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Johan Nel Jul 2016
Teen die hange van die berge-nag
Speel die donker op die ligte sag
Die kalm daal op die chaos-stad
Van klank en mense op elke kronkel pad
Dit voer jou mee in 'n sterre mat

In skoon lug met 'n oop kop
Kan gedagtes net vloei en skrop
Aan dinge wat is en kom
Aan mens wees, goed en krom
Aan die eenvoud en dit wat verstom

Woorde lê in 'n niks-wees dwaal
Dis rou, dit is maar net  -  dis kaal
Net om die stemme wat skree te verlos
Dinge wat 'n uitlaat soek in die kosmos
Dit het ink gevind, soos vuur in fynbos
© Johan Nel (written in December 2015)
Nina McNally Oct 2015
Back to the beginning
And back to the start. Let's
Change our future and raise our
Kids right!

Time to stop robbing banks and
Others; stop being racist, sexist, or whatever

Everyone--STOP! We are the same,
All on the inside. Doesn't
Really matter the color, ***, who we love- we are all
The same-human beings-mammals-
H**ope that helps-if not, we are like M&Ms; *fighting over your favorite color only to realize they're all chocolate on the inside.
Inspired by and song title from Steve Aoki and Fall Out Boy!
I can't remember where I heard the M&M;'s comparison but it was from a celebrity.
©McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Oct 2015
This is our time
When we take control!
In this moment, we control our future
No one can tell us what to do!

Spread positive thoughts and
Kindness to everyone and with
Each new day with a
Little love, maybe our world will be better.
Each child is our future, we need
To teach them how to love and show
Others love too! We're all in this together.
No one is truly alone!
Stop the violence!
Holding onto hope that
One day, our children can change
The world!
Each day, we get a
Little closer to a better future.

I** hope our children can fix our mistakes,
Not repeating our history, we're already done that!

Now is the time to raise the
Youth right and
Change for the better!
Inspired by and title from Fall Out Boy.
This was a 2 in 1 poem.
©McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Apr 2011
So, here I am free and with
Each new day without you I grow stronger.
Can you believe that it's been a year,         since you left me standing...
Only that doesn't matter.                            I don't care you're
No one important to me anymore, but                                      just a ~friend~.
Don't you see I always loved (and still love) you; always will.

Change happens and we have to move on.
Having the time of my life and                                        enjoying being free!
And I hope whatever you're doing,                   you're happy too.
Now that our time is over and things have
Changed! I am ready to find my Second Chance.
Each day;       I think, breathe, live, & dream positive** thoughts.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title/inspiration from Shinedown's "Second Chance"
-Enjoy your life no matter what is thrown your way.
Stay Positive.-

~side note: I might start writing a story next. Leave a comment or message me if you want me to post it here.
****-zip-bang shenyang ang;
Mang mangue flang hang prang pang;
Pinang lalang unhang kang youth defang khang;
Marang schlang gang wolfgang ying-yang xuanzang.
Klang sea get wrang.

Sang tsang li-kang gangue langues.
Thang drang crang tang harangue sprang zhang shang siang whang strang hang verdinsgang chuang;
Brang lang nang bhang xiaogang mahuang durang huang.
Hange hsiang und;

Zang rang kuomintang ourang section gang hang.
Krang pahang boomerang fang guilt;
Spang gang;
Hangsang xinjiang tunkelang slang tangue nanchang clang chang bangue vang ziyangbaoguang hwang pang the tsiang alang dang ylang-ylang.

Tang liang.
Overhang langue pyongyang.
Cangue sangh mustang stang frang yang lange kukang farang **** care sturm t'ang;
Zamang drang chiang road a jang;
Seema Sep 2017









Accepting your love as they are without any change. Denying their faults as in appearance. Get him inside, remember to just have and know love. While the forever playing music is never over. The fragrance of the perfumed quaikee(outstanding, special look)roses, spread to ultimation(to the best version). By versing and conversing with xaern(to enjoy something so much you begin to hate how much you like it) and your cute little zab(blabber or talk).
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
all around me i see the crowd moving like lighting. i start to spin with my eyes gathering information.
my eyes fill the storie i wrote on a blank page.
my world is suronded  by change every where i go.
i don't think i could shut my eyes to blink cause every this is exploding thriving with exitment.
down the street a new house is being build by my othere side a mountain side has been colapsing.

my entire suroundings have been changing.
my mind cant keep up when my heart starts pounding.
where true love comes right in front of me.

my surondings have been exploding with hange
i don't think i can keep up but i might just go madely crazy
you get that
Safana Mar 2021
Ba ra'ayin ka bane
Ba ra'ayi na bane
Ba hange na bane
Ba hangen ka bane
Duniya ba taka bace
Lahira ba' a kauce
Cuta ta nesa ta arce
Ta sa kowa ya fece
Asibitoci an kwace
Kasuwanci ya fauce
Yan makaranta an sace
hancin kowa an face
A gida kowa ya kasance
Miji, yara har ma da mace
Domin nutsuwa kar a fusace
Abubuwa da yawa sun faru a tsakani shekaru kadan, mafi girman su a duniya shine tashin hankalin yaduwar annbobar duniya ta cutar Korona duk da cewa a Nigeria akwai kalubale na shugabanci amma hakan bai hana Al'ummar kasar bin dokokin da aka gindaya musu ba, sai  dai kash! har yanzu akwai shakku dangane da yaduwar cutar a Nigeria ma'ana adadin kididdigar da humkumar NCDC ke fitarwa tun daga farkon fara annobar har izuwa yau akwai alamar tambaya...

— The End —