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Raj Arumugam Feb 2011
Heee! Heee! Hooooooo…..
Well, Hello, lovebirds…making love are we?
One on top of the other
still with flesh and organs all intact
and making all sorts of crude noises
and getting into this messy business –
getting your bed sticky and wet with sweat;
ah, you beings of flesh and blood and ecstasies
unlike me
just bones and a mere ghost me now living
lonely and in airless worlds
sent there by you my wife under that man
and you the man who helped poison me -
now you are over my wife
and you raise your **** to the gods
Hheeee…heeee….heeee… Heee! Heee! Hooooooo…..
Well, Hello, lovebirds…making love are we?
I’ll be back every time the two of you fornicators
make love in my bed – shame on you, you murderer;
you took my wife, my home –and can’t even afford
to buy a new bed;
and you even use the condoms I left in the wardrobe...
Heee! Heee! Hooooooo…..
but I’ll be back every time the two of you close each other
like two palms raised in prayer ;
and I’ll pull the mosquito net down a bit and peer in
to see the two of you naked in bed
and I’ve got a bony tongue
long enough to lick the both of you!-
and to see me with my horrendous eyeballs
your phallus will shrink immediately;
and that woman, my former wife and eternal betrayer,
who mixed poison into my rice and shrimps
- every time she sees me, in her shock and fear
she’ll **** you out of bed, every time for sure...
Heee! Heee! Hooooo….
Well, Hello, lovebirds…making love are we?
Heee! Heee! Hooooooo…..
It's a bit too late - but be warned, this is a rather crude poem - so all of you who are pure and spiritual, stay away...Heee! Heee! Hooooooo…..poem based on Katsushika Hokusai's The Ghost Kohada Koheiji, Ukiyo-e color print
Raj Arumugam Sep 2012
at last, I’m dead, now a light ghost in the dark
an energetic, leaping ghost
and I’ve got abundant hair
and it’s always shiny and radiant

over here
one never worries about
eggs and shampoo, and making such concoctions
And it feels always light
airy, floating at will, gliding with ease
And one lifts off into the air
and one flies (I don’t need to worry
about ground control,
and foul weather is fine with me)
And I never worry about clothes
it’s always the same, and they stay fresh and smooth
all night long, all hauntings along
- Woooo! Woooo! Hooooo! Heeeeettrrrr! -
And nails - wow! Do they grow!
and they take care of themselves
and you don’t need those pesky, nosy manicurists!
But the best – oh – the best – is the jump up into the air
and to descend, to pounce so effortlessly
on unsuspecting males
right in the darkest of nights
to pounce on them, as it seems, from nowhere
from up, up, up ever so light from high in the air
and with my ghostly touch
to feel them shrink in their pants
- Ha, ha, hooooo! Heeeeettrrrr! -
and to bite off their you-know-what –
a fruitful and eventful end to the night…
they taste like cucumbers,
with water, minerals and fibre and all…
- OOOOObbooo…TooTooo! Heeeeettrrrr! -
- ah, the joys of being a female ghost –
it is light revenge on those men of dark hearts
poem based on artwork "yurei (ghost)"  by Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎?, ?October 31, 1760 – May 10, 1849)
Jai Rho Apr 2014
Finnegan, begin again
is it time to wake?
The belfry bats are singing
from the yew trees, "heigh **
heigh ** heigh hooooo . . . "
as lips lip fleshless lips of air
Bloom clinks a glass with
M'Intosh, "Three quarks
for Muster Mark!" and
Stephen drinks tea from
lotus flowers poured by
Nausicaa while sirens call
between the clashing rocks

"Come home Telemachus, come
home Penelope, come home
Mary, come
home . . . "
Billip Phibbs Jan 2015
***** You Guessed it! Hooooo!

You is ******* right.

Graaa! Graaa!!! O.G.G!!
A Ballad, expressing how correct a young woman is off nothing more than an uneducated surmisal.
Q Jul 2014
Blood at the base of my neck
The taste of mold
Cold, cold, cold surrounds my every cell
My tears freezing as they trickle down my face

I breathe.

My sight sees a sliver of smoke climbing the ladder of air
I dare to shift my gaze
Distant moans, screams, footsteps creeping on the cobblestone
Slowly understanding action is required, I roll over,
Spit a stream of red, secure my undone laces,
And close my eyes to prepare for the pain I heavily anticipated;

First step....."ssss"
Second step....."hhhhaa"
Third step....."hooooo"

                                       ­                                *s.q.
Colin Carpenter Apr 2013
Let’s suspend a butterfly as we would
a person,
clasp his hands and legs to a rack
as we would an angel.

Stay still for a moment,
our grass it grows.

His butterfly eyes, those owl-less eyes
hover and dart in suspension,
but not enough to spot a hooooo...
or a hawk.

Moments are moments still
in a time lapse.

That bed was made for us both.
That brown-angeled stretch,
stretches for us.
No: we as butterflies hawk the day
and below come forth our prey.
Kuvar Mar 2018
Two we are
Our Day in a nightgown
The costume of a beautiful nightmare
It is I
The great horned owl
it is you
The mourning dove
Our two
In a thick cloud
Under a dark sky
The loud happy cry
We make in love
The clash of titans
Inbetween our breathe
The formidable pulse
Wrapped in our legs
The world is our's
Tonight my love
Troy Sep 2019
I flinch at the noise,
Staring straight at the alloys,
Of the behemoths stopping m…
Stopping me from reaching my destination.
The journey that forms the foundation,
Of the treadmill walking m…
Walking me in baby steps
Just so that the next,
Class I take could let m…
Let me live my life
And be free from this strife.
Let me move forward instead of
Being stuck in traffic.
This one is a reflection of how I feel about life right now. Simple, but again, one of those things I had to write.

— The End —