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Poetic T Dec 2014
LoVe iS
Broken Heart
Saïda Boūzazy Dec 2020
After midnight, she starts thinking
She is wondering whether she is really fulfilling hers mission on earth or not!
What is the core of existing!
-Love,  hate,  then leaving-
she is obsessed by different feellings !
- fear,  love,  and hate -
She can't stop thinking about everything
-She is weirdos , -
Every idea takes a place on her own mind
After midnight , that idea starts poisoning her thoughts slowly
- like the moon  affecting us-
she stresses herself  asking about the real meaning of life.
As  for her , life becomes meaningless.
samuel hdz Sep 2013
So. .. I missed a couple of days.
I was in this strange realm where I  thought things went my way.

I'm done...
You got fire, but there's nothing for you Sun.

Cold emotions hold these feellings.
Fading stars that aren't worth these dealings..

keep your nose clean, and cruise.    
When one starts to bruise.
Touch me
So you can free me

This cage, my body
This ilness, my party

Touch me
Free me

These chains, my thoughts
These feellings, my lock

Touch me
Feel me

This pain, my pleasure
These days, my death

Touch me,
I'm sick!
Ash Jan 2019
Screams of the dead

Sounds of crying.
Either women's or men's.
Either children's or elderly's.
They all have a common feeling.
For losing someone dear to them.
Your heart start to cut into pieces.
From the moment you know about it.
from the moment when you hear.
the sounds of crying.
appears all over the place.
Until you become surrounded by all of these sounds.
They all are crying .
Crying is what translates their feellings
It's what lets them connect together
I hear it as a song as they cry
A song that has true feellings
A song that comes deep from bottom of their hearts
All their memories materialize into tears
It's like you're traveling reliving your past
Either beautiful or bad ones
They all become the same for you
The more you travel
The more you feel
The more you sing
All the feellings
All the tears
All the songs
All in one place
But what hurts more                
When you enter this place
The moment you cross near to them.      
You see their songs
As Shadow's
With anger and sadness
Ready to express it on anything
All Shadow's come to hunt you
Yelling , with a loud voice , cutting themselves and cut you too
You are alone
Die with them
Go to them
Why are you still alive
There's nothing to achieve
You are wasting your time
You are living in pain
You will continue to live in pain
Nothing to calm ur suffer
No one will understand ur suffer
We know you
We feel you
No one will save you
Just die
And you will feel free
Your suffering will end
Your pain will end
Your whole proplems will end
What are you waiting for
DIE !!!!!!!!!
And here sounds of screams appear
But this time
Not the living people
Not the shadows
The screams of the dead
Seeing how their death
Torture others
Kills others
Wishing to stop it
Wishing to do something
But they're now dead
And what they can do
Is to
With every drop of blood
They scream
With every punch
They scream
With every shadow that hurts
They scream
Without an end to this
They say " may their souls rest in peace "
How would they rest when we make them the reason to why others suffer !?
How would they rest when others get into depression because of their death ?!
How would they rest when others get drunk every day to forget their sorrow ?!
How would they rest when others be lonely and lose their purpose in life because they lost their beloved !?
How would they rest when they see you crying everyday !?
How would they rest when you change totally to  someone they never wished you to ever be!?
They will not rest in peace
They will know the meaning of suffering even after their death
One day comes
And finally a release from this suffocation happens
And here
The sound of screams stop
A song appears
With a beautiful voice
To welcome them finally to where they belong
And where they will
And that's
" Rest in peace "
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
A wanted & desired presence.
A warm soft baby hand.
Big baby eyes.
Chubby cheeks with a personality so meek.
A precious soul to complete your life whole.
Babyfood in a bowl.
Let's go to the park with others.
So if we are together or not people won't wonder.
Impatience is driven.
Of how you visualize living.
Creating your own vision.
Happiness, peace, & love you envision.
An existence chosen.
An occupation worked & you got paid.
To finance a home we stayed.
A tax return brings opportunity of independence.
So living with "mommy" is no longer a dependence.
My own things is what dollars bring.
An oven, a stove, a refrigerator, a bed/futon, a closet, a toilet, a tub, a faucet, a sink, blinds, & a carpet.
All things that aren't broken & work.
My own food, toaster, pots, pans, cups, & plates.
I want to stay inside.
Sit here, write, watch DVDs & hide.
To the paper with my pen my feellings confide.
A bigger online world opens wide.
The internet cultivates while hope waits.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
DAVID Jan 2021
As i wake up, and
The sun gets gently
To mi eyes, i become
Aware Of your
memorie, i blush and
Breath inspired

And the second minutes
awake, your scent comes
As an ocean Wave, Of Loved
By you memories, and

Mi nose become aware,
Of the feeling you provoque
And the loved perfume
Takes the beating heart,
To a new heigth, that never

Felt before, between the
Trust and your loved eyes, is
Your perfect stomach calling
To me, come and Kiss me,
your Body Said, and the loved
song, And the chosen Path

Trying awake in the Path,
Become AWAKEN, as i beastly
Make love to you, and this day Even feeling a litle scared Of this
Feeling Of love

As an iceberg, i pass threw,
life and games, pasión and
dasdein, loneliness and pain
To this loved by u state, i let
that go this afternoon, trying
With scientifc proofs,

I could live without your eyes,
To feelings that never where, and stories that i never live, but your eyes and the loved sensación are stronger than the artist pose, and the stoic Warrior state Of mind, So much for
This samurai at your feet.

Aware Of how dependent Of
You im becoming, i could let
It all go, but i cannot left you,
As a yunkie Of your eyes, and
adicted to you state Of mind

Never feel unsure Of mi love,
never felt this need Of somebudy,
Forever loving you state Of play, and The nigths with you become heaven, and  your'e  so BEAUTIFUL inside,
And (hot as friendly faces) that walk Next to me.

So just Be sure, your'e the loved one, That free and unatached to
Anything ir anybudy, i could only
if you choose it, let you go.

So fully AWAKEN  i'm,
becoming day by day,
As i LOVE YOU come and goes on our way, and On the terms we bouth choose, Nothing and no one execpt you, Could make me away from you,

And the blessed feellings you provoque, and the almost pain
i could almost feel, as your feet
Stumble to creeps, and i could almost let you go,  but the love and care
You awake in me, are a surprise,

As a loved man, or a chained
beast, i could usted to this, kind
Of dependance u make me feel,
The sensatión Of you Next to me.
cody dale Mar 2015
I have a girlfriend
she is not you
though i often wish
this was not true
to kiss and hug
and be snug
i want to be
my heart wants to be
with a girl who cares
and does not play
with feellings of others
when asked a question
you quickly reply
not let me think
for over a week
i waited
before giving up

cant you see
that those guys use you
for your body
and that i am different
more of a man
because i am brave
now i know that i often
seem like a creep
but i cant sit here
and le tyou mourn and reep
your heart broken
yet again
by another liar
one who wants nothing
but a one night stand
but your blinded
a veil drawn over your eyes
the world confusing you
so that you cant see
that i wanted you
to be with me
we are both now eighteen
well in a few days
but you dont care
true love is not enough
to overcome
the stuggles
of winning your heart
maybe if i wanted something fake
then together we could be
but ugly and poor
just never goes
with the beautiful and rich
cody will never be
with Destanie

— The End —