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" Yeah, Mother mary iTs That
Devil ****.
Low Base Drowned Out
Super High Treble
All iNeed iS Drugs, Aint
iT Funny
That iT Keeps Me Outta Trouble
***** 1Hit? double Lit "
Ive Been in 3 Different Residential
Rehabs & 5 Outpatients.
Sadly, Neither Have Worked Because
iM Out Here Doing The Same Thing.
Finding How To Get
A Dope Fix.
iDont Want To Go back
Hate the past experiences but iknow
iNeed iT Urgently.
Should be recommended Mandatory
iNeed Major help before
IEnd up losing my self again
Im in the middle. Before i get
Stuck once again.
there was a little cat and his name was bob
he just love to burgle always on the rob
he would rob the rich and give to those ineed
a very friendly cat a thoughtful cat indeed

climbing up the drainpipes he was very fit
with his torch and sack his little burgle kit
getting in through windows that were left ajar
a proper little thief a litttle burgle star

roaming round the house to see what he could find
that would help the poor he was very kind
looking through the draws and the wardrobes to
searched in every room like the burglers do

then he would get his ***** put it in his sack
wiping off his finger prints not leave his track
then off to help the poor the little cat would go
donating all his ***** gave there hearts a glow

now his deed was done just like robin hood
he had helped the poor just like he said he would.
then he fell asleep tired now was he
happy and content as happy as can be
Lucky melanson Jan 2021
I don't just want to be you lover
But a passionate one ineed
As we make out
I want to make you feel good
You bring out the she yeti in me
It's my time for fun and crime,
not if hear locked up no beer?
what the hell I want to yell
I feal so stuck...
WHAT THE ****,!!!
two piece tan, uhnn
New grease man ;)
it's my summer  just what a ******!
plus I'm sober trust ineed,
I am craving for that ****,.
got a ruby trade for a doobie,
give it please! I'm on my knees :(

short, and cute,
        fiddle dee flute,
woolgather Sep 2016
I'll say it time and time again,

I love you.

Until I become alone and dead again.

I need you.

Your presence gives me desperation.

I love you.

Even though I know you don't think of me;
I know that "I love you" for you would be;

*I don't need you.
It comes back stronger than before
there was a little cat and his name was bob
he just love to burgle always on the rob
he would rob the rich and give to those ineed
a very friendly cat a thoughtful cat indeed

climbing up the drainpipes he was very fit
with his torch and sack his little burgle kit
getting in through windows that were left ajar
a proper little thief a litttle burgle star

roaming round the house to see what he could find
that would help the poor he was very kind
looking through the draws and the wardrobes to
searched in every room like the burglers do

then he would get his ***** put it in his sack
wiping off his finger prints not leave his track
then off to help the poor the little cat would go
donating all his ***** gave there hearts a glow

now his deed was done just like robin hood
he had helped the poor just like he said he would.
then he fell asleep tired now was he
happy and content as happy as can be
My Addiction iS Silent
Mnd Dragging
Its become swollen, overthinking about the Little ****.
The Little voices in my mind arnt making me feel Fine.
Im Trying To Drag Myself towards Sobriety
But my brain and working buddys Are Leading me back to
The stimulant
That makes it feel better
Ineed to settle.
To it they all fall.
Nameless faces to the game.
Boroken in shame into empty spaces they do crawl.

One has to win for the other to lose.
The road takes many turns.
But we all meet defeat no matter which you choose.

Busted knuckles burnt bridges leaving
a callus heart sore.
Life appears in many forms from the floor.

Ive tasted bitter endings claimed
in regret.
Nights the soul does drift.
To a place I yern to forget.

Its a dream we no longer recall.
So distant to us now.
We question did we ever want it at all.

i'll gather my fragments oh a jaded heart
as I act blind while you head out the door.
Then colapse and take it one more time
from the floor.  

P.S.  Hey got Twitter   JohnRobbins  its just like stalking
Ineed followers okay that sounds weird haha.
Amanda Starr Sep 2013
As the snow flakes settle down my cheek
i get a glimpse, barely a peak
i see your face those eyes on mine
i think of our connection so smoothly entwined
i feel your presence it brings me down, my baby
my gravity to touch ground
like a broken record to be forever played
memories to deep to fade
i remember you now, i remember you then
my angel from above, my heavenly sent
my tears remind me of the memories i lost
unfortunately my heart was the cost
we fought, we battled, the hostility filled
but for the both of us, i could feel the thrill
all that was said, all that was done
it was an act of pleasure, for us it was fun
a life without you is bitter and sour
like the limp of the earth,ineed a sad flower
your my water to grow, your my food to carry on
im withering, away while your still gone
Michael McBride Jan 2012
My end is near
Isn't it clear
This isn't me
Ineed you,
i want you
I love you
But I'm afraid to tell you
how selfish I really am
I can't take this
were in too deep
you're gunna want him
not me
im so afraid
i just want to DIE!!!
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
I dont have issues, I dont have problems
That look of pity, like I carry sadness and you wish to solve them,
**** your pity!
Im exactley where I want to be, all Ineed is the ones I want, and me,
No more looks, no more pity, no more trying to help
I am a helper, I am an open book, you just forgot how read
I dont need help, im not alone
Maybe I just dont want to be perceived.
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
washing  away in the tide  lost in the vastness of the sea
Holding me so I wouldn't cr
To be

You be

was helplessly fl you
But not as an anchor to holdown
What Ineed of was
woolgather Sep 2016
I'll say it time and time again,

I love you.

Until I become alone and dead again.

I need you.

Your presence gives me desperation.

I love you.

Even though I know you don't think of me;
I know that "I love you" for you would be;*

I don't need you.
It comes back stronger than before
Amanda Starr Aug 2018
As the snow flakes settle down my cheek
i get a glimpse, barely a peak
i see your face those eyes on mine
i think of our connection so smoothly entwined
i feel your presence it brings me down, my baby
my gravity to touch ground
like a broken record to be forever played
memories to deep to fade
i remember you now, i remember you then
my angel from above, my heavenly sent
my tears remind me of the memories i lost
unfortunately my heart was the cost
we fought, we battled, the hostility filled
but for the both of us, i could feel the thrill
all that was said, all that was done
it was an act of pleasure, for us it was fun
a life without you is bitter and sour
like the limp of the earth,ineed a sad flower
your my water to grow, your my food to carry on
i'm withering, away while your still gone
Emma Apr 2018
I'm lost in a ocean of faces
They all look the same
But into that see of masks
You are standing here
You are shinning
You are beautiful
You're my headlight

Ineed you so that I can keep up
I'm drowning in that bottomless void
I must keep the head out of the water
If I don't I'm afraid I might die
It's all so dark
It'snall so meaningless
And all I can do is to follow your light
And to fight for my life

The waves are stronger now
They want me to drown
I think I should listen to them
And forget your distant light

It's getting darker
I'm drowning
I'm sorry
You're too late
They won

— The End —