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Nath Rye Jul 2016
When I was a little boy biking through the lush greeneries of our local park,
I fell down and scraped my knee.
Tears in my eyes, with blood coming out of the tear on my leg, I came to my parents.
Their reaction at first was what I had expected. Shock and fear for their son’s well-being came to their faces, but after realizing I was mostly okay, they uttered a line I still remember quite clearly.

It went like this:

“At least it’s just a scratch.”

And so with that began a life of “at leasts” and compromise.

“At least you passed the test”
“At least you made it on time”
“At least you were only late to the first 30 minutes of the movie”
“At least you were able to cram your homework”
“At least you managed, somehow, some way”
“At least you didn’t die”
“At least you were given part of what you wanted”

Part of what I wanted.

Now, I’ve grown wise enough to know that you aren’t always going
To attain or achieve everything you desire.
But when life always sells you short, you lose hope

But the most cruel "at least" that life decided to bestow upon me was...

“At least…. You met her.”


The compromise was I couldn’t have her
I couldn’t make her my home
Because she was never there to stay.
“At least, you met her”

It was a tragedy
But a part of her will always remain
Because that part of her, no matter how small
Somehow changed something in me-
And, dear god, I hope it’s for the better.
It's a half-done poem. I might upload a complete version of this soon.
Michael Ryan Apr 2015
We never met, but we've done more than most do in a life time.
Traveling around the store picking those little greeneries
Our own little adventure, tuning into the show as I pick the bestest apples
While at the same time you can only find sour grapes
My store named Ralphs and yours, you tell me, is called Mandals
As I joke about how those are man sandals, you just laugh at me.
Worlds apart for others means, in a different town
For us it means a different time zone
Our hands may never touch
But our mind's hug and kiss each and every morning
For those that live worlds apart. Your love is more powerful than the borders that separate you can ever be. **I could write more, but I need to sleep.**
Amaranthine May 2017
Two inverted hearts lies in those eyes
changes colours with different angles

Rich midnight blue pupil heart,
Union of dark night with ocean's aquamarines...

Shiny teal green iris heart,
Union of sunlight with earth's​  purple mountains & lush greeneries.....

Copper brown sclera of those eyes
Is full of chocolate pool....

Those coffee eyelashes with shiny yellow & lilac liners can make anyone fool.....

Many secrets are hidden & alluring charm of glamour is yet to unleash
Beauty & mystery of those eyes
Are hard to consume....

This shimmering glimmering play of hues is nothing but iridescent peacock's plume...
Just randomly staring at gorgeous quills​....Since god knows what time.......I felt they are staring at me too.....

#peacock #plumes #hearts #eyes #iridescent
brandon nagley May 2015
Picturesque perfect airfall!
Shines beauty between greeneries rebirth,
A torch or a curse,
Do we relight new tablets?
For they were here once already!!!
Dying and steady the piano keys stroke!!
Outdated, unveiled, uncloaked,
I'm fresh as the molecules I take in!!!
A representation of sin,
I play unwillingly.
The kneeling beings are approached about the throne,
Where heavens mine home,
For where is thine own young panderer?
Star wanderer of unknown distortion!!!
An old age misfortune has vexed thy crazed,
For ive seen thy lanterns,
Now I must be guided!!!
Where thine guests are not invited,
But given all grace freely...

Wilt thou collect thine ruby onshore?
Peaceful galore...
Evan Stephens Jul 2021
I was a knotted shadow,
walking under a bridge
in Dublin, brick water vault
under the grand canal line,
on my way to the coffee shop.

Now I'm a sun-ray, lost to scatter
on the bolt-broad walk,
lost in a carpet cloud,
lost, lost. I'm in another place,
where the wind off the river
tassles the tops of slate roofs
on its way to my corner windows,
a mocking push that carries no salt.

I am sure I will not see it again.
I will go out instead, forward,
out into the alleys and greeneries
& grassworks and cementings,
to find something new
that might replace a wet shadow
full of coffee by the sea.
Swoo Sep 2021
She used to be celebrated. Thru water splashes, river streams and water fountains.  As the mountains changed to their greeneries. A scenery that always compels true children of the planet to want to run across it's open fields. What happened to her Joy's ?Nothing really. There's even rumours about her even forgetting her origin's. Truth is thru climate change, She also evolved way passed the comfort norms of the rest of the human species. As the rest of the nature side still rejoices while the plants, trees, flowers still flourish. With everything else still sticking to their traditions she's still celebrated. Spring - Swoo
Sweet jingles
Sphere of hope and dreams
Queen July
I remember
The drench of your serene clime
Treat of your crispy days
Warm as life
Making our days longer
Our sweet dreams of tomorrow
Only awhile
The transcend of yesterdays
Missing the shadows of ourselves
Sweet July
How frolic and free
Like a phlegm fountain of youth
The pleasant smell of rosebuds
The dawn of the tender seeds
The blooms and blossom of flowers in blush
With it healing frangrance
Crown  July
I welcome your winkling rays
Declining softly of my shy greeneries
Sops of your dews which my trees, forest delight
And whirling my ears in bliss
The roar of your stomach
Lashing brisk lights of your hazy face
And drops of your crystal tears
That drones on my weary roof.
This i know the days of abundance
And productivity
Glad tidings
Yenson May 2022
And I see the civilisation
and benign order
where millions of all hues
coexist humanely
without a gun in plain sight
yet instant help
if clouds ever gets hot and dark

And I see smiling people
a joke never far
and things and many places
exactly as stated
rolling roads with no cracks
pay your money
and get the service you seek

And I see eateries and cafes
clean airy and open
warm saloons round the corner
a choice of drinks await
and there's always a pal at the bar
a chin wag and a laugh
bon homie and we'll meet again mate

And I see orderly market places
and shops piled high
foods n wares from all over the globe
in morn noon or dusk
no bars or security grill a camera watches
a polite exchange and you go
live and lets live is our way of life

And I see parks and green fields
oaks willows cedars pines
carpets of shimmering greeneries
hedges and poppy fields
bluebells and daffodils rabbits n squirrels
horses in fields and cows grazing
idyllic countryside with cottages and barns

And I see I see this sceptered isle
and hear Jerusalem in hearty chorus
in prideful history
of the people by the people for the people
and I do not see a gun
I've never been near seen or held a real gun
because this is
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands,--This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.”

— The End —