken puppet,
small spheres of mud
drip off from his skin.

An ankle trembles
in its socket,
a foot spins the opposite way,
a crack nobody hears.

There’s a whistle in the ears
as his torso judders
into newfound positions,
death already in the bloodstream.

Nothing can be done,
you knew this could happen,

my voice says in my head
as blood erupts from a wound.

I know it as soon
as his body smacks the earth,
his life evaporated,
his name floating to the clouds.
Written: October 2018.
Explanation: A so-so poem written in my own time for university - a loose pastiche of Wilfred Owen's genre. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.

— The End —