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SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

It's a Jesus freakout...
It's a Jesus freakout...
Make me jump... make me shout!
(Repeated over and over)
Lookie here... this a Jesus freakout
Hold up you hands...
... Jump and shout!

Talkin' 'bout our Lord!
Talkin' 'bout our King!
Don't you shut you eyes and ears
Cuz Jesus is our thing!

He a good good thing
He a good good thing
We a' love our Lord and King!


Listen ma' to ma' words
Cuz they a' mak sense
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
In the present tense

Cults and idols try to lure
They do a' they can...
But we wi' no go to them
Cuz Jesus is our MAN!!


We wo'n turn away...
We wo'n forget...
When we sing about our Savior
We will stan' no sit!

Jesus is SO good...
We ne'd no proof!
Jesus is forever mon
The way the life... the TRUTH!!!

No hav' to smoka te ganga mon...
We got JEEESUS!!!
Bogle Oct 2013
As long as it doesn't hurt,
I want you to imagine watching me being torn apart,
by powerful galloping stallions in a crowd full of naive people.
   As I'm torn,
my deepest darkest secrets that only you know,
come pouring out.
   You have become protective of these secrets because you have helped keep them for so long.
so you can feel my pain as the incidence unfolds before your eyes,
there is nothing you can do but watch and feel.
   This is why I burnout and freakout,
every time I hear the word councillor or support,
it's like someone taking your job and getting respect for not knowing it like you did.
Wake up every day: Can't get out of bed
Feel like I've been chewed up, spit out, and landed on my head.
All the blood rushing through, leaving my mind black and blue
And what I'm left with is feeling helpless, without a single clue.

Try to rise up, but, these sheets are made of glue
My rubber mind bounces my sanity and I'm stuck to thoughts of you
Even though I'm trying to prove I can improve
I'm still stuck in this same ******' place I can't move

As I lay stripped away to my basic DNA
I reflect upon the past wishing only changes for today
But what I learned from the time my heart had me enslaved is that
Working towards tomorrow ***** the life out of today

So, act on true intentions
Don't let dismay be a distraction
Any emotion can kinetically push any dying dream into action
If you're feeling like you're gasping for air in this cold ocean
Just remember that only your own will can preserve your life when...

All the weight that you carried and never bothered showin'
All these lessons you taught yourself, you though aided your growin'
But they just stretched you seven different ways
Leaving you with six more demons that you must face

Now that who you are and who you play finally meet face to face
You can run to lead the race instead of shoving your foot in your face
Self-censorship is what grasps your legs
Keeping you shackled in this dark, dismal, place

Start fresh, I'll use resentment for the best
Remove the weights that held me down, revealing the hole in my chest
I stagger to the bathroom just to make sure,
That all these trials that I have endured

Haven't changed how I appear, as I gaze into the mirror
I realize that the real lie is that I was ever here
Great job, you finally managed to face your fears
Now, let's see how you do against a jury of your peers

My judge holds me in contempt again
No attorney can defend my end
When the time comes for my plea I'll say: "It was anything but innocent"
But, I surely did it with no intent
I never gave myself consent
To hide behind these masks that turned me into my own deadly sins

Now I lay here with no breath
Facing almost certain death
Licked by the flames of my forged hell, with no peace, I will not rest
Until I climb out of this pit
And I finally forget
That I ever had the urge to toss my towel and forfeit
**Don't Quit.
Song lyrics
Alexander Black Apr 2015
60 seconds to go
My heart is pumping a marathon
Each beat a new threat to explode
Hitting me like a dozen syringes
Call the coroner
Cause of Death:
Adrenaline Overdose

45 seconds
I practice every coming moment
In my mind
Every mistake hits me at once
The imagination humiliation
Acts just like a garrote
My every breath is strained
Lungs burning, full of embers
White out the death certificate
New cause of death:

30 seconds
My flight or fight goes haywire
Yet I can do neither
The walls start moving
This room threatens to be my tomb
It is too late to fight
This demise is of my own accord
I want to fly
Yet my wings are clipped
Retract the obit
I fell to my doom

15 more
I hear my doom approaching
It calls to me
Every syllable shocks my system
A jolt to remind me that I'm going to fail
I shudder with every word
I close my eyes, pray
Count the seconds until doomsday
Cause of death:

10 seconds
I take a breath
It stays
I stand up to face the onslaught
I walk toward doom
My breath fights its way out
Only 5
Climbing fear turns to steady panic
4 more
Another heart attack hits
Another breath
I step forward

The lights hit
The fear vanishes
I am no longer dead
The crowd before me resuscitates me
Every line I dropped in my head
Landed with precise expertise
Each cue struck
Every scene played to perfection
Cancel the death notice
On this stage
I am revived
Mark Lecuona Apr 2015
Jump on come on
Gonna lay you out
Flirt zoo showdown
What's it all about?

Head game voodoo
Think about do you
Smack talk all uptown
**** strut walk around

Turn it on ignite your flame
You never be the same
You see you're my plan
Get up girl I'm your man

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark-eyed beauty

Hypno mind-zone freakout
Hip sway barfly holdout
Walk toe shuffle foot
Love starved crapshoot

Breakdown hard to get
Intrigue mind is set
Crazy hold mind on you
Alcohol stumble on thru

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark eyed beauty

Drunk walk dance floor queen
Move stop tease my dream
Close far wet hard rock
Rhyme poet walkin the walk

****** ***** push away
Eye look what you say?
Smile coy make me wait
Night life stay up late

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark eyed beauty
The title came from a dream... the words are a dance floor scene
Alex Vice Aug 2014
This is the time this is the place
to erase a trace of the human race
and not to spare them a moment of grace
burning like the mace-
in their eye
but who'll hear their cry
the moment before they die
bake their brains like ms. lovelette's meat pies
it might sound a little shocking
hearing 9's cocking
bag over your face while my music's rocking
people laughing and mocking
as you get your eyes pulled out
we laugh while you shout
you know i'm about to freakout
and let your body rot in the nuclear fallout
**** the nations
i'll leave you shaken like a haitian
bombing radio stations
me plus you equals X solve the equation
X is death
X is death
X is death
Caio Consoli Mar 2018
She is Dark
Just like Night
Left a Mark
In my Heart
She is Art
As a Dove
Took a Part
From Above
She is Love
With no Hate
It will Shove
In my Fate
She is Great
She’s not Flawed
Through the Gate
I will Laud
Is she God?
That's not Fair
I'm not Odd
There's a Flare!


With Black Hair
I shall Loath
She won't Care
If i Growth
With Black Clothe
Guess who'll Lose
I'll Quoth
''Red and Blues''
With Black Shoes
She's my Goal
Her I Choose
For my Poll
With Black Soul
She'll get Crazy
In a Whole
Gets me Flimsy
When I'm Drowsy
We'll Freakout
And in Frenzy
Gives me Blackout.
My lover
Rondu McPhee Aug 2010
O, I stood on my two feet,
As I watched down the street,
Artists of War,
Typewriter Virgins,
On the Edge,
On the Verge,
Naked insects,
Laughing, screaming,
A ****** freakout,
Flooding Heaven's drains and alleys,
And I'm cowering here,
Cowering at the Lord,
Holy roads,
Holy turns,
Whoah Lord--
The steam,
Rising and Time between,
The Eye
Of the Great Plummet.
Whoah Lord!
Blind me,
Show me the way,
Don't you know how hard it is?
Drag me across the Universe,
Past the roaches and smokers,
Past the path of memory--
Past the God of Gods,
Let me hold on.
I've seen it all--
I thought I did--
The Clouds speaking backwards,
Aphrodite raised her head,
Can't see what I said,
Can't kick,
Can't scream,
Blown out of my head.

I listened only to Terror
From each mountain peak,
Odes and rages
And killings and gardens,
Down the edge of the waters--
Down trees and trails--
Vertigo struck me;
"Here I was born, and Here I had died."

My flesh and branches reached,
The traffic and moon had all been breached,
Storming down
The foggy bright lights,
Joyrides along veins,
Riots along thoughts,
**** along trembles
And speech and Love,
Nowhere to Dream,
For Vision
or Living.

The Men with Guns,
The Riders
and Storms,
Closing one thousand eyes,
Closing one thousand souls,
Under the Symbols
And Leading Men--
Dark, tall--
In a starry alignment,
Alignment of Cosmos,
Of the Sea,
Of the staggering things,
Bestridden, frames,
All around in window panes,
Touching sparkling spiraling
I wipe my eyes,
I go numb at the
Vertigo of steel and flesh and fur
Vertigo of strings and Angels
I need someone to Love,
Someone to feel my pain.

I'll keep you with me,
My heart going like mad,
I'll keep you with me,
When lonely and when sad.

I can't live
Live on my own
O, simmering, breaching
Reaching the pale vines,
Vines of Life and Death
And Eyes and Black
I can't be on my own
Not against the wide-eyed
Cities, cold and blossoming
Kissing the tips
Of Mountains and Fathers
Of all the Flags
Of the World
Of War and Peace
O Something's trying
To hold me back,
O Please,
Whoah Lord!
O God!
Rest me,
Bury me
In the lights and paint,
In the sand and dances
In the Living and Loving
In the moonlight
In Grace.

Let me,
Let me be swept,
Touched and livid,
Everything vivid,
Let me,
Let me breathe
Let me leave.

Let me see the way
Don’t like to think about how long it took for you to die
when they closed the oven doors on your about to panic
You had hoped for the best against your better judgement
and the 2000 euros used to help you escape the
ISIS injunction enveloping the chalky land you left
Entrusted your hope to those grubby traffickers
and I have the strong sense it could have been me
about to FreakOut since there was no evident escape
No way to extricate yourself up, down, or sideways
but in your mind you must have tried figuring it out
before insanity needled you into remembering
what brought you there to suffocate and beg
for freedom from inside your minds suicide surrender
with one last breath even though the torture that
was left behind had still followed you

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2015
cal Apr 2021
i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss the way your arms shield me from the cold
i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss how you wrapped yourself around me like i was your everything
i'd be lying if i said i don't wanna feel how i did whenever you'd pull me closer in your sleep
i wouldn't exactly be telling the truth if i said i miss the way you never listened
i wouldn't exactly be telling the truth if i told you i loved the names you called me whenever i would be having a freakout
i wouldn't exactly be telling the truth if i implied that i enjoyed the way cheated on me
but then again
i love the way you lie
mikey preston Jul 19
freakout. let’s all hide this from our parents together
i want so desperately to impress you, i want so hugely for you to like me
i love nirvana (as of this morning), but i’m not faking
i really do love Floyd the Barber (as of hearing it this morning)
Kurt Cobain died on the cross almost thirty years ago
he’d be fifty seven and I have a headache
this **** smells like that guy who gave me my guitar
my godfather (close enough), my childhood (ending rapidly)
and barbecues in the backyard
douse me in axe body spray and tell me it’s lynx
it is lynx, i’m the one who’s wrong
i feel real for the first time in years, and shorter than i thought
5”4 and sinking into the ground, so dance with me
let’s take our shoes off in the street
two songs, one movie, one podcast
all playing in the background, and we’re off every beat
I love nirvana (always have), I have a headache (always will)
I’m teetering between high and not
is this the kind of **** that makes you creative?
look at the little bag you brought, it has bats on it
it makes you so happy, look at you dancing
look at you on the driveway, in your Kurt Cobain sunnies
this is what he would have wanted
I wrote this while lightly ****** and have made very minimal edits since, so it might not be coherent lol
Jenish May 2020
Greenish meadows, stony benches
Doves and crows toilet in bunches
Huge turnout..

Without fear of baited string bides
Flying fishes in lone seasides
From hideout..

Tree top squirrels wandered bottom
Like torpor kings in their kingdom
Free rollout..

Weeds and shoots sprouting from the soil
Dormant seeds sensing human spoil
They freakout..

Birds and beasts call on us to boo
World became a big human zoo
In stakeout..

— The End —