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Andrew M Bell Feb 2015
I see you at my door,
huddled against the night
in your Kermit-green jacket
and purple pants
like a refugee from a rainbow.
Patiently waiting
for my enfolding arms,
to spirit you upstairs
for flannelette passion
which makes us feel safer
than the safest ***.
Copyright, Andrew M. Bell. Thanks to the Valley Micropress, an Upper Hutt-based international publication in whose pages this poem first appeared.
Jenny JF Apr 2016
NaPoWriMo 2016 - Day 21 - Poem from a minor character in a fairy tale.

Oh Grandma

Well m'dears,
I never fancied a care home, or
meals on wheels.
With a shrivelled up lump
Of God's knows what.
Delivered twice a day.

But I'm blessed.
With family who
look after me,
in their own way.
My daughter sends her girl
every couple of day with a basket full of "goodies".

I don't know who is more feckless mind.
Her mother who dresses her up
in a stupid red cape.
Or the child who can't follow
simple instructions.
Go straight to grandma's cottage.
Do not talk to strangers.

Anyhoo, I lay there,
my stomach thinking
my throats been cut.
When I here a knock at the door.
I remind the idiot child
the door is on the latch.
My hips too dodgy to be getting up and down.
This suspect looking character
saunters in.
All big eyes, big ears, big teeth
Now I'm old, but no fool
I says "you're a..."

Before I've got a word out.
That great slathering beast
Gobbles me up.
Not so much a by your leave
No one respects their elders these days.

To add insult to injury.
He starts cavorting about
In MY nightie.
Now, I'm not one to judge
What a slathering beast does
Behind closed doors is his own affair.
But it was my best flannelette
He ripped the buttons right off, the brute.

Half an hour later my granddaughter,
Little miss take your own sweet time comes along.
Now I've mentioned she's not
the sharpest ax in the woodshed.

Well she gives Mr Wolf, my cake, my wine.
Then, after his washed that down, THEN, she gets an inkling something MIGHT be amiss.
I can hear all this from the cavernous belly of the wolf.

Oh grandma what BIG eyes, ears, teeth, you know the story.
Is she blind?
His a 6ft humanoid wolf.
In drag.
I'm 4ft nothing.
I've bounced that girl since she was a babe in arms.
Ok, perhaps once or twice I MAY have dropped her on her head.
But to not recognise her own grandmother.

Well long story short
There is a scuffle
A local arborist is passing.
Sweeps in saves the day.
Gives old wolfy a taste of cold steel.
Felling him from crown to toe.
I flop out like a wriggling infant.

I've come to see it,
as a rebirth.
A second chance of life if you will.
I'm carpe dieming and seizing what fishes I can catch.
I've sold the cottage, me and Sven the wandering arborist are shacking up together.
People say it's shocking
That he's only after me for my money.
But it beats feckless family or sheltered accommodation
Plus I've got a nice fur stole
Much more fetching than a Red Riding Hood.
deposited as a pose
she wrapped to

discarded in rags
flannelette under

fallen like leaves
from one
Donna Jun 2017
torch shone so brightly
as I lay under bed quilt
reading beano book

I read every line
checking out every picture
gnasher was my fav

I remember feel
of soft flannelette sheets
touching my young skin

when morning arrived
the bright sun seep through window
putting on live show

I watch wallpaper
come alive like orange sun
ready to start day

nanny shared a room
with me and sis , she snored like
a fierce lawn mower

her third set of teeth
slept in fizzy beaker cup
her gurney smile smiled

every morning she
got up early to catch bus
to take her to work

she smelled of freshly
grown spring flowers that lingered
joyfully all day

she was my summer
all year round , her flowery
frocks cute as petals

a tea lady she
was , poured tea all day long from
her golden trolley

felt from every given cup
of tea  , wet lips smiled

her chocolate hair wrapped
neatly in hair net , her sweet
cleanliness top form

but soon she would be
replaced by vending machines
technogly bloomed  

to me she was my
best friend , she gave me tiny
wings to practice on

once in a while
her memory steps forward
making me sing loud

She left me a love
full of happiness which still
glows brightly today
Loved my nan very much she was a delightful wonderful lady x
Julie Grenness Oct 2019
I was asked to create a holiday,
What about a pyjama day?
We would not get dressed at all,
Stay in bed, hide and stall,
Sit around in flannelette,
Stay in PJ's, don't get dressed,
In fact, don't wash or cook,
Do mental slumming with ****** books!
Feedback welcome.

— The End —