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La princesita hipsipilo, la vibrátil filigrana,
—Princesita ojos turquesas esculpida en porcelana—
Llamó una noche a mi puerta con sus manitas de lis.
Vibró el cristal de su voz como una flauta galana.

            —Yo sé que tu vida es gris.
Yo tengo el alma de rosa, frescuras de flor temprana,
            Vengo de un bello país
            A ser tu musa y tu hermana!—

Un abrazo de alabastro…luego en el clavel sonoro
De su boca, miel suavísima; nube de perfume y oro
La pomposa cabellera me inundó como un diluvio.
O miel, frescuras, perfumes!…Súbito el sueño, la sombra
Que embriaga..Y, cuando despierto, el sol que alumbra en mi alfombra
Un falso rubí muy rojo y un falso rizo muy rubio!


The amazonian little princess, a vibratile filagree,
—Turquoise eyes sculpted of porcelain, little princess—
Called one night at my door with her small hands of iris.
And the trilling crystal of her voice was like an elegant flute:

        —I know your life is gray.
I have the soul of a rose, the dew of budding flowers,
        I come from a beautiful country
        To be your sister and muse!—.

An arm of alabaster…then, in the sonorous carnation
Of her mouth, softest honey; in a cloud of gold and perfume
She surrounded me, brash horsewoman, like a deluge.
Oh honey, freshness, perfumer!…The sudden dream, the shadow
Which intoxicates…and when I wake, the sun that falls on my carpet
In a false ruby very red, and a false ringlet very blond.
Just Alex Sep 2018
I enjoy to walk
Alone in the dark
As the sun falters
And the moon shines and lusters
Bright from its ebony coat
And with every step an echo
So rythmically in tune
It matches my heart beating
As grasp in reality
Ever so loose

I ponder on monsters
Who called themselves men
On what twisted them to fiends
And brought them to change?
Is it treason that warped their hearts?
Maybe a lost love who crushed their ilusion?
Perhaps loneliness brought them this stupor?
Whatever it is that brought them so low
It destroyed their will, it broke their soul.

I ponder on love
I wonder how short it tends to be
And how we dwell on its loss
The suffering it brings.
How easy is it to feel a spark
To bring us from the brink of despair
Just to feel it´s mark
And where there was life, now there´s air.

And my thoughts grow darker
And my pace faster
Anticipating disaster
My eyes widen
I feel as if beset by spies
Who stalk from the shadows
Ready to strike

And I see it...
It is no spy
A beast before me
Clad in black
Eyes in red crimson
Stare sat me back
It fills me fright
I try to run
But stand paralized
My legs betray me
And the beast approches
With its back arched
And talons sharp
Holding me still
With its eyes...
It glared at me deeply
Almost feels pity
And whispers to me
"I am a monument to all you hold dear
For you clasp failure with a tight grip
It took a form in the being that before you stands
And is fear what drives forward
Not any feeling of pride
Deluding yourself in betterment
Inside you are nothing but lies"

I came to my knees
And I began to weep
The monster had tore my resolve
But deep within me
I could still feel
A shimmer, a last ray of hope
I can´t let it win
So I came to my feet
And stared and the brute
Clad in blackness so thick
It could block out the sun
And it´s shape had no shape
It twists and it warps
That piercing red stare
That stared straight to my soul
I said to the thing
"It is true what you say
It seems I can´t escape
From the mire of the past
The more I remain
The harder my escape
And the farther the distance
From achieving my plans
An edifice of failure
Given mortal nature
But mortal you are
All that is mortal can die
And when you do
I´ll be back to life"
I tend I write a lot about demons or beasts in the dark, but I can´t help it I find the idea of something scary stalking you very effective at portraying emotion
K Balachandran Aug 2015
Lone duck, bitten by an insane urge, turns and turns,
endlessly on water plane, creates a churn, a pattern on water,
as if to meet itself in a moment of stillness in between,
when will it happen? His life passes as that illusion still lasts.
Cada ves que olvido algo, malos momentos espero aveses veo sufrimiento pero aun sonriendo camino simplemente donde creare arte, verdades del sabio ancestro, sostengo objetos de luz, piedras, aire, agua, fuego el comienso termino aun siguiendo busco y siempre mi familia encuentro, ciego dibujo mi sueno en este infierno, nuestra ilusion, o solo sera mia por ejemplo una flor destruida todavia deja semillas, logicamente crecen, vida buena amenese, miro sonrisas, y ala mejor descanse, formaremos nuestros trece cielos, eterno sagrado, canto hablando destrulle mucha gente, ignorandolos cuando escucho, de todos modos muertos, montanas a pedasos, siguen moviendo con su voz el cranio, artistico, hueso presioso enterrado, revolusionarios levanto porque llo no se tampoco dar pas devolviendo todo injusto dolor obvio eso contesto si preguntan que ara uno al morir? Luego enseΠo sacrificio aprendido claramente diario visto utilizo arte para imortalisarlo bien aqui, memoria espiritual, esta illusion, vision, dream when singing, weird things I hear my mind say at night or day there's never been a need to pray I'm still unawake people judge any without what they not see around them forgive them one person says dying, laughing, brings better moments, days resting, peace I show with images that are unexplainable unless you know how artisticly these hands form stars, moons hold inside caves or wumb thrones ancient sacred rhythms respected are measurements, life, death, blind carved stone from, dreaming where children new born adorn earth nature womens tears paint every reason I won't ever hesitate to die protecting kind presence, why how take a life? It becomes easier if your enemies get lost near whoevers truly innocent, hardworker souls native soldiers, word, speech, heart, body envokes things Ive called mine speak in code all words with rhymes shine similar to diamonds, gold, even people fight many times give their lives for
After being told it's worth more shown useless teachings televisions living divided by races if all nations portray mostly poverty forgotten ninety percent population, destroys hells when few coward thoughts wanna smile watching kids crying poor creation, nest, room, natures unhappy house, only door found grows into hates reflection mirror smoke portrays fear, war, when death ends your home own selfcreated nightmares daydreaming seems what most call god forgets a lot of things though brothers or your elders won't ignore anyones pain wise youth learns truth well tought proof seek only family during struggles sustains hallusinacions very stable mindstates worldwide, waiting frontline prepared always, patiently.....
Pablo Honey Dec 2012
Disturb their fears
Destroy your senses
Build your new ilusion
Walk on the wrong way
Until you find your lost way

**** their new enemies
Always singing a song
Climb the garden wall
And shout to all your freedom

Find your reason
Under my pillow
Keep the silence
The rest of the night

No more lies
No more words
Shut Up! Go Away!
Don't breathe near me

Take your soul
And join all the lost souls
Wandering in darkness
To infinity
Todos venimos de un mismo lugar,pero no todos vamos al mismo lugar
es como si nuestros corazones estubieran enredados y si quisieras seguirlo llegarias a una estrella...esa estrella es lo que nos da vida y amor....pero todos estamos corriendo sin pensar y sin ver lo que esta enfrente de nos importa la gente que nos importa nada...solo queremos tener lo que nos hace "feliz"....veo la gente pasar y nadie esta verdaderamente saben lo que es la felicidad verdadera...piensan que teniendo la mejor carrera y mas dinero es felicidad...pero, se pierden de lo tan solo se pararan y vieran lo malo que estan haciendo tal vez el mundo seria un lugar mejor...tal vez seria un lugar en la que todavia quiero vivir...pero viendo como es la gente...ya no quiero saber quiero dormir...dormir y no despertar...quiero seguir ese hilo y llegar a la estrella...porque esa estrella es la que me da fuerza para seguir...solo esa estrella nos deja vivir...porque no dejamos de ver solo para nosotros y parar y ayudar a la gente?!...porque no ponemos un alto a las cosas que no tienen significado?....como guerras, hambre, pobreza....pero me da tanta tristeza saber que eso nunca pasara...nadie quiere salir de su burbuja, de su mundo magico donde todo esta bien...donde todos estan como el...donde el mundo real es solo una ilusion...dios ayudame...ya no aguanto estar en este mundo....lleno de tristeza y gente de mundos de burbuja...
N.G. Oosthuizen Sep 2009
Waiting. . . Waiting for rain. Waiting for it to wash away the pain. And bring me things to gain. Its like a game. Each time the same. Standing in rain, hiding my tearz, sharing with earth my fears, waiting for the day it all clears. Hiding  it all from my peers. Standing ovation, for this special occasion. Killing the hiding invasion. Knowing that i have a vision, for the unwanted version, calling them the persians. Making them see an illusion. Giving them optical ilusion. So rain do come to stay. For success my way sway. . . And keep the unwanted away. . . .
Pablo Paredes Oct 2015
Tanto tiempo inmovil,
esperando sin esperanza
que algun día apareciera.
Hoy, ya tarde.
poco a poco se desvanece la ilusion,
que nos mantuvo despierto por tanto tiempo.
Mientras más me acerco,
más te alejas.
Pero tal vez, solo tal vez
mañana no será tarde.
La ilusión brilla esmeralda
en mis amaneceres oscuros;
mientras, sus brazos rodean
tu desnudo cuerpo.
El calor de la ciega pasión
calienta tu alma en decadencia.
Me sigo alejando sin conseguir
una respuesta,
pues la distancia se vuelve verdugo del deseo.
Esperando el tiempo yaciera congelado
eternamente, nuestros cuerpos marchitaron,
la llama se apago
y el calor se volvió frío.
Sólo me queda esperar,
cómo tu ya lo haz hecho.
Abimael Jan 2022
At those moments
when your heart beat so hard
when the ilusion of crumbling
is the pain of love

The moment we open up
is the moment that we last
There is no other love
as this one.

We drink
We dance
We dive into us
Just to see
A brightful rainbow
Just because
together we both are amused
Of how good we are...
Sometimes thing arent perfect, but imperfection has the weight
Ivan Mihajlovic Oct 2018
Who knows what a whispering wind is on a stormy road and a bevel. What is the inverse level? The bell door rings at the entrance, In your dream like an angry rebel.
The pain is the one that moves us into faith and live,If it does not break us, it strengthens us.
Pain, like a carousel, believe. Devil has a thousand faces, but only one aim. Do not be craven. Fear is just an illusion. Everything becomes an indication.
The heat of fusion creates evolution, find the right solution, What creates your passion, stimulates your spirit level, be your rebel.
Pablo Paredes Sep 2014
En una tarde soleada
estuvimos juntos.
Sentados en el infinito crepúsculo
de un interminable día de verano.
Aún recuerdo,
su suave y dulce aroma
al tomarla entre mis brazos.
El aliento del beso desencadenado
que robo mi deseo.
¿Es tan triste recordar,
algo que nunca pasó?
Nunca fue mía,
es cierto.
Pero aún me siento
tan lleno al recordar
la ilusion de lo que pudo ser,
mas nunca será.
En el mismo árbol donde
la hice mía, donde
me sentaba a admirar su
bello rostro, cálida sonrisa,
cuerpo exacto, ojos de miel,
piel de canela, mirada hechizante
!Maldito sea su aroma,
y el momento preciso!
Era mía en un sueño, lo sé.
Tan perfecta como lo esperaba,
tan exacta como yo anhelada.
Era perfecta, era para mí.
Simplemente no era real
Nunca existió,
producto inexistente de
mi imaginación vagabunda.
No era un sueño, existe;
está ahí bajo ese árbol
esperando a que la encuentre,
que calle su dolor con un beso,
que cure su herida con la mía.
Existe, allí está
¿Qué no la ves?
Aquí estoy, allí estás
Espérame, que yo te espero
Ivan Mihajlovic Oct 2018
Who knows what a whispering wind is on a stormy road and a bevel. What is the inverse level? The bell door rings at the entrance, In your dream like an angry rebel.
The pain is the one that moves us into faith and live,If it does not break us, it strengthens us.
Pain, like a carousel, believe. Devil has a thousand faces, but only one aim. Do not be craven. Fear is just an illusion. Everything becomes an indication.
The heat of fusion creates evolution, find the right solution, What creates your passion, stimulates your spirit level, be your rebel.
Helena Andrea May 2014
My life was blinded about the darkness but now i meet you and you open my eyes
My heart was blinded about lies and hurts but you change it in a beautiful light
You bring me back to life once again
You **** the darkness with your light
I was blinded all my life but you make me to see the truth
I was blinded but i know that you still love me behind of everything i do
I hurt you alot but you never leaved me and i know that you,ll never do
I have you,re unconditional love and no one can,t change that
I was blinded by ilusion and dreams what never come true
You are the only hope, the only dream i can dream about, the only love what i can keep in my heart for the restle of my life.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
It was all going pretty well, infact very well if i had to be pushed....
but then i started to realise happiness is just an ilusion born in the fabric of the mind and thats when it all started to go terribly, partly because my legs are very wobbley there like jelly really (probs strawberry flavour) but more importantly where the hell are golden grahams they say they were cancelled because of the salt but it wasnt there fault they were taken away so young but at least we know theyve gone to a better place, theyve gone to live in the sea with the plaice (im going for the worst poem ever written can you tell :)).......i think i love you so i wrote it in a card you replied i think you mentle but i think we should just be freinds :( (that bits not true *** i dont know who you are :D) right back to the poem infact il start a new one :).
Paulo Mielmiczuk Dec 2015
I have seen my love
and I've never held her to me.
I've never known her warmth, her beauty
nor the depths of her heart
- except the ilusion of images created by men.
No! I need to share an embrace,
my laughter, my pain, my love...
I want to look deep in her eyes (deep into mine)
and sing her a song many have sung before
- not as tender and truthfully as I.
Most of all, I love a love that loves but her.
A love that sings, lives and hurts... And grows each moment.
Unfortunately, I have only seen my love
in the light of thought. Sweet and beautiful thoughts.
When we finally meet,
she will rest on my chest and feel special.
Because she really is special to me.
And I will kiss her on the forehead and say:
"I don't really care how distant we are...
I don't really care how little have we talked...
I love you out of space and out of time.
I love you, I love you, I love you."
emrys Mar 2018
the horizon was a painting
i saw its blurried lines today
erased with the flick of a wrist
repainted with the color grey

was it an ilusion?
or was it just me?
seeing what i wanted to see
a world of my own to recreate
to mold, to shape, to paint

beautifuly unfinished
tragically unmoving

am i the horizon?
i think i might be
le dije que ya no muero
que algo en mi despertó

que siento la vida surgir desde mi costado
un punto definido y la totalidad de la inmensidad
a la misma vez uniéndose
enlazados en la misma cosa

mi ser está en este mundo
mi cuerpo sobre esta cama
pero yo no me habita la habitación

es que desperté del infierno y desperté del paraíso
es que desperté un mañana profunda, una mañana clara, una mañana sin ninguna ilusion desperté de un gran sueño
dónde todo estaba dividió ahora
todo es
niann smith May 2021
You love me. How simple that sounds and seems and it is, while at the same time it's not. It is hard when you love, to truly love the person and not the ilusion, not the idea you've made up wearing their face clothed in the expectations you have of them.    

Accepting and embracing imperfection, making forgiveness a permanent room in your heart, having the courage to walk in a person's light as well as his darkness, all those things are not easy.

Having your dream of them die is not easy, and yet it must in order to truly love for people are meant to be loved as wholes not just as the pieces of them we adore. People are meant to be loved fully, with forgiveness and abounding grace, for love is the closest thing to the divine that we will ever embrace.

— The End —