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Ind Jun 2018
A man I am meant to love told me the amount of skin I show represents my right to consent.
Flesh = Yes
Clothes = No
"Deserving" is a word he used.
A grandfather told his grandchild she deserved to be abused based off the length of her skirt, but this is old news; same story.
Only, I've heard it one time too many and now I'm sick of it.
"Devastated" over my hypothetical ****, he'd said,
as though his feelings mattered more than my right to my body.
Well, **** him.
I'm tired of prioritising people whose opinions are so archaic they can't see the crime in their words.
And his words hurt.
He defended the 'nature of men', claiming its an inbreed instinct,
tried to explain the appeal of women as though I don't already know.  
Jokes on him.
I'm gay.
But I've never been under the illusion it's okay to objectify or intimidate your way into a person's life.
I've never felt entitled to a person I've liked
And there lies the generational divide
Because neither has my brother.
Being "unable to control certain urges" is just another lie they feed you to perpetuate a culture of ****.
I'm seventeen, and yet I know the fear a predatory gaze can cause,
I've been leered at to the extent I honestly thought this is it.
This is the moment I've been warned about.
And then I thought "It's my own fault.
It's dark, it's after nine, I went out running in only a sports bra,
of cause I'm going to find trouble"
because I forgot that I'm not an object.
I'd been fed the same message so frequently it was ingrained into my fight or flight response.
Doesn't that speak for itself?
I'd been conditioned to accept the blame before the finger was even pointed.
So when my grandfather looked me in eye and said he thought girls where asking for it by the way they dressed,
I didn't have the energy to suppress my response.
I asked him if I'd been out drinking with friends wearing a sheer dress and matching bralette, and I was *****, would he consider it my fault.
His answer was met with stunned laughter.
Yes, he'd consider me to blame, and indicated his disappointment should weigh on my conscious.
I am shamed I have the same genetics as such a man.
At least I've learned to drown out his words so they can no longer effect me.
NickBlockOneLove Jun 2015
foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

don't you know
when you Discriminate
all it bleeds
is just hate
remember your fate
the ******
and the drugs
and the things
but are all these
inbreed between our eyes
i can tell you
its not your third eye
open your mind
can't you see
all this negative
you can find
in the media
and all things of its kind

foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

we live in a world
hate and satisfaction
acceptance and rejection
some say  traditional
i see irrational
and the media belief
spreads wide
spreads grief
and leads to the thief
of misconstrued relief
all the people see
is a world
with a focus
hate and satisfaction
acceptance and rejections

foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

generations of many
goals of collections
and directions
filled with all the empty
then corrections
you say traditional
all i see is irrational
could it be just the passion
and the dreams
is all that the
ocean and the streams
have created within
imagine a world
left in the sun
gold in the sky
clouds of what came
clouds of what come
diamonds on the souls
searching this land
only wanting to be free
in a world
hate and satisfaction
acceptance and rejection

foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

whats with this hate
wheres the satisfaction
all this acceptance
leads to rejection
with every moment
etched in some back stone
my friend bobby
dylan takes my soul
before we all go down
we will all remember
this young mans aching brow
something will all find us
when were buried in the snow
Pompeii was just a mystery
and now it is our home
consumed with a sense
of hate and satisfaction
acceptance then rejections

foolish anger
i do not blame her
she can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

Foolish Anger
I do not blame her
She can not touch the sky
all she sees is love
and we are all together
to be designed

Foolish anger
i can only blame her
she lives in the sky
never knew love
always together
by design
neth jones May 2023
watching for air                              a mad thing of static to do
unwashed  i hold it all foreign   my perspectives clothed as the enemy
an agreed muscle of tension       with pockets fracked into my hands 
i look out the window   wide agape guidance                                                     invasive drills of heat   the giving sunlight ; punishing,
a tree,   the grieving buildings
the whinging of cicadas
and here i am     watching for air

one point for the weather                                                      
one­ point for the view                                                            
­one big point for my ****** condition                                
one point for the passers by and their galling dramedies

and there it is ; the wiry plan that's built                        
from one small tickle of wild thought              
                                 formed long ago
trickling to the current day
some whipped wit of poisoned psychology          
     fed to the inbreed   (welcome   you panting imp)
decades of saved up fatty layers
a deed   of habitual sediment
retching until the tide laps become still
   a cured and congealed gladness
marbled, a butcher would say
i am full and hearted and heated and padded senseless
        turned under a heel   with my wastrel history
  i’ve accomplished this     a stifled condition
                               of poisoned obscenity

seated deep        almost fully incapacitated  
in my armchair   on this chummy day
my leisure clothes greasy     sluck against my blemished hide
a packet of cigarettes   to my side
rounded upon  by sounds of the neighbours affairs
with a gasp of energy   i 'skin one off' vigorously
my system trembling   with years of hard liquor
borderline   to a state of unconscious whelm
retained final       prime for ignition
i could manage a spectacle
a blinding flare
                                  a glorious incineration
and the release
                      of my true oder

i light a match for my cigarette
a glass bottle                                                                                  
         and not simply shatter       with  '*******' explosion    
(though it is an option)

imagining the worst sinnings in the rooms surround
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
every single time, i'm like Ezra Pound at the end of
the cantos: may god forgive what i have made...
every, single, time... people i've known had
established families, had babies...
  and here i am asking to be forgiven having written
    an arsenal of verse... and asking to be pardoned for it...
the reason why world war II happened is because
the factions of world war I looked like they were cousins...
   they were! the reason why world war I happened
is that the powers at be were cousins,
children or grandchildren of queen ant Victoria...
all about-to-be-gouged-out fish eyed...
           world war I was a truly family affair...
don't know why it happened,
and i find even less reason to remember it
other than to prescribe monarchical power
for no power but mere pomp...
             i envision world war I as the classical framework
of warfare...
        world war II spelled out guerilla... a sort of thing
that didn't allow for state-visits...
           the great form of ******, that's what i call
world war I... world war II?
         a war of proxy... the Jews were the mediated
proxy ensemble...
              and i hate the fact that i can speak these
facts, or "facts", having the historical sofa...
  when saying such facts required a testy iron maiden's
worth of comfort...
                  the husbands of England...
charles I: beheaded... charles II: froliced having a libido
                                             of a fungus...
charles III: reigned for 24h...
            William IV: yawn... wish ***** Harry had
a shot at it... and by that time David Attenborough
was sniffing daisies from the roots up...
      while Clint Eastwood lived to be
                  one-hundred-and-thirty-five: spinsters of
the spaghetti ageing rhapsody for drawing evens
or 21 in jerking-jack.
               on the question of families...
we best look tailored as mum son and uncle,
father, grandad and auntie on the canvas of
a photograph... beyond it? ****** jokes...
       but then people who'd we wish to have interact
with also own about 20 chickens, a goat
and a barn that suggests we filter potato juice
against the hay for whiskey...
          but sure, sure, it makes sense...
    by urbanising people we feel not need to commit to
******... o with that barbarian practice of
selling Bulgarian brides at the cotton-smith market...
          i mean: apes inbreed almost everyday...
you see any spastics about? must be paradoxical,
hum-hmm-hum.       and that means:
barely any questions are needed.
                       but sure... world war I has a family affair...
i'll actually applaud ****** for doing away from
the monopoly of aquarium eyed inbreds that gave
us world war I... they were ******...
             back in Russia the Tsar looked like
the Kaiser of Germany, that looked like the King of England...
                     then some Serbian terrorist lit the sparkler
and all **** broke loose...
          cousin Vlad ****** tante Anne who in turn
            ***** the prudish third in line to the English throne
            it only took, one blimmin' family to usurp Europe
and engage it in world war I...
               it took the same family to create the treaty
of Versailles and instigate the populism of alter
Marxism to craft the conscript papers for world war II...
but thankle gott for the Wehrmacht uniforms...
uber cool, uber zoo, uber zex... ßteit! prudence J. Austin!
          it only took one family...
and still world war I didn't invigorate the establishment
of Israel...
                      some say that was a worthy cause...
to have established Israel...
                   it meant the Jews disappeared from Europe
and we invited the Moshe Moshe mules of Ishmael...
                    sure... the Iron Curtain disappeared,
Pope John Paul II sold the harem of Eastern Europe...
and we became engaged in a new curtain... the ninja...
or what's already apparent the fluttering guise of
the ninja... the niqab... self-explanatory, in a sense:
no need to call it a curtain.
E Damaris Aug 2015
Small minds
to inbreed

Fallen lovers
to dwell in

Wealthy elite
to ensure

Wishful thinkers
to escape

to finally be

We all gravitate
to our own
black holes
Escape the *******.
PJ Poesy Apr 2016
Pamper me with poetry
For it be, favorite indulgency
Send me notes with scribbled song
Join this **** verbose throng

Come to me with words of texture
Preach to me a loving lecture
Find more poets, listen, read
Favor phrasing; inbreed my need

Circuit airwaves charge this lust
Magnanimous wishes throw and ******
This family of balladry
For this bard works flawlessly

I’m a ***** for all your words
Give me seconds, give me thirds
Spit on me your favorite quatrain
Indulge my fervor macaronic and insane
Don't you love them?
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
this is not england circa 1945!

wenn sehnsucht für...

und sein im: ..................
surd toward a ditto
a "said part"

israeli techno...
habit of celebration,
this, your israel,
has become....
the one place to visit...
of Beirut...

mogul israeli and a...
english tongue?
and not a whut-whut-whut
commoner: "mon":
ça fait longtemps, dis donc...

cedilla... some french
variant of the ancient greek
variation of "s"..
or... "otherwise"... an "oops"...

here's to me, champagne *******
every kenyan ivory beauty is....
no... it's pretty much..
being able... being-****-able...
to be allowed a hard-on...
with an ivory beauty on the "roll"...

i need to feed the act of performing:
guess who's who without
3rd part interests...
i want that bone-fiddled *** of mine
that coccyx that... Latisia night nurse...
um and that abc "ouch"
grief unto you: for having
this... i sometimes grieve...
the "assurance".... of having
a mamă...

there's an enchanté(e)?
the Titanic... will... sink!
there's no joke with a hindsight...
the Titanic will sink...
and i'll be the ******* iceberg!

no ******* Kilar choir will save
this paupers' and... what not akin
to pennies reigning down from heaven
as rain!

"the better man"... no Ovid
via Pearl Jam...
or... November 1, 1959, mild mannered C.C. Baxter:
which is the best: "whatever"...

that serenity of the 1950s...
movies... and that "leftover" of "jazz"...
as ever: the go home tow two me "son"..
another one of those canadian:
whips up a candy and says
it best via a: V: Vancouver and via
Beijing it is sinking...

sleepless in Seatlle had to become...
homeless without a Beijing....
or some other hare krishna
of a merry christmas and some...
merry to go round of a hanukkah...
because pearl jam told them to do so...
when... past library bells...
no... not vitalogy...
not the song red mosquisto...
what album?!
do i ******* look like some nova scotia...
bogus bog baron...
triade... fencing tartan...
new scot makes it big and canada is welcome...
eh eh what?!

low light...
seattle will never make it toward
a focus on a canadian heaven@
no big ******* when it comes
to knitting-nirwana either...
brian or the brain of J...
and the "no way"...
what's that... bass or no bass at all?
canadian trump nirvana?

perhaps i'm just the most,
well assured, simpleton counter 16 old
queen preg Juno daughter of...
when daddy didn't make the jazz
band as the drummer...
hence: i was born...

that wide and open: highway...
perhaps that's why you can ever, ever,
play jazz. beside the impromptu...
the major focus is supposed with a pivot on:
well... it's not like
you ever heard it before,
or would ever have? would you?

so you write jazz... you impromptu...
you would never have ever had had
ever had listened to it before...
canadian grunge would have...
never... shot a dead-lead
into a cranium focus of... "whoops"...

and so it survived... and gave stockholm
impressions of a beijing yet to come!
perhaps: canada: that place i wished
my parents made it...
but... counting the current grey-matter *******?
here's to: here's to!
aici la sorbi unii apă din Bucureşti (SH when
you see a caron hiding)...

nirvana and the discoteque...
with US... or what's alice in chains
and the whole: growing up with grunge...
and the joseph roth "debate"...
the schattendieb: concerning actors...
actors being: der schattendieb...
shadow thieves...

aren't they? aren't actors elevated circumstances
of thieves?
what is there to steal...
if you're only, if you're "only",
and only, "stealing" a shadow?
well then: you're made pristine in the request to:

here's to learning some romanian
and not focusing on the nativitistic concerns
of a people who...
yawn... and yawn once more...
figured only a history lesson was worth
being reminded...
and... not... not... assimilating to the modern
world was... ahem: YAWN...
because the hindu-hebrew et al....
and because... because...
the natives have spoken!
but we can't make the natives....
"suddenly"... bilingual "all of a sudden"...
we need new pampers new diapers...
we need more pencil sharpeners!
we need to go places where no Armstrong was
ever to be t.v. screened!

this really comes as a self-depecriating humor...
as to... why am i not a polyglot?!
why base it upon an english focus?
why am i not speaking german...
enough enough to move there?
why am i not speaking enough mandarin to
move to Vancouver with the housing crisis?
living with your parents
and not milking the Ed Gein meme?
too bad for you too!

the nirvana anthem is worth the ones that:
continue to come "un-expected"...
the pearl jam anthem is worth the ones that:
for some, obscure ******* reason...
didn't drop stone-cold dead...
like: the oops that never dies
and will never be a hey-presto or
that wonder-bill of a magic theatre translation...

so much for today, tomorrow...
and all those happy birthdays that everyone sends
but never wishes unto each other;
em... our lady peace? are you sad...
i was really this "young"?
did i grow up?
the besnard lakes: people of the sticks...
it's still canadian music...
isn't it?

it's hardly: chevalier, mult estes guariz...
rollo: duke of normandy...
blah blah m'eh blah monsieur!
as i am: Pan...
if i were to strip this... fiasco of the acquisitive
tongue... when no native is a king
before me but a citizen of my equal worth...
but not until! this time is ripe!
until... until the natives think themselves
as kings in their role of citizenship!
until that time comes...
before the natives... the english:
a most sordid lot! aren't they?
the pauper thinks himself a king...
as long as... there's a foreigner in their midst!
an englishman will think himself a king...
among foreigners...
when his fellow kin are too few!

what a barren man!
he will subsequently lever his presence among...
the empire of his... compatriots...
his... immigrants... his expatriate h'americans
and australians...
but unto me... come back... as either
scot, an irishman, a welshman,
and englishman: but first as king!
as first a king and the mortgage manager
of bricks and mortar!
imagine my disbelief:
Richard the Lionheart never spoke
a word of this hubris of a tongue!
this is the tongue that no king should dare speak...
this tongue is reserved for pride-riddling
peasants... commoners...
communists and inter-nationalists...
the fact that there are natives hiding in it like
some hobbits... only exemplifies my remarks...

i only repay... what has been lagging...
i repay... what is due...
an honest critique...
these people have already spoken
their self-critique...
i am literally adding nothing to it...
i am happy though...
that such people find each other...
to inbreed among each other...
the polacks and the anglican saxons...
the most welcome twin peoples of this welcome
i would sooner find myself ******* a kenyan
or a romanian girl that care to upkeep
the copernican or the darwinian
gene-tripping of continuity...

i'd sooner **** a kenyan "chimp"
than an english or a ****** neanderthal albino;
but of course... that's until...
i hear the rob roy...
robert the bruce...
and how is it that Kuba: Jacob is a Hebrew
name... but... Matisyahu: Matthew: isn't?!

and there's no harvest of wheat...
there's only the... meandering of: flimsy grammar...
if only the testimony of pronouns usage...
and... how dobermann puppies were
raised for aesthetic purposes...
how their ears were made focus for
a snippet... to protude up-right like
circumcised *******-pieces of the last-day
advent chimps of man...

the circumcised man says:
no greater sorrow than the...
******* man...
says the same man...
who allows the un-circumcised woman
to... film herself donning the...
guillotine play-thing...
like it was never an Adam scratching
his cranium from a pandora of
a prophesy of a future: of a loss of hair...
but the woman is still allowed to *******...
the man is "not supposed to":
even if he is not yet circumcised!

this sort of logic must exist exlusively
among circumcised men...
i am... i am... dying...
to see how an f.g.m. model makes
it onto these **** websites...
and starts... beating stiff the already
eager pickled gherkin... into a ballet of prima ballerina!
yes... solo...
guess what? i will not hear...
a mouse's peep-squeak! concerning this...
the circumcised man giving lectures
to uncircumcised men about:
how best not to *******...
and then... what if the only **** i watch...
is bound, exclusively...
to uncircumcised women jerking off?
what if i need to curb my "**** addiction"...

honest to god! i'm looking for f.g.m. ****!
i'm looking for f.g.m. ***** solos and i can't find any!
i tend to ******* to videos of women still
equipped with ******* doing the sly-herring
bit of skinning a "missing minute"...
yes? yes?

i'm sorry... did you think that you had my *******?
if my lashing out on a chimp's lip of "tomorrow"
was ever so bad...
how about... treating your daughter to one of those muslim:
whip em while you're still at ease?
i'm not circumcised... she's not circumcised...
i'm in no way going to approach her:
to get her closer...
she's jerking off herself silly...
i'm just going to tango with her in her solipsism...
you will have to circumcise one of us...
which one are you going to circumcise...
if you circumcise the wrong ***...
perhaps you might meet the right mark of a snippet...

hardly finding a kippah in a ******* niqab's
worth of a snippet...
but you know how these orthodox people
bother themselves:
no one has yet to cut off their noses
or their ears...
and it's like they have anything "missing"
with their excess of ******* alongside
either phallus or ******...

i figured it must be an argument of the circucised...
if they allow women... to not be circumcised...
and... las vegas their **** to a paradise of
finger-licking-ooh... or goo...

oh i am bitter... because a circumcised man
said so... a circumcised man said so...
he said: the uncircumcised man should
not imitate an uncircumcised woman...
since... no circumcised man...
ever masturbated... over a video posted
by a circumcised woman!

'ave eye oi vey sabbaton?!
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
a raw challenge of words - not some tartar genius -
it's a "question" or not - and it's a roulette -
it's a gamble -
it's: words not roasted -
words not roasted in an oven of academia -
esp. oven roasted via a masters in arts:
english lit. or jane austen studies - majors -

i can't exfoliate just yet -
i have to catch the midnight train into tomorrow...
because - "something" needs to be tended
to - and i'm about to become
a very responsible nouveau adulte...
i have no time to talk about philosophy -
how i found the time to read it
is another matter -
but talking about it...
seems pointless if... not also weilding
a hammer - heidegger's:
can we talk while doing something else,
menial - and escape the banality of breathing
by on the side - supposing thought?

the crux of the hammer and the nail...
and this talk - or no talk - escapism of sorts...
the isolated words to be "thought" about...
"representation content" and...
what... "what": "reality" is made of...
a speaking that has to return back
into the yoke of thinking -
and not something as practical as...
hammering nails in... ad infinitum...

knock knock... who's there?
Descartes who? Descartes i doubt the table
but not the chair i'm sitting in;
ever knock knock on a leather chair?
there's no superstition of "jinx" associated...
or i could just as well be drinking...
my "thinking" is already
on the train about to leave: come midnight...

raw tartar steak of genius -
words not baked via an oven of an academic
degree in the direction of... modern linguo?
my way all the way back from:
esters RCOOR'
aldehydes RCHO...
carboxylic acid(s) R-COOH...
all that but above all this...

the austrians really do know how to
make the best coffee...
something a christoph waltz would say...
the austrians are (a)
the germans are (b) - high, low - whatever
floats your boat of comparison -
and i do only have an address and a name...

Der-Franz (Vienna since 1929)
A-2512 Oeynhausen
Sachers Strese 7...
hazelnut flavour... coffee...

hans landa eating a strudel -
is probably the best strudel in the world...
and on all days...
but this... it's also a hugo boss uniform...
it's crisp cut... and...
say all you will...
when a girl might wish for a cindarella dress...
any boy would wish for a hugo boss
that clean cut and readied
for: being ironed twice daily...

as of yet: i'm yet to expect a darwinistic
furore - fever - of the coming of
the close of the 19th century and
the opening of the gates for the 20th century...
second coming of darwinism leaves
me hardly convinced -
oh but it's true - oh but yes yes -
some of us are working in the knitting
of the kingdom of the Brine -

this so-called culture war:
words make bad bullets and sentences
are hardly rifles to shoot them with...
paragraphs like bombs: would do...
if congested into... non-paragraphs...
end of james joyce's ulysses or...
jean-paul sartre's iron in the soul...

the rare events of a postcard being sent by
a philatelist...
or a lepidopterist coming clean
on the metaphor of: the most forbidden fruit...
of which king john of england
would never find out about:
sooner the magna carta...

i'm tired of and i have always never tired of...
byzantine chants...
what can anyone actually remember
of the remains - apart from the chants...
or the bureucracy?
the youth that riddled them with canons
and a library that contained only one

i can't even bother to stomach the correct
grammar -
unless it's a translation...
english: red herring...
french: hareng rouge
german: regenbogenforelle
you wouldn't expect me to succumb to
Ablenkungsmanöver / heimlich maneuver
of a spin-doctor, truly!
english: rainbow trout,
french: truite arc-en-ciel...
german is already given...
polish: pstrąg tęczowy...

nietzsche was right... we are the slavic
equivalent of the french...
we share most of their grammar 1-2 1-2...
why i didn't learn it proper?
they write one thing -
then say another -
i can only see excesses of letters
in written french... once they start
talking... all those letters come
and disappear under the suffix- umbrellas...

otherwise... i'm tired of having the need
to sharpen words -
words: would be bullets -
are not pencils -
sticks and stones and all things
associated with infering information:

otherwise just as last night - attempting to fall
to sleep: giggling and imagining myself...
having walked into the north sea off
the coast of norwich...
shouting: i'm a whale! i'm the beast from
the sea! i'm a whale my primordial
mammalian ancestor! i will swim to Denmark!

talk about living through a drought of:
where the english seems to be the dream-a-lots
having never felt a leash of metaphysics
around their necks tighten and give themselves
unto catholic mantras of central europe -
or how the italians are still christian in name only...
otherwise the go to:
aestheticians and romantics of the fig...

these words are not...
how did i perfect cooking chicken ******* without
the torso or the limbs -
the torso and at least half of the limbs
went into a most perfect chicken soup...
the remains and some frozen goods
went into a **** chicken marinade...
thyme... thyme... check y'er dubliners'
on the surd of H in that one...
it's θyme... otherwise's it's t'inking: time...
not so, paddy o'brian? patrick?

snail-paced grammar:
2 steps forward... 1 step back...
at least in the confines of this leftover:
catacombs of Latin...
we are all the children of Rome -
the hebrew were wrong about two alphabets...
the greek and the latin...
spot on! spot on when it came to...
persian cuneiform and egyptian hieroglyphs!

back-up... the glagolitic and the rune scripts...
somehow accomodating the overlords
of judea... otherwise: really stretching
the history for a personal experience...
what alphabet is this?!

- concept of beauty in the 1950s:
none other than the bleach mingling with amber
that was marylin monroe - the blood of which:
and the modern "beauty?
ava lauren - otherwise i call it:
the mandible jaw of ***-appeal gymnastics -
leather beauty - some worn, torn and -
the jigsaw puzzle that comes naked and
there hardly a kennedy romance at stake...
because even in her mature years -
it's "something" that would appeal
to Rodin's hands...
it's already... it leaves me at ease to ****
like a shotgun into my one "crooked" leg folded
and hunched like a crow perched on a windowsill
of the new-born Papillon -
marylin the icon? untouchable...
ava lauren the limbo montage and:

even this poo'em is proof:
why lament the crux of a would-be Liszt performance?
"views"... if that's anything to go by:
i have an *** and a ****** -
implies... i have more than a head a spine to prop
it on and a tongue's worth of an oyster
dissected between the 32 shells...

that views should count: a fountain of youth!
of a body i am certain...
of a soul: i know what i have -
only after i have lost it -
shared company - rejoice soul! hell doesn't exist!
as they call say: via their slavic proverbs:
the devil is without a soul...

perhaps i'm asking:
are not some of my words infantile?
d(evil) and go(o)d?
do or do not...
come to think of it... what makes people
invite the ****** eye into their ****** *******?
to boast or gloat?
i hardly think so...
from the times i watched...
and from the times i was the protagonist 1st person...
sometimes the third person attitude
is... well... imagine being in a 69 position
of reciprocating each other ******* & "*******"...
faber & faber...

if you have a ******* **** in your face...
and you're slurping and slurping...
what out of body experience can you expect
to have... to really and you really
want to appreciate the face of a woman
pleasuring herself and somehow you
on the side...

bogus and boring the same old
in that cocoon of: under the bed-sheets...
like two foetuses *******
amphibian bode -
placenta erections and:
the place where no two mouths meet!
she rodeod to the point
of a complete tail turned coccyx erosion!

*** is ***... no need to bring grammar
into this "debate" with a bilingual "schizoid"...
otherwise: hello Chloe...
is Chloe ready for a circus?

for all the *** in the world...
it's never something appealing for the eyes...
it's numbing for the parts that
imitate ******* snipping...
and otherwise... it's always more fun
casually: in third-person...
very much akin to reading a book...

because this piece of writing will not topple
your below average amateur post
from the free-range harvest of:
and this one tested this *****...
and this one was showing off: how she can
still get frisky when pregnant...
and... this sore loser is hardly going to...
the greater pleasure comes from music...
to me *** is a most:
dyssynchronyous act...

how some people still manage to focus on saying
something is beyond me...
i'm left with onomatopoeias...
half-wit compositions of somewhat consonant
leverages - somewhat vowel expansions
of breath...

never does god even into this brothel...
i show him the "niqab" and all that's visible
is either silence of the hebrew definite article: ha...
why would i somehow
fathom a god in forms? not words?
with a c.c.t.v. focus etc?

- ******* on the roses, eating the roots
and sniffing the ashes -
variations of the modern: fine and lean
cannibal... because none of this invokes
the mandarin: specialz elephant ivory
cos if beijing don't sniff it...
we'ez knot snifz it... woz!
n00b wording and "get some"...

ל... find me a F(ucking) in 'ebrew, levite!
kametz = no aleph or ayin...
chirek? "i"?
well... it's и in cyrillic... א in 'ebrew...
but the latter is: an A...
the other gay Adam to Ayin...
and: whenever jeffrey "napoleon dynomite" dahmer
went along...
hiding vowels... and two vowels
treated as consonants...
you'd have to be born in London,
Golders Green to keep up with
the Hasidi...
because wherever they go...
the quarter is followed up with a ghetto...
like a bayz payot caduceus... listening: sparrows

would a myth of Eve the prozzie Lilith
even matter at this point?

it only comes down to: integrating
or keeping with the purity of the forbidden fruit
that isn't *******...
but... cousin *******!
i've seen how this old forbidden fruit looks like...
it slobbers... it doesn't speak...
it's wheeled around: it doesn't walk...
the old fruit of eden: ******* your mother,
******* your cousin...
because i know what the next forbidden fruit is...
the circa 16 year old...
but that doesn't invite genetic: non-chernobyll
"status teases"...

inbreed far enough so that no outsider
will ever want to meddle with the ****** politics
of: the first ever niqab ultra...
because the muslims were never:
but really were about... the power dynamic
played out in rumi's *******: sufism...
a tier up from: gentlemen! let's broaden our minds!
Lawrence! ***** in the air! adhan!
compensated by the christian *******
at the altar...
religious gesticulation toward proving
the existence of incubuses: a very feminine affair...
when the broomstick stops "working"...
and there's no sabbath to attend...
and high-tier french socialite society
moves to London...
and the Viennese patisserie was always better
than the Parisian yoke-riddled flat and custard
agitation prone...

i poke my head out of my whittle
hermit cave...
and oops is supposed to happen...

or... drink enough cider and a shot of whiskey
at the same time... and...
it's almost like you're part of
the baltic culture of eating... kashubian herrings...
or generally pickled herrings...

why the **** did Amon Goeth say...
casimir the great - so called -
told the jews they could come to Krakow -
well, even history says:
first they were jews...
later they were polaks...
or: no... they weren't polaks to begin with:
not with that history allows us to entertain...
"they're" not h'americans...
israel seems to be...
somewhat of a safebet gamble...

if i heard that one palestinian had roots
in saudi arabia...
like all those "pakistanis" circa 2001 that
had roots in saudi arabia...

the subject - the **** -
the tender geopolitics in between -
the 7 year madness of nebuchadnezzar
that never made it into a ben-hur esque movie
shame i say...

of course this will not reach a far greater audience...
ah... what am i missing?
a ****** - a plump *** - a decapitated madame tussauds
monsier de sade *** toy / would be barbie or
an otherwise ripe cucumber...

my agony: extending the *******
into a cusp of a bone hard hand...
rather natural -
not unless - the proper deal is associated...
me and my ******* and
the girls being circumcised...
well then...
that would almost be like me...
being james cook having just visited
the Easter Islands!
Yenson Dec 2022
In clouds mists and fog they inbreed
destined to emerge with colourless faces
in chained liberation and dumb dumbfounded voices
the vainglorious lames are pulled by the chariots of the able

And their angsts are their punishments
as in soulless essences vacuous ghosts breath
shameless in condemnation of their damning history
disquieted marauders plunderers and earth killers in attic furs

Tis the disenchanted snowflakes
Calvary of cowards hiding underground
poltroons playing serfs' Svengali of lower reaches
our renowned narcissists boils and blusters in pearly disgrace

See there the meghan of our time
in gilded acceptance but nay says the barbarians
what galls more than moors cultured capable and able
whence in clouded minds the epitome of hatred is regal moors
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
They are basic and
They don’t go to
Des Française, sont
un race de merde.

They are jealous
of money
Trump/Macron that's
They eat frogs, don't
you think it is weird?

They have Mayors
of mixed gender
When at war they
They’re Xenophobic all
foreigners, are feared.

They will stop on
the street
Urinate while they
In *** plants, on small
dogs, nothings spared.

They don't use
******* bins,
They go to bed
with the hens,
From lace curtains one
knows you're being leered.

They inbreed with
Pour Le Patrimoine,
it is best
Like Deux Chevaux’s
they're inferiorly geared.

They shout out
about Liberty
their Egalite's
in puberty
In Algeria, Fraternity
was smeared.

Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
They are basic and
They don’t go to
Des Française, sont
un race, de sale merde.

They are jealous
of money
Trump/Macron that's
They eat frogs, don't
you think it is weird?

They have Mayors
of mixed gender
When at war they
They’re Xenophobic, all
foreigners, are feared.

They will stop on
the street
Urinate while they
In *** plants, on small
dogs, nothings spared.

They don't use
******* bins
They go to bed
with the hens
From lace curtains one
knows we're being leered.

They inbreed with
Pour Le Patrimoine,
it is best
Their Deux Chevaux’s
are inferiorly geared.

They shout out
about Liberty,
their Egalite's
in puberty,
In Algeria, Fraternity
was smeared.
so if i were to... introduce a writing system:
that the Hebrews use
in terms of hiding vowels
as if they would be later exposed as
diacritical indicators
i could, technically: conjure up a noun
for something or someone...
conjuring whatever vowel at my whim
in between these: "consonants"
i could technically scribble
something akin to:
   C (eioua)
L (iouae)
   X (ouaei)
      V (uaeio)
            and by I i'm out of combinations
because the locksmith called in sick
and there's this... dyslexic understudy:
some poor schmuck who thinks he might become
an actor etc. etc.
but who said: or: who is to say:
that the vowels are in correct order:
see religion gave us so much
rigid authenticity to abstract and then correlate
that abstract into a feast of objects willing
to be maniable under our omnipotent thumb
of pressured justices...

i sometimes like to have these bouts of
playing the starving artist:
i fast while still drinking for a day or two
and then the hunger becomes like the most potent
juice of hallucinogenics
intoxicating me: giving me focus...
and then i just allow "god's" spirit:
to revel in it...

         if it weren't from my inability to be circumcised:
i tried explaining this phenomenon to
an American girl who had nothing but
circumcised ****...
because along with the Hebs and Harabs and
the H'Americaña: y supposedly also why...
but the glaring fact that "god" is no longer obvious
but some evil strategy of letters people tend to
avoid... blink out blind out on...

my best bet is... Moses wasn't circumcised...
and that's how far back the story goes:
so circumcising males is o.k.
but circumcising females is frowned upon?
how unoriginal is this "original" sin?
as "original" as the current cultural calamity
of communism not being in the hands of
either the Slavic or Chinese people?
these pink-haired bureucrat feminists?
these i don't need a man
but at least three ******?

tell me if i'm wrong: and i can't be circumcised
because i have two protruding veins
in and around my ******* so that
would imply bleeding dead to dry or dry to dead:
but if circumcision was somehow turned
into a rite of passage...
say... you circumcise a man...
like you might do all the other rituals concerning
a woman... upon her sacrificial poise and
****** and death both adorn white...
then yeah: it makes sense:
to circumcise a man in a prenupital agreement...
Moses couldn't allow these people
to shake of their practice: nor could Jesus...
shake off... shake off...

         Taylor: ooh shake it off shake it off ooh ooh:
traffic police: beep beep!

oh but i heard worse stories not told
by the en masse history society approval:
like the Holocaust was one thing
pretending to work as a sadistic ploy was one thing
but then the Polacks who actually worked
and there was no sadistic choke joke invoked
like they actually were needed to work
digging tunnels:
it wasn't just slave labour:
it was a constructive genocide...

but imagine if circumcision was a rite of passage:
like the nomads the Polynesians became
by only this rite of passage will you get
****** tattoos... etc.
imagine if Moses was able to rid these people
of that ancient scribble of aesthetic
and forgive them for their aesthetic is ascetic...
well: if not Moses
then certainly not Jesus
could bring these people to dissolve
their spontaneous inbreed justification
for circumcicing males but frowning upon
the Egyptian circumcicion of females...

as i explained to my better half:
see... the problem with a circumcised ****...
it's blind to aim...
plus when all the women worship
******* in the shower
and circumcicised men focus on said
women choosing ******* parterns:
because you make man devoid of deriving pleasure
the natural pleasure from *******:
and where: do you think that was derived from?
******* is natural...
circumcision: ******* isn't! you get that?!
how about i chew off my thumb
how about i chew off my lips and my nose and my ears?!
if Moses couldn't do it:
Jesus was punished for it:
i'm not going to repeat it a third ******* time:
circumcising males is the "original" sin...
for whatever aesthetic reasons:
******* is natural
and the ******* allows for channeling ***
without ***... maybe that's why ******* was
like a carrot and stick on those poor donkey-kong-*****
just needing to ****...

plus it's a concern for hygiene:
i do have an allowance
to peel the ******* back and enjoy ***
with a choke mode turning my hands
and head all bishop purple...
but when you start ******* without *******
it's almost like having needles shoved
up your shaft...
at least ******* with *******
you can aim
while most of these half baked Arab *****
end up ******* on the ******* toilet seat!
and what am i supposed to do?
sit in their ****?!        n'ah mate: n'ah n'ah...
my only "beef" ant "anti-semitism" is
with circumcision...
i can't be circumcised i wish i could be
but only as a rite of passage of from boy to man
and thus belonging to a woman:
then: only then: will i be able to don
a wedding ring:
she can fry that ******* prompt like
she might an onion ring: i don't care:
but not when you have men who didn't
ask to be circumcised being circumcised
and then you wonder:
so paedophilia is not o.k.:
but transgender
gender re-assingment surgery is... ******* o.k.?!

i was actually going to write about
the genius of Harry Beck and the London tube map
and how it represents a cone to me...
how myopic it is:
because London per se: is so small...
you have the inner detail of the circle line...
and what's the distance on the Piccadily Line
between Holborn
Covent Garden and Leicester Sq
and what is the Essex loop like?
so the map begins big: even thought the distances are
small... then the distances get big
but the drawings of the distances becomes smaller and smaller
because there's no significance invoked...

i'm sorry Jew: the Mongol and the Turkmen
and the Russians will agree with me:
your practice of circumcision
i don't care how much you gesticulate with your
teff and yaff
and all the monstrosity of the genitals of
                          i will make sure i will defend my people
even though i have a fetish for German
and perhaps the people certainly the music
i don't care...
you made these crazy rich Ahabs and Arabs and
Canada this most civilian authority of
the measure of speech...
i just don't want to live among circumcised males
who have bad aim at a toilet seat
became they have been mained...
   pull out my toenails and then ask me
for a ballerinas' dance... how's that?
Jesus wasn't a Jew: at best he was an Assyrian
or at worst given the artrifacts of
archeology an Egyptian...
              why blame the Jews for asking for
a non-Jew to be killed?!

demons are summoned:
                           but that's the genius of
the London Underground map...
the focus is on the centre:
all exterior arenas of station diminish...
  the Star of David emerges:
like otherwise:
            Δ                and             ∇
delta and nabla:
and their mother: sigma:  Σ
                    σ (δ serpent) ς (ą)
there were actually more vowels than English allowed...

if you could measure where Liverpool St starts
and where: some other station ends...
i'd love to measure the sq mile
then the outer regions of the network...

original sin:
i can't be blame(d) for ****
for the Egyptian Moses
and the Assyrian Jesus
and third time lucky:
stop circumcicing your males
and giving females all these
unfair allowances...
PaKa Apr 2021
I am the man who naked stands behind a brick wall
Engraved god's iron crosses deep in the skin
So raise your hand higher, follow my lead
I'll probably **** some boys and continue to inbreed

Heat me up, complete me with a stamp
Thou shalt always have a t on thy chest
That's my chic, this is mine camp
And I will never let my art be unblessed

I was naked and shouted say 10!
An echo blasted even bloced **** gents
Cut I bleed under bandages
We are all ******, stop me or try
Death in a dark ally, god smacks in Iowa
With one hand raised, the other gesturing I love ya

— The End —