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Salvador Kent Sep 2021
I was like that a while ago
Now I’m on a field reading a book
It’s a book of poems by Sylvia Plath
And the world looks terribly sad
On the horizon but here the grass is green.

Your face looks blue in this light
Words softly said… you’re wonderfully lyrical
When you’re sad. What a terrible thing to say
Suddenly exclaimed, a laugh, swift movement
And drag of a cigarette. You stare at me

And say: that’ll **** you you know
But you look so good when you do it
So does it matter really and I look at you
And laugh and feel alive for the first time
In years and years and whispering you say

Remember the time we had met
And you showed me the way you painted
So dreamlike, so expressionistic.
I stared into the canvas and was ******
Into your mind, you put me into a trance

As potent as the nicotine rush of a cigarette
Take a draw and I watch the smoke
Rise into the air and far away…
How much of this city’s air is tobacco
A quick query a weak laugh.

Golden hour and the green hills
Turn into sand dunes collapsing
In on themselves, things come and go
In that way, time passes in a blink of an eye
And suddenly there is a void.

Nothing remains unless you put it on a canvas.
My body tears itself apart every seven years
And one day I will stop with the blink of an eye
And I never would’ve been here. They’ll stay.
The sands of time may drag me away

The universe through my eyes
May implode and blink out
But regardless of what happens to me
They’ll stay. They’ll always stay.
Your eyes are drawn to a canvas

On which was painted dreams
A splash of red, figure shining gold
With grey above it being the smoke
From a half used cigarette.
Staring at it hours after it’s conception

You tell me it’s the best work
You’ve seen in a long time
And even though I can’t take compliments
I turn to you and say, name it for me.
You call it expression of sunlight.
The artist and the muse.
Dallas Phoenix Mar 2015
Do we ever forget what we see?
Do we enact what we believe?
Do we arm the spine of our diaries?
To self-detonate to remain drama-free?

Sometimes my intent indents ignorance,
But maybe I've umpired too many bazookas,
And wore out the strength of my remembrance,
Catching rockets aimed at this loser,

What are you talking about?
Lost the L in Laughter
Lost the O in Optimistic,
Lost the S in Simplicity,
Lost the E in Expressionistic,
Lost the R in Reality,

So now my soul's succumbed to gravity,
Tragically hatching my apathy with a Whack-a-mole mallet,
A dastardly dressed casualty,
I'm trying to reverse the black magic curse and verse my happiness,
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Softly. so softly-  a  light  breeze  flows,

whipping my cap off my head

cascading my hair as it tumbles

to my shoulders

in soft auburn mahogany curls

Gently so gently kisses from

this brook sprays water

on my coco skin,

Tingling little goose bumps filter along my

body as I lay naked in this meadow,

Blooming  flowers cover parts of me  

picked with  finely tuned  fingers,

expertly capable, flexing over my sensual form
caressing strongly.

hands holding tightly.......

The suns shining down on me

baking me lightly

as cherry & orange blossoms

leaves hang slightly over & cover me  
shading me-

I smell of orange & cherry blossoms

Of lilies & tulips, daisy's & pretty purple violets....
Of earth, metallic scented sweet grass.

My hairs softly, so softly caressing my face

whipped over my shoulders-
the wind picks up softly slowly dies down
gently the breeze comes in goes like my breaths......

In this meadow I am free,
no worries, day dreaming,

Thinking of how
to fulfill within me this need-

This unknown craving I can't explain.

My burning longing


Freely naked
freely expressionistic

enjoying my very own
safe heaven  
from the world.

hearts beating slow

slowly  slow  slower


I'm drifting-  more & more....


Am I...

Death-  Murderer

Murmuring- Death.....



Left to die

in this meadow under

Orange & Cherry Blossoms.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
and the truly talented ones
eclipsed his paltry
which engendered in him a
want to disappear their

the green eye of jealousy
was constantly gnawing at
why he asked unto himself
are they more superior of

people who knew a fine pick
would shun his dreadful
they sought out authors who
wore the praise worthy

he couldn't match the greater
pens that did show so
to whit he bought off the head bloke
with a sizeable money

to-day he's the so called
genius of expressionistic
whose popularity on culture plus
is like a sale at
Skogen Feb 2011
When I was young I used to lay and think of having my very own queen,
You know the kind of girl that just makes the scene.
Well I found her and who knew I would find the fairest of them all right down the hall,
An amazing woman with such characteristics, courtesy of heuristics, not ever sadistic, materialistic, or a simplistic statistic, she is so surrealistic, I can’t believe how lucky I am, this ballistic, artistic, socialistic, purely holistic, expressionistic soul that makes up the composition of her life’s position, makes me wanna transition, and prostrate myself to her submission...

...and so I did, I let her in to swim through the thoughts in my brain, and like a broken water main they gush feelings and emotions freely unchecked but she doesn’t need to hit the deck, she stands stall, weathering the squall, she’s my wall, she’s my leopard print baby doll.  She sets me straight, inspiring my urges to create, always a reason to celebrate when i’m with her

She cuts through my life with a concern and care sharper than any knife,  Peeling through the layers to my core, *** man when it rain man it pour, and she catches the drips and drops  as they fall right through the door, and of her I could never ask more, she is the perfect score, the one I adore.  We soar...  

...and together our dreams take flight, you can’t cop this kind of height,
up and beyond far out of your sight, we don’t fight, we play, and I wanna hear what she’s gotta say, Everything wrong, and everything right with her day, how are you doing?  When’s your next play?  And if I may I will, the best image even if its still, is of her, lying on my chest, which is where I want her nest,  with her head on my heart,  she hears the rhythm of my soul as it rocks her to sleep, while I lay in thoughts so deep, and every once in awhile I just might peep, at the face directly below mine, that constant state of grace, life’s sunshine.
Ayeshah Nov 2017
I'm insatiable  
I'm also soo fragile
with a uniqueness  all my own,
I am not superficial  and yet the contradiction would be paying bills on time and having material things matters  to me,
I have a vibrant will plus my spirits
strong too,
I love hard and fierce
I have ambitious desires  wants needs and goals,
I'm anxious  and have this deep longing,
an unquenchable thirst  almost obsession  like to express who
I truly am
frighten ..
I want to be held yet don't always like being touched ,
I want conversation  yet like the peace of  quite,
I want to go out yet being in public scares me sometimes.
Somethings  make me shy even if I've done em  plenty of times,
I wanna eat out instead I'll  cook and then eat in bed,
I no longer wish to be a pet owner but no one will take care my half blind and semi deaf dog like me or any of the other 3
like me have social anxiety,  
I like my independence  
but the
contradiction here is
I also
love being clingy  
I like kissing
yet rarely do and
when I do so I don't give my all, I want to learn knew moves  yet feel I know enough.
  I'm expressionistic; it may not be a word but it's the best way to describe  me
I want rough
but doubt I can go for hours
may not even last minutes
I also want to go slow ant take my time
learn something as I've previously  said.
I want gentle strong hands to keep me safe in their protectiveness
Let me be free in my mix of independence  & clingy
Accept  me
my tormented  brokenness
all my imperfections
I want to be more than why I am now and like most
I'M scared of changed
the scars
Run Deep
deep into my bones
Borne Into My Soul
meshing and mending into my heart
Even deep groves soaked into my broken pieces
like craving
deep into wood
deeper still to my roots
I want someone else to come do the work and fix me
Heal me
but knowing my journey
would make full grown men
run away  
I face this on my own.
I know I have to fix myself and heal
but who ever said
I'd have to do it
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Sam Temple Jul 2015
it is not my life
just digital code
affixed to cloud storage
floating the interwebs
lost in cyberspace…
gone are the days
of lamenting wordsmiths
huddled in solitude
cleverly crafting expressionistic ramblings
on the hide of a favored sow…
no longer are pompous poets
hobnobbing with royalty
or giving nations a moment of quiet pause
or reflection
as they brilliantly turn the social and cultural
idiosyncrasies of the day
into a new movement or meaning
through masterfully reorganizing the current truths….
No, it is just we few
bent on purging randomness
diligently posting to webpages
in hopes our peers will give us
a little validation. –
Joshua Buskirk Mar 2021
Unknown appraisers of artistic economy
Long ago proclaimed
A picture is worth a thousand words

Have we adjusted for inflation?
Rise and falls of expressionistic currency.
The crashes of markets and style.
The Eskimo language
Has a thousand words for one English noun
That must fluctuate the prices.

I never paid much attention
In class
When they discussed supply and demand curves
I was writing
Phrases and couplets
Of nonsensical angst then.
Pursuing the price indexes for
Sonnets to Still lifes
I feel
Writers are getting
The short end of the exchange rate.
comments and critique welcomed
Starlight Jul 2018
Poetry is as dark as night
It is a mortal sin which crawls like bugs under my skin and makes me think
Sweet painful absolute thoughts
Of ****** truths and naked insults.

Poetry, you beast, foul creature I've possessed
You make me try to see myself
Make me try and let the walls down and
Drop my achy mouth from its plastic smiles.

Don't make me understand, or realise
That all will be better soon
Don't sing praises and preach quotes
Of rainbows and green fields.

Let me wallow in my misery
Moan of 'oh woe the world is cruel to me'
Bypassing guilt and self hatred and
Eye opening openness.

Don't fill my ears with cries of
'Could have been worse'
'At least you're not them'
'You have a family'
'Don't be so selfish'.

Poetry you sinful pleasure, you crooked slash across my throat
Don't force me to call you beautiful
When you are treacherous
And push me too far.

I want
For once
To cry
And not say to myself
'at least you don't want to die'.

I want
To sing my problems
Hear no snide comments
About how 'I aint the only girl with issues'

Poetry, you expressionistic trench-coat
Shield me with your overused rhymes and metaphors
Oh, poetry, I beg of you, curl your arms around me tight
So I won't feel so cold with only myself

And those voices




With me not to cry.

Poetry, treasure trove of my soul
Let me pour all my crap into you
So its gone
From me
And I don't have to carry it any longer
With red raw hands and splintered nails
From scratching at the surface too long.

Poetry, tree for me to burn black and blue
Let me bruise you
Let me tear my pages
Draw insulting doodles on your skin
Covering my writing.

Poetry is my deepest valley
Filled with things I just can't say
Piled high with problems I don't want to comprehend
Compressed until people just

Look away

And convince themselves.

— The End —